Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

yoz mummies,
the $1.6b baby perks details out in ST liao...
Most of the perks effective from 1 Jan 2009.

afcai, u are juz in time.

here the bb bonus:
Press conference from Wong Kan Seng is out,from NPS website

<font color="#FF00FF">sylvia,</font>
haa, full of pandan leave smell. at least, this smell still can bearable. I can't stand perfume and hair spray smell.= now.

oh, that's mean u cannot enjoy the bb bonus, only the first child bb bonus loh which up to $6000 wor.

<font color="#FF00FF">snowyin,</font>
sian, just now call bck co cos receive sms to ask me how are u? got this sad remarks that

why so fast preggie tough body still col not happy with the new bb bonus scheme loh.

u also jiayou man....if u target for calf bb.

but still pondering abt the 6 days of child care leave leh. dunno is it applied to per child or?

<font color="#FF00FF">Meow</font>
do u know anything abt the new scheme of 6 days of child care leave leh? cos it only stated on the website that paid childcare leave - 6days per year per parent if one has a s'porean child below the age of 7 . the first three days will be
employer-paid while the last three days will be Government-paid (capped at $500 per day, inclusive of CPF contributions).

also any idea how govt contribute $1 to $1 match for the CDA a/c for sec child? I mean if immediately place a huge amt of $$ does it mean govt will do the same?
Hi Afcai

From what I know if you put $6k immediately (wow...u cash rich huh kekeke), yes..govt will do the same as well.. but whatever excess will not be entitled la.. first child also got the $ to $ good..
no lah. just give eg only, where got place $6k immediately unless it is to avoid "ma fan" to place in a bit by bit. but hor, how do govt know that one deposite the $$ to yr CDA a/c?

yeah loh....for sylvia, she will enjoy that.
she can also claim PTR liao (but only for babies born after 01 Jan 08). Currently we can't claim PTR for #1.sian.
I enjoy wat ar?

Eh... I tot the CDA is 2nd child? Baby bonus fm 1 Jan 2009 ar.. I cant tell my gal to tahan till then pah? :p

afcai, govt can check all cda account mah. Once got top up, they will do so, next month.
Hi mummies
I missed the discussion on 小强 :D

My car got kissed by SMRT bus and after the repair done at Nissan workshop, every now and then I have 不速之客 appearing when I am on the road. Each time only see 1 running around and the most I ever seen was 3. I have tried pandan leaves and it doesn't work at all. Cannot tahan finally so I placed the sticky pads in my car on monday. Within 1.5 days, I have captured 50!!!!!!!! My goose pimples all over seeing the roaches kicking alive on the sticky pads. Yucks!
Lesson learnt: never allow the kids to eat in the car!

I am still in the battle field with the roaches although the no. captured is getting much much lesser. I am running out of the sticky pads. Anyone knows where else I can get them apart from OG? I want the Jap brand. Used to buy them at the Bukit Batok neighbourhood flea market but have not seen the stall for a long time liao. Can't remember the price, anyone knows?

Oh by the way, I was told that there were 5 cars windows kena smashed in our multi car storey carpark at Blk 395 last mth. The thiefs were eying at the cash cards. Those with the cash card cover do remember to open the cover to "prove" that there is no cash card inside the car else risk yr car being broke in.
re:sticky pads. dunno half price shops or daiso have or not.

wow, so jialat, 5cars window kena smashed in the multi car storey carpark. so dangerous.

re: car got kissed by SMRT. u ok right....think some driver dun want to give way one, will squeeze thru with u. I ever sit on bus 188, the bus driver self talk saying "come lah, see who win", when approach the bus stop, a guy suddenly wave his hand, but the driver actually has slow down but that guy last min wave and the bus driver just mumble "serve u right, who ask u dun wave earlier". dunno what 's wrong with this bus driver kept on self-talk.

hmmm yr car so many cockaches 50 of them? but hor, they already seen their 'frenz' being trapped onto the sticky pad still want to go over. is there ants too?

Went to Clementi Ctrl NTUC today and coincidentally seeing MacDld Nini so i got it liao *so happy*
U may wish to pass to JasBB =)
Thanks again
she's in beanie class lor. My dad comments the environment is clean. Not bad lah i find them clean too. Its aircon for the beanie and twinkle class. But they dun have weekend playgroup leh only daily playgroup kind. Me will let my boy go join KinderMusik when he reach 18mths. He likes music will be weekend classes then
no lah...i dun go CCK branch...i dunno why leh, i dun like those francise branches, not expert like that lor. Jus like the one i went to tumble tots for trial, i dun like. I ever went to the one at town, its so much better. So for KM i will choose the Tanglin Mall one lor. Ooi...isnt that too early?

the 6days CCL will still be share among the 2 kids. Meaning....we should have 14 days of CSL and within is 6 days CCL lor. Wait for GOM to come bah...come liao i tell you, those info there too general. GOM too detail till everything also cannot be flex

Hahaha!! Ur work environment's term lah


Wah... the baby bonus petition very strong leh.
But Jan 2009 is abit........... too much lah.
yeah lor, and i thought it will start next month. Then my colleague wont benefit liao, she got twins wor. Eh i reply you liao...naughty mummy leh
Ya loh... still telling my baby gal tahan til sept leh.. tot as usual std... then Jan 09.... hw to tahan...

twins ar? Ask her to join in the petition loh. coz she will benefit too.

I reply ur email liao.

wat naughty leh. Hahaha!!
you change your bottle already? Me going to stay in town this sat night...need my help let me know, pass to Sandy and i can get from her
Hi afcai,
In fact the multi car park at Goodview garden not the first time crime happen. It was in The New Paper sometime back that the car wash water dispensing machine got broke into too.

Oh only my HB in the car when the accident happen. The accident took place at Bukit Batok central traffic light junction (formerly the DBS Bank, just beside the MRT station). The SMRT driver is kooning. Our car was hehind another bus at the traffic light which was red at that time. The SMRT bus didn't stop and kiss our car at the back. Already more than 3 months and I haven't got back the repair cost which I have to fork out to claim against my own car insurance as SMRT is taking a long time to process. So 倒霉!

Haha, the roaches can't resist the bait. I changed the sticky pads after caught several roaches. That's why the sticky pads out of stock liao. Can't stand the sight with so many alive roaches stuck onto the sticky pads, just gives me goose pimples all over! Funny thing there are no ants wor.

Hi Sylvia
Wa Daiso have ah? Okie dokie, tomorrow I go and comb the Daiso at Vivo. Thanks!

Yap, 24Aug is the last day of the Taka bb fair.
U sleep so late recently ... about 2am wor ... no good for bb leh. Rest more since going to due soon. Hv a smooth delivery =)
Morning Mummies,

Please let me know if you have a brand new Gerber 7oz Transition cup. My preference is the blue one w/ the pink handle but if you have the other, do let me know too. Many thanks =)
Hi Sylvia ,
Thanks for the info. I heard the HNZ honey is expensive.Any lobang to get it cheap? I dun need the Fuwa green one,thanks.

Thanks for your info too.

Afcai and Sandy,
Everything ok with you???
Hi Mummies

Hi Lynn...I m ok just tired but not my boy haha...

Mummies...just checking..y doc need to give 2 types of medicine for cough one for phelgm?? Can I just give the phelgm w/o giving the cough?

Have problem feeding him medicine... and I m getting abit impatient liao think too tire
<font color="#D462FF">Meow</font>
to me, tumble tots, the best outlets compare to bt timah and jurong east one is cck liao.the equipment at JE and bt timah outlet are so old and floor rusty.

what is CSL? maybe the circulation email will be detail. will be gg bck next mon to check my 'mountain' mail.

haa...that's our secret code.

<font color="#D462FF">Sylvia</font>
gd planning.....

even a lot of buay siong ppls voice out at the reach website

<font color="#D462FF">Joo</font>
hmm...nice transition cup wor... but if it bulky?

<font color="#D462FF">littletotcloset</font>
when I just moved in few mths ago, I saw police car at carpark. think there's a fight there too.sometimes, at night, police car will patrol too. saw it few times when the police car at the level 8 of the carpark but hor think no effect cos there's a van parking at the dark corner there but the police dun even get down to check. inside the van, there 's sure ppls cos I saw no one coming out of the van when it park them. so there's must be some interesting show inside. in fact, every night esp weekend night, there will be car coming up and park in the corner and the ppls inside never come out. so......

hmmm maybe 7mth month loh....倒霉. usually, ask for refund and claim very slow in respond one. did yr kid scare? let them see so that they dun eat in the car.

can be quite bulky but my boy currently using 1 now and I realise recently, there is some algae stain not able to wash it off and my domestic helper didn't informed me. I guess it was not clean properly and resulted the formation lor.
I go asked the Gerber customer scv and said was out of stock lor =(
talking about medicine, all my kids no problem taking them. For DD, she just saw the dr for her cough and runny nose. She see medicine... wah, want to eat strait away... lol. I have strange children!

Dr. prescribed ventolin syrup for clearing airway, Zyrtec for runny nose and prospan for cough. You can buy zyrtec and arbilar (prospan only sold in clinics and arbilar in pharmacy but same medication) and kids seem to like it. Its like sugar syrup with no bitter taste!
Hi Yany so far a few kids that I know np taking their medicine except for my want his 'ming' hm..think he like me dun like to take medicine kekeke....

Doc didnt' give him zyrtec for the running nose...another one for him but I can't remember the name...the phelgm also not didn't take note of the names lousy mummy sigh...can dun take the cough syrup but just the phelgm to clear bo?? so that lesser stress for him n mummy kekeke....
try giving him an reward like sweet/snack or watch his fav show if he take his medicine, maybe this will help too.

Child Sick Leave
meow....I let him watch his cartoon oso no use..he watch but cover his mouth...I told him mummy very tire liao...he must take his medicine so that he will receover oso no use...I told him mummy angry liao...he starts weeping n said dun b angry with him and he wants hug huhg sigh...aiyo...dun know what to do with him...not possible to give him sweets for every medicine will create phelgm dui ma..??
hi, just happen to see this thread. Yew Tee mummy can join? Is there any Yew Tee mommies here? My boys are 3years old and 2 months old.

YLL, Yew Tee CC parent gp? Hmmm...
how about other rewards like extra story time or buying of something he likes. Or make a chart and put stars for each time he takes his medication. After a goal (set by you), he can have a choice of toy or something to that effect.
<font color="#D462FF">Joo</font>
oic. see if anyone organise any BP on this. taka fair or any shopping ctr got sell this type of similar gerber cup??

<font color="#D462FF">Yany</font>
re:medicine. maybe the kid's medicine very sweet so they tot it is a juice or syrup. :p.

<font color="#D462FF">Meow</font>
circulation email out liao is it?? how do u know 8 CSL (14leave-6CCL)? how to calculate? last time, 1 kid only has 3CL+2CCL.but if got 1 child, how many CSL do 1 child has?

u can just let him have the phelgm one. As long as he don't cough non-stop, the cough syrup can no need to drink.


What Joo like hor.. Avent also got similar design cup leh..
Wah!! Heard from the news on the baby bonus last nite!
Think the petition works leh, Sylvia.
Congrats!! haha

Where are you giving birth? think u muz be waiting in anticipation now... hee...
Today so quiet.... all mummies busy @ work?
<font color="#C2528">Slyvia</font>
but that only applied to 16 weeks of ML only right....the rest are still effective on Jan 09.
I'm so moody after hearing lot of sad news. first, news reported tat lan xin mei lost their bb durign wk 6. she is on IVF. today, at my thread, a mummy lost her twins. she went gyane visit and then can't detect bb heat beat so she is gg to wash off on mon. hubby and brother are also telling me horror stories.hubby was telling me that 2 of her col got m/c. sad case was that she tried for bb for 6 yrs liao and manage to get twins but hor, when she iwas in the toilet to urine, one of the foetus just flush out and hang there.think she squat. so immedietly, they called the ambulance and then the gynae trying to save the bb but due to the bacteria attack, the one outside can't survive. what was even sadder was that the one inside also kana bacteria attack. in the end, all were gone. . another one also just lost her bb when she found out she was preggie. my mum kept on comparing that ppls of the past and present. I told her that now stress ard and ppls's body is not as strong as last time ppls. dunno why ppl last time, still can 'hop' ard during preggie but not now.

so worries cos now, I'm still in a unstable stage tough no more spotting but hor, dunno what's that dark yellow sticky thing or sometimes got the liquid. last preggie, I also got lot of yellowish liquid. will only be seeing gyane at TMC on 4/9.

Peng You...dun hear too much and give unnecessary stress to yourself la....take it ez ok...if you dun feel good..just visit your gyane...or even pte GP or your TMC will be able to advise need to wait till the appt date wo....ok....pls dun move too much ya...

B a good gal ok...must listen to idol la...kekeke...
