Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong


Congrat to you! Try think of the injection as insect biting. Maybe you will not be so scared too. Btw, have you known the gender yet??

Tks! Huh, insect biting, I tink worst than that ba, haha...Ever tried once in sgh, first the needle was poke in, but blood is unable to withdraw into the tube, then doc poke out n poke in the second time, haha, tis time round, I shout it out n, scare of blood test liao....But will still try to take it as insect biting lor...

Now cannot scan the gender yet ba as oni 13 wks going to 14wks. I think 20 wks then can scan right?
whether scared or not also have to go through. I also have never take blood test before but pregnant take so many times and injections also so many times. I think when the time comes naturally you be able to adapt it no worries i also at first scared scared bt okie one lah
my threshold of pain super low also can give birth u no problem one lah.
How come need to take blood test and injections so many times?

Tell u wat, I scare until even in my dreams, I also dream of taking the blood test leh, u imagine my phobia...*faint*
Hi May,
Maybe the first time at sgh is because the doctor couldn't get the correct vein but it really painful though. Anyway maybe the doctor there not so experienced and that's y like that. I think drawing blood is ok for me. Just the though of having the steroid injection onto my thigh send me shivering coz that one is really painful. (my girl is born premature so need the steriod injection to strengthen her lungs).
Yoz ladies
Long time never post in here..been so busy ever since i started work..sighh..tomo still got to work..somemore need to wake up very early..cos need to express b4 i go to work..:p

wow..long time no chat w u liao..hope ur pregnancy is progressing how many weeks r u now? So fast must take blood test oredi? Heheh..& soon u'll b able to know whether gal or boy eh? Excited leh..
Need not worry abt needles lah..though i also afriad of needles, i take it as part & parcel of pregnancy needles pain is nothing as compared to labour b prepared lah.
hi ladies,

haven't log on for weeks, only able to log on during weekend. i just started my new job 3 wks ago, finishing my 1+ yrs of sahm life.

agree with u, that stupid steroid jabs, no words to describe that kind of pain(physically)....haha, glad that is all over.

my gal also have gap between her 2 front teeths, no worry loh, the gap will grow smaller when the side teeths growing out next time. she still have gap inbetween ,but i find them very cute, look like a bunny.

hope it not too late to congrat to u. so, when is ur due date.......feb 2007? before or after chinese new year?
That steroid injection is done at the point of ur delivery? Ya lor, really find the doc tat I met was so inexperience...leaving me a bad experience of blood test...

Ya lor, u seems to be so busy huh...keke...Me now coming to wk 15, very fast hor...Heard from the nurse at Dr Kee's clinic tat blood test need to be taken either at wk 15 or 16...By the way, the blood test is taken by Dr Kee himself or the nurse?

After the next appt to take blood test, Dr Kee told me the next next appt is to c me at the hospital. I dunno y the next 2 appt need to c him there, issit for scanning the gender?

Haha, never too late to receive well wishes...thank u..My due date is before chinese new year, hope to falls on the english new edd is 06.01.07, hehe, tat's y I was thinking whether will falls on 01.01.07 or not...hee..

All: By the way, just to check it out, what is the injection call for injecting the thigh tat one?
congrad May...

long long time din log in already..

btw I plan to have a playgroup for Jurong West Mummies for BB 7-18 month any one interested?
I had to be injected with the steroid injection twice with 8 hr interval. Actually it was done during the labour. My gynae tried to prolong my labour as it was better for me to finish the 2 injection. The scanning at the hospital is the detailed scanning. It is done to check the baby's heart,physical appearance and to check for abnormality.
Enjoy your freedom now. It will be a very different experience when the baby is born coz your life will be revolved around the little one.
COngrat in finding a new job. What makes you decided to stop being a sahm?

I scare nobody want to hired me again when I reach 30 yrs old....keke. Decided to find myself a boss before it is too late.

poshies, count me in.

I hope to get preg again around the same mth as you next yr, so that my 3rd one will born on 01.01.08.....hehe.....oh, that's another reason why I need to work extra hard for the $$$$$
Now I understand what is steroid injections liao...mmm...Just another wk then have to go for blood test...have to bit my teeth and faster get over the pain of injections.

Don worry, even if u're 30, still got ppl employ u one, unless u are 40...hee...

Actually hor, edd at early Jan is very coincident, cos since b4 tat I have been trying for 8 mths, so actually any of the mths before oso can get pregnant, but who knows just nice, edd falls on early Jan...Frankly speaking, I'm quite excited on which day my bb will born...
So who looks after your children now??
If your baby can born on 1.1.07 12am that will be good. Then you will be able to get cash incentives from sponser. If i can, i hope my baby can born on those special days. hahahah.
Huh, if born on 1.1.07 12am got incentives from sponser one meh? I don't know abt tat leh. Haha, like tat I will communicate with my bb to tell him/her to born on 1.1.07 12am....
mostly babies will come out earlier one leh espcially for first born they said hee hee actually if ur bb decide to come out in end of 06 also good can save one year's school fee ha ha

how come gng back to work? me 29 this year leh...u scared 30 no one employed then i also hv to go find job le hee hee
Tot u decided to b a sahm for long? how's e sahm life been? I'm definitely envying u sia..hee..more freedom to do whatever u want..I'm busier ever since started work but still juggling well lah..& surprisingly, though i miss bb, i'm still coping well..^_^

yup..heard tt New Yr bb..esp e 1st one to b born for tt yr will get some incentives from some of the u can ask ur bb to come out on e dot..hee..
btw, how's ur detail scanning? Have u done it yet? V interesting to c exactly what ur bb is like & his/her actions..oh yah...not forgetting e gender as well..rem to update us on whether it's a boy or gal hor..
Tat's what I scare that my bb will falls on end Dec '06. How come can save one yr school fees leh?

Not yet have my detail scan cos nOw oni 16wks, but seems like very fast liao...hee...By the way, detail scan is done at the 20wks, am I right? Ok, will update u all on my bb's gender...
yeah gng to be one for long wat i am saying is lin said she scared when she turn 30 no one want to employ. Then me turning 30 soonz mah haha so does it mean i have to quickly find job le. hee hee
i so enjoy my sahm job now hee hee

actually not say save a year money lah haha just the mindset wise like can save lor hee hee i want to know bb gender too...scan le must tell me!
aiyo..envy sia..but then again, dun u find it boring at home? Though time seems to fly during my maternity leave..still prefer to work so got $ to can get to c Ivec during nights & wkeneds..though sometimes also diff to u know my job nature.

May so fast..rem tt time u told me u r 6 16wks u excited abt e detailed scanning? Really cute to c ur little one moving in e ultrascan..Ivec tt time somemore posed for the scan, sucking his thumb as well as positioning himself in a thinking pose..& not forgetting opening his legs wide for us to c tt he's a boyboy..hee
Actually not oni u tell me like tat, there r other who told me the same ting oso...hehe, okok, will update u on my bb gender.

Ya lor, I really feels time fly fast...Haha, u describe ivec until so cute, makes me n my hub laugh, haah...hope my bb oso open the leg wide wide for me to c oso...
The industrial that i work want young boys and girls to start with. Somemore, i dont have a prof cert,so die die must look for a job soon.Most of my girl friends had upgraded themselves or did a job switch, unlike me. i guess this is what i have choosen, either being a career woman or a young mummy. really bei fu mummy who can upgraded themselves and at the same time look after their family well.

i sent my elder gal to full day childcare while my younger boy is taken care by my mum, so far so good. my kids are like magnets, they will stick to me when ever they see me.just like yesterday, while i was bedridden on my bed, these little creatures keep on open my door, "mummy, i want poo poo", "mummy, i want nei nei"......etcs...............sometimes i wish they can be more independant.
What trade are u in? Maybe those who upgrade themselves n at the same time look after their family pays alot of sacrify that we don't know...

Kids are like tat, stick more to mother, hee...
Will be quite exciting to hear whether you have a little girl or boy.
Glad you enjoy being sahm. So what make you give up your job to a sahm??
Maybe you are a sahm previously that y they tend to stick to you coz you spent more time with them. So did your elder gal get used to being in a childcare?
Hee, ya lor, next app will be doing the full scan to c the gender of my bb, now I alreadi very excited for the next appt liao...hee..
I am a factory worker loh. These company prefer young Malaysian girls/china chinese than singaporean aunts like me.......LOL.

she been to the chidcare for almost a yr, so no problem now. she enjoy going to sch and tends to learn some social skills.
Hi Linn,
Which childcare did you put your girl in? I may want to put my girl in the childcare when she's older.
Hi May,
Any preference in your baby's gender??
alot of reasons for me to be a stay at home mum
1. Hubby prefers me to take care of my baby myself
2. I prefer to be there for my child's every milestone and developement
3. My mother and in law both not available to take care for me
4. I don't trust maid of nanny.
But on the whole i want to take care of ym baby myself. I want to spend most of my time with him. I don't want to work and slogged away the time and missed his development. But of course all these must be accompanied with manageable finances lor....hee but i enjoying so much fo SAHM life hee hee :p

you are right...girl or boy also ur bb.
my days at home are not boring hee hee :p and the thing is i dun coop up at home all the time. I bring my baby to meet other sahm' mums from my feb thread mummies and then we go shopping, go my mother house this and that. My hubby always say i am busier being a SAHM hee seems to be out of the house most of the time.

Actually no time to feel bored leh. When at home got to do household lah, take care of baby and only when he nap then i steal moments to surf net, msn chat and all hee hee :p

Totally enjoying being a SAHM hee hee :p
Yeah..i can imagine how busy life is as a sahm..i experienced something similiar during my maternity leave..heheh..busy entertaining to bb's needs & not forgetting i still hv the help from my parents in law..thus cant imagine how u can cope w bb alone.

Like u..i did consider becoming a sahm..but then again, since i hv my parents in law to help 2 look after my bb & i doubt i can be a housewife material..& also i dun wanna lose my financial ability as bobian loh..though i would like very much 2 b e person ensuring my bb's dvlp..guess u hv 2 give & take at times

May's e spirit..dun care boy or gal lah..own child..esp after u gave birth..really will make u love ur little one a lot ^_^
hi Jurong Mummies....

wondering if i am welcome here.....

I am Carole, SAHM with a bb girl of 10.5mths. Currently staying at CCK and will be moving to Jurong in Dec.

good to have jurong mummies thread!
Hi Carole
Welcome to our thread.
Like you, i also prefer to look after my girl myself. At least we are there with her in her stages of development.
Finished your detailed scanning??
Of course u're welcome here! Welcome welcome. So u be moving to where of Jurong?

Ya, so *cheers* together for my next checkup.

My next appt on next mon *cheers*.
Welcome Carole
So where will u be moving to? Which part of Jurong? Do look forward to having more mothers staying near us.

Gee..I'm excited for u as well..keep us updated ok? So u will be gg to Dr Kee's clinic or TMC for e full check up?

Ai yo, y here suddenly become quiet again??

Hehe, let me live up tis thread again...Mummies, forget to update my detail scan results here...I'm expecting a boyboy...
congrats! whether it's boy or girl it's also our darling hee

welcome welcome once u moved in let us know...hmmm our jurong mummies should have a gathering hor hee

yeah we cannot have the best of both worlds one. For me my mother and mil also cannot help me take care so the next alternative is me take care myself....

yeah the blessings of being able to witness bb's eveyr milestone is remarkable. I mean awesome experience hee
happy.gif cannot buy...
u sahm ah ha ha meet up lah hee
Hi, i am also a SAHM staying in Jurong West. Seldom log in as my bb boy is very demanding. Always needs attention and a light sleeper. whenever he is alseep and i start typing away at my kepyboard, he will wake up n cry.
congrat! Seem like all my friends who are expecting this year are having boyboy.
I'm a sahm for around 14mths now. Maybe next time can meet you up for a chat. How old is your baby now?
My girl is quite notti too. She's always touch my pc when im using it and then now she walking she always play with the things that she can touch. Btw how old is your little boy?
Tks for your congrats...remember our date during my ml ah...

Ya lor, dog yrs seems to have alot of boyboy leh. Those around me all boyboy oso...hee...

Which part of Jurong West do u stay? And how old is ur boy?
my boy is only 10 weeks old... but it feels like i am wif him for 10 months liao :) coz i manage him single-handedly as my hubby is working overseas.
i stay at st24.
sure sure i want to go visit you. Inform me once u deliver
I can be your company hee :p

hi jenie
me just started being sahm. Oooh 14 mths u still enjoying it. Sure we can meet up which part do u stay? my boy in 3 days time be 7 mths

Hi dal
welcome. hee we can all meet at jurong point for coffee since we sahm
Wow, ur boy oni 10wks old ah...Then ur hub has to work overseas for how long?

Ok, will inform u when I deliver...
Huh still got one JW thread meh? I don't know where issit leh, u sent the link to me lor...I drop by when free....

Oh! At year 2006 and and later mums ah....I nv visit there one leh....anyway saw his live story, haha, told my hub abt the story too, n ask him to have mental prepare for such incidents to happen though is rare....
