Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

Hi morning everyone
Kenna rashes again due to allegic. 2 weeks again went to see doctor due to itchiness around my ear and doctor said im allegic to hair colour. Then stupid me go and buy the palmer post natal firming lotion. Thought im only allegic to the stretchmark cream so i went to buy one bottle to try. Now thight and tummy kenna rashes all over. Back to my pregnancy condition again. Haha.
For my 1st one, we bought alot of things for her and then the 2nd one tend to use the one jiejie has left for her. Also jiejie can go this and that class now quite difficult to bring meimei to class coz have to bring jiejie along.
So sorry i forgot to collect the bag from you again. Getting very forgetful nowsaday. Too bad the event so early otherwise i can go with you.Me just sign up for the chinese speech and drama class for fionne at 900plus so i cant make it at the timing.
Welcome to our thread. How old are you? If you are still young you can still wait before you get pregnant.
U stopped your class at bjg? Can i ask why you stop it. Last time my girl also attended the class at bjg but stopped before my delivery of my 1st one. I stopped becos my girl cant concentrate in class plus the teacher seem to be changing. Is april and eileena still teaching? Hope your boys are ok soon.
you using ameda is it? Can get the part from mumsfairy? What's wrong with your cda account?
Do let your hubby carry your boy coz quite strain for you. I cant carry my gal when i was pregnant with my 2nd as i got low placenta.
Dont worry. Maybe it just hormones changes due to pregnancy.
Do enjoy your holiday.
hi jenie..
no problem.... lah.. take ur time but for the next 3 week... all the weekend i'm burn with activities lah.... so let me know early if u coming over hor..... saw ur posting on the thread... so nice of ur hubby to get u a burberry bag... i also one.....
Wow you so busy. I tried to sms you before i come over. Can i just check whether i can collect during weekday. Is your mil at home? Coz normally during weekend i brought my 2 dd out so after we went out we need to hurry home coz the 2 girls will start to get cranky. Haha i think he saw his colleagues bought for their wives then he get one for me. Initially i asked him to get me a wallet but he said the difference 100 plus so he get me a bag instead.
Hi Mummies,
Actually I am a senior technician in the Air Force. My job scope is to repair fighter aircraft. So that I went for the interview is for changing to another aircraft type which is helicopter. If I pregnant, I cant go for the training cos the training have to sail on a ship as the heli is parked on the ship.
I am now 28 yrs old le. So 1 yr plus cannot pregnant. By the time, I come back from US, I am 30 years old le.
I also afraid one of the training bcos need to follow the navy ship. Hence, need to know how to swim. Need to take the swimming test. I don know how to swim. So worry.
Sing yen,
30 year old still young! Perhaps really need to sit down and talk with HB abt your family plans. I also give birth when i reach 31. Oops! i reveal my age..kekeke

Ya. my placenta still low-lying after my check up this week. Wonder why like that? is it due to 1st preggy i c-sect?
hi jenie...
ya lor.... me busy hor... only this 3 week... then i will not plan any more activities... till end of nov... coz me must study for the exam already.... haha..... din recieved ur call... busy also...
hi sing yen,
morning... hope u have some talk with your hubby over the weekend on the family planning issues...

actually 28 is still young lah..... wait for 2 year still okie.... but it is really up to you what is ur priority.... if at the moment is your career then go for it.... if u want a child now... then go for it lor..... there is no right or wrong answer... it is a decision you want to make with your hubby....

hope whatever you meet you will be happy... don felt wrong later...
hi jas...
haha... u still young lah... me also old old already ... haha....

actally... for low placenta nothing to do with 1st one c-section... my 1st one c-section.... a bit due to low placenta... but no 2... normally lah...
morning venus...

u already open ur cda account.... which bank u go.. .any goodies when u open... i also got my letter.... all my letter is send to my mother place... so i will only collect it on sunday.... haha
hihi ladies....i'm back....last week was on leave to take care of my getting slightly better...brought them to see Dr Ong from Aglow and my younger boy got bronchitis...very in the end have to bring the neubiliser home to let him took leave as I'm worried my maid dunno how to prepare the dosage of the medicine..

now both r feeling least can sleep better at nite...but guess they took so much medicine that now kayden will vomit the moment we feed him medicine...

for my 1st boy i also have a low placenta...low until my gynae say no sex at all...hahah...just be careful and don't carry heavy things...even when i was preggy with the 2nd boy i also didn't carry the elder one that's v taxing on the back...n coz he's super active that he will kick me...

btw...the cda account u mentioned was it the bb bonus one?? coz thot that one MCYS send us a letter to switch from POSB to either standchart or OCBC? is it the same one?
hmm 28 is the age when i have justin..

poshies..i open the acc in fast fast..settle it once and for left the blisscard haven't collect nia.. fu pei fu..
heheehee.....thot of doing it 1 shot and close shop...hahaha....but m worried wat if the 3rd one is also a boy....hhmm...if really a boy, dunno whether wanna really try 1 more to get a girl...i m HOPING to get a bb gal...

i had the first one at 26, followed by 28...age gap only 14 months apart...coz preggy when the first one was only 5mths old...hahhaha...then now trying for 3rd one when the 2nd one is 7 mths old...kekkekeee....
hey preciouskk,
i've been a silent reader..
i must say that u r definitely brave!!!
i'm also thinking of having a 3rd child but nobody to look after...

hey jurong mummies,
anyone put their baby in infant care?
actually if giving birth is not painful i don't mind having more manz...but the pain is terrrrrrrible + horriiiiiible even thou i had epidural..the thot of gg into the labour ward is v scary..can u believe i CRIED when i knew i had the 2nd one...hahhahahaa...but well...having kids bring us a lot of joy n seeing them grow up is a very meaningful thing...

currently i have my mum n maid to look after both, but eventually will send the eldest one to full day still can have 1 more kid...n luckily mu hubby helped out a lot too..the elder one v sticky to him..but frankly the cost of bringing them up is really have to work harder...
yr no1 & 2 age gap is the same with me. also 14mths difference. Me too have 2 boys.

I hv no one to help me to take care of no.1. So despite the backpain & low placenta, i need to ren all the pains lor.

Btw, where u send yr eldest one to which playgroup? i am thinking of sending Dayan to playgroup when he turns 18months old.
wow... preciouskk,
u r so brave... going for no3.... haha... the gov must be happy..... i think if my no2 is boy i will sure try no 3... but luckily for me my no 2 is a gal... so now i don need to think too much.....

how is ur boys now.....

i think my gal is sick... coughing lah...
hi birdy,
my boy is in child care - MMI jurong west sport complex, my mil is taking care of my gal... the infant care too far for me...
wanted to send kayden to playgroup when he was 18mths but ALL places fully now intend to wait till the Kinderland at Jurong point to open to send him there...else temp will just send him to Pat's schoolhouse...but it's damn will only b temp..

PD told me coz now change of weather...becoming cooler so it takes more time for my boys to recover...n to minimise air i installed wall fan...just nice coz can save electricity....hahhaa...else the 20% is so much increment manz..
Poshies...envy u manz...1 boy 1 gal....

Jas-- I have v bad backache also with the 2nd pregnancy...then i went for pre-natal yoga n it helps a lot....u might want to consider...i went true yoga and bought 20 still have more than half the sessions..hahhaa...coz after giving birth nvr go back there...hehhee
hi preciouskk,
my boy is diff... must on the air when cough... it help me... maybe becoz my aircon got those clean the air filter thing which help to clear the dust in the iar...

haha.... 1 boy 1 gal good rite.... hee hee
tell me some jokes
i am so bored hehehe.

yesterday went to Ding tai feng for dinner with my friends. very very yummy. For so long never eaten a nice meal. their xiao long bao is really superb, better than fei cui and other chinese restaurant.
thinking now hor... wat job should i take up when my second one is borned. Thinking of taking up some jewellery making classes then sell wat i make in ebay. wat u all think leh?
wow...u still got time to make jewellery when the 2nd one is born ah?? i don't even have a lot of time to watch tv shows lor...n those small bits n pieces of jewellery must keep properly else ur bb will put in his mouth...

i thot fei cui serve better xiao long bao leh...coz the v last time i went ding tai feng was when they just opened then not so good...mayb now improved a lot...

just curious....have u all met up b4?? who n who has met up b4??
i went to the one at raffles city. The skin of the xiao long bao is so thin and the soup inside is really yummy. the one at fei cui which i ate at jurong point, the skin is thicker leh.

btw i hate LAO BEI JING xiao long bao. yucks.

as for craft, not sure if i got time when i got second kid hehehe. just thinking of getting some money out of my stay at home.

dont know if they have met up, i didnt. Jas and i staying at same block also never meet hehe
thk i will go n try again....sounds v yummy...hehehe....

huh....already staying same blk also nvr meet up ah...u all shld leh...n if all can play MJ then next time we can arrange for mj sessions....hahhahahaaa.....then all the husbands look after the kids...keke...
so far.... i meet up with venus and jenie before lor ..... and some MIA mummies...

i think i din meet any new mummies from this thread...

Rite.... Venus and I are heading down to Hortpark this sun... any mummies want to come along but it is super early at 8.30am...

hi venus how u go down har..
