Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

what i know is not to start early cuz milk is still the main source of nutrients and unless ur kiddo has problems with rinking milk then u shd start slis early if not then start solids near 6 mths should be a fine time. Cuz once they start solids milk intake will start to decrease mah

Etelle and Venus
Oic. Now then i start to remember again. I only know something about allergy.
I think it will also good to bring the baby out for some fresh air. Maybe not too long just a while will do.
Ya, just awhile shld be alright ba. Cos if bb is sick, their di kang li is very low nia...

By the way, just to share with mummies here, I finally get to change job le. Having a bit of confusion cos can't bear to leave current co...N tml is my first day of work after ML, but I have to resign immediately, feels very paisei...
Sorry to interrupt after MIA for soooo long. ME down w bad flu still running temperature

Just wanna ask Chris are your gals okay? My boy side got 7 cases of hfmd. hope ur side is safe.
Brenda, i was busy at work and no time to online. yah...just come here and want to see whether your son is okey...then saw your post. the infantcare side is safe so far, no case reported. lucky they started all the strict rules last Thursday. Last night saw the post 9 cases liao...hope that won't affect the infantcare and all the kids recover soon.

Your son still go to the PG? i think better stop for a while. We are leaving to taipei for a short holiday next Sunday....worry a lot now...hope everything will be fine.

You also take care and rest well... speedy recovery!
Ya I found a job and they r willingly to wait for me to resign then join them...But working env abt the same, just that the new co office is older than current one as we just shifted to this office 2 yrs ago. Anyway, the next co oso shifting their office next yr...So hope for the best lor...
good for you to find a pay new environment new status (Mummy) haha everything will only get better and better k

hoe you're fine now..
Yeah mommies!!
i'm upz and ready to chiong this thread... oops!

wow.. last few weeks everyone in my family took turns to get ill, big headache. In the end, i really resort to dettol my whole place twice a week. Thank goodness the tough time has pass.

Now is the little one having 3 teeth erupting.. SUPER CRANKY!!

I withdraw Jem from the PG already since the 1st case of HFMD started.

hey, back from ur holi holiday?? had fun? no pics?

all the best to ur new job!

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u have oven at home ah? looks delicious le the heartshape wowo u steady le can handle 2 kids on your own. Thumbs up !
Hi all

MIA for a while and also internet connection over the few apartments blocks that we are staying are down as the internet cable was broken and they just manage to repair part of it and connection is real soon.

Brenda....your child had fun baking? Kai loves to bake and he has lots of fun doing it as it is his playdough and then he gets to eat them after baking and sharing with friends.
Hi all

It's good to see this thread alive again.
Have you been to the sale before. Any great buys? Your son really look very handsome leh.
U serving your notice? When you are starting your new job?
Pris Neo,
Glad to have you back here to share your parenting tip.
u work on sat too?

yah... we bought those electric oven cos i like to bake n hb likes to grill n roast w the oven. later got time i show u his oven work..hahahah

i hv easy going kids so its that that tough

Hi-hi !! yeap.. Jem's a 'crafty' boy too so starts to intro him to food making after seeing ur pics. He enjoys it! Thanks to u!

Hi jenie,
The last time i went i top up on :

1) Shampoos : prev. Organic now got a new name. Hb uses the dandruff one n finds it not as harsh as other brand while all the while, i like the freq wash.

2) Shower cream : Dove lor

3) Lipton tea bags : bought those fruity kind. We bottled it in the fridge.. cuts down a lot cos less desire to go downstairs n press vending machine for canned drinks..hahahah

4) Ice cream lor

5) Biscuits. The last time round got Khong Guan, not too sure abt this tx.

6) A few other stuff like sauce, hair gels etc.
Wah, ur hb so clever ah...the food seems so nice sia...No I dun work on sat, y leh? Eh the sals is oni available on

Ya lor, currently still serving notice, 20(next fri) is my last day le, new job start on 23...But my boss haven't found a replacement yet leh...
Good Morning gals,

Aye!! those r oven cooking leh.. whole gist is simply marinate it well n dump it in!! SIMPLE RITE~ that's y hb like it.

But can see from above even simple moves can make yummy food mah... hehehhe, want me to post up some of the recipes?
Hi all,

Jay coming to 9 months soon... now having 4 teeth erupting. super cranky n clingy
But he knows how to cruise already n happily doing 'disappearing' acts. Just 2 days back MIA, made Jem and I ran around the hse screaming for him. End up found him at the shower area playing w bath toys.. *faintz* that's 1 con abt having bi-fold doors, can't close

Jem is out of the c/c and now at home going thru home schooling. haiz~ hopefully i can cope with teaching both since Jay also reach the time to train motor skills

How r the rest of the babies here? keep me update leh... i mia so long already need to refresh a bit
sure sure share with us the recipes hee :p wow u also going to do home schooling with him ah think u can la u always organise alot of activities with him i be one lazy mum i think

my son dearie now 14 mths le well can walk around the whole house le...hee quite clingy also but still manageable...
The food really yummy. Too bad i too lazy to learn to cook too.
Fionne is now 22months. I have put her in a 2 hour playground for her to learn and interact. Glad that she loves to attend school and enjoying herself there.
Hopefully my hubby allows me to go there and look around. He is so scared of me spending too much money there.
Wow time really flies. Your son is already 14mth liao.
So your new company nearby?
Wow! this thread really needs a lot of efforts to revive..hahhaha

The recipes for oven baking...

1st pic u see are actually crayfish w ham and cheese. Din really enjoy cos i personally finds prawn meat sweeter leh.

Marination for the lobster for 30mins:
1tsp thyme
1tsp salt
1tbsp wine
3 cloves garlic (smashed)

Preheat oven to 200`C. Bake for 20 mins with grated cheese and diced ham spread onto the crayfish


2nd dish is BAked Crab with Chilli and Salt. YUM !!

Ingredient :
1(800gm) crab
40g butter
20ml white rice wine

MArinade :
1/2 tsp five-spice powder
1tsp salt
1 tbsp minced ginger
1 tbsp minced onion
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tbsp minced chilli

Remove yop shell of crab and clean thoroughly. Fry Marinade w a little oil till fragrant. Leave to cool then mix well w crab for 2hrs.

Preheat oven to 200`C. Smear crab with butter and wrap w aluminium foil. Bake for 15mins.

Unwrap foil and drizzle wine on crab. Continue to bake for 5mins and serve.

Then the rest are roasted pork and grilled fish. Roasted pork if u r not very health concious.. go out to buy lah! so much more convenient rite~ my hb roast to cut down on salt cos i havta watch my salt intake.

Grill fish r easy dishes... hehehe, easiest will be buy Kikkoman's Terriyaki sauce and grill. But dun use on kids hor... many moms let kids eat terriyaki stuff w/o realising there's alcohol content in it.
so fun hor.. to see him walking arnd around. Headache comes when they start top run n crash into stuff or climb hi-lo *faintz*

Seen Angela w Jerald a few txs and also gotta know my neighbours w kids arnd 1 yr old. Think i can open hse for mommy gathering soon...hahaha

woah! having her 2yrs old party soon!! hv u start sourcing for her cake?? hahaha, i very kiasu hor

we already been sourcing arnd for cake for our two sons bdae in July. hahah, take it as a common topic and activity to do w hb over weekends.
Ya, at tuas, very near to my hse...wah Fionne already 22mths le ah, so envy, mine oni 3 mths old...hehe...

Etelle seeing ethan walking around the hse ba, haha...

Update on Austin:
He wanted to turn himself over now, so have to be extra careful cannot left him unattended, if not wait who knows which moment he turn himself over, haha...He oso very curious over those toys I shown him n flash cards...He has also been very *talkative*, ee ee ai ai wans to talk...
Hi Mummies

So Happy todae, cos my frd has given birth to a baby boy tis morning....Another brave mummy without nice...Hers was a fast one too...

WAH, tis yr, amoung my frds, we have 5 babies tis yr including my many playmate...
Hi all,
Went to try the jap restaurant at the swimming pool today. Not bad leh... n slightly cheaper than Sakae. The sushi are 99cts per plate. Hb, Jem and I had sushi, potato croquette, chawanmushi, charcoal grilled bacon, beef salad n the bill is $31.

Now looking forward to try their hi-tea buffet at $16.90+++ ...hheheheh
only 99 cents per plate ah $1 cheaper than sakae hor...what's the restaurant name ah?

haha treasure every month of their growth hee dun anticipate they grown too fast enjoy each momemnt
u will miss their babelicious time.

yeah lor fast hor twinkle a eye he 14 mths le...which playgroup is fionne in? how much and what is the eligible age?

me hor thinking of teaching Ethan myself le not thinking of sending him to playgroup le...but still thinking about it.

alot of babies this piglet year baby boom le...

By the way ladies i am pregnant le
6 wk and 6 days
I havent thought of having a birthday party for her yet. The thought of thinking who to invite and sending out invitation is quite sian.So maybe just a small celebration. Have to discuss with hubby first. Will definately get a cake. Maybe a barney cake coz she likes barney very much. I went to unilever yesterday but didnt manage to anything coz the whole place is quite crowded. Hubby complaining the queue too long so don't want to wait.
You definately want your baby to be smaller when they are older. Now she is approaching the terrible 2 really very tired to look after her coz she always climbing around and touching things so must be careful.
Congrat to you. So happy for you. I am thinking of having a little piglet too but too bad don't think i can have one coz hubby not cooperative. Im sending Fionne to a playgroup at the rc at Blk 656c. The fee is $390 for 10 weeks and the min age is 18mth. If you can teach yourself of course it will be better coz it really need alot of patient and discipline. For me, i don't think i have it.
Hi Ladies
mia for sooo long..hee..glad to see this thread alive again..all thks to Brenda ^_^

Btw, Ivec has just celebrated his 1 yr old b/d last Wed..we had a mini b/d celebration at home with close relatives..didn't do a big one as my hub prefers to keep it small since we had a big one during his one mth :p anyway, here r some photos to share!

Wall deco of Ivec's stage by stage photos

Ivec's delicious yummy chocolate cake! Really gd man..highly recommended if any of u thinking of ordering cakes..somemore this lady stays near to us & will deliver foc for those staying in Jurong.
However, really a waste cos Ivec was rather cranky that day though its his b/d, so the photos we took with him, showed most of his unhappy & cranky look :p

Congrats!!! Wow..really peifu u fact, i always peifu those with 2 or more children, cos 1 is really an investment in terms of time, effort & energy...esp if the next one is comparable 2 ivec! parents were commenting tt I'm so much more guai than Ivec!! So they had an easier time though i was often sick!
Oh..btw, the Jap restaurant name is sakura..I tried their buffet & its rather worthwhile if u r those who like buffet!!

Gd luck to ur new job! Do keep us update on ur new job!
So how's bb Austin coming along? U must be careful when he knows how to flip & when he really know how to move..eheheh..then its a headache trying to keep him still..Ivec always throws a tantrum when we try to keep him still..he's such a restless bb.
the cake looks delicious. hee so special with his name all over the cuppy cakes...thanks thanks haha i will try to handle on my own hee my son is quite easy to take care so should be okie....but getting more and more active and walking around the house all the time hee but very adorable...hee

hubby loves jap food but me not a fan of it . is the food taste as good as sakae?
WOH WOH WOH!!! Congrats in ur 2nd ttc...Finally ethan has another siblings be it boy or gal...Gong Xi Gong Xi, by the way, when's the edd...Been so busy recently, oso no time to msn msn talk to u within tis wk as I left the last wk in this office, I won't be using msn for the time being at the new office.

Ya lor, I know, infact I treasure alot of the times I have now with him b4 he knows how to crawl or walk...hehe...

Ya lor, since past few days, we have been keeping a close look on him, scare he may turn himself over while we din notice it....
haha thanks thanks hee ethan is 14 mths le so i thought it would be a good time to have a 2nd one. Haha last time i have this thinking to give birth to the no. of children i want by the time i run 30. And this year i am 30 le so i am still in time hee with the living standards in singapore maybe 2 is a just nice number. hee yeah MSN me okie.

I also feel cherishing every moment spent with your little one loved one is very important. Nothing beats that...
paiseh... din take note of the restaurant's name but it's not Sakura. It's on the 4th floor. They just open for a month so food quality still good n fresh. betta go before they start to cut cost..hahah

<font size="+1">CONGRATULATION!!</font>

Are you gonna start weaning at 4 or 6 mths?

lucky u cos the queue was really long and i was there at 10.30. They run out of baskets too so an auntie gave me a box n i start lugging it with me. But okay lah... cos spend 50 bucks to buy shower gels, shampoo, dishwasher detergent to last for the rest of the year..hahahha

but spent $30 on ice cream... super heartpain

Hi hi hi!! nice decor on the wall..

can help me? cos i actually found Lightning McQueen's baking mould for Jem's bdae (his idol). The way of baking is same as ivec's cake. CAn pass me the contact of ur baker so that i can ask her whether she can help me bake it (if i really cannot make it)

no worries lah... most kids hv cranky look for 1 yr old bdae cos teething mah. And hor, try not to tell ur child abt the bdae till the day itself. pantang ... hahahha

No lah! i'm talking abt Sakura, that one $20 for lunch, $24 for dinner leh (+$2 for weekn). btw, nice anot? i heard got quite a fair bit of dim sum issit?
Happy belated birthday to ivec! The cake looks very nice. Can i have the contact too?
So when ur edd? Have you thought of who to look after ethan when u in confinement?
I tried that jap restaurant before. I also forgot its name but it also under sakura group. Do try the buffet at sakura. There are many varities and the price is considered cheap as compared to hotel buffet. I can see some of the items very cheap. Too bad my hubby turn bad face when he see the long queue so i have to go off.
my edd is 2 december. huh my mother be helping me with confinement le think she will also manage ethan and i assist her lor and my hubby is self employed so he can arrange his timin maybe that mth to help out as well...never think so far le...when u trying for no. 2?

Etelle, Congratulations! wow!wow! Golden piggy baby!

Brenda, we are back! It was a great trip..all of us enjoyed it alot...share with you some pix..more on their blog later.

some pix to share with you...more on their blog later.


Hi Chris
Welcome back, where u went?

I was oso thinking to have another one when i'm 30 leh. Cos according to the chinese prediction chart, chinese 30 (English 29) has the most mth for a bb gal...But really scare abt the financial part and who to help to take care...My frd edd same date as u leh....

I haven't really decide when to wean him leh, have yet to discuss with hub too...But many ppl ask me not to start at 4mths lor, so proberly I starts bwtn 5.5 to 6 mths ba...
u still young mah...30 is still some time away u can start saving ah....haha actually again to say never a time when u feel that u r financially ready one le we human are never satisfied but when time comes ah u be surprised u can manage so much with what you have....really...ehee :p

thanks thanks haha yeah lor golden piglet hor this year alot of babies le.
Dec is good coz it is cooling and not that hot in that month. It's good to have another one now as ethan and your 2nd one gap will not be so big. Me also planning to have another one. Think i cant have a little piglet liao. Have to opt for a mickey mouse.
The place look very scenic. Also curious about where you went.
You are still young so can still plan for another one in a few years time.
May, we went to taipei for a 5 day 4 night trip. I worried a lot before the trip but it turned out to be quite a n enjoyable one and we definitely will go for more overseas holidays!

Jenie, those pix were taken in Yangming Shan. the weather was great, sunny but cooling. And great scenery and wonderful food too!

Mummies, so many posts need to catch up...looks like a lot of fun topic here like ttc and nice food!
<font size="+1">Good Morning !!!</font>

Nice pix yah... n ur darlings r sure playful

So is Taiwan kids friendly? I luv their tai yang bing and Lays Chips...hahahhaha

yah... better to start 5.5mth w a tsp each time for test test. But most chinese starts from 4mth. The other day my aunt go n feed Jay egg... i nearly fainted..hahahaha

TCC arh! we cheer cheer for u *jiayou jiayou* hehehehe
Ay.. mommies here,

do u gals do photo album for ur kids har? i do until very quan already..hahhaha. Into 3rd album still got 300over pics to slot in.

show u gals new batch of biscuits we bake

