I've also booked with PEM. Their requirement is that I have a maid. Now I headache cos my previous maid has left and my new maid will be delayed till end jun while Im giving birth on 22nd June. Dunno if the confinement nanny will refuse.

same problem!!! worse come to worse i'll ask my parents maid to sleep over but im worried the nanny doesnt want also after she starts :S can update me!
Mummies. Jus starting from last night, I'm experiencing sudden increased kicks from one of the twins. This twin seldom kick so hard and so frequent throughout the day.

The other twin is kicking hard too. My tummy is literally twitching. I'm in my 27th week.

Is this a cause of worry? I read from somewhere that increased fetal movements are not always good too. *stress...
I'm also in my 27 week and felt twitching here and there but not kicking. But the twitching is not very often and sometimes feel tapping...
Mummies. Jus starting from last night, I'm experiencing sudden increased kicks from one of the twins. This twin seldom kick so hard and so frequent throughout the day.

The other twin is kicking hard too. My tummy is literally twitching. I'm in my 27th week.

Is this a cause of worry? I read from somewhere that increased fetal movements are not always good too. *stress...

I'm at 23 weeks & I get tht at times too. Because one twin will usually be quiet but suddenly will have increased movements. Recently this quieter twin has been tapping more but kicking wise only kicked real hard when there was loud noise. Worries me at times too because each time I lie at this twin's side, I've pain also.
It could be they are getting squeezier. So every movement is more visible to us. Im in my 35w now, each time they move will give me nauseous n pain as well.
Hi mommies
Would like some ideas on how you intend for the sleeping arrangement of the twins? Both together in a room but different cot? Or each in one room?
Do u mean by the weight? Are urs identical or fraternal twins? From wat my gynae says, since im hving fraternal, acceptable range is 15% diff in weight. One of my scan shows bbs are diff by 25% but lucky all blood flow scan shows normal n the small bb catch up fast. So no more such issue now
Congrats, lambi. I was wondering how r u doing. Its ok. We can wait for e drama. Try to rest as and when u can . Take care
Do u mean by the weight? Are urs identical or fraternal twins? From wat my gynae says, since im hving fraternal, acceptable range is 15% diff in weight. One of my scan shows bbs are diff by 25% but lucky all blood flow scan shows normal n the small bb catch up fast. So no more such issue now

identical. 13% diff. my dr doesn't seem worried at all, which is comforting. but u know as mommy, can't help but worry a bit...
Congrats, lambi. I was wondering how r u doing. Its ok. We can wait for e drama. Try to rest as and when u can . Take care

Congrats Lambi! Was wondering why didn't see your post for a while. I remembered you mention your c section was scheduled for early June? Did you go into labour before that?
Anyways, take care and try to rest well! Jia you!
Congrats Lambi! Hope everything is going well for u!!

Yes. I'm so worried that one of the twin is not doing well... I'm not sure if I should go c gynae earlier. Sigh.

Last I did detailed scan was 1 mths ago. Scheduled growth scan this coming Wed.
Oohlahlah, yes. I hv chosen 16th but my gynae is not around tat week.he wants us to choose before 14th.tentatively book 11th but will depend on tomo scan. When is ur scheduled csect?
@ellesie ... Ya Dr Fong is out of town right? He also schedule to see my wife earlier in the 9th... Too bad I will be out of town and can't attend the "Happy Visit" and see my babies...

Anyway my wife is seriously having difficulties in sleeping... There was a night she woke up at 3am n couldn't get back to sleep until close to 6am... Very heart pain...
@joshua: yes. He will b out for conference on tat week. Which week r ur wife now? Im now awake almost every 2hrs now but i try to catch some sleep during the day instead. Is she working currently? Try not to sleep flat. I sleep better on reclining chair. It's very dilemma, one side i want they to come out earlier but on e other side, i want them to stay inside as long as possible. Keep give ur wife all the support. Jia you
@joshua I'm waking up avg twice every night... at times hard to get back to slp... like what ellesie said, try getting ur wife to slp more upright...even if it's more like a sitting position...more impt is she gets some rest... I'm having slping issues since 1st trimester... now at wk 21..
Totally agree with what ellesie said, although suffering but we'll wan the bbs to stay inside as long as possible so that they'll grow well
Hi all, one of my twins decide to give up for higher survival rate to the sibling. So i officially out of this group. Now in 9 weeks, one of my precious stop growing at 8 weeks. Hopefully the survivor will continue to grow healthy. Jia you all. Wish all have a smooth delivery and healthy cuties.
Oohlahlah, yes. I hv chosen 16th but my gynae is not around tat week.he wants us to choose before 14th.tentatively book 11th but will depend on tomo scan. When is ur scheduled csect?
Mine is 22nd June. My husband is still travelling next week... I hope the babies won't be out early!

Oooh... 11th, that's next week! All the best! Which week will that be?
Mine is 22nd June. My husband is still travelling next week... I hope the babies won't be out early!

Oooh... 11th, that's next week! All the best! Which week will that be?
It will b exact 36w. Tats y try to see whether can delay it further nearer to 37w. Relax n tell bbs only comr out on 22nd. Jia you.
Hi all, one of my twins decide to give up for higher survival rate to the sibling. So i officially out of this group. Now in 9 weeks, one of my precious stop growing at 8 weeks. Hopefully the survivor will continue to grow healthy. Jia you all. Wish all have a smooth delivery and healthy cuties.
Sorry to hear tat. Stay strong for the fighter bb n may u hv a smooth pregnancy till delivery. Jia you
hiya..thank u all for the wishes ..
sneaking a little time here after my mooing session :p

Last Friday at my growth scan bbs are almost same weight as b4, g at 2.5kg, b at 1.7kg still..then doc told me come back next day sat 30th for another scan he wanted to be sure. Overnight hubby and I discussed that to play safe, i should take along hospital bag along and asked to be warded cos I was having more Braxton hicks and over sun and ph Monday not many clinics/doc open/ sat went nuh and doc also agreed that I should be closely monitored and steroids be administered. Then straight sat pm was admitted to nuh for observations. Meanwhile asked my hb to amend flights to come back 3rd june instead of 7th june..

All's fine until sunday 31st 8pm starting to hv what I tot was Braxton hicks and I went toilet--a little brown discharge ..they strapped me to this heartbeat monitoring machine and then again 8.15 & 8.30pm got again tightening slight pain..then nurse asked if "Do u know that u r getting labour contractions?" I got nurse to ask gynae if he could give me medication to relax uterus so contraction will stop. Given medication ard 9pm. Managed to sleep till 11pm, woke up feeling need to pee, went toilet and then apart from peeing suddenly felt another gush of liquid from v, then 1st tot---"Did my water just broke??!" :eek:Was telling my bbs "papa not here yet..can they be nice to stay in till papa here?" But was feeling low backache and urge to poo..that I wiped and saw tad pink discharge ..1st time in my life I pulled the emergency nurse call button in toilet. 2 nurses came running and I said to them "i think my water just broke!"

then gynae informed nurses to bring me to delivery suite. That was ard 12midnite..Till then I was extremely nervous and started crying ..but the standby doc/nurses there were really nice to hold my hands consoled/reassuring me that all will be good etc. But I told them my hb is not there and I felt helpless..The way to delivery suite in the middle of night was kinda scary with no one except me and the nurse who wheeled me. Delivery suite --pee again and this time gush of bright red blood..frightened me to the max! Standby doc checked and my mucus plug is out--I even commented.."oh I see my mucus plug on the cloths..." My op doc Caroline chi came and talked to me..making me less tensed and feeling a tad better.

They allowed me to call my family and my brother was allowed to accompany/take some pic of me before I was wheeled into op. My hb was updated frequently via whatsapp with photos..

bbs cannot wait to be borned 2 mins apart at 2.02am with c-sect spinal block (not epi) ..bbs into nicu immediately after. My parents were allowed into nicu to take photos of bbs:)
twin 1-boy 1.7kg in nicu still..
twin 2-girl 2.5kg in nicu for a few days, transferred to normal nursery yesterday and will discharge Monday ..
Lambi,i tear reading ur story. Lucky everything goes well. Till now i still dunno whether im hving contraction or not. Quite worried also. U end up as subsidised patient? Ur bill is very low. Hope didi will catch up on his weight and can b discharged soon. Have a good rest and happy mooing :)
Lambi, luckily you were warded in hospital and not at home when all that happens. It's over now, take good care of yourself and rest well! Hope baby boy can be discharged soon. :)
@ellesie, wow tt's very soon that u gonna to see your boy & girl soon... So which hospital hv you decided? Congrats in advance and smooth delivery too...

@ Joshua, so wat time ur wife's appt on 9 Jun? I'm having my review wif dr Fong that day too but might reschedule it cos it was supposed to check on the c sec area again & pap smear but my lochia yet to clear cos I'm breastfeeding... So see how...

Get your wife a lots of pillows around her to get a comfortable resting position...
Any idea how is it decided if baby need to be warded in nicu? Is it purely based on the weight?

My gynae was telling me anytime after week 33 I should be able to deliver in Thomson medical, where he practiced. Anytime before that, I should go to any govt hospital because babies might be to be warded in nicu and charges will be very high if it is at tmc.
@puppy2006, i will deliver at mt e novena, cos tats e only hosp i can choose date n timing for e csect. My initial option is mt a but fully booked n cant choose timing. Thanks a lot. Till now hvnt packed my bag yet and also e nursery. Haha.still in denial mode.
@aautumnn:i think beside weight, also need to see whether bb can breathe and drink on its own. I've heard bb is over 2kg but dun know how to suckle end up in nicu as well.
@ellesie she cross 31 weeks. She had this problem when she had her OHSS from doing iui in November last year... Heart breaking to see her going thru this again...

@twinklesx2 ya lor... That's e dilemma... To ease her from the pain, that means get e babies out... But tat will means pain to e babies. Haiz...

@puppy2006 her appt on 9th is 10am.
@ ellesie, yes the booking @ mt a muz really do ways in advance as it's quite popular now as compared to last time... All the best for your delivery this coming week... Both bbs are in gd weight??
@joshua: i also hv a mild ohss last time during ivf n only gone away after a week. Wat is e main reason she cant sleep now? For me now is more on breathless, heartburn n whole body aching especially back n waist. Ask her not to lie flat as it will worsen the condition.
@puppy2006: actually i hv been telling them to book since i got e date but dr fong just not convinced i will b able to hold tat long. Now last min want, fully booked. Yes, their weight is ok. At 35w, one is 2.6& another is 2.8 . We r trying to push it to next week 16th but dr fong has to check with his colix availability first n to.confirm again
@joshua: i also hv a mild ohss last time during ivf n only gone away after a week. Wat is e main reason she cant sleep now? For me now is more on breathless, heartburn n whole body aching especially back n waist. Ask her not to lie flat as it will worsen the condition.
@puppy2006: actually i hv been telling them to book since i got e date but dr fong just not convinced i will b able to hold tat long. Now last min want, fully booked. Yes, their weight is ok. At 35w, one is 2.6& another is 2.8 . We r trying to push it to next week 16th but dr fong has to check with his colix availability first n to.confirm again
Wow... Very good weight!!
In last few weeks, each time I rest my hand or my forearm on the top of my tummy on my right, one baby will keep tapping or pushing against tht hand. It's strange because I'm not even applying any pressure. Is this normal? Anyone else feels it too?

And even when sleeping if I turn to my right, one baby will keep squirming or tapping me till I've to switch to other side.

Is the tapping or squirming because baby is uncomfortable? I'm so confused
In last few weeks, each time I rest my hand or my forearm on the top of my tummy on my right, one baby will keep tapping or pushing against tht hand. It's strange because I'm not even applying any pressure. Is this normal? Anyone else feels it too?

And even when sleeping if I turn to my right, one baby will keep squirming or tapping me till I've to switch to other side.

Is the tapping or squirming because baby is uncomfortable? I'm so confused
Its perfectly normal. They are just interacting with u. Wait till they are even bigger and running out of space, the movement will b even more violent. Haha. Few times i lie down sideways, was kicked till bounced to the centre. Just enjoy it while u can. U will miss all these once they are out
finally did my detailed scan and it is a pair of boys at 382g and 375g respectively...
all normal during detailed scan and thus can breathe a bit easier :)
Week 20 too? Mine is a pair of girls, last week just went for my FA scan too. Weight is 357g and 343g

Where to do plan to deliver?

Its perfectly normal. They are just interacting with u. Wait till they are even bigger and running out of space, the movement will b even more violent. Haha. Few times i lie down sideways, was kicked till bounced to the centre. Just enjoy it while u can. U will miss all these once they are out

Haha oops!! Yea everyday im praying tht they get more space & guess this is what being a mummy is about. I'm willing to sacrifice the flabbiness of my tummy In the future for their comfort now.
Okie I feel better now. I'll interact back with them....usually I'll talk to them & ask why they don't want mummy's hand? Guess they want to be touched so they tapping away
