Making decisions on child's care giver

Just curious on certain options available and the reasons behind it.
Looking into caregiver issues parents in singapore face for a project.
It'll be best if you could answer all, if not just answer any number of questions, it'll be useful too!
Thank you for your help. I really appreciate you taking some time to fill this up:)

1. If grandparent's are able to look after child, would you choose them to look after or prefer infant care/babysitter. And why?

2. Choosing between maid & babysitter. Which & why?

3.Choosing between babysitter & infant/child care center. Which & Why?

4.Other options
- sending child for few hours kindergarten/childcare/playgroup & the rest of the time taken care by yourself/
-Few hours school + babysitter/grandparents
- grandparents+maid

5. A number of key things (in the order of importance) that you'll look out for in your child's caregiver, be it babysitter or infant care)


Here you goes.

1. It will depends on my child's age. My child is currently 4 years old. I would prefer for him to attend child care to learn abt academics & social skills. Another factor is because he is the only son so sch is very impt too.

2. Given my suitation, I would prefer babysitter coz I m staying in an area where there r a lot of elderly. My fil & hubby stay here for ard 30-years so they know them very well. It give me a sense of security.

3. Once again, it depends on the age of my child. Similar to point 1.

4. It is often very challenging to make sure arrangements. Eg: the cost of a few hrs sch & domestic helper r very costly.

5. Location, school fees, principal, curriculum, teachers & etc
Hi Karoru, thank you for taking time to answer every question.Your answers have given me a better understanding on this issue!:)

For others who see this thread... let's talk about children 3 years old and below. If the babysitter is slightly educated & can provide your child with some basic academics/learning activities would you choose that or infant care/maid?
Hi Karoru, thank you for taking time to answer every question.Your answers have given me a better understanding on this issue!:)

For others who see this thread... let's talk about children 3 years old and below. If the babysitter is slightly educated & can provide your child with some basic academics/learning activities would you choose that or infant care/maid?

1. I am sending my 30months girl to attend a 2hrs playgroup.
Reason is so she can mix around with other children and expose herself outside the house. Though she has 3 elder brothers and 1 younger cousin brother.

2. I'll prefer to have a maid rather than babysitter. Reason being is we both are full time working parents, therefore, with maid she can help with house chores beside looking after the children.

3. For this point, in order to train them independent and wanted them to exposure the outside world, I'll choose to let them go school rather than staying at home.

I totally agreed to Karoru on point 4 and 5.

Hope the above helps.. :)
1. If grandparent's are able to look after child, would you choose them to look after or prefer infant care/babysitter. And why?

I will let grandparents help to take care (but i do not have such a blessing) but will get a maid to help up especially when they are babies.

2. Choosing between maid & babysitter. Which & why?

I choose to have a maid as I wanted my baby to be at my own premise and own comfort zone and maid we can monitor (installed CCTV) and also help us in other matters.

3.Choosing between babysitter & infant/child care center. Which & Why?

For this, although I got a maid, i still send my 2 kids to full time childcare to expose themselves and learning

4.Other options
- sending child for few hours kindergarten/childcare/playgroup & the rest of the time taken care by yourself/
-Few hours school + babysitter/grandparents
- grandparents+maid

Will prefer to send to childcare, can be independent and learn to socialize and other things which our own parents/maid will not be able to teach

5. A number of key things (in the order of importance) that you'll look out for in your child's caregiver, be it babysitter or infant care)

- Convenient, location
- The teachers and staffs (observe or gather opinions from existing parents)
- Cleanliness (i very particular about hygienic, food they serve/prepare)
Thank you very much for all your input! It has definitely helped me to get a glimpse of the needs of parents here in singapore, in this aspect.I will keep looking into this area. :)
In most situation,It will be depend upon the child age.When you want to hire someone who can take care of your loved one at home, you must be aware of your loved one's needs first. It may be difficult for you to find good and quality home carer. But, Through online we have a plenty of home care services available in cities and towns.

care help in your home in stevenage
