Looking for transfer maid *urgent*


Active Member
Hi morning mummies. I am looking for a helper that can help me with my kids. I am currently unable to work and both my mother and in law not willing to help. My 3 kids are 8 years old, 2.5 years old and 4 months old baby. My eldest is in primary 3 and after school i got to fetch him. My second is in childcare till 7pm. Priorty is to handle the baby alone at home while the rest go school. And do houswork. I am ok to give her off day. Just hope to find someone that can really help me. My hubby now do 2 jobs. Thus evening i also got to coach elder study, handle my daughter and baby. I tried for 4 months but totally shag out. Lately i neglect my daughter and she swallow a coin down. Thats when i feel that i have to look for helper and my hubby and i cant do everything ourselves. :)

Hope anyone that have just email me [email protected]. thanks a lot.
I have an Indonesian maid for transfer. Been with me only 1 month. My previous babysitter for my 2nd child has offered to care for my toddler, so I don't need a helper anymore.
She is 36yo, divorced with no kids. This is why she has chosen to stay in Sg to work, as there is nothing back home to look forward to. She is quite a patient worker who never gives me black face when I tell her off. I can see she really tries to meet our demands, as she writes notes etc to make sure she doesn't forget instructions. She was initially a little bit slow (work pace), but as time pass and she gets used to our household, she has gotten a lot better.
Her cooking skills are better than average. Cleaning wise not up to my standards, but i do expect a lot. She is fine with redoing tasks that I feel are not up to mark.
I'm considering to send her back to agent, as she has existing loan that I paid for. However, I must highlight that the agent really utilise these transfer maids with no pay given to them and the ex employer bearing the levy. My helper was previously asked to care for agent's aged mum whilst her own helper is on home leave. I really don't want to put my helper in this situation again.
Please do contact me if you are keen. I am able to transfer her out anytime, if you are willing to fork out the deposit of around $1k. I will show you the paperwork too.
Contact me at 81808597
Hi hi , I have a Filipino maid for transfer. She will complete her 2 years contract with me when her WP expires in early Aug 2015.

I am willing to release her mid-Apr. She is single mum 32, and has 1 daughter aged 9.
She speaks English and Arabic, high school education.
Before coming to Singapore, she work in Dubai for 2 years taking care of 2 toddlers and 1 infant.
Her responsibility in my house is looking after my 17m son, housework and simple cooking.
She is well behaved, not talkative and good in infant care. She wakes up daily at 7am. I depend alot on her caring for my son as a newborn.
Though she is 1.5m tall, but strong enough to carry heavy stuffs.

Reason for release: Both me and hubby are working and my son is now big enough to go childcare and we are not cooking anymore, we change to tingkat (dinner).
She is looking at $550 salary with 2 Sundays off.

Pls email me at [email protected], if you are interested, I can share more or you can interview her.
Hi dear,

Anyone in need of getting a new maid or to replace their existing one here.

We have hired an Indonesian maid for about 2 months ago. She is good in the sense that initiative on the house works without much of our guidance as what we have expected earlier. She is also caring of my 4 years old boy and a new born baby. Just one set back is that she is not well verse in cooking Chinese foods but that not limited to a simple cooking like steaming/frying fish and meat (including pork).

Unfortunately, my hubby has been retrenched 3 months ago and we are now feeling the great stress of financial problem and leave us with no choice but to let her go:

1. Monthly salary : S$480
2. Off day per pay : S$ 18
3. Placement fee : 4 months

Frankly, if we can afford we will try to retain her whenever is possible. It is really a sad thing to giving up such a good maid.

Well, do let me know if anyone here have the above need.

