Kate Spade Surprise Sale EXTRA 25 % OFF ! )

All batches will be next Tuesday
Opening spree for current promotion of 30 % off sales items
Computation 1.44 x 0.7 x AA
Will only order with fund transfer
Do state to which account

Hi Best Tutor,

Please help me get the following item. Thanks!


Item name: Cameron Street Clarise
URL: https://www.katespade.com/products/cameron-street-clarise/PXRU7507-2.html
Alternative if oos: drop if no additional 30% discount and if oos
Color: Heirloom red
Size: one size
Qty: 1
Price in USD after discount $83.30

Calculation of price in SGD after discount: US$83.30*1.45 = S$120.79

Transfer from OCBC to OCBC saving: 520-4-080740
Successful Ref. no. 2019041607375015
Hi Best Tutor,

Please help me get the following item. Thanks!


Item name: Cameron Street Clarise
URL: https://www.katespade.com/products/cameron-street-clarise/PXRU7507-2.html
Alternative if oos: drop if no additional 30% discount and if oos
Color: Heirloom red
Size: one size
Qty: 1
Price in USD after discount $83.30

Calculation of price in SGD after discount: US$83.30*1.45 = S$120.79

Transfer from OCBC to OCBC saving: 520-4-080740
Successful Ref. no. 2019041607375015
Noted thanks
Hi Best Tutor,

Please help me get the following item. Thanks!


Item name: Cameron Street Clarise
URL: https://www.katespade.com/products/cameron-street-clarise/PXRU7507-2.html
Alternative if oos: drop if no additional 30% discount and if oos
Color: Heirloom red
Size: one size
Qty: 1
Price in USD after discount $83.30

Calculation of price in SGD after discount: US$83.30*1.45 = S$120.79

Transfer from OCBC to OCBC saving: 520-4-080740
Successful Ref. no. 2019041607375015
Order placed
Thanks for joining again
Thanks, best tutor. Could i check, for the surprise sales, for the items that state "This item cannot be shipped to addresses outside the United States or p.o. boxes." , means that it cannot be ordered? Thanks

Surprise sale is here
1.45 x AA
No concerige fee at all
Will only order with fund transfer
Do state to which account thanks
Please take note
Self collect is at my convenience only
If not either by courier or park n parcel
Last edited:
Sorry i added another item before ur reply.
U accepting the surprise sale ones too? All 3 items ok? Will transfer shortly
Hi, i m keen to get these. Let me know if is on.

Rose gold


Just realised u ordering from the surprise sale.

Cream multi

Let me know if u order from just one or both sites. Thanks

24.5+28.7+25= 78.2

78.2 x 1.45 = sgd113.39

Transferred to uob 3713813050
Ref mb11373121539b85

Hihi.. Just wondering if u had placed my order for surprise sale coz i didnt see my name in the orders u placed. Just wanted to check in case u missed it.
Hi Best tutor,

Please help me order the following items. Thanks!

NICK: bluetones

Item 1:
Item name: Wilson road bradley
URL: https://surprise.katespade.com/WKRU4710.html
Alternative if oos: Nil
Color: Black
Size: one size
Qty: 1
Price in USD after discount $109

Item 2:
Item name: Wilson road sophy
URL: https://surprise.katespade.com/WKRU5283.html
Alternative if oos: Nil
Color: Black
Size: one size
Qty: 1
Price in USD after discount $69

Calculation of price in SGD after discount: US$178*1.45 = S$258.10

Transfer from OCBC to OCBC saving: 520-4-080740
Successful Ref. no. 2019042308289896
Hi Best tutor,

Please help me order the following items. Thanks!

NICK: bluetones

Item 1:
Item name: Wilson road bradley
URL: https://surprise.katespade.com/WKRU4710.html
Alternative if oos: Nil
Color: Black
Size: one size
Qty: 1
Price in USD after discount $109

Item 2:
Item name: Wilson road sophy
URL: https://surprise.katespade.com/WKRU5283.html
Alternative if oos: Nil
Color: Black
Size: one size
Qty: 1
Price in USD after discount $69

Calculation of price in SGD after discount: US$178*1.45 = S$258.10

Transfer from OCBC to OCBC saving: 520-4-080740
Successful Ref. no. 2019042308289896

Orders place for bluetones
Hi! I have just transferred to your POSB Account for the following order.

Hole punch spade hinge bangle
Color: Black (drop order if Black colour is not available)
Qty: 1

Amount in SGD: USD25.00 x 1.45 = S$36.25
(realised should be x1.05 but did the transfer before I saw the post, let me know if I can pay the x1.05 with shipping costs?)

Account Number
POSB eEveryday Savings Account: 145-42530-1

Transaction Reference Number

Many thanks!

