IVF with KKH (Tan HH)

Hi mesara also have sharp pain occasionally. Your symptoms similiar like mine .
Did you feel bloated thru the tww? I was.blated for 2 days after ET then no more bloat. Last bfp bloat till bfp and pee at least 5 times a night. ...this time other occasional cramps.n sore boobs...tummy feel like nothing which seems no good:(

Shiro ger glad all went well for you. Happy with yr choice to have delayed stim i guess;). Alamak u got cold ar...actually I fell sick during stim and not too well too at ER and et...till now the cough persist like lungs wanna drop out.:p.

Hey its really scary le u semi consious o_O...ya hope pain goes off...if 3 or 5 day transfer got more time to heal...but if Monday abit soon...then u like me n Megan l lor...take few days for the thing to subside. Drink loads of water and rest well. Can roam after et haha...:D

It's not really a cold. Just that every time during ER/ET, my nose will sure be congested. Duno why also.
In terms of pain, actually cannot feel anything. But you can feel THH inserted some probe or whatever and duno do what inside and can also feel him removing the things. Lol, i seriously think i might have frown when he was doing the procedure. Yesterday there was 3 other gals doing ER too. Just before we were all discharged, a resident doc from O&G went through to check on us. They also openly updated about no. of follicles retrieved. I think it might stressed some gals out coz it created an avenue to compare the quantity retrieved. And questions such as "I retrieved XX nos, does that mean my chance is not good" are raised. I duno, i thought the update on the no. of follicles retrieved can be done more discreetly so that it doesn't impose any anxiety on any of the gals. Anyway, the tightness in my abdomen has subsided liao, feel quite normal liao. Can go indoor playground with my LO.
Hi jas249, thx for sharing. I'm thinking of doing blood test in June, my af may come ard 9 / 10 July. Hmm... Maybe it's better to do it in Aug? Suddenly feeling stress...
Hi joeykw, if ur af come on 9/10 jul, u still stand a chance to do it in jul...

But if u hv decided to do it in aug, then u might want to do ur bt in jul coz bt got a validity period of 6 mths...
Did you feel bloated thru the tww? I was.blated for 2 days after ET then no more bloat. Last bfp bloat till bfp and pee at least 5 times a night. ...this time other occasional cramps.n sore boobs...tummy feel like nothing which seems no good:(

Yup me too bloated after et bout 1 week. The bloat on and off, bloat after meal. Cramp yes Leh, until now also sometimes still cramp, yesterday cramp in the evening. Till now no sore boobs Leh. But I think got bigger by 5%. Dizziness still got. How Many days pass et are you now mesara?
I went for my bt 14dp2dt. Since is not the day 17, the nurse asked me to go tomorrow again which is the actual date. Dunno my hog level good or not. Scare or also. Had so much truama.

Do you girls know what is the passing mark beta hcg for kkh ? Can share?
@shiro_gal Hihi, just wanna share my experience during ER, i felt that the sedation given to me was not enough. I thought i was dreaming during the procedure and I can feel what Dr Tan was doing.... just a little uncomfortable and when she shifted me, I unconsciously move myself to the left side of the bed... and rested again. Before the nurse came I already woke up. But becos I dun have my watch or hp, i didn't know how long was i unconscious. I didnt have my glasses too to everything was blur. Good luck for your ET tmr. So after ET, do you still need to take care of your child? What's the meaning of LO ? haha

@mesara Hihi, how\s your day? Did u bed rest today :p I still have have no symptoms leh ... cant help to think negative things again... today i was out almost until 5pm for the funeral and late for my inserts.. hope thats ok. Tmr onwards I shall start to rest and resume back to eating egg whites for breakfast. I didn't eat it for the past few days.... i dun like egg whites! I cooked hard boil eggs and swallow the egg whites with Milo.... anyone got other better ideas to cook egg whites? I dun mind eating with egg yolk... i am an egg yolk person instead of egg white:p
I can't remember any other symptoms for my first pregnancy except for sore boobs... hopefully i get sore boobs so at least it gives me some hope!
I can't remember any other symptoms for my first pregnancy except for sore boobs... hopefully i get sore boobs so at least it gives me some hope!
Hi gal not really 100 percent bedrest la. Fri went out lunch then walk walk shop shop. Yest rested and today also just cooked and household chores. My cramps are intensed at times. Keep rushing to toilet praying it's not witch. Boobs super sore but that was not my symptoms last time. My pain moving all over tummy. ..right side left side belly button..so I really no clue la what's happening. Hope we graduate together this time.
hi ladies, today is my stimulation D1. I start on Pergoveis today after 4 days of orgalutran. 2nd scan show 7 follicles. left ovary is 5, 5, 6. and right side got 4. cannot remember no.. only know biggest one is 11mm.

Any cycle buddy? :) any ladies here on pergoveis? :)
hi ladies, today is my stimulation D1. I start on Pergoveis today after 4 days of orgalutran. 2nd scan show 7 follicles. left ovary is 5, 5, 6. and right side got 4. cannot remember no.. only know biggest one is 11mm.

Any cycle buddy? :) any ladies here on pergoveis? :)
Hi twinkletot, all the best for this cycle.. I should have cycle with u this round but i push backward to next month as i have 1 week training.

Just wondering did any ladies take Nor-E for 21 days before the next cycle for stimulation. Im taking it and my menses only come 2,5 days. Issit a bit too short.. Im v worry that i will not pass for the upcoming cycle... not sure why..
@shiro_gal Hihi, just wanna share my experience during ER, i felt that the sedation given to me was not enough. I thought i was dreaming during the procedure and I can feel what Dr Tan was doing.... just a little uncomfortable and when she shifted me, I unconsciously move myself to the left side of the bed... and rested again. Before the nurse came I already woke up. But becos I dun have my watch or hp, i didn't know how long was i unconscious. I didnt have my glasses too to everything was blur. Good luck for your ET tmr. So after ET, do you still need to take care of your child? What's the meaning of LO ? haha

@mesara Hihi, how\s your day? Did u bed rest today :p I still have have no symptoms leh ... cant help to think negative things again... today i was out almost until 5pm for the funeral and late for my inserts.. hope thats ok. Tmr onwards I shall start to rest and resume back to eating egg whites for breakfast. I didn't eat it for the past few days.... i dun like egg whites! I cooked hard boil eggs and swallow the egg whites with Milo.... anyone got other better ideas to cook egg whites? I dun mind eating with egg yolk... i am an egg yolk person instead of egg white:p

Heyo! yeah it's lilke dreaming. But it was more than just uncomfortable for me. I think to the extent of painful (bearable). Maybe my threshold for pain is lower. Hee. I went in for my ER around 8.45am. But the time i was real conscious was around 9.45am?
Anyway i did not do ET today. Dr Law gave me options to transfer today or culture to blastocyst and transfer on Thurs. Well i guess i am risking it again. Told him i will transfer on Thurs. Now keeping fingers crossed that the embryos will survive D5 and good for transfer. If not i have to wait 3 months to do FET liao.

Oh yes, LO = Little One. And i still gotta take care of him after ET coz no help except for my hubby. His working hours also quite erratic wan, so must still continue to take care. By the way do you gals continue with multi-vits after ER or even after ET? Anyone using crinone for inserts? I duno how to use le. The instruction also never say must insert till how deep. *scratching head*
hi ladies, today is my stimulation D1. I start on Pergoveis today after 4 days of orgalutran. 2nd scan show 7 follicles. left ovary is 5, 5, 6. and right side got 4. cannot remember no.. only know biggest one is 11mm.

Any cycle buddy? :) any ladies here on pergoveis? :)
Hi twinkletot scan results look promising. All the best to you. I also use pergoveris. Better quality eggs. But pain la this jab:p
Heyo! yeah it's lilke dreaming. But it was more than just uncomfortable for me. I think to the extent of painful (bearable). Maybe my threshold for pain is lower. Hee. I went in for my ER around 8.45am. But the time i was real conscious was around 9.45am?
Anyway i did not do ET today. Dr Law gave me options to transfer today or culture to blastocyst and transfer on Thurs. Well i guess i am risking it again. Told him i will transfer on Thurs. Now keeping fingers crossed that the embryos will survive D5 and good for transfer. If not i have to wait 3 months to do FET liao.

Oh yes, LO = Little One. And i still gotta take care of him after ET coz no help except for my hubby. His working hours also quite erratic wan, so must still continue to take care. By the way do you gals continue with multi-vits after ER or even after ET? Anyone using crinone for inserts? I duno how to use le. The instruction also never say must insert till how deep. *scratching head*
Wow u and meganl semi consious...daring le. I was completely knocked out till 1130 haha...like 915 to 1130...only at the bed regain consiousness. Guess am deep sleeper haha:p

Me too had same option of day 5 but since I not many embryos I just went with day 2 la. Babies in mummy tummy better than lab I told babies haha:p. So how many you have got gal. Don't worry they will grow fine. So many worries hor :rolleyes:

Little one u take care alone ar...must be tiring lor. U ask for crinone gel ar....standard is insert lor....i prefer gel...push in squeeze....and no mess. I went for progesterone test today. That's abt it. Per calculator today implantation shud be over....babies found home liao.....unless slow implanter a few days more...but am going back to work tomorrow. Then again rest Fri and mon. Mon bt...my big day.....don't know how also.
Hi gal not really 100 percent bedrest la. Fri went out lunch then walk walk shop shop. Yest rested and today also just cooked and household chores. My cramps are intensed at times. Keep rushing to toilet praying it's not witch. Boobs super sore but that was not my symptons last time. My pain moving all over tummy. ..right side left side belly button..so I really no clue la what's happening. Hope we graduate together this time.
Thanks Mesara! I also hope i can graduate with you!
Wow u and meganl semi consious...daring le. I was completely knocked out till 1130 haha...like 915 to 1130...only at the bed regain consiousness. Guess am deep sleeper haha:p

Me too had same option of day 5 but since I not many embryos I just went with day 2 la. Babies in mummy tummy better than lab I told babies haha:p. So how many you have got gal. Don't worry they will grow fine. So many worries hor :rolleyes:

Little one u take care alone ar...must be tiring lor. U ask for crinone gel ar....standard is insert lor....i prefer gel...push in squeeze....and no mess. I went for progesterone test today. That's abt it. Per calculator today implantation shud be over....babies found home liao.....unless slow implanter a few days more...but am going back to work tomorrow. Then again rest Fri and mon. Mon bt...my big day.....don't know how also.

Hihi, what is the progesterone test about? So babies are implanted already? I still no symptons. Anyway take it easy. I still have 4 days to rest at home. Going back to work next Monday.
Heyo! yeah it's lilke dreaming. But it was more than just uncomfortable for me. I think to the extent of painful (bearable). Maybe my threshold for pain is lower. Hee. I went in for my ER around 8.45am. But the time i was real conscious was around 9.45am?
Anyway i did not do ET today. Dr Law gave me options to transfer today or culture to blastocyst and transfer on Thurs. Well i guess i am risking it again. Told him i will transfer on Thurs. Now keeping fingers crossed that the embryos will survive D5 and good for transfer. If not i have to wait 3 months to do FET liao.

Oh yes, LO = Little One. And i still gotta take care of him after ET coz no help except for my hubby. His working hours also quite erratic wan, so must still continue to take care. By the way do you gals continue with multi-vits after ER or even after ET? Anyone using crinone for inserts? I duno how to use le. The instruction also never say must insert till how deep. *scratching head*
So nice u have so many embryos to try blastocyst. If I were u, i will probably try that too. Your first pregnancy issit through ivf? Yes i still take the multi vit on alternate days as my conceive well supply running out. Dun feel like buying another box. Haha
Hihi, what is the progesterone test about? So babies are implanted already? I still no symptons. Anyway take it easy. I still have 4 days to rest at home. Going back to work next Monday.
Think progesterone should be of certain level else need additional support. Haha...u funny ask me this question baby implant already. ..i also don't know...only follow Internet calculator. ..hahaha. ya la...have to take it easy no matter what....OK you rest well these 4 days....when is BT gal.
So nice u have so many embryos to try blastocyst. If I were u, i will probably try that too. Your first pregnancy issit through ivf? Yes i still take the multi vit on alternate days as my conceive well supply running out. Dun feel like buying another box. Haha
My ensure milk also finishing anf I confuse should I buy another tin...hahaha...we in same boat man
Wow u and meganl semi consious...daring le. I was completely knocked out till 1130 haha...like 915 to 1130...only at the bed regain consiousness. Guess am deep sleeper haha:p

Me too had same option of day 5 but since I not many embryos I just went with day 2 la. Babies in mummy tummy better than lab I told babies haha:p. So how many you have got gal. Don't worry they will grow fine. So many worries hor :rolleyes:

Little one u take care alone ar...must be tiring lor. U ask for crinone gel ar....standard is insert lor....i prefer gel...push in squeeze....and no mess. I went for progesterone test today. That's abt it. Per calculator today implantation shud be over....babies found home liao.....unless slow implanter a few days more...but am going back to work tomorrow. Then again rest Fri and mon. Mon bt...my big day.....don't know how also.

I duno if it is considered as many or little. I retrieved 23, of which only 11 fertilized. I also worried coz Dr Liu got mentioned quantity may not equate to quality. But i read somewhere the recommended # of follicles to be retrieved is 15 to 20 le. Anyway, Dr Lau recommended 6 culture to blast and the remaining 5 to freeze. I just need 1 of the 6 to continue to grow to D5 and i can transfer liao. Like you say got so many worries, every step i take have to take calculated risks. Hai. And yes, i ask for alternate inserts coz i am going back to work immediately after ET. If use utrogestan, must insert 3 times a day and i find public toilet very unhygienic. You initiate the progesterone test? Dun worry, if you stay happy and zen, you will have more happy hormones and it is a better environment for bb. That's what the nurse told me. Hee.... and dun count down coz it will make time passes very slowly.

Ya, have to take care of LO myself, it's tiring and sometimes frustrated, but the love is overflowing. LOL.
So nice u have so many embryos to try blastocyst. If I were u, i will probably try that too. Your first pregnancy issit through ivf? Yes i still take the multi vit on alternate days as my conceive well supply running out. Dun feel like buying another box. Haha

Dr Lau said coz i have a baby liao, recommend that i do blast coz it reduces chances of having twins to triplets. Plus he said got 11, can try for it and he thinks some should be able to make it coz all Grade 4. And yes, my #1 through ivf also. That is a short-cut for me as we never even tried BD. Shh.... dun tell anyone ah coz rightfully i should not do ivf. But it's only after the tests required for ivf then i realised i have polyps and Pcos. So its a good thing in some sense.
For me, i want to clear my conceive well, so if can continue eating, will do that to clear stock. LOL
Dr Lau said coz i have a baby liao, recommend that i do blast coz it reduces chances of having twins to triplets. Plus he said got 11, can try for it and he thinks some should be able to make it coz all Grade 4. And yes, my #1 through ivf also. That is a short-cut for me as we never even tried BD. Shh.... dun tell anyone ah coz rightfully i should not do ivf. But it's only after the tests required for ivf then i realised i have polyps and Pcos. So its a good thing in some sense.
For me, i want to clear my conceive well, so if can continue eating, will do that to clear stock. LOL

haha, i think after ttcing for many yrs and with 1 kid already, i totally agree IVF method is a short cut too! if not i feel even more stressful to catch the timing as i have PCOS too and menses not regular.
Think progesterone should be of certain level else need additional support. Haha...u funny ask me this question baby implant already. ..i also don't know...only follow Internet calculator. ..hahaha. ya la...have to take it easy no matter what....OK you rest well these 4 days....when is BT gal.

haha, cos i thought u said "babies found home liao" so meaning they implanted liao . haha my BT two days after u on wed ... so for monday and tues i will do the inserts in office....
haha, i think after ttcing for many yrs and with 1 kid already, i totally agree IVF method is a short cut too! if not i feel even more stressful to catch the timing as i have PCOS too and menses not regular.

Ya, it's not so stressful coz sometimes when you try to BD with some outcome in mind, you won't have the mood to do it. Plus last time i had vaginismus, my hubby also got phobia liao. So we thought go ivf and if lucky pregnant and give birth liao can help bd. End up we only do "social" bd now. LOL. And it is not so stressful.

Both you and mesara hang in there ya! Hope to catch baby dusts from both of you.... *Sharing positive energy*
Dr Lau said coz i have a baby liao, recommend that i do blast coz it reduces chances of having twins to triplets. Plus he said got 11, can try for it and he thinks some should be able to make it coz all Grade 4. And yes, my #1 through ivf also. That is a short-cut for me as we never even tried BD. Shh.... dun tell anyone ah coz rightfully i should not do ivf. But it's only after the tests required for ivf then i realised i have polyps and Pcos. So its a good thing in some sense.
For me, i want to clear my conceive well, so if can continue eating, will do that to clear stock. LOL

Ur gynae nv say u can try to conceive naturally?
We "smoke" abit and he directed us to kkivf liao. For d first pregnancy, i din go bac to him coz chose to deliver at Mt A. If so lucky bfp this time round, will stay with Dr THH liao.

Haha, so i think you have no problem conceiving so that's y can produce quantity n quality eggs. Good leh!
@bunnymuimui How do u keep ivf from your boss and disappear when needed to? What reasons do you give him?
We have to run external meetings with suppliers quite often. He is probably less in office than I am. He only chases me for work and I put back the hours to deliver the goods. So he doesn't notice... or complain? phew. In event he asks, I'll say that I am in poor health since my miscarriage (he knows abt a recent m/c) and am seeing specialist. That should cue him not to ask further?
All the best for your upcoming BT @meganl

very hard to bed rest leh. I can only start to rest on Monday after the funeral. been running around and keep worrying too. like what u said, we will tell each other don't look for symptoms but somehow we will still keep looking out for it. till now i have no cramps and i totally feel normal like my previous IVF cycle and makes me worried. keep telling myself its ok, nvr mind if not fated to have one etc. On and off will keep thinking. Sigh...
Hi joeykw, if ur af come on 9/10 jul, u still stand a chance to do it in jul...

But if u hv decided to do it in aug, then u might want to do ur bt in jul coz bt got a validity period of 6 mths...
Thx jas249... Trying to call KKH whole of yesterday wana change hubby appt. Cant get thru whole day :(
Shall try again today.
For my first pregnancy, it wasn't under Dr Tan. It was another gynae in Clinic A or B, can't rem liao. I chge to Dr Tan since my 1st FET and has been with him since then.

Ic.. I'm under doc tan from the start of my ivf journey lol...
Juz tot of popping in to pump up some oil for:

Meganl/ Mesara - hang in there.. Waiting to catch baby dusts..

Shiro_ger: wow wow.. Good results on ur ER.. U made a brilliant choice.. B good & eat/ rest well yah..

Bunnymuimui: hope u had a good rest & when u r ready, come back to fight on or find peace with some other goals in ur life..

Jas249: wat?? Kkh push forward the jul cut off date to 11/7? They told me a later date the other time..

The rest of the sisters: jiayou!!
@queenie122009 thanks for keeping us in your thoughts. I've been busying myself at work and reading the forum silently. Sometimes life is like that.. waiting out at sea and hoping to catch the breeze to start sailing again :)

@meganl @mesara we need good news in here :)

Juz tot of popping in to pump up some oil for:

Meganl/ Mesara - hang in there.. Waiting to catch baby dusts..

Shiro_ger: wow wow.. Good results on ur ER.. U made a brilliant choice.. B good & eat/ rest well yah..

Bunnymuimui: hope u had a good rest & when u r ready, come back to fight on or find peace with some other goals in ur life..

Jas249: wat?? Kkh push forward the jul cut off date to 11/7? They told me a later date the other time..

The rest of the sisters: jiayou!!
Juz tot of popping in to pump up some oil for:

Meganl/ Mesara - hang in there.. Waiting to catch baby dusts..

Shiro_ger: wow wow.. Good results on ur ER.. U made a brilliant choice.. B good & eat/ rest well yah..

Bunnymuimui: hope u had a good rest & when u r ready, come back to fight on or find peace with some other goals in ur life..

Jas249: wat?? Kkh push forward the jul cut off date to 11/7? They told me a later date the other time..

The rest of the sisters: jiayou!!
Hi Queenie, ya...they hv bring forward the cut off date to 11/7...mayb u wanna chk wif them again..hope ur FET r not affected..

Btw, juz wanna chk...for medicated FET, is there any food restriction during af but b4 taking progynova? Can take sashimi n seafood mah? got a gathering this sun but dunno if i shld eat or not n my af shld b coming these few days...Thanks!!!
Juz tot of popping in to pump up some oil for:

Meganl/ Mesara - hang in there.. Waiting to catch baby dusts..

Shiro_ger: wow wow.. Good results on ur ER.. U made a brilliant choice.. B good & eat/ rest well yah..

Bunnymuimui: hope u had a good rest & when u r ready, come back to fight on or find peace with some other goals in ur life..

Jas249: wat?? Kkh push forward the jul cut off date to 11/7? They told me a later date the other time..

The rest of the sisters: jiayou!!

@queenie122009 Thanks for checking in and rooting for us! I am still waiting for the verdict on the survival rate of my 6 embryos. Tot i read somewhere that the embryologist will monitor and update us? Hmm.... scared if nothing left, have to cancel this cycle and wait till Jul or Aug to do FET. On the other hand, if the embryos survived, duno whether to transfer 1 or 2 le. Dilemma Dilemma Dilemma.....
@jas249 For my past FET. I did not make any change to my diet, still eat as per normal. I continue with sashimi and seafood when i had the craving but i din eat a lot. Just remember after ET, dun take any more uncooked and spicy food. Paiseh hor, u ask @queenie122009 but i kpo shared mine. LOL
@queenie122009 @shiro_ger @bunnymuimui Thanks thanks... I also hope for the best and prepared for the worst liao... If i succeeded, i will spread tonnes of baby dust to all of you!!! I really have not symptoms and my body temperature is quite low at 36.4. Do you still there is a slight chance ? Sigh... boring... was thinking if there is ever a chance to conceive naturally without going through IVF again? Anyone tried IUI after IVF and what's the outcome?

@mesara Hihi, how are u? When you you intend to do your own pregnancy test?
@meganl Hey gal, you very diligent le, still test body temperature! I don't have the guts to do hpt for my past cycles. I still think dun read too much into the symptoms coz may not be accurate. I know easier said than done, but don'y you think it stresses you further? IMO, i think can try naturally without going through ivf, but need to do lotsa prep before bd e.g. mapping basal temperature etc. Just thinking of it makes me give up on natural TTC. Lol. For me i think i will make do with 1 child if still dun have after exhausting the $$ put aside for IVF.

@mesara. you back to work liao right? Don't walk too fast hor....
@shiro_ger I only test my temperature these two days to see if temp will raise if pregnant... haha i already tell everyone this is my last chance... but then again, at the back of my mind i am still finding ways... when will i ever give up ? anyway if really fail, i wanna plan for holidays already before my daughter goes P1 next year... cannot anyhow skip school already.
@meganl Yaya. You can only go during school hols and it will be super ex to travel then. You planing to put her in what school? You planning to be parent volunteer to put her in the "hot" schools?
@shiro_ger We didn't leh... just try for phrase 2C and see how it goes? If you planning to do PV, got to find out the details when ur child is 4yrs old.... cos the application for PV starts early... then have to go to kiasu forum to check out ... very busy must check 2 forums :p
@jas249 For my past FET. I did not make any change to my diet, still eat as per normal. I continue with sashimi and seafood when i had the craving but i din eat a lot. Just remember after ET, dun take any more uncooked and spicy food. Paiseh hor, u ask @queenie122009 but i kpo shared mine. LOL
Shiro_ger, dun say that..thanks v v much for the sharing!!! Reali appreciate..:) so i still can eat this sun...hee!!! Is a jap buffet wif snow crab...yummy!!! But i dun think i wl eat much..still need to control abit...hee!!!

All the best to ur ET tmr!!! U hv a v v gd no of embyros. Hope to receive gd news fm u tmr...6 blastocysts...jia you!!! :):)
@queenie122009 Thanks for checking in and rooting for us! I am still waiting for the verdict on the survival rate of my 6 embryos. Tot i read somewhere that the embryologist will monitor and update us? Hmm.... scared if nothing left, have to cancel this cycle and wait till Jul or Aug to do FET. On the other hand, if the embryos survived, duno whether to transfer 1 or 2 le. Dilemma Dilemma Dilemma.....
Hi shiro_ger, i read that kkh's embryologists dun update us on the status of the embryos...onli nuh wl update the status every morn...so for us under kkh, there is a saying, no news means gd news...jia you!!!:)
@queenie122009 @shiro_ger @bunnymuimui Thanks thanks... I also hope for the best and prepared for the worst liao... If i succeeded, i will spread tonnes of baby dust to all of you!!! I really have not symptoms and my body temperature is quite low at 36.4. Do you still there is a slight chance ? Sigh... boring... was thinking if there is ever a chance to conceive naturally without going through IVF again? Anyone tried IUI after IVF and what's the outcome?

@mesara Hihi, how are u? When you you intend to do your own pregnancy test?
Hi meganl, 36.4 is it taken in the morning? Stay positive!!! drop in temp could b implantation dip...so 36.4 still stand a chance in bfp.
@jas249 Thanks for sharing. I emailed kkivf this morning and the nurse called and said the same thing. Anyway, they say will check once on D4 and if did not reach the state it is supposed to be, they will call us by 10am to go down and do the transfer. No call means still growing. But duno what is the survival rate? Sekarly left with 0 by tmr morning. *worried* Anyway we have made our decision and already this stage, no use worrying liao. Leave it to fate le.
@queenie122009 @shiro_ger @bunnymuimui @meganl thanks for the the wishes ladies.

Am doing ok. Some severe cramps on and off. And tummy hasn't been good. ..diarrhea few times liao. Last nite suddenly felt feverish...so today didn't work. Feeling cramps twinges in ovaries pinching in tummy and sore boobs. Breathless when walk a distance or fast. But I can't make anything out of these symptoms. Symptomless also we worry symptoms also worry...we ar...v funny ladies haha.

To think I am the first for bt in our group stress me abit haha. Actually bt on tue 19 may I thought it's Monday. Looking at 2014 calender. U know what's the irony...last year also my bt 19 may. Exactly same timing.

Meganl how are you feeling now. Hope you have enough rest. Cud be implantation dip so don't worry abt temperature. I won't deny i have started testing. But wat ever the results I just tell myself its still v early. Only 11dpt 2dt and 13dpo. But in a corner of my heart I keep comparing to my last pregnancy where I tested positive 7dp3dt. Maybe 2 day embryo implanted abit slower.

Shiro ger think u r the coolest one among us...haha. Wish you all the best for ET tomorrow. Yr fighters will be waiting for you.
@jas249 yes I tested this morning ... thanks ladies for comforting me ... yes, stress hor @mesara .. your the first to have the BT test .... mine is on wed not thurs although i did ET two days after you.

I think i won't start testing until unless my menses came ... usually if on medication, menses will come say 14 days after ovulation. Did Doc let your try letrozole after a failed IVF cycle? I tried for 3 months after my IVF.

Yes, today stayed at home watched you tube and just finished cooking dinner ... I will go out tmr and friday to enjoy my last two days of leave.

I also think Shiro ger very cool... I am the Kancheong spider kind ... haha
@jas249 yes I tested this morning ... thanks ladies for comforting me ... yes, stress hor @mesara .. your the first to have the BT test .... mine is on wed not thurs although i did ET two days after you.

I think i won't start testing until unless my menses came ... usually if on medication, menses will come say 14 days after ovulation. Did Doc let your try letrozole after a failed IVF cycle? I tried for 3 months after my IVF.

Yes, today stayed at home watched you tube and just finished cooking dinner ... I will go out tmr and friday to enjoy my last two days of leave.

I also think Shiro ger very cool... I am the Kancheong spider kind ... haha
Ya la we countdown mode...a week more for me. For my first cycle I can't remember when my menses came la. But v painful. Hospitalized. 2nd miscarriage also hospitalized. My cycle normally 15 days after ovulation.

I tried letrozole during iui for ovulation. But unsuccessful la. Me and hubby both have issues so after 2 failed iui we started ivf. I had 3 laprascopy done as well. After my 32 birthday my menses haywire more pain need hospitalization. Then after first lap had adenomyosis. Many many challenges man.

Days home I also cook bake make myself happy. Sometimes shop shop walk walk. This tww is a mystery which will unfold next week.

Before ivf worry if can start. After start don't know if got follicles. After follicles worry about eggs quality. At ER worry about no of eggs. At et worry if got eggs to transfer. Then tww worry abt implantation. After implant worry abt bfp. After bfp worry abt hcg scan heartbeat. The worries just continues till we deliver safely. Only god can give us the strength to guide thru thus journey.

Yup me too bloated after et bout 1 week. The bloat on and off, bloat after meal. Cramp yes Leh, until now also sometimes still cramp, yesterday cramp in the evening. Till now no sore boobs Leh. But I think got bigger by 5%. Dizziness still got. How Many days pass et are you now mesara?
I went for my bt 14dp2dt. Since is not the day 17, the nurse asked me to go tomorrow again which is the actual date. Dunno my hog level good or not. Scare or also. Had so much truama.

Do you girls know what is the passing mark beta hcg for kkh ? Can share?
Hey hurry baby sorry I missed your post ...don't know how also. How was yr bt. Am 11dpt2dt. Kk pass mark 250. Waiting for yr baby dust gal
