IVF with KKH (Dr Matthew Lau)

I've finished seeing Dr. Lau... only can see 1 bb... a bit disappointed but still ok.. as long as the bb is healthy. Had check with Dr. Lau, he say is normal although i put 2 but sometimes will become 1. Will see him 4 wks time.. edd on 6 dec..
Yep. We all want a healthy Bb. I only put one blastocyst but my DH still hoping it will split to become twins. :rolleyes: haha.. I told him when that happens, we will tio big sweep. :D

Hope meiling is feeling better now.

Yep. We all want a healthy Bb. I only put one blastocyst but my DH still hoping it will split to become twins. :rolleyes: haha.. I told him when that happens, we will tio big sweep. :D

Hope meiling is feeling better now.
I think dr lau worried abt complications for twin pregnancy. so depending on age factor and embryo grade he will advise couple to transfer 1 or 2 embryos.
@ cheerywalnuts, my stomach is very bloated today. Sitting up or lying down seem uncomfortable. Not much urine though I'm drinking much water. I wonder if it's ohss again. Do u think we can request to test for ohss tgr with our beta test?
@ cheerywalnuts, my stomach is very bloated today. Sitting up or lying down seem uncomfortable. Not much urine though I'm drinking much water. I wonder if it's ohss again. Do u think we can request to test for ohss tgr with our beta test?
Same here I have been trying to bear with it since mon. Most likely is ohss. I checked online and saw tt if successfully pregnant, due to the increase in hcg it will trigger ohss depending on when embryo implantation occurs to complete. Gg to request if I can see dr tmr as I weighed myself today gained 6kg in 5 days! My upper back hurts as I can't stand str these few days. Have to lean forward to walk :(

I switched to gatorade instead of water. Read online the best way in diet is replace water with sports drink and maintain high protein diet. Worse case is drain out the fluid from abdominal :( dunno if I need to do tt.. will ask tmr.. cos I felt super tight n bloated :( appetite wise normal

I have to semi sit position to sleep as lying flat will stretch my tummy even more. Or Rise my legs high above my chest level to lie flat on bed to feel comfortable
I dunno my weight before I start the ivf and till now, I didn't check my weight at all. I'll see how the condition goes. U also take care. Since u r gg kk tmr, see a doc if need to.
Today is much better, at least i woke up without a headache... today back to work since i still got weekends to rest~
Yesterday never eat much only... hope today my appetite will be good...
Tell Bb tt tmr is weekend liao. Today must be well behaved so that daddy mummy will bring go gai gai.. :D:D
Informed nurse abt my condition. Did a series of tests. Waiting for results now :)

Sumiko83, how's ur bloatness? Just knew tt bloatness is actually a good symptom :)
Informed nurse abt my condition. Did a series of tests. Waiting for results now :)

Sumiko83, how's ur bloatness? Just knew tt bloatness is actually a good symptom :)
A series of tests? What are the tests? Do u need to wait long for the results? If so, go walk walk first.
Now still bloated. Went toilet twice this morn to release. Last night I couldn't sleep on my sides coz i feel
Chest tightness.
A series of tests? What are the tests? Do u need to wait long for the results? If so, go walk walk first.
Now still bloated. Went toilet twice this morn to release. Last night I couldn't sleep on my sides coz i feel
Chest tightness.
Now waiting for the results. I also not very sure. I guess ohss and some other test. Too bloated to walk ard. Prefer to sit :)

Sumiko83, when u come on tue, tell the nurse abt ur condition of the bloatness. She will add in the tests required.
I got the nauseous feeling again =/
Went toilet to vomit once just now...
Shall get medicine from Dr Lau next week when i sees him...
Yup yup... but this morning can't even finish 2 slice of biscuits...

Try to eat sweet plum also like no use... so now munching my semi sweet chocolates...
Bb is sick of biscuits alrd, wants something else.. :D:D:D

Ladies, are we able to extend our HL on the BT itself? I'm thinking if my conditions persist, how to go back and teach.. :(
Bb is sick of biscuits alrd, wants something else.. :D:D:D

Ladies, are we able to extend our HL on the BT itself? I'm thinking if my conditions persist, how to go back and teach.. :(

I think you can request for it... Can call up and ask...

haha. i think bb finds biscuits too plain... cos i only got digestive biscuits in my drawer. lol
Bb can't wait for weekend to stock up other snacks. Digestive biscuits is just too plain boring for Bb. Lol :D

haha.. true... everything that's plain i dont like, including plain water...
Even if i keep drinking water, i still feel like not drinking enough... like very easily dehydrated...
Yap true but will remain in subsidized class first maybe later stage then decide if I shld fixed dr. Currently I am still under dr jerry.
