IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I noticed that i Breathe hardly these days when i m in bed especially when i m on my sides... At times its quite difficult to sleep on my sides too and got no choice and will just lay on my back. My tummy still small as compared to the rest n i didnt gained much weight since Wk24. Hmmm.. the kicks from the baby has intensified these days N thats my only Self assurance that the bb is growing ...

Stb, hope they will grow n grow n cross at least 2.5kg each near to edd... Hw many weeks are u now? Me coming to 29 weeks already. Are u on any iron tablets? I dunno my breathelessness issit caused by lack of iron?

Day, did u try tracking your heartbeats at home.. Sometimes my boys' kicks caused me breathless also... Urgh! Hopefully it wun get worse as d weeks comes by..are u on any iron pills? I wonder issit lack of iron?

I put on about 13kg till date lei.. Scary! Tink I Shd cut dw on my carbo intake.. Bt sometimes is just too hungry to ctrl..My kolig just commented today tt my tummy seems to grow alot this week... Some say big some say small... I also confused...anywhere hope I dun feel breathless everyday else dunno Hw long I can stand?
U mean track bb heartbeats via a fetal doppler or my bp ? I do tracked my bp and it seems to back to norm. I am not prescribed with any iron pills. Dr just wanted me to eat healthily and I don't snack as much as I do previously but I hv gained abt 5kg++. Will ask Dr on my breathlessness when I go back for my review next wk

These days I hv been sweating like a cow and I dont feel cold even after being in aircon room for the whole night. My body is like a radiating heater! Am so contemplated to drink all the ice cold/cooling drinks. Wonder if I can start drinking coconut juice now @ Wk27/28 ?
Yes the address is correct. No need to send anything back ya?

Feeling very hot is normal during pregnancy. Better dun start the cooling drinks till 30+ wks. But I did drink cold drinks.
pink d,
my ger is 3mths liao. last nite she didnt even wake up for her 530am feed. slpt fr ard 1030pm - 9am.

i startin work in 2wks time.
lately d weather is a bit hot even with d rain. its normal to feel warm, err...a bit early to drink coconut though. mayb eat more juicy fruits? n take more bath?
Day, I mean measure Yr own heartbeats.. If we are breathing v hard means heartbeat rate could b much faster than normal. I was feeling breathless n breathing v hard ytd tt I immediately measure my Bp n Hb.. Turns out my Hb rate is so much faster.. I used to hv perfect Hb rate before preggie

Can u Kip me update wat dr cheng commented on Yr breathelessness cos my next Appt is week aft next..

I also feeling v v warm n it's getting worst.. When I dine outside with Aircon, I will feel hot again with any food intake ESP spicy ones.. If in hawker centre is worst, I will sweat alot.. Now in office, d Aircon is no longer sufficient for me. I gotta put on a table fan on my table.

I also v tempted to tk all cold drinks..bt I only drink sips of it occasionally.. I do drink fruit juice without ice though..

Coconut juices is usually drink at the last few weeks before edd. Drinking too early will cause contraction or early labour lei.. So pls avoid now...

Mummies, are we advised to drink coconut juices for multiple pregnancy as well?
no reason why u can't drink coconut juice in the last few wks. after all u'll be ready to deliver by then

i had breathlessness prob in my 3rd tri too. brought it up to my dr, she commented my heartrate is higher than normal but still acceptable for preggie women. she listened to my heart to check for any murmurs etc but it was fine. so she concluded that it's prob the bb pushing up plus the extra weight etc making my heart work harder.

once i delivered, the breathlessness went away.
Rostrum, I'm 28w 6d today.....anyway, don't worry too much abt the bbies' wt. They will grow v fast at this stage. Anyway, the scan wt is an estimate only.

Dr Loh only gave me multi-vit & DHA, same as my last pregnancy. I understand he may gives additional for those carrying multiples.

There are a few reasons for breathless. 1 can be lack of iron coz of our little ones. Or coz they are getting bigger.

I guess for me, there are quite a few combi. I don't rest enuff like my last pregnancy as I still need to care for my #1, carrying, playing and bathing him...Then #2 this time is bigger, and I am eating more often than usual, thus, I'm feeling breathless much earlier.

Dr Loh aso shared with me during my #1 pregnancy, he said coconut without any real scientific proof, seems to have inducing effects. He told me can take in later weeks, not an issue. I started in wk 32/33 then...1 young coconut per week...

Some claim that the juice will keep bb clean or clear of jaundice...err...no leh, my #1 has bm jaundice.....
grumpus, ya, I intend to drink 2-3 times 2-3 weeks before EDD though my mum dun encourage though which she says is too cooling.

My mum and dh also told me tt as babies grows, its normal to feel breatheless...and + my weight gain...thus the reason..pray tt it wun happen often else its v disruptive to my daily life...8 more weeks to go if I aim for 37 weeks!

STB, we are v near, I am 29 weeks today! I hv frens telling me some will slow down and some will grow v fast...so its up to individual...hope my babies eat wat mummy eats

Besides mutli vits & DHA, I took calcium pills, utrogestan, baby aspirin and a pill for contraction too...seems a lot but as long as it helps, I dun mind popping so many pills in a day..

My appetite is also quite huge, tried to control the intake at times but v difficult. 2 slices of multigrain breads can never satisfy my hunger, I must go for 4 :p

I must highlight to Dr Loh abt my breathlessness in my next appt...

I tink the coconut juice is more of bb more cleaner when out...not true on the jaundice part.

During my pregnancy, I like ginger n sesame oil food alot...dunno whether will cause jaundice on my babies or not?
Hi mummies,

I'll be buying insurance for my baby after delivery. But I've one worry... My agent is my classmate and he tends to update ALL our friends on each other's latest news. I don't wish anyone to know baby is conceived thru ivf.

I've a few questions:
- Did your agents asked u whether baby is conceived naturally or via ARP? Is there anywhere on the form that requires the agent to indicate this?
- Is the premium higher than normal babies?
- Do you have any recommendation on the hospitalisation coverage? I'm considering AIA, but if it's a must to admit on the IVF part, I'll consider other insurance companies.

Rose & Grumpus,
Juz gotta to tahan the heat for another 10+ wks..

Was told by the nurse to avoid taking too spicy food during trim3 to avoid any possibility of early contractions.

*Waves*..Haven't heard from u for ages. Hows everything ?
Rostrum, I hope Dr Loh will show more sympathy on your situation than mine...coz he was laughing my situation off and said that he was feeling breathless a while ago as he had a v heavy lunch, when I told him that I feel breathless v easily. pout! He and his humor sometimes......

Ya, our EDD is v near. But I think u will definitely deliver earlier than me. I've already scheduled my c-sect on 1st week of jul (wk 38+ for me)

Good to have good appetite. When I was having #1, my appetite only got bigger during tri 3. For this one, I'm always eating since wk 24....eating non stop. I have already gained 9-10kg with a singleton??? The last pregnancy, I only gained 12-13kg for the whole 9 mths!!!!
*waves* Hi Day!!
I have not come into forum for a long time. So far so good. Baby's doing well. How about you? Both of us are counting down just 13 wks. Time really flies!

10mths!!! u gd leh, mine only 3mths my hand achin when carrying her for too long. luckily daytime she can slp on her own, only night time wants carryin bef slp.

d maternity leave got include sat n sun? dun noe y my maternity calculation like one week earlier leh.
soon to be,

dr loh humor smtimes really...not for d serious type.
imagine when i had fully dialated n ready to push aft long labour pain, he finallu appeared at d delivery suite, yet the first words tat came fr him was "i thot u cannot make it". diao.
Rose, I know lar...he is always teasing me whenever I see him...then i quite thick-skinned type...will keep laughing n laughing till he cannot tahan me. He was suaning me abt this pregnancy too....n roped in my hb to do the act too. I sat there and gave both of them my killer stares....heee
rose, u r lucky. he wasn't even there when I was ready to push. he was only recalled back 15 mins after I have decided to go for c-sect! n I paid premium for him to be there........argghhhh...this time, i won't have such prob coz i'm going for c-sect straight.
Ur EDD just a few days behind me. I am now resting at home due to heavy bleeding during Wk14, then spotted for a couple of wks before everything cleared off. I got low laying placenta so still waiting to see if the placenta shifts up. But now I am contemplating on csec. even if placenta shifts up. See how things goes cos my dr is v pro-natural.. R u still with kkh ? Expecting a boy or gal ?
Rose, ML includes sat and sun leh. so actually u return to work before baby is 4 months old. i supposed to return to work on 11 Apr and i delivered on 18 Dec.

Rainbow, the agent won't asked you abt whether conceived thru ivf unless u want him to know. i spoke to both prudential and manulife, both never ask.
Rostrum & Day, breathlessness is very common. I can sit ard inhale loudly n pant loudly at times despite doing nothing. But the breathlessness is worse when I tried to toss n turn in bed, takes alot energy n effort to make turns without feeling pelvic pains, end up I m breathless.

I drank coconut juice once only, m 35weeks nw and today is my appt with dr Loh again. wt gain stil hovering ard 10kg+, aye despite my my CL told me not to drk coconut juice as it will cause wind in babies later, i duno hw true leh. But I will drink if I can find, as I m not drking frequently.

btw mommies, I m shortsighted. During delivery mus remove lenses n wear specs rite?
My elder girl's hospital plan is with AIA. Younger one with Aviva. Both do not require any declaration of ivf, only declaration of bb health. Premium is the same as normal bbs
Grumpus: noted with thks yr advice

Rainbow: same I bought AIA. NO need to declare.

Any mummies using Medela bottle to feed yr bb, would like to get some advice?

Rose: so good that yr bb 3 mths can sleep so long at night. Breast-feeding or formula. I also don't know how to cal the ML leave I also need to go back soon.
ya, these two days my bb can slp fr ard 1030 to morning 830-9 n she has been drinkin 150ml ard 4-5feeds. dun know if she has sufficient milk intake coz on d NAN milk powder tin states 3rd n 4th mth intake is 180ml... but i see 150ml milk oledi a lot, her body so small dun know can take so much formula milk or not...

u bb boy or ger? or twins? how big liao? u plannin to start solids when? i read tat can start with fruit puree first, am thinkin of givin her banana puree thinned with a bit o formula milk, anyone tried before?
rose: wa envious! ur bb gal zzz like an adult!
my 7 weeks boy zzz for 5 hours stretch a night... i did not train him... i guess he knows the diff btw day and night?
Day, I din kw tt taking spicy food can cause contraction too!! Scary.. Bt I still tking bt much lesser than I used to eat cos once eat, I feel v v warm...

Stb, dr Loh sometimes can b scarcistic thru his jokes Lor.. I also v thick skinned la.. Sometimes just laff along, better than he gimme d black face Lor..but every plm I will still highlight to him.. I rather get "suan" by him than hide fm him..u already booked Yr c sect date? Can we book this early? Actually when is d best time to start arranging for admission huh?

Mill, my edd is supposed to be 15th jul, but due to twins, should pop latest by 24th June ba which is 37 weeks. U tk care u enjoy Yr pregnancy..

Imp, u experience breathlessness only now? I m still monitoring now.. So far experience 2 times.. I suspect it's due to agitation fm someone too..these 2 days try to tk it easy n it becomes better..today went hawker centre n d auntie ask me wanna drink coconut juice.. She says I m preggie nw and d coconut juice is good for me...hmmm... In d end I din order cos I m only 29weeks + lei..

Singapoh, yup, feeling better... Yup I m d one who asked..so it's easy to install..we hv not gotten d car seat yet.. Last week went Mothercare n d sales promoter recommend britax brand which is convertible too.. So I might drop by baby hypermart one of these days to tk a look at all d convertible ones n make a decision...m glad tt my shopping is almost done..

Joanne, I tink fully cooked bean sprouts Shd b ok as I hv been tking too..as long as it's not raw. If u intend to keep Yr pregnancy fm Yr mil or parents at d moment.. Perhaps can tell them tt u r avoiding cooling food now as TCM says Yr body is "Han".. Tt is wat I did initially too.

Grumpus.. M posting something to u.. Do let me kw if u did not receive yeah
Grumpus, Singapoh,
My boy refuses to drink milk ever since he had vaccination 2 weeks ago. He's teething now but he's taking solids well. As milk is still the main source of nutrients now, we really dunno what to do. Even my experienced nanny can't coax him to drink now. I think he just doesn't like to have the teats in his mouth, and simply refuses to suckle too. He's only taking half of the total milk he used to take everyday. His face and tummy has slimmed down a lot. Really heart pain!
My nanny said that we should stop feeding him any solid otherwise the more he will refuse to drink milk. To prove to her that taking just a few spoonful of solid everyday won't affect his milk intake, we stopped feeding him solid for the past 2 days. But he is still not interested in taking milk these 2 days.

Since his first tooth cut 1 week ago and he's quite happy everyday, I don't think he's suffering from teething problem now. My friend suggested using a cup or spoon to feed him but it's quite tough to feed 180ml using spooon/ cup. My mum tried mixing the milk with cereal and spoon feed him but he got quite full after that and refuses to drink milk for the next feed.
Really headache. Should I bring him to see PD?
Bing I also got same problem, my gal seems to lost interest in milk, but she is not teething as I brought her see a PD 3 weeks ago . Her weight seems to be stagnant this mth. She either plays with the teat, or pushes out the teat or screams once the teat touches her mouth.=s the private PD said it's ok, dun feed solid yet but kkh PD said can start feeding solids since she lost interest in milk. As she is only 4 mths plus, think we delay giving her solids.

Btw once ur babies start flipping, they like to keep flipping?? I was trying to make my gal nap, she kept flipping. Even when I changed diaper she also flipped.=s

How about feeding in a sippy cup or change fm? Give him yoghurt if he is already 6 months old. If everything doesn't work, can consult a PD
Apparently it's normal for bb to reduce their milk intake as their weight gain slows down compared to early mths. One pd said it's normal for a drop of abt 30%

My elder girl had many instances where she would refuse milk. Whether it's lost interest in milk or teething etc. I still do not know. In yr boys case, it could be a combination of the vaccination and the new tooth. Sometimes bb can feel funny with the new tooth in their mouth n may need awhile to figure out how to suck again. Also, although the teething discomfort is the worst when the tooth is abt to cut through, there is still some discomfort as the tooth conitnues to push up until the tooth is fully out.

For me I took drastic measure to ensure my girl got more milk. I actually dream feed her twice a night even though she never wake up crying for milk, just to get 2 extra feeds in cos she drank so little in the day.

Either tat or u can try to wait it out and see if yr boy gets more cooperative on his own. If all else fails, then a trip to the pd I guess. Pd will rule out medical reasons and if yr boy is really not growing well, may recommend alternate higher calorie FM. There r some out there which r formulated for picky eaters. But not sure if there suitable for 6mth olds.
pink d,
my ger only slept thru d night these couple of weeks, used to slog thru d nights with her loud screams n cries...
now its much better though she still cries when sleeping at night. at least its not sharp screaming...
ur bb 7wks very guai oledi, slept for 5hrs.

Good that u r ready for yr babies. Shopping will continue after they are born


Sometimes my big son nap during weekend and goes to zzz around the same time at night.
Rostrum, u can always discuss w dr lOh at ur next appt on ur birth plan. I wanted to deliver earlier as this pregnancy is quite tough for me this time. And since mine is confirmed c sect, it's always easier to plan for my delivery.
haha Rose, its a gd start...
I was super worried last night when he slept at 830pm and only woke up at 230am...i spent the whole night eyes wide open camping next to his cot...haha...was so happy when he asked for milk at 230am...weird huh> :p
Mummies w kk... Need some advise... Had done my detailed scan & was told everything is fine... Received an sms & a call on fri to go back adc for another scan... Asked the staff wat the scan is for... She said will check & get back to me... Din receive any callback so I called up & was told tat the sonographers r busy... She will call me back ard 4-5pm... No call back at 5pm so I tried calling... But think they r closed... Tried on sat... No one answered again... Now we r wondering wat could hv gone wrong... Asking me to go for a rescan without letting me know the reason & no follow up... Now we hv to spend the long wkend worrying wat is wrong... This is how good their service is... Anyone encountered the same situation as me?
I read that babies will reduce their intake of milk as they grow older. But my boy's feed is reduced from 180ml to only 90ml which makes us quite worried. I'll probably learn from you and dream feed him twice in the middle of the night to ensure that he's taking enough milk. This seems to be a desparate but very good method. For the past 2 nights, he didn't finish his last feed at night so I let him sleep and dream fed him 1 hr later to make him finish the remaining milk.
I've ruled out any medical problems as he's quite happy most of he time and doesn't seem to have any discomfort. I'll just monitor his condition for a while more. Hopefully it'll improve soon.

Once my babies learnt how to flip, they have been flipping day and night. Even during their sleep at night. We have to wake up a few times to flip them back. Once we let hem lie down, they will start flipping now. So we always let them sit on the rocker after they finish their milk instead of lying down otherwise they'll vomit milk.

Babies can start taking yoghurt at 6mths? Is there any special type of yoghurt for babies and where to get it? I read that there's baby yoghurt but am not sure where to get it.
