IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

KKH mummies ,
Just want to check what kkh will give as freebies for premier package, any goodie bag after birth . i understand for loh to attend we need to sign premier package.
got motherhood bag of love, comprising of baby n motherhood magazines, diapers sample, bb lotion sample etc.
at suite got disposable panties, maternity pad, toiletries, towel for cleaning breast...
oso got a small congrats cake send to ur suite upon delivery.
cant really recall still got wat...
My girls also hvt flip yet... Dont knw when they will flip.. Cant wait for their next milestone..

U still have some time away... Thats good.. I dont have leh.. Whole day busy entertaining them, feeding.. Coaxing.. Pacifying.. Carrying.. The cycle goes on and on... The only time i have to myself is when they goes to bed at night.. Thats when i can watch tv.. Chit chat with my hb...
baby, my gal flip today but with one hand stuck below her body and you will see a screaming baby on my bed. =S
nowadays my girl screams when she is frustrated, want attention etc...somehow miss the crying when she is younger, sound more pleasing to the ears.

baby your girls enjoy the swing? Do you put them on the swing often? my gal seems bored. I just bot an exersaucer from ebay today. hopefully that would be more entertaining to her
Grumpus, thks for yr info though using this formula to cal for my gr who is about 9 wk plus. Pls advice on how to make the feed drug a bit longer maybe like 4-6 hrs?
I think 6hrs is wayyyyyyy too long for a 9wk old. 4 hrs maybe still possible. There r a few methods ppl use to drag the feed. Such as feeding more per feed and when bb cry for milk after 3hrs distract with pacifier or water etc until time for milk again.
But actually I dun really believe in training bb. I feed on demand cos I feel tat when bb is ready they'll naturally drink more then they'll naturally last longer. If keep feeding bb more per feed, bb may feel uncomfortable cos too full then they'll fuss a lot too.

Last time my girl when nb drank every 2hrs. Now at 3.5mths she can last 2-4 hrs during the day and 4-5hrs at night. She did this by herself. I didn't train her or purposely drag her feeds.
Hi rostrum
Thk u for ur advise.. May i know since u r seeing two gynea, ur checkup will be twice per mth? Are u taking doc Paul medi or doc Loh? I will be seeing doc Paul today and worry will confuse whose medi shd i take? Dun want overdose..so can i tell doc Paul frankly that i will still be seeing doc Loh? Thk u so much , hope to hear fr u soon..
Joanne, u can b v open w dr Paul. No worries. In fact I oso went Kkh concurrently at his advise but only for two mths in case bbs decided to pop earlier than expected.
till now, hav u scold or beat ur bb ger? last nite l lost my cool when she keeps rubbing her head on my chest when coaxin her to slp aft last feed. scream n cry whenever i put pacifier in her mouth n refuse to stay properly in my arms n my whole t shirt all wet with her saliva, sweat n made me so pak chey tat i gav her to my slpin dh n went out of d rm in an anger. n
she keeps crying...total time coaxin to bed: 2hrs
n thruout d episode, i scolded her n carry her roughly...now tat i am awake, i feel so bad shouting at her coz she still a bb...
Rose I have not scold or beaten my gal even though she has been fussy lately . She can scream n shout in her baby voice for 30mins before bursting into a bad cry with big tears. At such time I will carry her n walk around to pacify her but if i can't take her screaming or crying, I left her on the bed for a couple mins to take a deep breath before starting the carrying again.
I m actually more frustrated with her milk strike.. Coz worry she has not enuff nutrients. Last night she cried badly for milk at 3 am, I woke up to heat the ebm n feed her but with all fussing she only drank 50ml. =s I was so upset that I kept putting the teat in her mouth n ask her drink, tickle her chin etc. In the end she didn't drink, I actually threaten her by telling her later when u wake up at 6am mama not giving u milk.

Can understand that the crying can get overwhelming .... Sometimes also drives me crazy but so far I have not scolded her but becoz of the tiredness I actually vent my. Frustration on my hubby. So my hub is the one who kena from me.=s if ur hubis around n the crying drives u nuts, ask ur hub take over. So that u can walk away n cool down
Hi panda
U went to see doc Paul since when? So deliver ur bb at kkh? I worry will i confuse whose medicine shd i take?? So u take whose medi? Thk u..
Joanne I think the vits/ supplement from dr Paul or dr Loh shld be the same .. Ie folic acid in first tri n second tri, the prenatal vits n fish oil. U may be prescribed calcium too. But dun think will mix up coz if same vits just take from one dr regularly.
joanne, i started w Dr Paul from day 1 and he delivered my bbs. but coz triplet high risk of premature, he wanted me to go KKH as well. in the event bbs come out early, the care at KKH is better and of coz more cost efficient.

i took Dr Paul's supplements coz i only went KKH for 2 mths. You can decide whose supplement u wanna take and just stick to one. for ur case if u wanna deliver at kkh, then maybe shld get from there.
yes, i left her with my dh but return after splashin my face with water, was more angry with myself for not able to coax her to slp. i regretted for scoldin her...bad mummy.

ur gal stil wakin up for midnite feed...must b so tiring for u. able to drag longer feedin time? my ger drinking 150ml NAN Pro for 3 feeds in d day n 120ml for her last feed at 9plus n first feed at 530-6am. total 5 feeds for a day.
Hi sisters, I'm 17weeks preg now, i having a singleton. BFP thru IVF. Planning to visit Paul after anomaly scan(detailed scan). Paul done ET for me at Care. Heard Paul all natural,no induce no snipping below too. Paul doesnt practice caesarian unless absolute necessary. Its true?
rose, abit difficult to drag her feeding time coz she has small capacity, take 60ml or so will reject the bottle. she used to cry for milk every 2 hrs during the night. now better, 3 or 4 hrs than ask for milk. tiring but i think xin ku for another 1 mth plus, wld be ok when she starts solids.
I am always envious when i hear mummies telling me their babies drink 120, 150ml of milk. my gal never drinks so much at 1 feed. the max wld be 100...which is also not very often.
U still let ur gal swim in the bath tub? swimming every week?
yes, every weekends when my dh is ard. he will be in d tub with bb while i standby for wiping her dry...
weekends is my happiest time coz we will go out either shoppin or visitin my mum. as long as can go out of d hse very happy liao. btw, i will resume work too but working part time while my mil takes care of my bb ger.

d summer infant monitor gd to use? got night vision? buy fr amazon cheaper than gettin here? i havent been lookin ard yet, any idea where can find many brands of bb monitors on display?

dun scare us...though many ppl told me bb grow up bigger more tedious...now smaller is honeymood period. but now i dun find too honeymood leh, wait grow bigger more busy??? sianz...if only bb can do things on their own or talk to tell us what they want.
Rose, I'm jus mentally preparing you all....u need the energy to play and attend them....
my frens who have older kids all told me the older they get, the more work to do..except u no longer have to carry them, change their pampers or bath them....

When I first started my son on solid, it was fun experimenting with all the food..then, every 2-3 nites, I will be busy pureeing his food....after that, struggle to feed him...but now he's better...i used to take an hr jus to feed (force) him porridge...now he can finish within 25-30 mins w mummy as the entertainer. I insist on not feeding him in front of the TV or any toys for him to play. So I sing and act as clown most of the times....
rose, my gal just went on a crying spell for 1/2 an hour *sweat* she cried so badly that her face turned red...i was asking our helper to feed her and she started crying, no matter how i pacify also dun stop. maybe she doesn't want my helper to carry coz whenever she sees my helper just now, her sobs became screams and cries. =S

When are you going back to work? i am going back office next thursday. i am like you every weekend very happy coz can get out of the house.

Stb when u are out, is it difficult to feed your son? With number 2 coming, you can't spend so much time feeding him right?
Gan, we will always bring porridge along to feed my son when we are going to my mum's place or somebody's place..if shopping trip, I will not bring as my hb doesn't have that patience for me to feed him outside. I guess I can only do it when he's older.

Now my son is approaching 11 mths, he's much easier to feed now...takes 25-30 mins max to finish the bowl of porridge. He is in IFC (CC end this yr), so even with #2, I don't see too much of an issue as the IFC teachers will be feeding him. And at home during wkdays, my MIL will be helping me. It's only the weekends that I'll have my concerns. Though my hb said he will help since there are 2 kids, i'm keeping my fingers crossed......I'm going to see how I can train my son to self feed himself. He can self feed snacks using hands, but for porridge using spoon, I have yet to try. Have to be prepared for mess..arghhhhhh
Yes my bbs enjoy the sleep v much.. Esp my small girl.. She practically nap in the swing.. Can sleep straight for more than 2hrs.. Thats y i say its a life saver for me..
But now that they are growing bigger.. The swing is getting abit small for them.. The swing also cant swing v hard due to the baby weight..
Its a must for multiples mummy!
Joanne, I took most of my supplements fm kkh as it's cheaper. I will tk supplements fm dr Paul if kkh one has run out. No plm if u tk either supplements.

I m open to dr Paul tt I'm seeing dr Loh as well. My chk ups are 2-3 weeks apart btw kkh n Tmc fm week 14 to 28. My next chk will b week 30 in kkh n will not b going bk to Tmc anymore.

Are u expecting singleton or multiples?

Mill, Congrats!! Yes dr Paul is v pro natural..and he wun recommend inducing too fm wat I kw..
Baby, what kind of swing u got for your girls? Can last v long? I m still tinking whether to get d combi rocker as it's quit expensive.

When they are 3 to 4 years old it will be better. When they can express themselves, go to the toilet themselves but this age got " mood swing". Change faster than u finish reading this posting. Haha..

When I was in my 3rd trimester, I felt really heavy eventhough I only gained 12 kgs. Walking was ok for me but when I need to turn my body in my bed, it was so difficult. I couldn't wait to get them out. Dr Loh planned to induce me a day before 37 weeks as he was going for his holiday.

Everyday I took MRT to malls. Walked so much. Think I induced my own labour. I popped at 36.5 weeks.
Singapoh, walking n turn my body at bed is still ok for me now but I can't stand still for too long, I will feel breathless. If babies kick too hard, I will feel breathless for a moment as well...

Dr Loh did tell me in my week 25 chk up tt he will induce/c sect by week 37... Actually my tummy not v big now consider I m carrying twins.

He did tell me I can try natural too n I hope I can do it!!

My babies weights are 1.1kg n 1.3kg in week 28. is it consider small?
Hi Rostrum, thanks.
Your baby also delivered by him? Huh... Dr Paul is v pro natural. This is my 1st pregnant... He wont snipping below? If little dilation?

4yrs old!!! oh my!!! i was lookin at 2yrs old...guess my next 4yrs will be quite tough, no wonder ppl say must give birth early if not no strength to chase after d kids...i almost whole body aching liao...really miss pregnancy time, eat n sleep peacefully.

tonite i didnt carry my ger to sleep, tried another method. hahaha, i put her on my body face up, while i sat legs up on bed den shake my legs left right. oso not forgettin d pacifier, she fell asleep without me sweating like bad...hahaha. took an hour but at least i no need to walk ard d room carrying her. nowadays carryin my ger really feels like gym workout...getting heavier liao.

sometimes bb dun like certain carryin method. mayb ur maid carry her posture not right or bb dun feel comfortable in their arms, ur maid got any scent on her? or body too sticky or warm? if not likely its d position she carry bb dun like.
Gan, Maybe she still not use to your maid. Like mine @ nite my gal only wants me how my parents try to pacify her it does work. When I take over she will stop crying, if my parents try to talk to her she will roar at them ( very funny)
My gal still having flu, when to see Dr again.

Rose, you going back to work, so fast? I'm going back to work soon too
Rose slowly u will have arm muscles... Hahaha I felt I m flabby everywhere except my arms! Coz daily weight lifting.

Blissful roar?! So funny.=p not sure why but yesterday she cried so bad that I took sometime to pacify her...she even cried till her mouth open big but no sound came out, really scared me.
Ur gal still not recover? Ok to travel this Friday?
Mill, this is my 1st pregnancy n not due yet. I hv read a lot of comments abt dr Paul being pro natural.. Perhaps u wld like to chk with him on Yr birth plans..I will b delivering in kkh.
Gan, yes roar !!!! Funny right. My gal always cry till no sound must be hot temper like me :p
Maybe she is angry need to know what it is. What happen before she cry so badly?
Told the Dr Tom going on a trip, she said if today still very bad see her again. This time My gal have to take antibiotic as her phlegm is thick.
Gan, Rose,
eh my elder girl i carried and walked until 10mths old!! talk abt aerobic exercise and weight lifting everyday 3 times a day....

Every child is different. My younger one is (wait..cover her ears first :p) soooooo much easier than my elder. Most of the time she can sleep by herself, she enjoys sitting in the pram and rocker. and is just basically so much more chill.

My elder one is super high needs. now at 3yrs old she still take 45mins to finish her meals, with me nagging every 5min. she constipates very easily so need to keep forcing her to drink water and eat fruits. she has very bad eczema, so twice a day hv to apply moisturiser and steroid cream on her whole body. At night she still wakes up to look for me and i hv to hold her hand for her to go back to sleep.

But, she is very guai behaviour wise and will prob be the one who will still stick close to me when i'm old. She is very affectionate and frequently hugs and kisses me and tells me "mummy i love u".
My younger, i dunno, too early to tell yet.

So, at the end of the day, they're both my kids and whatever shape, size and attitude they come in I will just have to deal with it.

It's true! Old already won't have energy to chase after them! Toddlers also go through "Terrible 2" stage where they get frustrated because they are unable to express themselves.


I think because u hv experience with yr first one so second one, u are more relax. Not so kancheong anymore so very steady Liao. ;)

Does yr big gal still nap? Mine dun anymore and he goes to bed without much problem. Sometimes doze off once he hits the pillow. From 9 pm to 7 am.

My belly also small small and cute cute until I hit 3rd trimester. It was like growing every second!

Did Dr Loh comment about yr bbs weights? If no, dun worry then.
Partly yes I'm more relaxed with second one. But even my mum who helps me with both agrees my elder more high needs.
My elder still naps then sleeps abt 10plus. In terms of total hrs same as if she dun nap then zzzz at 9pm.
But I find tat if she dun nap, she's very cranky n throws tantrums in the evenings. N when she sleeps at night she's even more restless! Think cos her brain still in overdrive. So for now I'm still making her take nap
grumpus: same lor...my boy is a restless sleeper...coming to 7 weeks soon and he is zz less and less in the day...catnapped for 20-30mins and would only zzz longer when on my chest...then he woke up on his own but got cranky :/
Singapoh, during the last appt, he commented good sizes which I tot is quite smallish though...

My heartbeat rate is 107 this morning and I feel breathless like just finish a jog...is this normal as pregnancy progresses? My BP is normal though...

I dun wan to go kkh now as I kw I will be diverted to delivery suite!
Pink d,
Tats cos one sleep cycle for bbs is abt 40-50mins. If bb doesn't know how to go back to sleep by himself then he'll wake up. But it doesn't mean he's had enuff sleep.
I used to sit by my elder girl during her naps n when she's waking from one cycle I'll quickly scoop her up n rock her back to sleep just so she could get her 3hrs nap n not wake up cranky.

Err not the best method but tat's wat I did.
Rostrum, ur twins are of good size....my #2 is 1.01 kg at 25/26+ week....ur individual bb is almost the same size as singleton leh....

By the way, I have already started to feel breathless since week 24....I told Dr Loh, and he said I eat too much! 8( But then I also felt breathless in wk 30+ with my #1...it's common as the bb gets bigger. Since u have twins, shld be v common bah....
blissful, i think my gal could be hungry and tired when she had that outburst. my maid was playing with her when i showered and when i came out, she was already 'aye aye' making noise, so i asked our helper to feed her coz need to let my gal get familar with her, that's when she started crying. lately she has been crying during some of the feeds whenever the teat touch her mouth. =S but could also be my gal is not used to my helper coz she can recongnise people.

i am changing strategy now..since yesterday morning regardless how much she takes, i will feed her 3hrly...found that actually at some of the feeds she would finish 100ml and because the feeding hrs drag, she doesn't fuss so much. Like Grumpus must cover her ears, dun let her hear....else new pattern. =P

Grumpus, ur elder gal is so sweet..i am waiting for the day my gal will hug me and tell me she loves me.
U have one, not so bad. If u have the next one, sometimes the kids will make you want to bang wall sometimes. But whatever they are, we love them all the same.

Your elder gal sounds like mine #1. Wonder if they are girls that's why so sticky. My neighbour's boy not so sticky one.

Your boy sounds like mine, only do cat-cap during the day, near impossible for me to do any other things. But does yours sleep through during the night since he sleep so little during the day ?
Same same, I do that with #2 now, always have to standby in case he wakes, rock him back to sleep. If not don't know what else works.
grumpus: wa very hardworking mama! i hv carried him n rocked him 3x since his last feed...before i knew it its time to pump n feed again

bubbly: my boy is very noisy when he zzz... would zzz like an angel in my arms or chest but once i put him on his cot/rock he would stretch with all his might n wake himself up! grr.......

Dun think so. My #2 is a girl also but definitely less sticky, more easy going.
No choice lor, just do watever works to make them get enuff sleep. Slowly train...

Pink d,
Yup, tat was how it was with #1 too. Endless cycle of sleep, rock, feed n pump. Sometimes I squeeze in a pump during one of the sleep cycles n hope she doesn't wake mid pump.
