IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

haha! ya.. at times i feel like a 1st time mom again.. was asking my fren, what i should pack in my hospital bag lor.. maybe i should start taking out all the baby clothes so that i can put them 1 side n prepare them for washing soon.. BUt at times, just lazy to get my butt moving..

tickles, i start to abit gan chiong ..haha...coz also hv not started any washing yet... hb says wanna get all the storage in place..then wash like can keep them inside.........

i will be 24 weeks next week leh... then in 1 more mth's time, i will be like full term size... by then, shld be resting liao....:S

i pass some of the machine washable things to my mum...coz her house has bigger service balcony...but those tht require handwash... i thot of doing it myself...coz i can stand at my basin to do it... my mum will squat on floor to do handwashing de...dun want her to be so xin ku...

then i wanna wash the car seat and stroller seat covers leh...plus all the beddings :X like abit paranoid with wanting to wash everything.....:p
Panda, bakaholic,
Do try and see if there's a infant head support insert for yr car seat. It helps to cradle bbs head and neck.
My girl was barely 2kg when I brought her back from the hospital and she sat in her infant seat from day 1
grumpus, the seat comes with an infant head support.. but its not totally flat when bb sits in it... urs also the same?
the head suppor won't help cos the neck will still flop forward.

My confinement is not much of confinement. Me shower and eat normal, just no beef/chix, no seafood, no tofu and gassy drinks. No special ginger or wine dishes. But my mil bought ginseng for me so i have to drink the soup but i liked it anyway.
Me also did washing of bb stuff and bathing him. So, mine is like normal lifestyle, but cannot eat alot of stuff though.

I missed my steak and sashimi.

Yah, full mth party this sat.
Going to get some balloons and deco for the house.

Just start washing bit by bit when weather is sunny. I started quite early but end up also got last min stuff to wash. And due to nestling instinct, i was constantly packing stuff.
Hi everyone, it's been a long and emotionally tiring journey but i can finally join u gals. Started TTC late 2002, embark on ivf in 2008, 1 failed fresh cycle, 2 failed fet cycles, 1 etopic pregnancy and 1 aborted cycle and finally am now 5wks pregnant. still a long journey ahead. My 1st appt will be nx wed.
Yup mine is the same, not fully reclined, bb sort of sits curled upright. I find that the head support helps cos I just lean her head to one side of the support and her head never flops forward.
Let me go home and look through my photos, see if I've got one of my girl in her seat.
grumpus, thanks thanks! i was having doubts if we wanna use the infant car seat w new born baby.... but my gf told me must start from v young..otherwise next time bb dun wanna sit there.....

i tink lately tink too much..hahaha.. later freak myself out again n hv to go see angela for counselling..:p

cubeball, congrats and welcome on board!
yes yes i totally agree with yr gf. must start training from young. that was one of those things we never compromise on. of cos my girl went through this whole period of crying and screaming everytime we strapped her in and when she was older there was another period of fighting and struggling :p
but now she loooooooves her car seat and even tells me "mummy wear yr seat belt, car's moving"
cos i'm one of those guilty ones that dun belt up when i sit at the back...oops...
Thank you PandaWife

just to chk with u gals, anyone with kk tps and do u remember at how many weeks did u gals go for yr 1st appt. the nurse told me for ivf cases is asap
pandawife....now i stressed seeing what u, baby and just faith have bot...i still very relax..didn't buy much...dunno why kept buying clothes. Just sms my hubby we better start shopping for cot, breats pumps etc and perhaps a car.
Gan, no stress..u still hv plenty time lah.... can wait for the fair next mth, see if there are any gd deals... otherwise, end of year will also hve alot of sales coming up ....

i dun hv choice.... coz tummy growing so fast! so i cannot browse anymore...

must enjoy the process of shopping for baby things!
Cubeball, welcome onboard!

I am with KK TPS. Usually, first appt after your 5 week scan is around 3 weeks later i think. But if you really want to check earlier, you can try calling doc and see if they can give earlier appt.

Who's your doctor?
Pink destiny, Gan and Panda, I also haven't bought anything. I'm 20 weeks today with triplets. Worse than you all! Stressed already.

Just only starting to browse. Went to the Bugis OG yesterday. Their 20% doesn't apply for equipment. Saw a few offers on cots and playpens. But I want to still check out babykingdom this sat. Must buy something this sat! Very late already. Hee....
Panda, yes I went yesterday. Was browsing only. Saw a few cots, price range about $319 - 459 (full set with bedding). Thought of going to Babykingdom to check out this sat.

Also saw some breastpumps, but can't decide between manual, electric and mini electric. Hmmm, what did you ladies get?
the 20% applies to most of the bb essential brands like pigeon, avent etc... all those small small items can start to buy....

it took me a few shopping trips to complete all the nitty gritty things.. like never ending...

remember to list down the handmedowns tht u hv from frens or relatives...so tht when shopping, u dun duplicate the items...

i m avent fan.. so i bought avent dual electric pump...coz using avent bottles, sterilizer too...

it seems like medela pumps are very popular here ....
fruitree... better get the support belt n wear when u go shopping leh....dun strain ur body... since u will be walking quite abit......
Fruitree: how far are you along? No stress but gotta start buying soon...lest you become heavy.

Anyway congrats for the triplets

Panda: which sterilizer did you use? manual or electric?
when does the OG sale end?
pink D, OG sales until 29 Sept...

sterilizers all electric ones... popular choices seems to be either pigeon or avent...

i got the avent digital one.... OG has bundle sets on sale for this..comes w free bottles etc i tink.... usual is $199 just for the sterilizer alone.
Pandawife - why do you prefer Avent over Medela? Seems like alot of ppl talking about Medela pumps. Is it ok to buy Medela pump and Avent bottles & steriliser? Is it that bottle size is different then need to transfer from Medela bottle to Avent bottle?

Did you get the pump and steriliser from OG? Think I will do that before the end of their sale.
working wife.. my sil works in philips..so i became avent convert..hahahaha.. i also read some reviews tht avent is better..medela is heavy duty n suction tend to be too strong.. anyway.. i never use breast pump b4.. all these also dun make much sense to me!

prior to buying the pump, my sil gave me avent sterilizer, milk bottles and storage cups ... all complete set... so makes sense to go for avent pump.. very convenient lor..

if using medela pump, will require a simple convertor to make it compatible w the avent bottles..

sterilizer wise, shld not b a problem regardless of the kind of bottles u use.... just tht different brand sterilizer seems to vary in size n capacity? thts wht i gathered from the various threads....

Sorry to keep you waiting. Tangs just returned my call on the selling price. They are still selling at $199 (24 x 48, includes 4" foam mattress, 1 pce travel bed).

Over at supplier website, it is selling at $269 (includes 4 " Foam Mattress, Fan Fan Musical Mobile, 7pcs Bedding Set (Consist of Fitted Sheet, Pillow, Pillow Case, 2 x Bolster, 2 x Bolster case).

Here's the link :


I am also a big fan of Avent products. So far, already bought Avent steriliser with 2 x 120ml and 2 x 260ml... and electric warmer during tangs sales (20% disc + 12% rebates). After I got home, I realised that I should have bought the steriliser alone, as my aunty will be passing me those new bottles.

Pink D, dun rush into buying anything now. It is still early. I believe there will be more sales coming up. This is a good time to drag your hubby out for shopping, shopping and many more shopping. I usually spend abt 2 to 3 hrs spending. Cos no stamina... and get breathless easily.

Fret not! We bought the baby cot by chance. Initially, we were still undecisive about getting a baby cot. Cause out house is really small and the helper is sharing the room with her. Also, the other reason is because we want a baby cot that can be wheeled around so that she can be seen in any corner of the house. So we made sure that the baby cot is not too big. Otherwise, it will get stuck at the doorframe... LOL.

I remember seeing this baby cot at isetan, selling at $269. So, when I saw Tangs selling at $199, I just ordered without hesitation.
Working Wife,

No idea leh.... I didn't ask. I bet if I call again, they sure reply "WHILE STOCKS LAST". If you intend to get your own pillows, bolsters, beddings etc, i think this $199 is a good buy loh.... Isetan also selling similar model but $269, different bundles.
Just Faith, hi 5! hahahaha.. not so many avent fan in the thread..keke....

sounds so cute tht u wanna wheel the cot around the house leh..hehehehe....

for ours, cot will stay in the room.. we bought the fisherprice infant to toddler bouncer..so babies can take their naps or hv playtime outside the room.... i cannot push 3 cots around the house..will be very funny...heheheh....
pink d i already 23 weeks now.....and when i shop, i just kept buying clothes. =S like fruit tree maybe will go baby kingdom shop shop.

Just faith thanks for info on the cot... Will go check out at tangs too.....still undecisive shld get 6 in 1 or the small cot
Panda, yes I need to have a list of hand-me-downs. So far my gf is giving me a cot and my sis is giving me her medela manual pump. Think i just need to buy the suction part. But I am now thinking whether I should get the electric one since I need to pump quickly for all 3 babies. Also heard that the electric one can be painful. So dunno leh. Did you get the mini electric one or the normal size electric one?

Pink destiny, I'm 20 weeks today. Yes, need to get things before I get heavier. Now already cannot walk so much.

BTW ladies, I got this body pillow from Spotlight which has been very useful for tummy support when sleeping at night. Cheap too, only $24.90. It's just a long pillow like bolster but is softer.
Just faith: ok i shall be cool...i also get tired easily...so will take it slow :p

Gan: when i go out for shopping I only checked out clothes and toys...unimportant things...Hb will check out the "car models" haha but bought nothing since gender is only 'guessed" not confirmed...

Fruitree: ya lor...better not go out too much when heavy...will be very tiring...
Pink D, do you remember your baby's heartbeat the first time u scan? I want to guess your baby's gender leh :p

Gan, since i dun have an "ikea room" when i was young, i really want to decorate the room like "ikea children's room". i really like their colourful wardrobes. always bright and happy mood.

for 6-in-1, when your girl grows up, you will likely to lower the bed height right? my opinion is the headboard and legboard is too tall leh.

Thanks for reminding me that we are 23weeks preggy.. i really lost count which stage i m now.
Thanks, Justfaith for the info on the cot @ Tangs...in other words, the $199 cot will hv different free item bundle from the $269 supplier website?
Is the travel bed useful?
Just faith: Angela and Dr PT both guessed its a boy...and i thought i saw the "private part" heee...
i dun rber the HB rate leh...is there a relation? :p
fruitree, there are other places tht sells the belts..different brands too... i compared a few.. n find the mothercare one reasonably priced n comfortable to wear w decent support. saw some tht are either very hard or thick in the material.. not so suited in our warm weather to wear out.....

avent dual electric pump only comes in one model..
Pink Destiny, according to some "guess gender websites", can guess baby's gender through heartbeat loh....

BH, yeap, different bundle, different price. I find it useful... can be used at home, not necessary for travelling
i try to find pics n show you..hehe.
Oh really ah Just Faith...haha my bean's HB was all over the place... once I was excited and his HB went up to 200bpm! Gynae said he has adrenaln rush! haha...subsequently its ard 160bpm..

Hi-5! All the while, I have been checking on avent's products including their breast pumps. But I know alot of discussions on medela pump.... Think I will still stick to avent products.

She's our precious little one and daddy's girl... so we wan to see her in every corner of the house. Abit kia-su, I know....
LOL...I also prefer Avent products....I intend to buy the Avent steriliser and breastpump etc ...maybe not so soon, as i'm only 19 wks now.
fruitree, i bought it off amazon ...total price including the shipping cost $330.... i just received the pump today...

retailing in sg is $899 last i saw at baby kingdom....
Hi fruitree, thanks for the welcome n sorry for the late reply, was out.

I'll be seeing Dr loh at Tps on wed for my 1st appt n i'll be in my 6th wk then, will check out the package n schedule then.

wow, sure sounds like lots of things to buy
Panda, that's a steal! So much of difference getting it from amazon? I shall go check it out.

Cubeball, I'm also seeing Dr Loh. You are in good hands.
fruitree, u can check out amazon.... but i tink the sale price at which we bought the set is no longer applicable.....

now its slightly more exp..but still cheaper compared to buying in sg lah...
