IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Thanks mommies for the encouragement.
My boy is latching on well n feeding on the precious colustrum.. But nipples can b sore cos he was latching n sucking for almost an hour this am!! Can he be that hungry wow?!
hopefully he grows faster soon hee..

Speaking of the rocker I would love to buy one for him too.. Kinda looks versatile...

rostrum, for me the rocker is a must have! smtimes bbs fuss n dun wanna sleep in their cot during the day..so i let them nap in the rocker.

gals, thanks for all the encouragement! certainly look forward to have more fun n laughter w the bbs.. now is lotsa crying ..mummy also wanna cry smtimes..

blissful, i strongly believe in "ai de jiao yu"..so i dont lose my cool at the bbs.. when i really cannot tahan, i will ask someone else in the house to take over and i chill out for couple of minutes..then continue again...

just faith, ur little gal sounds like an angel! such a good gal... my gal is a chilli padi.. super loud n manja.. seek alot of attention.. if nobody pick her up when she cries..she will scream until her whole face turn red n voice starts to shiver.... scary!

bubblybear...ur boy also very good.... u r keen to hv number 3? wow.. u must really love children..

3 at one go is really a handful for me.. everyday so much fussing going on.. until now i m still clueless when they are crying for milk, or wanna sleep or need diaper change. i m depending on timing to see if they wanna be fed..
There is another rocker from fisherprice that is good too!
Its a automated rocker.. Its a life saver for me when my bbs cry and fuss... The rocking speed can be adjusted and with music... I have both this automated rocker and the nb to toddler rocker! It really comes handy esp for those with multiples...

I more or less able to tell from my bbs cries whether she poo.. Hungry or sleepy.. Or simply wants to be carried... Thou there are times im simply clueless! Haha..
I in the mid of mastering how to put my bbs to bed at night..
I will feed my bbs at abt 9pm every night.. After milk straight put them in their cot... Lights off.. On aircon.. Curtains down.. Music on.. Wrap them... Put them down while they are still awake... They will fuss.. But i will leave them alone... After awhile they will drift off to sleep..
This is to make a routine for them.. Let them know this is sleeping time..
I used to carry my them in my arms.. Rock them till they are asleep then put them on their bed... I read this is the wrong way.. Bbs have to learn to fall asleep on their own.. So far this way work for me! U guys may give it a try if yr bbs refuse to sleep on their own at night...
I in the mid of mastering how to put my bbs to bed at night..
I will feed my bbs at abt 9pm every night.. After milk straight put them in their cot... Lights off.. On aircon.. Curtains down.. Music on.. Wrap them... Put them down while they are still awake... They will fuss.. But i will leave them alone... After awhile they will drift off to sleep..
This is to make a routine for them.. Let them know this is sleeping time..
I used to carry my them in my arms.. Rock them till they are asleep then put them on their bed... I read this is the wrong way.. Bbs have to learn to fall asleep on their own.. So far this way work for me! U guys may give it a try if yr bbs refuse to sleep on their own at night...

I noticed my helper likes to get near to my gal though she was not fussing or anything. After that, she will cry for attention. So it's best not to let my gal know that we are near her. As long as she can entertain herself in the rocker, I will not rush her to sleep.

Fashion spree,

Since your gal is taking 200ml FM, can I know how often she poo? Once per day or every alternate day?


I don't feed my gal at specific timing. Sometimes her night feed is 7pm, sometimes 9pm, sometimes 11pm.... But I do agree that it is very important to switch off the lights at night, at least to let differentiate day & night.


Of cos my little one will fuss and cry for milk. She can be very fierce and impatient when I am slow in preparing her milk... and she likes to "complain", like making lota noises when drinking milk. But I talk alot to her... think she also find me a nag. But overall, I find her managable.... babysitting task was easier than I thought... that's why now my helper wants to go back philippines, I am not rushing into getting a replacement.
Baby I actually enjoyed rocking my gal to sleep at night.. Heee. In fact was telling hubby when I return to work no matter how much work is in office I must be home to pat her to sleep. =)

She sort of know it's time for bed when I wiped her face n hands ( my gal is enjoying sucking her hands now!!) changed to her sleeping clothes , on night light. I wld then carry her n rock to sleep humming the same tune. N she actually falls asleep very fast in 15 mins or so
For those whose babies are taking Enfalac A+ stage 1 now,
you can get it at $40.85 at Carrefour. If you have POSB everyday card, there's still a further 5% rebate. It will be $38.80 after rebate. We find that it's the cheapest in Sg so far after comparing prices. Just to share with you guys.
Thanks ladies on d inputs on rockers.. Seems like I really must get one to standby..just in case...

Baby, seems like u r training Yr girls well.. I hope I can b as "ren xin" as u when d time comes...
Just faith,
My bb poo 1 time a day and some times twice a day. The poo is alot everydays. Did ur bb poo everyday?

Thank u for the info will check it up. My bb feeding on enfa too.
baby, ur gals hv very gd feeding habits ..so u can feed at 9pm everyday! mine depends on mood to drink.. smtimes after 3 hrs..still drink little...so next feed hv to be earlier..

same as just faith.. my bbs dont take their night feed at the same time everyday n smtimes can be all 3 at different timings. now i m trying to do the midnight feed for all 3 together.. so even if not all wakes up, i will feed them..so tht can rest for at least 3 hrs until the next round.if staggered, practically cant slp smtimes..

my bbs need to b pat to bed....after feed put them on tummy n pat pat...
Just a word of caution on carrying yr gal and patting her to sleep. Make sure u r sitting down n doing it. Dun let it escalate to carrying n walking cos this way of putting yr bb to sleep is not easy to wean. Imagine mths done the road u hv to carry a 8-10kg bb n walk up n down.
Grumpus u r right, at this moment my gal is used to being carried n walk around to sleep. I m trying to change to sitting down n eventually pat her to sleep when she is in her cot coz even now I cld feel the weight of her when I carry.

So far patting her to sleep is a habit at night n daytime she is usually left to sleep on her own except when she is fussing n ask for attention
Haha I learnt tat the hard way. I carried my elder girl to sleep until she was 10mths old. Every night was an aerobic exercise. At 10mths old I tried to wean her to roll around on the bed and fall asleep by herself. She would try but get very frustrated when she cannot sleep, so I carry again. Calm down already I put back on the bed to roll. Every night can pick up put down few times until she sleep. Finally by 12mths she could roll around n sleep by herself but I still need to sit there with her until she fall asleep.
Pandaa, ur not alone. My bbs sometimes like that too. If awake, sure fuss and cry. Won't sit quietly and entertain themselves. I'm trying to get them to fall asleep on their own but really hard now. They still wanna be carried till asleep.

Check with you girls, have u taken bb out in a cab? Do we have to bring the car seat when taking a cab? I find that troublesome esp if wanna bring stroller as well.
working wife,
legally u dun need to hv car seat when taking cab. it's up to u whether u want to for safety reasons.
Yes, I love kids, cos I grew up in an envt with kids at home all the time. Keen to have #3 but hb not keen.

Fussing is common with bbs but with 3 bbs, when one finish fussing, the other one start, so it seems endless. But also 2nd time mummy we try not to commit the same mistake when raising our first.

Similar to baby's method, I started consistent sleep routine when bb was a couple of wks old. I feed bb last feed at around 9pm. I have night lights and music on, nappy change, blinds down and then put bb in the cot. When he was younger I also wrap him. He will sleep by himself. Sometimes can be over an hour before he falls asleep. When he was younger, he will fuss when put in the cot, I will let him cry but if the cry gets too intense, I will pick him up and calm him down and then put down again and the cycle goes on. Slowly they will get the cues, now putting him to bed is a breeze.

But I also think depends on bbs and situation, some are more fussy or colicky so more difficult to handle but can give a try when its the right time, be prepared with lots of crying intially but that will soon settle.
Haha.. Now u love to rock yr bb to sleep.. Wait till she gets older and heavier than u will regret ah!

Not really have good feeding habits la.. The feeding will range frm 9-10pm.. See how they are.. If they look hungry i will feed them at 9pm if when time is not up yet so that i can put them to bed after their milk...
With multiples bbs like us.. We cant afford to rock our bb to sleep.. We only have a pair of hands la.. So must die die train our bbs to sleep on their own.. It may be tough initially.. Once they are tuned to the routine.. Putting them to sleep will be a breeze!

But i still need to carry my small girl to sleep during the day else she will scream the hse down when she is sleepy.. Cos she has colic before and we always carry her to comfort her.. So she is used to carrying.. Hard to wean off it..
But my elder girl can sleep on her own.. After afternoon milk.. Will put her in her cot.. Give her pacifer and she will drift off to sleep... Small girl wont sleep in cot during day.. Usually sleep on the sofa or rocker...
Thanks for letting us know abt the enfa..
Im still buying $42.80 at ntuc.. Carrefour the cheapest so far!
The 5% rebate only for posb everyday card? I dont have le...

i wld recommend NAN coz not as thick as other fm, closer to breastmilk. i tried similac n s-26, my ger doesnt seem to like, vomitted n drank very little, so changed to NAN.
my pd recommended enfalac, but i never try on her since she is adapting well with NAN.

I did not buy FM ..coz at tmc, ur babies can try the various brands FM .. unless u chose to total breastfeed..then u dont need FM..

my bbs are taking enfa n its good so far.
Rose did the PD mentioned why she recommend Enfalac? See that most mummies here giving enfa, i am thinking of changing to enfa when i return to work as i would then give more FM than BM. now i am giving similac coz got those 400g tin. Enfalac only the large tin? can't finish within 4 weeks, wasteful to throw.

Grumpus, the program of breasts to only have bm morning and night, how do i go about doing it? dun pump during the day? need some advice coz need to prepare myself back to work soon. Thks!

I intend to breastfeed leh...but worry no milk...so thinking should I standby some FM. So TMC will give some FM samples to try at home?
Prayhard, but the enfalac is 900g tin, can't finish within 4 weeks leh....fm must throw away if not finished after opening for 4 weeks.
prayhard, if ur bb require FM when at TMC, the nurse will ask u which brand u wanna give. they hv 5 brands if i remember correctly. so bb can try the FM in hospital ..and if ok, then u go buy .. there is a pharmacy at level one tht u can buy on the day u discharge.

for singletons ..usually dont need FM if u r total breastfeeding. mine was becoz they are smaller and 3 of them..so PD suggest partial FM and partial bf..

My hubby commented my boobs small leh...asking me got enough milk boh...arggg....I wish I can total breastfeed but worry not enough...so thinking of backup now...
Prayhard singapoh wld tell u breast size nothing to do with milk uantity! hehehe

anyway recently i tried this organic mother's milk tea, seems effective in increasing bm. when u think ur supply insufficent, u can take fenugeek etc to increase, no worries.
prayhard, i dun hv big boobs too... but still hv decent supply. the trick is to latch n pump regularly.. no short cuts.. hv to be very diligent to kick start and maintain the supply.

i m also taking fenugreek, and papaya fish soups 2x a day.

fenugreek for after delivery.. not now.
Prayhard, handle can be reverse and your baby can see you. I don't have big boobs too, able to provide for my girl.

Baby, tks for the info, will try it.
baby, my boys are already wearing fitti m size.. cheap n good.. i use it for day wear.. night time use either pampers or mamy poko.

Wah u can read my mind! Yeah u want more milk, work harder.

My MIL commented that I got small boobs where got milk after I discharged. So upset by her comment but I must thank her too. If not for her comment, I would not hv worked really hard to prove her wrong. Keke..
u hv to stretch yr daytime pumps. so from 3hrs, stretch to 4hrs, 6hrs and so on until eventually yr pumps r 12hrs apart. the morning and night pump u must always pump.
when u're stretching the hrs, make sure at each pump u pump thoroughly and empty yr breasts so yr ss is minimally affected, otherwise yr ss will drop drastically.
if u can get 100ml every 3 hrs then when u pump after 6hrs u shd get close to 200ml or at least abt 180ml
btw, mummies who r taking both nursing tea and fenugreek. do take note not to overdose on fenugreek as the key ingredient in most nursing teas is already fenugreek.

How much u paid for the stroller? Ya, I want to get the type with reversible handle so can see my baby

Gan, Singapoh, Pandawife,

Will try to pump hard after delivered cos not only bcos of my hubby's comment but also bcos I bought the Medala Freestyle...cost me a few hundred dollars..must fully utilized...

Usually the promotion last for many weeks. Also quite often.


Mine is combi urban walker. Used for so many years. Still can carry my 16 kg boy. Sometimes used as grocery trolley. Haha.. Reversible but very difficult to control.
I got it frm amk hub ntuc..

The time when i got it its not on promotion leh... Cos the price tag didnt state promotion le...

I use it during night time also leh.. Its still as good.. Not wet no leakage...
I change the diaper during evening wipe at 6plus.. Then next change at 2am plus.. Still ok! Then next change again at 10plus am for bath..
Althou its not as thick as huggies.. But i feel it can absorb as good as huggies.. Really cheap and good! U can try it for the night time too!


I used to pay $39 for one tin of enfalac A+. But the price has gone up to $40.80 last week. Now the best price I can get is $1 cheaper if I buy 3 tins at one go. (ie. $40.80 x 3, discount $1). I don't have POSB card.

baby, fitti is cheap for 72 pcs. my gal is officially on size m liao....hehe. will check out the medical hall at rivervale plaza tomorrow. see cheaper or not.

Prayhard, i am also giving enfalac A+ to my gal. So far, so good. She has milk rash for 2 to 3 days when she was still in her first month. Now she is on total FM. She finish 1 tin (900gms) in 5 to 6 days.

Fashion spree, yes, my gal poo everyday. I like to see her poo, her face will turn red and make the "ng..ng.. ng" sound. Dunno how to describe, but she really look cute. hehe. I asked you how often your gal poo, at least, i know what to expect from her poo. :p btw, ever since i posted here sometimes she asked for 150ml... I noticed that she started to ask for 150ml.... in almost every alternate feed. aiyo... is 150ml too much for a 2.5month baby?
