IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Just Faith, yes agree tt kkh does not provide enuff support for cases like mine and with multiples...I hv been in out A&E for 3-4 times for the past few weeks. It is mentally tired and physically drained.

Everytime I go A&E, they will say they can't provide explaination as to where my bleeding comes from, even Dr Loh also can't explain. I hv no choice bt to resort to go pte gynae as insisted by my dh...at least he tell me the possibility of the bleeding and says he can't accept no explanation for bleeding as bleeding is a serious matter to him and might lead to miscarriage. It really freaks me out but at the same time also make me more careful.

Can u imagine I was in out A&E for so many times and no one can tell me I got fungus infection? I hv been complaining itchiness and everyone seems to tk it v lightly...

I feel really helpless honestly.

I called up kkh this morning and demanded for an appt asap for my situation. They hv schedule me tml at TPS.

I really hope it is not placenta detaching else it is something serious


I dun remember feeling tired in 2ww. Maybe I was too busy with my toddler and housework.

Increase in discharge like when I am ovulating and cramping. It lasted for few months ( into my pregnancy)
Singapoh, I am resting...looks like I can't celebrate much during CNY this year...v sad but I will hang on for my babies...its all worth it de.
I had bleeding episode during my 10+11weeks too for abt 2weeks on off. It was quite bad as the whole toilet bowl was in reddish brown color. I went down to KK 24hrs and dr on duty checked that my cervix wasnt opened and gave me a jab then sent me home. From what he explained to me, if miscarriage is going to happen (ie cervix opened) no amount of meds can save the pregnancy de.

I read that some ladies are increasing dosage of duphaston if they r spotting but I wasnt given that. So I emailed Dr Loh who also didnt reply me if I shld increase my dosage. I jus continue to on off spot for few days then stopped, then spot again till 11+weeks then completely stopped.

Can understand ur anxiety as if we neva spot b4 and suddenly spotting at such stage is really worrying. Hope your visit tmr with dr Loh will rest u assured

Btw my sis has spotting b4 and also is infection. She was asked if she BD cos BD is also one of the factors causing infection.

Rest well and walk less.
singapoh, ya...babies more impt than cny.

Imp22,mine is not spotting..its bleeding also....and whole toilet bowl can be reddish or brownish in color...The doctors at KKH keep saying my cervix is closed which is a good sign. Same as u, I also email Dr Loh about duphaston or utrogeston support is better but no reply from him.

I did not BD...I went GP check for UTI and GP says no infection..I got no discharge at all...sigh!

Now I am in tri 2, everything shd be more stable...bt alas it happens again...it is depressing...

I hope I can get assurance from Dr Loh tml...even my pte gynae ask me to stick to Dr Loh cos he is a v good doctor handling mutiple pregnancies...I like him but just tt he is too bz ba...

U need to trust Dr Loh 100%. I didn't worry about my delivery coz I trusted him
Happy that I delivered my twins naturally
Singapoh, I trust him but when I get different views from another gynae, my mind starts to wonder again.. Tts y I m meeting him tml to cfm tt it is Nt placenta detaching cos he really Nvr mention even the last time he chk me at a&e..

I hope it's nothing serious n d bleeding stops soon... Pray pray...

Agree with Singapoh. You can celebrate CNY next year and show off your babies!!!! n well, I am going to do it soon..hehehe.

Glad that you are going to see Dr Loh tomorrow... let's see what he says. Guess he will increase your duphaston, like in my case.
Talking abt ang pau.. Panda can collect 3!!! Haha..
I think relatives will try to shiam her.. Hehe..

Btw, my pd says if bottle feeding.. Should only take 15-20mins.. Should not exceed half an hr.. Anytin more than tat means bb doesnt want to drink... Should not force feed.
i oso had spotting followed by bleeding during my 2nd tri. you must really rest on bed throughout, except toilet n makan, do not get down. stay horizontally. of course sideway is better than face up.

i am likely to deliver next week due to some complications.

hope ur tml appt will give u an idea of ur delivery date. take care!
Ooh...so fast??!!...u r delivering next week??!!
Did Dr Loh fix a date for u already? or ask u to wait for labour signs?
Dun worry too much...Have a smooth delivery.
I'm also scared that he will tell me to deliver soon when i see him tmr. Can feel the thigh pain, as if bb has engaged.
Baby, when u bleed during 2nd tri, did dr loh say wat is d reason behind? U still rmb Hw long Yr bleeding tks to stop? R u on duphaston thru out pregnancy?

I read tt progesterone support is given thru out pregnancy ESP for multiple pregnancy to prevent pre term delivery?
date will be fixed soon, but he said definitely before cny. likely induce. bb more than 3kg already. but its due to complications tat its better for her to come out before labour signs.
Oic...wow..ur bb is already >3kg...i only put on less than 1kg these 2 wks..
since dr loh said that, then juz follow as he knows best.
When will u see him again?
my bleeding was probably due to low lying placenta but dr also cannot confirm since there could b many reasons. so long as cervix is closed n bb heartbeat is heard, dr only asked me to minimize walkin n bedrest. i had utrogestan oral ( 1 to be taken before every night) throughout 2nd tri till 3rd when my placenta had moved up.

my bleeding cum spotting stopped after 4-5days.
Yr lor panda in battle field everyday... Gods knows how tired she is.. With twins im aldy exhausted.. Cant imagine how tiring panda is.. She must be really a panda now.. :0

I cant even take a 5mins nap without waking out to attend to my girls.. Even after feeding.. Changing diaper.. They can still be crying.. Got to pacify them by carrying or giving pacifier.. Sometimes even carry cum pacifier also cant let them stop crying.. So exhausting...

One of my girls seem to get hungry easily.. She can cry for milk in less than 2hrs.. And can always finish up 90ml.. I scare im overfeeding her.. Scare she will be overweight in time to be... So now when she cry for milk i wont give her straight away.. I will try to pacify her.. Give her some water.. Then drag maybe another half hr then give her.. Poor thing.. She looks like a super hungry baby when i give her the milk.. She suck so fast... Haha...

Is she colicky? Sometimes after doing everything and bb still cry, we just let bb cry Lo. Just hope bb stops cry when tired.

Panda really picked the right nick. Hehe..
Rostrum... I'm only 6 wks but hv been spotting for 2 wks... Went to pte gynae 3 times... Had 3 pregnyl jabs but still spotting... Went kk today... Asked if there is any add'l support... After much prompting, then they increased duphaston fm 2 to 3 times a day... Was given 14 days mc... I asked if I can be hl instead as I will hv used up all my mcs for the year... Ans is no... As if I'm all out to geng mc... The doc also said give me benefit of doubt... Like I like to lie tat I'm spotting... Both gynaes who I went to did not examine me & could not give me an ans as to why I'm spotting... Both are adopting the wait & see approach...

I can understand ur worries & frustration... Esp urs is twins & u r bleeding, not spotting... Hope u dr loh can give u a better ans & help u tmr...
How to know whether bb is colicky?
I also tell myself just let bb cry but when they cry real loud.. I feel heartpain ah.. Their face all red and tears flowing down.. I scare it will hurt their throat and swallow in too much air.. Hmm.. Or am i worrying too much? Hee...

Strangely both my girls drink the same fm.. Their poo is much much different.. One is muddy and poo only once a day or two in big amts... The other is like plastersin.. Can poo several times a day in small amts..
Hey Rostrum

Bedrest is important. I had a bleeding episode at 5 weeks and then another spotting session at Wk 9. I was given Utrogestron as well as Crinone supports and Pregnyl jabs when i was at Wk 6 & 7.

Doc issued me HL to ensure that i get sufficient bedrest to stabilize the pregnancy and i too decided for the sake of the pregnancy, to negotiate with my manager for 2 months no pay leave to really take the opportunity to rest out and ease the bleeding/ spotting episodes.

It ain't easy for folks like us to conceive - please take good care and prioritize the pregnancy. Speak to your manager to discuss on possibilities of supporting from home or taking no pay leave to rest out.

All the best for your appt with Dr Loh tmrw. Mummy needs to stay positive! Rest well!
Happybb, when I was spotting ard week 5, dr Loh give me proluton jab. Then bleeding cases, he give me hl instead of mc. When I was spotting, dr Loh tell me to tk 2tabs duphaston 2 times a day n pls bedrest n sleep more...minimize walking. Spotting Shd go away v soon. Tk care.

Another method is to cook 2 slices of lotus root, diced them up into small pcs... Then grab a handful of glutonious rice n cook with d lotus for abt 45 mins like hong kong porridge lidat. Eat it day n night. Tk for 3-5 days straight n spotting will stop. Meanwhile tk care!!

Pregnancy is a long road... No doubt it's worrying bt try to b relaxed.. I tink I m too tensed up at times so will try to relax fm now... My mentality now is if d babies r destined to b my kids, they will stick to me tight tight till delivery...we hv done all we can, the rest depends on the top one Liao...

Stay happy
Val, so far my boss n koligs are v understanding which I m v appreciative.

Yes, did discuss wif boss abt d possibility of working fm home but at this moment I dun wish to touch anything except to rest n eat well n yes to tink +ve!!! My appetite seems to hv improved... Hehe... At least Cn eat not so depressed.. Haha... Nw I spend my time surfing net, watching bk drama series n reading books to pass my time n try Nt to tink wild...

V glad tt I hv a v supportive Hubby... Tink he suffer more than me.. He has been my pillar of strength all these while. Without him, I wld Nt hv come so far...

So now I hv to stay happy n +ve for babies n Hubby sake
Rostrum... Thx for the advice & spreading positive vibes...
yes, we hv to be positive for the precious tat we hv been pining & working so hard for... And of course for our dh too...

Val... How far along r u now? Good tat ur co offer npl... Take great care & rest well...
Just fyi, I am running the BP for beco carrier again. Butterfly 2 with design Lauren, Espresso and Lucas @ 165 inclusive courier. Beco Gemini with design Lucas and Natalie @150 inclusive courier. Both are pre order basis and expected received 2 weeks after order placed.

I also have BOOTS milkbag for sale at $10/pack (contain 40 bags).Double zip lock and can contain up to 300ml. Self collect at Sengkang. If local postage, additional $1.Thank you

Colicky bbs cry for no reason but I heard it is associated with wind in the stomach. Both my twins were colicky. They took turn to cry non stop at night and sometimes both together. It was very tough but luckily it didn't last long. They stopped before they turned 3 months old
singapoh, u read exactly how i feel....

baby, me no mood for CNY...told my hb i just wanna stay home w my babies...

even w mum n mil helping me now, i m exhausted! cant imagine whem both of them take shifts to come by. :S

my babies need alot attention too...smtimes fuss n fuss..only wanna be carried..cannot let go at all... until they fall deep in sleep...
Rostrum, I'm ok. Congrats on Ur twin boys. Must b very excited. Now my gal in infant care as I'll start working on 28th. Haiz, y maternity is not for a year
. U take care,ok?
Panda - Hang in there!! I'm bracing myself too for the 'storm' that is to come. I'm sure u will feel all yr hardwork is worth it when yr 3 bb's smile up at you.

Rostrum - If u really lose confidence in KKH I suggest you turn to your pte gynea or visit both since its better to stick to kkh if there are complications at birth.

I also had 2 early episodes of spotting, 1 was light brown spotting & the another a week later turned to dark brown discharge. No reason were given as to why, 1 possible reason was my hormone levels were too low to support hence i was given hormone pills to eat till tri 2 (if I remember correctly)

Since mid of tri 2 doc loh started me on preventive pre-term labor meds (1 is orange for BP & 2 is those white hormone pills that was given during 2ww that time)

I'm having boy-girl twin & my u/s sometimes stretch more then 1mth apart, but if kkh notice that close monitoring is needed they will call u back for weekly u/s if need be.

Like recently, sonographer alerted doc that the bb girl was below the average weight (est 800gram) but the boy is ok (est 1kg) so they scheduled me back in 1 weeks time to monitor bb ger.

Congrats on yr twin boys btw !! take 1 step at a time k ...
Rostrum, one reason for bleeding/spotting cld be infection. Esp, after 1st trimester. KKH drs do not check for vagina infection. I m not sure why. Pte gynae will check for infection m prescribes medicine to clear it.

Next time, dun go 24 hrs clinic unless no choice. The Drs there are not very experienced. Other than Monday and Tuesday, dr loh has clinics during office hrs, either clinic D or Tps. Some days he has night clinics at tps also. Just walk to the counter at clinic D/tps n tell the nurse u wan to see dr loh. If they say dr loh is full, tell them to call dr loh and ask him directly. Tell the nurse to tell dr loh u r bleeding. The nurse will call his assistant. Just insist. U will get to see him on the same day but may hv to wait for quite a while, coz no prior appointment.

I did that a few times both when pregnant and not pregnant. In nov, i did a SHG at diagnostic imaging department in the morning. I knew i didnt do well in the SHG. I asked the dr to get the report out by 5pm that same day. I walked over to TPS n asked for a slot to see dr loh after 5pm same day. I told the nurse I dun wan to wait for next appointment, which was the following wk to review with him.

I m supposed to see him this wk. but wanted to postpone till next week instead as my SHG check is delayed. The nurse told me he is full n I hv to wait till 23 feb for non pregnancy case to get a slot. I just told the nurse, dr loh has instructed to slot me in! Which was a lie! Well, I get the day I wanted next week to see him.

So next time just walk into his clinic to see him. Unless he has no clinics or is after office hrs then go 24hrs clinic.
I just played around with my new Medela Freestyle trying the suction (on my thigh of cos) trying the hands free device.

So many parts, its like assembling army SBO ... haha .. but quite idiot proof, I think its a worth while buy.
Rostrum, trust dr loh. He Is s good dr n he really cares for his patients. I was bleeding non stop for 2 wks at least at the first menses after my second miscarriage in oct. A 5cm ovary cyst mysteriously appeared in one mth! Dr loh said my hormones are not bk n asked me to wait. He said when hormones r bk, bleeding will stop n cyst usually will be gone. So, I continued to bleed. Saw dr Paul at tmc n he too said the same thing.

2 weeks passed after I saw dr loh. One night, his assistant called me! She said dr loh Wants to see me! I was like "for wat?". My next appointment was not even due. His assistant didn't know why dr loh wanted to see me. So, I wrote to him n asked him if he was concerned tt I cld be still bleeding. Yes, he was concerned on tt. He was worried tt I hv been bleeding for too long... I told him my bleeding has just stopped. So, I didn't hv to go see him until my next scheduled appoinmrnt.

this incident really touches me. He remembered my case despite tt he has so many patients. So, u r in gd hand. See him n see wat he says.
Elle, thanks... I m v excited n happy abt my twins bt recent recent bleeding/spotting issues has mk me v unhappy n emotional unstable... But I tell myself I hv to b strong for my babies so I hv to b happy

U must b so reluctant to go bk to work! No choice if we need to work to support baby... I bet u will miss her even if u at work... But I m sure she can feel Yr motherly love... Dun worry!

Jj, yes tts y Dh insisted to go pte to chk it out, the doc whom treated my infections always prior to pregnancy. Bt he is Nt an ivf doc... So I dunno whether his diagnosis cld b correct tts y I need dr loh's assurance.

My discharge nowadays turn to v dark chocolate color.. Nt sure y? My Dh called up Lc cheng clinic n spoke to the sister nurse n she says it's pretty normal as our system is clearing old blood? As long as it's Nt red, there us no cause to worry/panic.

Sometimes I feel they dunno our pregnancy dun come easy.
To them we might b making a mountain out of a molehill... Bt ultimately we just wan to hold our precious in our arms right?

I believe the white pills prescribed to u is utrogestan which I m tking nw.. I actually prefer this to duphaston which will mk my ms worst...

I m fine with dr Loh jus tt he is too bz which I understands but each time his words 'carry some weight' tt makes me v assured n feels tt he kws his stuff well Lor. I jus find kkh dun bother to look into d matter seriously like pte n ultimately d matter still does Nt get solved n keep recurring which mks me frustrated at times... Or d doctors in a&e is inexperienced?
Hazel, do u tink dr Loh will chk for infection? My pte gynae jus tell me fungus infection n give me zaricot cream to apply but no oral medi Cn b given as I m preggie nw... It seems to b better bt still itchy Lor. U kw any pte doctors good in treating infections? I hv spent a bomb walking in n out of a&e just to see registrar/gp but things dun get solved!!! D other day I walk to clinic d n unfortunately he got no clinic tt day but I spotted his car outside 24hrs n get d nurse to call him bt he can't attend to me as he gt urgent matters to attend to...

Now I wun step into 24 hrs anymore unless it's really urgent!! Waste my time n money only!!!

Wow! dr Loh really follow up Yr case closely n it's indeed touching. Actually nw I start to hv an idea of his way of handling emails. If he tinks it's nothing serious tt warrant for any alarm, he will Nt reply our emails. He did reply to my some emails but bt my this bleeding case cos d other day in a&e when he attended to me, he told me he really gt nothing to say to me cos Eveything is fine. Bt I forgot to tell him abt my itchiness...

I m arm with a list of questions to him later on n hope he dun get annoyed at me... Haha... I wan to tell him I dun enjoy my pregnancy at all with so many happenings n hope he cn give me some assurance...

My Dh N I always hv confidence in him but sometimes when he cannot b reached, we will hv to seek help fm pte Lor which I dunno dunno whether he minds or Nt..

I m really looking forward to see him later in d aftn..
Rostrum, tell him u itch down there & asked him to check. My guess why Drs at KKH, not just dr loh, dun check for infection as it is very common with preg ladies. It comes & goes. Try sitting in warm salt water. Yes, those salt for cooking. Just use a new packet. Salt water kills germs. I do that even when I m not preg n it itches down there. Always work for me.

There was one time dr loh didn't even charge me! That was when I was bleeding non-stop due to imbalance hormones. If u can't get dr loh, just walk in to tmc clinic n see dr Paul tsang. He is good too & best still he is an ivf dr & he does check for infections.

JJ, I m okay. Thanks for your concens ;)

I am in my wk 36 now. I am hoping for natural delivery, but of course, it all depends on situation. So long as bb is healthy and safe, any method of delivery is fine with me.

Do update us on your visit today.
Next to pop will be either you or me liao.

Hazel, ok will chk with dr Loh later bt I believe fungal infection wun cause bleeding bt it's affecting me n my sleep At times.

We dun need to mk Appt to see dr Paul tsang?
