IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi babes, I had my first scan for natural fet today. Lining 6.5, two follies, no ovulation yet. The doc who reviewed said if I have always obtain ling of abt 7, even for natural cycle my lining will be ard 7 it won't grow any further .. Any truth in this? She said she will aim for 7 before she puts me to et .. I'm pondering if I ought to abort the cycle and go for medicated. I wouldn't want a situation where the lining isn't ideal yet I go for et and get negative results. I'm in kkh under dr Tan hh but scans review was done by doc on duty not dr Tan hh
Could it be too early to determine the lining since it's just your 1st scan today? Besides, do you think you will enough time to pump up the lining till the next scan? (By consuming red bean soup, soya milk, raspberry leaf tea, high protein food etc)
Hi sister,
How did you prepare for your cycle ? You have so many eggs retrieved? I just did mine yesterday, only 8 retrieved.

Hi Winniewiniepooh, below are roughly my diet prior to my ER:
- started taking Royal Jelly since early Jan after heard about it from the sister here DawnBB that it will improve the quality of eggs
- also switched from GNC prenatal multivitamin to Blackmores Conceive Well Gold prenatal multivitamin around the same time
- Ensure Life milk once a day started on my first day of stimulation
- raspberry leave tea once a day prior to ER
- longans red dates tea/red beans soup (soup only, not beans as I don't like the beans) on alternate day
- nuts and seeds in Greek yoghurt (Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, grounded flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds)
- two whole eggs and two egg whites
- cut down caffeine since last Dec as to prepare for SO-IUI, which failed
- cut down raw, spicy and cold food

I am not sure which ones are really help, but definitely no harm trying. Remember, everybody response differently to a diet and the drugs. All the best!
Hi Winniewiniepooh, below are roughly my diet prior to my ER:
- started taking Royal Jelly since early Jan after heard about it from the sister here DawnBB that it will improve the quality of eggs
- also switched from GNC prenatal multivitamin to Blackmores Conceive Well Gold prenatal multivitamin around the same time
- Ensure Life milk once a day started on my first day of stimulation
- raspberry leave tea once a day prior to ER
- longans red dates tea/red beans soup (soup only, not beans as I don't like the beans) on alternate day
- nuts and seeds in Greek yoghurt (Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, grounded flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds)
- two whole eggs and two egg whites
- cut down caffeine since last Dec as to prepare for SO-IUI, which failed
- cut down raw, spicy and cold food

I am not sure which ones are really help, but definitely no harm trying. Remember, everybody response differently to a diet and the drugs. All the best!
Hi sister, thank you for ur reply. It do help.What did u eat during 2ww?
Hi sister, thank you for ur reply. It do help.What did u eat during 2ww?
As you can see in my previous updates, I actually on the risk of developing Ovarian Hyperstimmulation Syndrome (OHSS) after the ER due to too many follicles growing, so I am not doing fresh ET this cycle.
Could it be too early to determine the lining since it's just your 1st scan today? Besides, do you think you will enough time to pump up the lining till the next scan? (By consuming red bean soup, soya milk, raspberry leaf tea, high protein food etc)
Duno le sis. The doc who reviewed said if my lining is usually ard 7 I ought to get around 7 if wont grow thicker. Sien half le. I don't want to proceed knowing likelihood of failing is higher and waste my precious embryos .. But with jabs the best I got to was 7 plus only. I'm pumping up good protein food and red bean in hopes of lining growing to best optimal in case et can Tke place. But I'm actually down with respiratory infection as in cough and sore throat.. Sigh
Hi Winniewiniepooh, below are roughly my diet prior to my ER:
- started taking Royal Jelly since early Jan after heard about it from the sister here DawnBB that it will improve the quality of eggs
- also switched from GNC prenatal multivitamin to Blackmores Conceive Well Gold prenatal multivitamin around the same time
- Ensure Life milk once a day started on my first day of stimulation
- raspberry leave tea once a day prior to ER
- longans red dates tea/red beans soup (soup only, not beans as I don't like the beans) on alternate day
- nuts and seeds in Greek yoghurt (Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, grounded flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds)
- two whole eggs and two egg whites
- cut down caffeine since last Dec as to prepare for SO-IUI, which failed
- cut down raw, spicy and cold food

I am not sure which ones are really help, but definitely no harm trying. Remember, everybody response differently to a diet and the drugs. All the best!
For Royal jelly, just one note that it is not suitable for those who have allergies or with history of allergies. If not sure, try way before the cycle or avoid. Additional to above listed by Jean, I took CoQ10 Ubiquinol which I felt is good for combating oxidation stress esp for advance age. I never take raspberry leaf tea or red bean soup though I had porridge cooked with mix of black beans, red beans, kidney beans, peanuts and dried scallop for lunch quite frequently then. I read that raspberry leaf tea should stop after ovulation and not advisable for early pregnancy as it may cause contractions and actually used mainly in 3rd trimester to aid labour.
Additionally I had a small bowl of chicken or beef essence on alternate days before, during stim and during 2ww. I skipped the LGRD tea as it leads to excess heat easily for me.
All the best! Jia you!
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For Royal jelly, just one note that it is not suitable for those who have allergies or with history of allergies. If not sure, try way before the cycle or avoid. Additional to above, I took CoQ10 Ubiquinol which I felt is good for combating oxidation stress esp for advance age. I never take raspberry leaf tea or red bean soup though I had porridge cooked with mix of black beans, red beans, kidney beans, peanuts and dried scallop for lunch quite frequently then. I read that raspberry leaf tea should stop after ovulation and not advisable for early pregnancy as it may cause contractions and actually used mainly in 3rd trimester to aid labour.
Additionally I had a small bowl of chicken or beef essence on alternate days before, during stim and during 2ww. I skipped the LGRD tea as it leads to excess heat easily for me.
All the best! Jia you!
Thank you for your info sister . Can share what did u do during 2ww?
Thank you for your info sister . Can share what did u do during 2ww?
I took things really easy esp first week after transfer. Watched tv, continued my baby quilt cross stitch, surf Internet, listened to soothing music when I did colouring. Tried to take nap in afternoon daily and even if can't sleep, I will rest on bed for about 45min to an hour (usually after the afternoon dose of Utrogestan inserts). Did only simple chores while most work covered by part time maid. I still prepared simple dinners for hubby & myself, cook porridge or simple soup for lunch on my own, and boiled my own chicken or beef essence on alternate days. I stopped going to gym for usual light exercises or brisk walking as hubby not agreeable to it so had to make up with moving around in the house at regular intervals of sitting to enhance blood circulation. I would only get out of the house for acupuncture sessions. Otherwise got to go out on weekends when we would have breakfast and have a walk after that as well as shop for weekly groceries.
Hi, may I ask how to determine whether v are in day 3 trf or day 5 trf under blastocyst? Which method is most use? & Usually how many days of cycle will proceed to FET if lining everything is ok? Sorry this is my 1st time doc advised to culture my embroys further to blastocyst stage. Thanks in advance
I see! I am taking red bean soup now. Is that sufficient? Or should I also take chicken essence together as well?? :D

Hmm. No harm eating additional, but do drink lots of water cos its heaty

Now I only take chicken Essence before sleep, so as to keep womb warm. Plus, utrogestan lining support.
I took things really easy esp first week after transfer. Watched tv, continued my baby quilt cross stitch, surf Internet, listened to soothing music when I did colouring. Tried to take nap in afternoon daily and even if can't sleep, I will rest on bed for about 45min to an hour (usually after the afternoon dose of Utrogestan inserts). Did only simple chores while most work covered by part time maid. I still prepared simple dinners for hubby & myself, cook porridge or simple soup for lunch on my own, and boiled my own chicken or beef essence on alternate days. I stopped going to gym for usual light exercises or brisk walking as hubby not agreeable to it so had to make up with moving around in the house at regular intervals of sitting to enhance blood circulation. I would only get out of the house for acupuncture sessions. Otherwise got to go out on weekends when we would have breakfast and have a walk after that as well as shop for weekly groceries.
How often u go acupuncture post ET?
Dear all, need your advise.. I can't decide whether I should continue accupunture post ET as I stay in the west, accu at amk so if take cab also quite a Long journey. What do u all think??
Dear all, need your advise.. I can't decide whether I should continue accupunture post ET as I stay in the west, accu at amk so if take cab also quite a Long journey. What do u all think??
Deamscometrue, i have the same qns too. After ET, what does it help to our embryo after transfer by going accup? Are you with Dr.Zou? Did dr.zou give advise on that? Did you go accup after ER?
How often u go acupuncture post ET?
I went twice as the 2ww after 5-day blastocyst transfer is actually only about 1.5wks. But I didn't go on the day of transfer after ET as my tcm doc said it is not necessary since I've been consistently doing acupuncture for sometime, it is good enough to go within 5 days after transfer for the first session post ET. I find that it helps to relax and enhance blood and Qi circulation which is beneficial for implantation. However if it is too dreadful, tiring or stressful to attend acupuncture due to long commute or waiting time, it may actually defeat the purpose and you may otherwise be better off chilling and resting at home.
Hello experienced sisters, need some advice. I had my ET done on Wed. Since Monday, I'm using crinone gel. Today I'm 3dp5dt, got some pink stains on pantyliner and getting some back pain and slight cramps on and off since yesterday. Can the menses come so early for IVF? Or does the crinone gel caused such side effects. Should I see the doctor?
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Hello experienced sisters, need some advice. I had my ET done on Wed. Since Monday, I'm using crinone gel. Today I'm 3dp5dpt, got some pink stains on pantyliner and getting some back pain and slight cramps on and off since yesterday. Can the menses come so early for IVF? Or does the crinone gel caused such side effects. Should I see the doctor?
Are u on estrofem as well? A pink tablet. Or just purely crinone gel?
I took things really easy esp first week after transfer. Watched tv, continued my baby quilt cross stitch, surf Internet, listened to soothing music when I did colouring. Tried to take nap in afternoon daily and even if can't sleep, I will rest on bed for about 45min to an hour (usually after the afternoon dose of Utrogestan inserts). Did only simple chores while most work covered by part time maid. I still prepared simple dinners for hubby & myself, cook porridge or simple soup for lunch on my own, and boiled my own chicken or beef essence on alternate days. I stopped going to gym for usual light exercises or brisk walking as hubby not agreeable to it so had to make up with moving around in the house at regular intervals of sitting to enhance blood circulation. I would only get out of the house for acupuncture sessions. Otherwise got to go out on weekends when we would have breakfast and have a walk after that as well as shop for weekly groceries.[/QUOT
Thanks for sharing ....
For the first 3 days post transfer, need to spend not of the time rest on bed?
I just did my ET today . Doing crinone 8% progesterone gel twice a day... It is in tube deh... Anyone doing same as mine? Previously , insert gel balls 3 times a day deh .... Now it got changed in KK?
I just did my ET today . Doing crinone 8% progesterone gel twice a day... It is in tube deh... Anyone doing same as mine? Previously , insert gel balls 3 times a day deh .... Now it got changed in KK?
Contents same.. Both progesterone supports. Crinone gel more ex but more convenient.. Cos just insert once. The ball normally need 3each time? Imagine need to insert 3x 3 times a day.. Very sore
I just did my ET today . Doing crinone 8% progesterone gel twice a day... It is in tube deh... Anyone doing same as mine? Previously , insert gel balls 3 times a day deh .... Now it got changed in KK?
hi. my ET was 1 mar. i was originally prescribed utrogestan insert 3 times daily, but i requested for crinone because I don't want the hassle of bringing the inserts to office. should be ok to request for the inserts you prefer
Hello experienced sisters, need some advice. I had my ET done on Wed. Since Monday, I'm using crinone gel. Today I'm 3dp5dpt, got some pink stains on pantyliner and getting some back pain and slight cramps on and off since yesterday. Can the menses come so early for IVF? Or does the crinone gel caused such side effects. Should I see the doctor?
Good positive signs, could be implantation or side effect of crinone. It's normal.
Thanks for sharing....
For the first 3 days post transfer, need not to spend the time rest on bed?
TFC guidelines as well as my tcm doc advise that it is more beneficial to ensure movement at intervals of sitting or resting on bed during day time to promote blood circulation. Sitting or lying down for too long inhibits optimal blood circulation.
Hi @MrsChan00, i got this information from Internet, wondering will it be same?

For IVF treatment, what other factors will you gals look at besides the doctor? heard quite a few negative feebacks abt KK. But I don't think I can conclude based on these comments. Each hospital has their own goods and bads...

I have called up to SGH for another consultation session and somehow will make comparisons between KK and SGH..Any inputs will be appreciated... :)

I'm not very sure abt SGH but I went NUH and KKH. Just to share difference btw KKH and NUH.

In KKH, during ivf treatment, u will be referred to KKIVF centre and the nurses or sonographer or resident doctors are very specialized. Ie. If the nurse is in charge of drawing blood, her job is just drawing blood and confirm info given is right. Prescription on changing dosage or change of med can be recommended by resident doctors and approved by your gynae in charge. Residents will check when u r ready for ER and schedule your gynae for the op. u won't see him/her until ER or ET. If you are subsidized patient, make sure I did all the blood test before you transfer to KKIVF. I like the nurses services as they are experience and know their specialized work very well. They can soothe my tension in OT where I was making quite a lot of noise due to the insertion of thick needles. It's not really pain but the cold environment caused me to be very anxious. I was lucky to choose the right ivf specialist as he encourage TCM and accupunture. My procedure was fast and almost painless. I even made special request such as choosing the time for ET which is before office hour as its the best auspicious time for me. The disadvantage is I don't get to see my gynae often and when I really need him, I cant get to him directly even tru email or phone. I think this happen in most govt hosp.

For NUH, I went before I chose KKH. The consultation was cheaper than KKH for subsidized patients, however, it is a "school" for most graduates so I was like gynae pig even thou there's senior con or con in the room. When asked to analyse my report, the new doc just point at my report in the PC and SC just concluded I MAYBE diagnosed with PCOS. My condition was only confirmed when I seek second op from a private gynae and KKH. Advices were not clear and diagnosis was worst as I was told to double the dosage of clomid when my menses flow reduced drastically. However, The nurses are very friendly but they are not specialized. The gynae in charge will follow through including all scans and prescription during IVF but some specialists there are not TCM friendly. Hope the above info helps ;)
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TFC guidelines as well as my tcm doc advise that it is more beneficial to ensure movement at intervals of sitting or resting on bed during day time to promote blood circulation. Sitting or lying down for too long inhibits optimal blood circulation.
Thank you for your reply sister
Any sister has been successful preg with grade 3 embryo ? And any sister tried both long protocol and short protocol before ?

I have tried both long and short protocol. BFP under 2 fresh (1 long n 1 short) and 1 thaw cycle. For me, there isn't much diff btw long n short protocol except different meds n length of cycle. I heard tt there is a better control over the growth of follicles. In my instance, i yield more eggs (as well as fertilised embryos) in the short protocol. I was also prescribed with very low dosage of the meds under short protocol, which i think is better for my body. Having said that, different individuals respond differently under different environment and conditions. What protocol are you in and you have some concerns?
I have tried both long and short protocol. BFP under 2 fresh (1 long n 1 short) and 1 thaw cycle. For me, there isn't much diff btw long n short protocol except different meds n length of cycle. I heard tt there is a better control over the growth of follicles. In my instance, i yield more eggs (as well as fertilised embryos) in the short protocol. I was also prescribed with very low dosage of the meds under short protocol, which i think is better for my body. Having said that, different individuals respond differently under different environment and conditions. What protocol are you in and you have some concerns?
I was in short protocol, only 8 eggs retrieved and 3 fertertized, transfer 2 day 2 grade 3 embryo . In 2 WW now. Just feel like too few egg being retrieved . How many u have retrieved during short protocol ? Just worrying if the embryos can be survived .
I was in short protocol, only 8 eggs retrieved and 3 fertertized, transfer 2 day 2 grade 3 embryo . In 2 WW now. Just feel like too few egg being retrieved . How many u have retrieved during short protocol ? Just worrying if the embryos can be survived .

I retrieved 26 and 18 fertilised. Half of them cultured to blast n frozen. The rest were frozen at D2. For my first long protocol, i retrieved 12 and only 3 fertilised too. Transfered 2 D3 and delivered a boy in 2013. Dun worry about the numbers. Look on the bright side. That 1 golden embryo might already be inside. Its impt for you to stay relax during the 2ww. When's ur BT? All the best!
I was in short protocol, only 8 eggs retrieved and 3 fertertized, transfer 2 day 2 grade 3 embryo . In 2 WW now. Just feel like too few egg being retrieved . How many u have retrieved during short protocol ? Just worrying if the embryos can be survived .
My 1st fresh was short protocol.. stim and scans shows lots of follicles. But dr only managed to retrieve 1 egg!! Was devastated and obviously cycle was cancelled due to poor egg quality. At least you had something to transfer. 2nd fresh went on after 2 months with long cycle and yield me 34 eggs. Got about almost 20 embroyos.. doctor didnt bother telling me the exact numbers as he thinks thats alot already. Lab tried to caltivate them into blastocycst and currently left with 9. Personally long cycle have to take lots of jabs and they have better control on the growth and quality. I think for your case, dont worry too much k. Relax yourself since its your 2WW now..
Did 2nd scan today for natural fet, lining 8.1 triple, largest follicle 20mm, opk positive .. Et scheduled on Thursday .. Hopefully my two embies will survive the thaw
I retrieved 26 and 18 fertilised. Half of them cultured to blast n frozen. The rest were frozen at D2. For my first long protocol, i retrieved 12 and only 3 fertilised too. Transfered 2 D3 and delivered a boy in 2013. Dun worry about the numbers. Look on the bright side. That 1 golden embryo might already be inside. Its impt for you to stay relax during the 2ww. When's ur BT? All the best!
Thank you for sharing sister. So you have two kids now ?
My BT will be 29 March , I wish I can success this round and proceed to next stage of my life.
My 1st fresh was short protocol.. stim and scans shows lots of follicles. But dr only managed to retrieve 1 egg!! Was devastated and obviously cycle was cancelled due to poor egg quality. At least you had something to transfer. 2nd fresh went on after 2 months with long cycle and yield me 34 eggs. Got about almost 20 embroyos.. doctor didnt bother telling me the exact numbers as he thinks thats alot already. Lab tried to caltivate them into blastocycst and currently left with 9. Personally long cycle have to take lots of jabs and they have better control on the growth and quality. I think for your case, dont worry too much k. Relax yourself since its your 2WW now..
Ya thank you for sharing sister. Lucky I still have so many sister to support me here , or else really dun noe how to spend 2WW
I'm not very sure abt SGH but I went NUH and KKH. Just to share difference btw KKH and NUH.

In KKH, during ivf treatment, u will be referred to KKIVF centre and the nurses or sonographer or resident doctors are very specialized. Ie. If the nurse is in charge of drawing blood, her job is just drawing blood and confirm info given is right. Prescription on changing dosage or change of med can be recommended by resident doctors and approved by your gynae in charge. Residents will check when u r ready for ER and schedule your gynae for the op. u won't see him/her until ER or ET. If you are subsidized patient, make sure I did all the blood test before you transfer to KKIVF. I like the nurses services as they are experience and know their specialized work very well. They can soothe my tension in OT where I was making quite a lot of noise due to the insertion of thick needles. It's not really pain but the cold environment caused me to be very anxious. I was lucky to choose the right ivf specialist as he encourage TCM and accupunture. My procedure was fast and almost painless. I even made special request such as choosing the time for ET which is before office hour as its the best auspicious time for me. The disadvantage is I don't get to see my gynae often and when I really need him, I cant get to him directly even tru email or phone. I think this happen in most govt hosp.

For NUH, I went before I chose KKH. The consultation was cheaper than KKH for subsidized patients, however, it is a "school" for most graduates so I was like gynae pig even thou there's senior con or con in the room. When asked to analyse my report, the new doc just point at my report in the PC and SC just concluded I MAYBE diagnosed with PCOS. My condition was only confirmed when I seek second op from a private gynae and KKH. Advices were not clear and diagnosis was worst as I was told to double the dosage of clomid when my menses flow reduced drastically. However, The nurses are very friendly but they are not specialized. The gynae in charge will follow through including all scans and prescription during IVF but some specialists there are not TCM friendly. Hope the above info helps ;)
Hi @Emmie3006, thanks for your info

U went in as subsidized patient in KKH and done ur IVF already? I called in as private patient and ask for Dr Tan HH

Today is my 12 days of jabs(1st 3 days on blocker) and i have only 7 follicles n biggest is only 14mm and smallest is 8.5mm. Praying hard that my follicle can grow bigger n of better quality this time round. Going back for 3rd scan on Wed. Hopping that i can go for my ER soon n i can stop all the jabs, as the jabs are making me so tired n very emotional at times. Just couldn't hold my tears. Any sister out there feel emotional during jabs period?
