IVF/ICSI Support Group


That is very nice. i am sure if i mention that i am going thru IVF , people around me will be empathetic and supportive but at the same time, it will also make people who really care to worried too. Why make them worried? They cant do much for me anyway.

When you first tell someone , a close friend or family, their first reaction is concern and sympathetic. I dont know am i the only one who feel this way.

Hi Sunny, I went to the Accu at AMK, dun worry, she does use disposable needles. I dunno if it helped. I went for 5 sessions of accupuncture by Dr. Zou b4 my FET and was tested positive finally after failing the fresh cycle of IVF. so prob it did help a bit.
hehe, maybe can ask ur hubby to sleep in a diff room if he's very sick, so that he doesn't spread to you. As for clearing of stale soldiers, did the nurses mention anything to u? I remember when I did my prev cycle, we were told something like 4 days before ER (can't recall exactly...memory failing me).
You only need them to accumulate until ER day, when the lab will use them for fertilisation with ur eggs.

Great to hear all went well for ur ER. Rest well!
Hello All

Looks like this website is up and running again. I tried to get in on Friday but experienced error, then again on Saturday. Looks like it is finally working now.

Anyway, it has been a long time since I last posted here. I hope everyone is doing well. I have more or less recovered from my disappointment over my failed cycle.

As far as I have been told, the egg and sperm were all well but for unknwon reason, fertilisation failed to take place.

The nurses were very nice. I was given a week to rest. During that week, the sister at CARE called me three times to chat with me and to make sure I am well. The support and encouragement I received from the medical team warmed my heart. I will be going back for a new cycle with them 3 months later.

I spoke to my doctor about accu and he told me he is open to such things and assure me that it is perfectly fine to go accu before my next cycle. I will do just that.

Anyway...I am up this early because I just had a nightmare....the doctor was explaining to me why my cycle failed. The pain felt so fresh. :<
Mulberry Pixie,
dont be so upset. i faced the same problem as u. KK fertilized the balance of my eggs by ICSI yesterday. u will be successful next cycle.

HOw are you feeling after the ET? I had quite bad cramps and bloatness yesterday. Now feeling quite ok. Hopefully the condition will not go back to worse later!

I am eating 3 per day. Yesterday and this morning, no longer feel bloated but have very bad cramps. And these cramps come and go.

Yes, got my HL when i went back for jab this morning.

Are u travelling back to KK for jabs or going to GP? I am considering to go for GP as the queue at KKIVF is getting longer, plus the long travelling time.
I think is better for you to tell you MIL since she stays with you sometime. Maybe she can help you make some 'bu ping' to 'bu' your body when she is with you.

Glad that you are fine. Must take care har. For me, only one of my sister & BIL knows that we are going thru IVF. I can't tell my mom because she is those hyper-kan-jiong kind. She will be super very very worried! Can you image she will call me 3 times a day whenever my DH is outstation. Now I get so scare that I don't even dare to tell her when DH go away.

Let the failure go. I have failed 4 times but I am still trying again. I strongly believe that my effort will be paid off one of this days. Lets jia you together okie!!

Did anyone of you try using the Clearblue ovulation kit? I tried on Sat and it says positive. But when I when down to my Chinese Sinseh to check my mucus, it didn't show that it is ovulating leh. Anyone has such experience. Can share?
Hi All, wow ... so many of you in 2ww ... Lefthander, PL, Orangedots ...

Anyone at ER stage? I just went for a scan this AM,today is D12 on Puregon. Will be taking Pregynyl tomorrow nite then ER on Thurs. Woo ... getting excited now.

Hey Theresa, how are you? ER soon?
Hi Ximi,
As mentioned by the sisters here, i'm also at AMK Dr Zou acup. I'm very comfortable with her and she gives alot of advise too! Try it out.

Maple babies,
I also went for my D10 scan today and everything was quite good, follicles on right grows to about 14mm~20mm but the ones on the left seem "sleeping" only about 13mm...... so i think my everyday acup since last Friday really helps too!

I will also be going for my ER on Thurs, SAME DAY as you! Wow, lets "jia you" together. So have your follicles grow as well? How many embryos will you be putting in?
Hi Theresa

Yes they have grown but i think not as fast as yours. You were on how many units puregon per day? 200? Mine dosage was not increased so the biggest now is only 17mm. I find it alittle slow since my biggest on D8 of puregon was already 13mm. Only 4mm growth over the past 4 days.

I will be putting in 3. I scare put in 2 not maximising chances enough. If possible, i even want to put in 4! But cannot leh, KKH protocol is 3 max only. You leh?

sorry to hear that...

dun be too sad.. failure is just part and parcel for IVF people like us..

one day we'll surely suceed.. dun give up ya!
Hi JR and hopes,

Thanks for the encouragement. I will try to stay hopeful. I read many success stories and I wonder when I will be blessed with a child too. It is so disheartening.

JR, when are you going for the next cycle?
I had my blood test last Firday and the nurse asked me to do it again yesterday. Unfortunately for me, I didn't make it.

when can I see AMK Dr Zou acup ? After my AF or now ? Anyone can advise.
Hi Mulberry,
I am doing it again on Sept. But mine will be a natural cycle first. If it still fail, than I will do the full cycle on Oct again.

Don't be upset, lets jia you together. You waiting for another 2 months to do it again?

For those going for ER & ET, jia you jia you. Bring us good news and baby dust okie..

Would you consider going for accu to strengthen your body before deciding on when or whether to try again?

I discussed with my husband and we decided that the two of us will go for accu before we try again.
Hi, dawn

Thanks for the advice. Have went down to see Dr Zou, she prescribe some medication & told me I can start accu asap. I have previously seen another Dr Tan at Thong Chai who doesn't do Accu. Am thinking whether to switch to Dr Zou since I heard from the tread that Accu might help.
Maple babies,
Dont worry about the size of the follicles, you still have 2 more days to grow. Did you went for TCM and acup? Mine dosage for Gonal F is 300iu and increased to 375iu on D7. Dr called me yesterday and say that my ER will change to this Friday because the wants to wait for more growth for the left follicles and my ET will be on Monday....... sigh! still got to wait over the weekend as i'm quite an impatient person but no choice got to listen to dr. I intend to put in 2 only as i'm only mentally prepared to handle 2 babies (if got twins) and we cant ruled out that if we put in 3 we will not get triplets, right! I dont want to end up with too many babies and in the end post natal depression as i'm easily prone to stress.

You have to jab HCG tonight? I'm quite scared of this jab as it is very paniful, i've experienced that during my 3x of iui.
Hi Mulberry
Natural IVF means no medication is use to stimulate the growth of follicle. Depending on your body to produce follicles, Dr will retrieve whatever number that you have. Than the next stage will be similar as traditional IVF. This method was recommended by Dr Loh since I am one of those who doesn't response well to the medication. And too high a dosage may cause the follicle to be abnormal which in turn may affect implantation.
Hi Theresa, my last puregon jab was yesterday so i think my follicle grow till today at most. Then after the HCG jab tonite, they will just mature and not grow anymore rite? So i gather, if i can retrieve all the good sized ones, at most 10 eggs. Hopefully can get all 10. Ya, i heard the HCG jab is painful, intend to jab at buttocks but scared cant sit later. But then again, cant think of anywhere else, so likely at the butt lor. I understand what you mean, at first, i thot my ET will be over by this wed but doctor only allow me to ER this Thurs so i also wait till neck long long. But then if that is what it takes to get as much eggs as possible, ok lor i wait ... hmmm ... getting exciting now! hehe
i think tell or don't tell yr MIL also depends on how u feel,how good is the relation with & other issue. Frankly speaking, till now we have not tell 3rd person about my preg. thru IVF. I just intended to keep till after my 1st scan next week. Regardless some of friends/relative/colleque they really care or just "pa qua", i just don't want to add pressure to myself until i'm more ready & feel comfortable to tell.

Good luck for yr ER tmr & ET. take care.

the rest, jia you!
Hi gals, i am back
the jab was at my thigh and it hurt like hell!!! I was literally limping my way out.

Anyway, one more hurdle to go ... ER! I very scared of ER too cos can imagine needles pierce thru vagina wall and ovaries, must be tonnes more painful. Oh no, what if the sedation didnt work well on me and i could feel all the pain? I might just faint there! Anyone can share? Is it painful for ER? Or totally dont feel anything? I very worried.

Also, my nipples been hurting past few days already. So painful i cant even brush against it when bathing! Aiyo, effects of puregon?

Why we gals have to go thru so much? boo woo ...
Dear all, had my Lucrin jab today but i have some queries reg it hope someone can advise. For Lucrin injection does it matter whether we jab it in the morning or at night? I guess most ladies here jab in the morning?

Do you inject immediately after you take the bottle out from the fridge? Do most of you inject when you are in sitting position? Better to pinch stomach abit while you inject right?
Maplebabies, I also hope you don't wake up halfway thru procedure! I dunno if it's painful, I slept all the way throughout the procedure and enjoying my 3 hours rest in bed with very little abdominal discomfort on the 2nd hour.. Stay calm and I think the sedation will work well. All the best to you! And Theresa too!

My ET would be tomorrow. :eek:)

How come when we think that we are halfway thru the process of IVF, it felt like it keeps getting longer and longer?
Huh? Lefthander, i didnt know can sleep leh, the nurse say will be half concious. Maybe i should ask if they can increase the dosage of sedation and really put me to sleep. I very nervous leh, sure wont be able to relax. Better make sure more sedation than take the risk and see whether i will wake up hor? Very scared now.
For your lucrin jab, it is better to jab in the day and maintain the same time everyday and thats what my nurse advise me. Try to let the me rest for about 10min before you jab as it will be less painful when it is not so cold. I inject the med while standing as i find it more comfortable for me. Do pinch "more" of your stomach with needle fully inserted as it help to reduce the pain too.
Maple babies,

You still at home? I thought should be at the hospital by now. How come half concious, my also GA leh...... my pain threshold also very low. I thought you will jab HCG at your buttock? Thight got more muscle so sure will be more painful than buttock. All the best to your ER and remember to RELAX!
Did my 2nd Lucrin jab early this morning. K thks from tomorrow onwards i will take the med out fr the fridge abt 10mins b4 my jab. I have been giving the injection myself as i scare my hubby will be nervous if he jab. However, found that i also abit nervous especially when going to push the needle in..hand tremble abit.

I went kk before lunch yest and that nurse like rushing for lunch so i din have much time to ask alot of question partly bcos i forgot wat to ask. She explained and then just asked me to jab on myself...haa thought i will have chance to jab on dummy before actual jabbing on my own stomach.

Read that yr ER is on Fri? All the best k!
Eh? Theresa, yours GA ah? Then why mine not leh? I very scared if no GA, i will wake up in middle of procedure leh. Maybe i should ask them give me GA.
Nano, it will get better with practice, hehe... For my case, hubby jab me everyday. But puregon jabs are more convenient to do myself. But hor, jab until no more space left. Sometimes will leave bruises all over. My tummy area looks very bad now, alot of bruises.

The worst jab is the HCG one last nite. I am still limping abit today and feel whole thigh sore.
Maple Babies,
Your ET is tomorrow ah..sorie thought today..anyway hope you have a lots of gd graded eggs!

Ya hopefully my injection skill will improve over time. Yr hubby so brave jab for you, hee maybe shd let my hubby try at least once then he can better understand the pain of injection.
May i know will we get bruise during Lucrin stage or usually only when we start Puregon?
Hi Maple Babies
How come yours not GA. Cannot be lah. Sure have, but just a matter of how much. Think before u start, tell the Dr that u want to be asleep, than she will increase the dosage a little. That was what i did the last time. I told her i don't want to wake up half way. After that, nurse told me that Dr actually gave me quite a bit more... haa..haa who cares..
Deasy, JR, ok, i shall confirm with them again tomolo morning! Aiyo, best if can use GA, i very scared of pain after last nite's jab. Thanks for sharing gals, if not, i still think no need GA and guai guai use just sedation then what if sedation dont work on me at all. Haiz ...

Nano, tml is my ER, not yet ET. If only its ET, then good lor ... how i wish. But tomolo is the biggest event. After ER, there is nothing much le.

Hehe, dunno why my hubby ok leh ... he not scared to jab me. He just say i very "ke lian", esp after last nite jab.

I read a previous post by sis Koala on acup, she mentioned the advice given by Dr Xia Rong on acup is as follows(quoted her post):

"1) For the cycle that you intend to start with IVF, Start from CD7 onwards, do twice per week until one or two days before ER.

2) Do one more time between ER and before ET date. Let say your ER was yesterday, you have to do it today for preparation of your ET tomorrow. This would be the last time of the ACU.

3) After ET, no more ACU. as not to "disturb" the Embroys"

Do you know why Dr Xia Rong din advise to do acu everyday prior to ER?..as i thought both of them adopt similar approach. Wondering does all ladies under Dr Zou fr AMK goes everyday one wk prior to ER?
Hey gals, need abit of help here. Do you gals have discomfort over the ovaries after your HCG jab to mature the follicles? I having intermitten pains, alittle like ovulation pains. Could my eggs have ovulated on their own??? I sneezed a few times this AM. Maybe that has shook the ovaries alittle too hard and they ovulated on their own?? How ah?
hi gals

am glad to inform that i have started on puregon today, after the scares about having to possibly terminate the cycel due to a thick endometrium, i am taking every step of IVF thankfully.

ER is probably 12 days from today! wish me luck.

What you'll go thru is probably also known as conscious sedation. The name doesn't really mean what it sounds like. I think you'll be awaken without much hangover of sedatives... therefore can go home safely. DO NOT WORRY! What JR said is useful; you can tell the anaesthetist your fear and tell them to make sure you don't wake up halfway. :eek:)))) All the best, jia you!

Good on ya! Jia you jia you!

I had my ET today. To be frank, I prefer ER cos you are knocked out and don't know what's happening and you just go hungry a little bit and that's it. With ET - no sedation therefore you're very aware of what's happening, legs wide open and all..... and sleep with head down for 2 hours containing my bladder! (I'd rather hold than use a bedpan!) ANYWAYS it's all over. What do I do during 2ww???


Thanks for the well wishes.

As for the self injections, I personally like to pinch my tummy hard before stabbing.(to induce pain so that body won't be shock when needle penetrates skin) After many many jabs, I find that it is easier to stab and less painful if it is angled at 45degrees rather than 90degrees. But that's me. All the best with your ivf journey!
