IVF/ICSI Support Group

Mag: your story is very inspiring.. And miraculous! Wah! I am inspired and hope to conceive naturally too in future
Thank you!!

Sunstillshines: I took pcygenol for 2months all the way until ER and stop. Cannot take after ET for sure. Sorry for confusion.
judebabe - **Hugz** do stay positive, i do not believe that Fate and/or God will deny anyone of being a parent, a wonderous precious gift on it's own... All in good time... I had been trying to concieve for 7 years and thereafter suffered 3 miscarriages in my baby quest, until i got my twins. The journey is never easy, but every step is a lesson for us to learn. Take Heart!
Twinstars - my heart goes out to you. Just to let you know, I admire your fighting spirit. I always believe that all the hardships are lessons built up for us to love and treasure our desired gifts much much more in the future. Do rest a bit and come back strong!!
dots - Jia You!!

daylesford - Thanks! i do hope to be able to pour on the BB Dust.. As for you, please take care.. do rest and get your thyriod controlled. Hope to see you soon.
I kudos with all ladies here. Everyone of us is here for 1 reason. To conceive a child. The journey is never easy it take alot of belief , determination and will to go through the process.

No doubt this is my second fresh ivf cycle I still feel I need courage n determination to go through it.

My first ivf baby that I conceived is not easy too during the 9 mth pregnancy is 2010. I had alot of sad n worried moment to carry through my baby in every trimester.

I failed my Oscar test in first tri n detected Down syndrome . I was so sad and depressed. But I keep belief that I must have faith . Finally I deliver a healthy n normal bb.
2nd n 3rd tri my bb was detected heart swollen n last tri due to low placenta previa I almost delivered at 27 weeks.

It faith n belief that make me go through this tough times. Hang in there ladies. Don't give up.
Thanks for these stories. It tells us that there is always hope at the turn of the corner =)

Someone should interview us and compile our stories into a book. Hahaha!
Hahaha! Me didnt know. Drink milo with immunocal, three times a day. Hahaha!

Sparkles, just done blood test. Still bleeding quite a bit. Dont think it is called spotting cos need pad one. Hahaha! So now we wait for call. Hubby took leave in case we need to go out and distract ourselves, or to celebrate the victory of our fighter baby.
Jiayou dots! Tmr my turn, feeling abit down the past few days after seeing so many bfn. Sisters, ganbatte!
Good luck dots!!

mag - thanks for ur inspiring story.

Fashion spree - u r very brave. It's more difficult to have a bb n lost it.

ChrisL - no worries... I'm doing good.. tmr is my bt. I'm gng out with my friends for some dim sum now.. Just enjoy. =D
Dandelion: BT measures HCG so unless u have a pregynl/ovidrel jab, it won't affect. All the best!

Maomi: look up
Ganie, yes. I was too eager n I tested. Haha...

But wondering if e hpt kit is too sensitive. It's first response which I bought from BBshop in this forum.
Good on u dandelion, gong xi gong xi!! Should be ok bah? Use clearblue to test again
Dandelion: a + is a + !!. If hpt is sensitive means its can detect at lower range. Congrats!!
when is your BT and how many days past transfer today? Wah.. Exciting!
Dandelion: agree w Ganie16. HCG presence in urine is from the embryo producing it.. I can understand your hesitation as it happen for me then too but its real! Haha
Hee...shall not thank you ladies too early.

Chris, makes a lot of sense there.
Maomi, dun want to test again liao.

BT is on Monday. Will let u all know again.
Congrats dandelion!

Results of round 2 fighter baby vs strawberry monster is out!

Fighter baby gave it his best, hanging on to me tightly as best as he could. The result is that it is a draw!!!! So still in the fight!

Hcg levels didnt go up. Dropped slightly but still in 30+ range. So need to see doc tmr.
Dots: did they give u a jab though? You have a fighter there.. And u are a strong mummy too!

ok.. For me, I tested the next day to confirm the hpt is working..
Dandelion: i only tested once.. very happy already... haha.. but i used clearblue. Results very obvious.

Dots: glad u and bb fighting hard still, whatever it is, hold on til the end!
Dandelion: not tempting la cos I want to see it again and hubby also want to see for himself again so next day, somemore use 2 different kits.

Ganie16: didn't use clearblue mah. The cartridge was not clear but the strip is clear and I also didn't know until I ask a friend who remark that it's v clear.. First time jitters.
dh even post online where others could help vote if its really positive. He had fun
Yeah! Hip hip hooray for the fighter baby! Give thanks to God too! Baby got to continue his fight with strawberry monster!

Babydream: good luck for your bt tmr!!!
Jia you dots! Fight for that miracle! Jia you jia you

Congrats dandelion. U my cycle buddy. I tempted to test but a bit hesitant. Just waiting to miss af first. Hehe.

To the other awesome mums, dun give up. Take ur time to heal and try again.

I am on my day 1 of fasting. Trying to beat out the hunger pangs, super sweating moments and undeniable headaches.
can i check, if for fet. do we need the husband sperm again before ET? When do they thaw the frozen embryo? One day before?

those with nuh done fet, do we need to take the hiv test again and also counselling?
Dots - what a fighter u have! Thanks for remembering me. Tmrmy turn.. but I guess shld be negative. Will uupdate tmr

Dandelion - congratz!!!
Thanks sparkles... AF Haven come.. maybe becos of my inserts n jab... Have tested my urine on mon. It's a negative. Bit I will still go for my bt
Thank u sparkles and dandelion.
Definitely a challenge but makes my Ramadhan even more special now with a deeper purpose

Baby dream no af is good. Dun give up! Jia you!

Everyone jia you jia you. Try to continue to believe. I also cant help but feel that my journey ery long. Always try to be hopeful yet need to stsy realistic. Sometimes I wish it was a clear cut yes or no, then I know how to make plans. But no matter how I am still hanging in there.

Bad news is that I had 3 separate incidences of big blood clot in 2 hours. Hopefully fighter baby didnt decide to surf-board out of my body. Haha!
