IVF/ICSI Support Group

dreambear, do u knw the co-funding for frozen cycle with effective when huh? I ET on 9 Jan dunno can have the co-funding boh?

Blizzbless, with 18 follicles, might kena ohss so better continue with egg whites but must be cooked de. And if u really hit by mild ohss, doubt u can go BBQ wor. Cos u might feel heavy and pain of your lower part body. U see how lah. Take care! All the best for your coming ER yayy! Jia you!

Finnolia, me too same BT day with you. Wish you all the best yayy! Your supports also pregnyl jabs?

Yvejen, Yap i think inserts reach our womb faster that's y they prefer us to do inserts

dreambear, kind of disappointed about the news. they are still stick it back to 3cycles. Patient like me failed with no fresh will not enjoy the co-funding for frozen cycle.
Leor, I extracted these from MOH's website :

You are eligible for the ART co-funding scheme if you meet all the following criteria:
a. You have started or are scheduled to start your ART cycle at a public hospital on or after 1 Jan 2013, i.e. the date of the ovarian stimulation (for fresh cycle) or the thawing of the embryo (for frozen cycle) is on or after 1 Jan 2013;
b. You are below 40 years of age at the start of the cycle;
c. The treatment is a fresh or a frozen cycle;
d. You have not already received 3 co-funded fresh and 3 co-funded frozen cycles in the past;
e. You have been assessed by a doctor to have met the clinical requirements for ART; and
f. You or your spouse must be a Singapore Citizen at the start of the ART cycle.

Blizzbless: sorry.. Juz saw ur msg.. My appt with dr Loh is 1010..was there with hubby...Sia ah... Dr Loh still say my follicles aren't growing fast enough n ask me to stop eating those eggs which will impede e medication ..but it seems he is trying to avoid e Er on sun.. So either fri or sat.. That is y he is trying to rush e growth... Now up to 400... I know hav 16 on my left.. 13 of them are between 10 to 11 while 2 are 12mm... On right, I hav 14...7 of then are ard 10-11?mm while 3 are between 12 to 14mm

Seems like too much eggs huh?? I v scared will hav ohss...
Leor, thats great. Good luck to u too! I was prescribed Utrogestan suppositories/inserts 3x/daily. There wasn't a choice - but not that i would prefer jab over it. On that note, i actually thought Pregnyl was an hcg jab to induce ovulation?
Finnolia, U are on a fresh cycle isnt? Yes, Pregnyl was an hcg jab, it can also use for support too. But not suitable for everyone especially for those might kena ohss de. Cos it will worsen it. I was also on 3x utro inserts daily during my fresh cycle in 2011
Dream when is ur next appt. I was thr with my hb at 11 today.
U really got a lot egg. I din eat egg white so can't comment on it.
I don think ur ER wil b on fri. Mayb next week ba.
Leapgal, Congrats! Hv a smooth 9 months ahead.

Purpledragon, Min81, on my last cycle, i went for accu during stim and stopped once on Pregnyl jab. Cos in my 1st attempt i didnt respond to stim jabs.

ladies, i personally think pregnyl jab has better effect than oral support cos in my 1st attempt i was on 1 pregnyl jab after ET and three days later went for bt, i ddnt hv problem of low progestrone but recent cycle, i was on oral support and my bt on d3 after ET shown low progestrone, i had been given a jab on the same day and 1 week later hv red spotting, dr asked me to went for another jab.
Sandra: I started w dr seah 22 Dec n tmr am going bk to c her. excl tmr's session, the past 3 sessions of accup & chinese med, i c improvements to my AF flow.
my af cycle is very chun but starting to get lesser. this mth, af reported on time despite coming a few days late last mth due to post IVF stim.
also, ovulation seem quite ok gauging fr discharge. so i guess it is working

as for taste of med, it's ok not as bad as i thought of it to b. i think my taste bud numb already lol.

lin: u r doing TCM rite? shud b fine cos they will tiao your womb for u. dun panic / get paranoid. breathe & relax. it takes time but will b fine.
i hv learnt to adopt 听天由命 cos certain things really 不能急的.

leapgal: congrats grab ur bb dust. wishing u smooth 9 mths ahead for your snake year baby.

asiafighter/finnolia/leor: read psalms 94:19. rem god is gd all the time though he did not promise sunshine in our life everyday. his grace is sufficient for us to press forward.

min81/purpledragon: my tcm said no more med once start jab but will do accup until 1 day after ET.

nitro: congrats. dun worry too much. just take gd care of missus n wait for gd news. 2 embies of grade 4 is fantastic. chances r quite high for success w grade 4 fr my understanding at KKH.

dream: OMG! u hv many eggs. well done
now just hv to b careful in case of likely OHSS. dun worry abt folli size. will rch gd size by ER day. still hv time.
eh... sorry the below was directed at blizzbless n not dream lol blur liao

blizzbless: OMG! u hv many eggs. well done :) now just hv to b careful in case of likely OHSS. dun worry abt folli size. will rch gd size by ER day. still hv time.
Blizzbless: my next appt is on we'd ard 10.. I dun think possible to target this week but dr Loh keep mentioning fri or sat... Mayb that is his aim ...I m worried I hav too many eggs n end up low quality ... Mayb puregon not effective for me..

Sandra: today is 9th day of my cycle n I had 7 injections Liao .. Ya.. That is wat he said... He said e protein will react with e medication n reduce e effect, I think...
dream: wow just look bk at your post.. u really hv a lot but the sizes r good leh.. must take care n monitor after ER... think sisters here recommend LRD post ER & ET.

blizzbless: u hv gd lining thickness as well

wish u both good harvest of eggs for ER n all fertilise beautifully.
Dream, today is my 10 jab leh. stil have to jab another one tml. Don worry too much la.. But his nurse encourage to eat egg white wor.. Urs range 10-14 very gd mah..
Thanks BrChow... Can't help being in a dilemma when TCM n dr Loh says differently.. TCM did mention that if too many, may tend to hav more unusable cos e hormones spread out Liao ... Guess is a bal of everything

E nurse was saying how 5 day has higher chances of preg n implantation but dr Loh usually doesn't go for that for e first trial... Y huh? If it has higher chances, y can't we go for tat directly ??
Have you all heard the good news for government? For Singaporean now its 75% co-funded!

Couples seeking Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) treatments in public hospitals can receive co-funding for the cost of their ART treatment cycle, for a maximum of 3 fresh and 3 frozen ART cycles. The amount of co-funding will vary, depending on the citizenship of the couple, as shown in the table below.

ART co-funding parameters per treatment cycle (with effect from 1 Jan 2013)

SC-SC Couple
Fresh - 75%; up to $6,300
Frozen - 55%; up to $4,600

SC-PR Couple
Fresh - 55%; up to $4,600
Frozen - 55%; up to $900

SC-Foreigner Couple
Fresh - 35%; up to $3,000
Frozen - 35%; up to $600

The co-funding scheme covers ART procedures such as in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) with or without intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and gamete intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT).

All standard procedures from ovarian stimulation or thawing of the embryo to embryo transfer can be considered for co-funding. However, the initial consultations and investigations prior to a patient’s decision to start ART treatment will be excluded from co-funding.

Cycles that are terminated after the start of ovarian stimulation are also not eligible for co-funding, unless the early termination is due to medical reasons as advised by the doctor.
@ lin (okidoki)

{ did dr tan suiew buoy said when yr wife shld drink the medi? she told me to drink 3 days later if its a 2 day transfer, ie drink 3 days after ET }

Apparently, my missus drank it before ET. Just found out today, when missus rang up TCM Dr Tan, asking her if she can take both pregynl and TCM?

Guessed what, Dr Tan told missus over the phone - the medicine is meant to be taken after IVF and NOT before IVF.

During consultation, missus has explained the whole process, egg extraction + 2 days followed by ET.

And missus remembered Dr Tan saying the TCM to be taken after eggs extraction, to help grow the lining and continue after IVF.

Now fingers crossed, praying taking the TCM before ET will not affect on today's results.

Missus refused to go back to TCM now.

Btw - Did you take pregynl and TCM @ the same time?
Dream, do thing at your comfortable level. Most important is stress free yayy!.

Dr Loh dun go for the first trial becos, u might waste alot of your embbies to culture it to 5days. Example, if u have 10 fertilise, They might need to use more than half of it to culture till day 5. At the end, u might only left 2 - 4 embbies or nothing to send to freeze. So wastage of emmbies is high. Another reason is, they believe embbies in our womb can survie better. if u ET day 2 with 2, u still have 8 embbies to be freeze also.
Dream, ya Leor is right. STRESS FREE.
Yesterday i din sleep good, this morning Dr scan me n ask me issit i very stress, i say no la, din sleep well. So i think he can see it from the scan, how he know, i nt sure also la, din ask him.
I try to relax n rest as much as possible. don even go think about the ivf, busy with cny shopping..yesterday even drink coke..
Actually I am very confused... Dr Loh say it all started with one of his nurse suggesting egg white n how is an old sch of thought...

I think we juz go by wat we r comfortable with...

I only pray for e quality to b good.. TCM say by now I shd feel bloated but I still ok leh
Sisters here. M in a dilemma nw. Hoping to seek some external parties view.

With e juz announced increase in co-funding for ART at public hosp, would u choose to say in public hosp or u will go to PTE hosp coz yr Dr has moved to pte? N somemore yr frozen embbies r at public hosp.
Dream, i think is true la, jus go with wat u r comforatble with, but if eat egg white or increase protein intake if nt anything bad then no harm trying since we already spend so much right.
Like i say i cant stuff myself with egg white so i increase my protein intake lor.. Don listen to much, listen to ur body, will make urself more stress
Ya... Blizzbless... I shall learn fr u too.. I aim to b stress free but now already worried abt sizes... Ok.,, last time I m going to worry abt sizes...

Shall check out wat vcds to buy for watching instead
Dream, dun read so much. Just trust your ownself. Things will just move on once the time is here. Nothing much we can do le. As for egg whites, if u feel to stop, just stop. Is not complusory anyway. However, i personally feel that eating at least an egg everyday is good. I mean whole egg not only whites. I been taking it during my 2ww and of cos before i start fet, i also try to eat egg daily regardless how steam, fried or hard boiled de. Maybe that's y i put on lots of weight.
Dream, yea.. learn to relax.. if u r stress i think mayb the eggs can feel also..
Mayb i leave it more to god ba, if he feel he wanted to bless me with one then i wil b grateful if not mayb he feel is nt the time yet..
Leor, i think i also put on weight.. cny coming but become pui pui instead on lookin nice..
Dream, i always go in Dr loh room in n out very fast, cos i don wan to listen too much then need to worry too much.. and also nurse. she say wat i jus orr orr orr.. then out i go..
I put the med in veg compartment n all the stuff away out of sight, so wont remind me lor. but of course i wont forget the jab la.. n also i told hb if i fail this cycle i wont go for another one again. will enjoy as it is..
nitro> u are really a very good husband. dr tan said aft ivf it means aft ET right? maybe there was a communication problem somewhere? i only rem she said its 3 days aft ET (if its a 2 days transfer). its ok for pregynl and TCM, as long as its more than 2 hrs apart. i dont think taking the medi aft ER will have any bad impact to ET, dun worry. chinese medicine is nt so strong.. take care, n think +ve ok? may just strike with 2!!

pina> ya, why still 3 cycles and not more? haiz. also pple like me with no frozen then 3 times also nt enuf rite!!

brchow> yes, taking tcm 3yrs, but no effect, cos my body is too weak to absorb... but still taking lor.. dunno hw else liao.

dream> dun think too much, u have good amt of eggs. actually my tcm nv told me abt the hormones thing if too many eggs.. will still have good ones lah..

leor> all the best for coming bt

asiafrighter> gd luck!
Bbliss> if u can find another good dr in yr hospital, can just make use of the govt grant...i think now its quite attractive..
Blizzbless, me also pui pui...yesterday i went my sister hse warming, my mum and dad saw me and laugh at me for being so fat. Cos now my mum slim down alot. Tease me saying she win me liao lor. Now I am the fattest in the family. Heart abit broken. But if BFP who cares lolz....
dream: fr my understanding, 5-days trsfr is mainly practised in states but not SGP. not sure if i'm correct.
what Leor said abt wastage n stuff is correct. there is a trade off cos embies may not survived for 5 days o/s of our womb but those that survived r really strong ones...
in kk, i rem vaguely the nurse mentioned that sometimes embies soaked in culture for too long also not good cos might hv possibility of abnormality in developing embie...
BrChow, thanks for the verse. it was really nice. *big smile*.

Leor, yes i'm on a fresh cycle and had ohss. no wonder. And i also put on weight and am holding an ohss-bloated belly.. argh.

Blizzbless and dream, going thru ivf/icis is such a tough thing, mentally and physically. Whatever you choose to do/not do or eat/not eat, you do it with the best instinct and knowledge u hv on hand. Your body will respond to her best. You both are doing great.
Dream & BrChow, UK also practice blastocyst culturing. My first attempt was in Scotland & all was cultured to blastocyst. BrChow is right that those surviving are really good embies but these does not mean sure BFP & it in fact there will be a lot of wastage. I didn't have any to freeze as the rest din survive after culturing for 5 days. I had 1 good 1 for transfer & the other lower grade one. Sadly, I din succeed.
Dr Loh believes that our womb is the best place to let the embies grow instead of using man made techniques.
Finnolia, my 3rd cycle is not fresh cycle. Is FET. My AF just came today. Just went back to TCM & she gave me some herbs to flush all out.
I consulted her abt my cysts. She too felt that I shouldn't remove them as I am into IVF.
She told me I shouldn't have proceeded with my FET so soon after my 2nd failure as my AF is not back to the norm cycle. She said when one has fallen and just got up still feeling dizzy, why wanna push her & make her fall again???!!! Well, what's done cannot be undone.
Dream, I'm with Dr Loh as well...but I think your folicles are doing very well. I don't think mine was as many & as big as yours. I think Dr Loh is trying to push yours to produce the best result. If i don't remember wrongly, he only expected mine to be 12mm. And for me I've to finish the whole bottle of the jab which is around 500 while he is only asking you to increase it to 400. Don't worry, you are doing well.
Strange wor, he told you not to eat egg white. Though previously it was his nurse that gave me that instruction & not him.
yvejen: yup yup... blastocyst is the word... having said that, ppl who did it out of SGP will definitely go for blastocyst esp for the younger age group women.
higher percentage of BFP but also high wastage. chicken & egg situation.
Thanks sisters for ur encouragement... My nature to worry unnecessarily... I think dr Loh doesn't wan to do mine on sun.. So he keeps pushing to sat or fri.. Haha.. Anyway, I shall be positive on... Won't think anything further abt it ..

Dun worry abt being pui pui.. Guess wat? Dr Loh said tat of me... I am so sad.. I told him abt ohss.. He say wat a pui like me, e salt will spread over a bigger mass... Faint...my hubby was trying not to laugh ... Who cares... Once I m preg n give birth, I will then lose weight

Let's jia you together!!
Dear Mummies,

I have an appt with NUH on the 4th Feb at G Clinic for IVF, 1st Try. Can anyone tell me your experience with this clinic.

I lost my 1st baby at the 9th wk of my 1st pregnancy in 2011. This was the 1st try of Clomic and under went 5 cycles of it with 1 cycle of IUI with a Private Doc.

There after my hubby and i tried normal to conceive for a year till decided to go thru the polyclinic for referral to NUH for IVF. Any good souls to advise me???

Hi ladies... anyone ever have laparoscopy with Dr Loh?
He suggest the procedure to remove my cyst and see lining...
How long the wound will heal? And how much is the estimation cost?
Ladies, I'm done w my endo scratching n nw waiting for feb AF to come n will proceed w my FET.

Congrats leapgal n grabbing ur bb dusts for my next cycle.

Purple dragon, bring a pad along on d day coz I experience bleeding n during d process, u might feel cramp but only a short while.
yvejen, your physician gave some serious analogy! It sounds so brutal yet so true. I'm sorry to hear about your rushed FET. I spoke casually to a reproductive endocrinologist and he thinks that my ivf protocol needs to be adjusted. There was too much emphasis on quantity and lesser regard on quality. i feel like a lab rat... ha. On a positive note, the drs now understand our bodies better - perhaps a step closer to getting it right. May your body rest well and get recharged soon.
Bbliss, I would be more inclined to use the grant for the FET. Whilst at it, I would know if I am comfortable with the dr at the govt hospital... and go on from there. Perhaps you will get a bfp with the snow embie?
