IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi SiSi,

Mi tot so also. If this machine is invented, will help to alleviate a lot of sisters' agony will not be there.

Hi Imel,

Yeah jus do our best will do. Take the chance to spend more time with your son. My fren 39 also give birth to a beautiful baby gal after three MCs. She is very tough too.

Hi Imel,

oh good - din know Dr Loh got lobang! I was actually thinking of bangkok cos nearer and i saw a clinic offering that service. In any case, I will focus on IVF until options run out. My brain ran out of space liao.
Hi Sisi, the TCM I go to is:

Ban Choon Chan
Blk 81, #01-636
Marine Parade Central
Tel: 63446718.
Closed on Tues.. Open @ 830

Hi Sunbelle, *applause* yes!! Ur good luck will continue!!
Hi Blessing, so many people do it in India. I remember there was an article in Straits Time talking about surrogation in India. It is illegal to do it in Spore but it is ok with India. That's the last option that we can go for. Actually I dun mind to go for adoption, but my husband want to be my flesh and blood. So surrogation is the only way.
Hi, Sisi,
U r most welcome.. I oso had comfort fr sisters here...

Hi, Sunbelle,
No prob.. I @ 1st oso tot fet given HL.. But no... We learnt along the way..
If I m not wrong, fet can use govt grant.. But it is often advisable to save the grant for subsequent fresh (touch wood!!)...
Oso cos fet don't cost tt much..
My current natural fet (medicated cost more) = 1033 for the ET procedure + 45 + 45 (2 purchases of opk) + insurance...
Nonetheless, for yr info oni.. Cos tmr ll b a lucky day for u again.. Good luck for a super BFP!!!
Dr Loh ever said if possible, he wld like to open an adoption centre next to KKH!
Hi Hopeful,

Yes, jus shared with hubby that I strike Toto hahaa.. Din expect it haha yeah let my good luck continue on tmrw

Hi Queenie,

Got a big bundle of OPK at home. Yeah We have to use the ones provided by KKH for greater accuracy huh? Yeah very good of you to share as you know that hard to get any nurse there cos really too many people there. I love the nurses there
Hi Clb..thanks for remembering me..am seeing chinese dr to tio my body..will b going for my fet after my menses come..n after dr approval..hw r u now??

I do hope things will be better for me if I am preggy again..but sad to say most likely I will need to stitch up my cervix if I am preggy e next round...
Am watching ch 8 food show w kym Ng. The xue yu (cod fish) looks good! Anyone knows if cod fish is ok to eat? Is it high in mercury?
Hi Hopeful, do you know any TCM to recommend? I'mnot seeing any TCM at the moment. Maybe I can give it a try. Btw, how many days we need to rest after d&c?
Hi Sisi, sorry to hear abt ur bfn. Take a break for now. After u get ur body stronger, then can try again. Jia you!

Hi Sunbelle, Imel, good luck for BT tomorrow! Imel, hope ur son will feel better soon too.

Sunbelle, I haven't measured my weight since hospital stay. Scared.. regardless whether bfp or bfn, I really hope to get better soon.

Hopeful, I tested this morning. Very very faint line. Dh has been comparing wif online photos.. Me very tired from work so dun really wanna speculate. Just hope for the best.
Imel, Sisi, Ocean, and all sisters here who are trying to get bfp, let's jia you together

Ashley, Sunbelle, thanks, will not give up till I have the little one/ones.
Hi Baby, sorry to hear abt ur 6 wk scan. It's so heartbreaking.. Pls take care of urself & recover well *hugs*.

It's a good reminder for us not to take everything for granted. Good embbies transferred doesn't equal to healthy babies. We still have to pray for successful implantation, pass hcg test, pass 6 wk scan, pass 10 wks, pass 25 wks... IVF is really one long n stressful journey.
Hi Moo3moo, ya.. lets just hope for the best tmrw!! Good luck!!
Oh, at least ur dh is checking on the website. My dh is color blind.. He cant even see the faint pink line.. *faintz*
Hi sisters jia you
We are the strong that will go all our way out to trys. My auntie suggest to me to do IVF at India when we run out of govt grant. Cheap there n change of environment.

Hi VyVy
I am so with Dr Tan HH. Will be starting my lucurin on 23aug.
Hi Baby and all sisters, I hope that I have not been giving an impression that I am a TCM "expert". Just want to clarify that I am not. But just that I have seen the benefits of TCM on me and dh, that's why I may seem to be "promoting" TCM. But its really up to individual..

And below are just some of the research on TCM I have done previously.

1) Ban Choon Chan (This is the TCM which me and dh had been going to for the past 9 mths. They only have herbs to be brewed but no acupuncture)
Blk 81, #01-636
Marine Parade Central
Tel: 63446718.
Closed on Tues.. Open @ 830

2) Dr Zou Yu Min (I have only went to her cux of acupuncture for this IVF cycle. As we are not allowed to take herbs during the suppression and stim period, I thot the best way is to do acupuncture in the absence of herbs)
Blk 505, Ang Mo Kio Ave 8

3) Dr Tan Kian Seng (I have not went to him before personally, but I heard many good +ve stories abt him. He does acu and also herbs. He is the head of the infertile team @ Zhong hua Hospital)
Add is @ Clementi

4) Raffles TCM (This is from what I have read recently that some sisters go there during the injection period for acu)

5) Eu Yan Seng TCM (There is a lady who specialise in fertility. I cant recall her name. But she is @ the Tiong Bahru Plaza branch on weekends. Me and dh used to go to her. But felt that its quite expensive. So we stopped going)

Ok, thats all my research on TCM. Hope it helps..
Posted on Friday, August 19, 2011 - 12:28 am:   
Since surrogation is not legal in Singapore, if any sister here can provide more info that will b gd. Juz wonder how much will b the cost that we had to spend.
Hopeful, tks for the info and I hv heard that this Docs is gd n planning to visit him next week. Tml will b your BT also, gd luck and do update us with gd news.
BFP to all sisters!!!!

Thank you all for the comforting words. Only we whom have gone thru the process know how hard it is. Sisi, baby & Imel "big hugz"

After receiving the bad news today, I treat myself bubble tea, buying things, eat feast. I told myself no matter how hard, life still goes on. Especially after seeing what Queenie has posted "Give urself a pat on ur back, knowing how strong a woman u hv been, & how much u r willing to do for ur baby dream."

I wish you the best on tomorrow's BT. Have faith in your embbies.
Can anyone advise me what's the diffence between long and short protocol? And can I request to go straight to fresh cycle despite having 2 frozen embbies? Thanks
Hi Ocean, so late, you are not sleeping yet
big hugz to u too. Ahh I can't eat all those food yet as I hv not gone for d&c yet.

Hopeful, thanks for the list. I thk I will try Ban Choon Chan after I hv done my d&c and will go to dr. Zou for accu. Sounds abit kiasu but I need to try everything to get bfp.
Good luck to you and everybody here.
Hazel, if dr Loh opens adoption clinic next to his office, i dont mind work for him, haha

Quite heavy heart this morning to read some sisters' updates. I too had 2 miscarriages i cant explain and just as puzzled as you are. Both times embryos were good but still, 1 time sac was empty, another 1 time sac was ok with fetal pole inside and HCG increasing well but still lost it. My only explanation is maybe embryo had chromosal problems that cannot be detected during ER and ET, as in cannot detect just by seeing how good embryos looked. Thats why now doc can keep saying how good how good are the embryos, i will still not take it too seriously already. So if like this then its not meant to be cuz even if it progresses, it might still end up MC or be borned with difficulties. So if like this, maybe its good although very hard to swallow now that pregnancy ended at early stage. We just have to take consolation that at least there was ever a pregnancy means rule out implantation problems. So we just have to keep humtum all the way until that 1 good embryo and strong pregnancy. Dont lose heart sisters, with every try, we are 1 step nearer to success not further.
Hi Ocean - hope this helps

Long protocol

- CD 21 Suppressions (eg. Lucrin, suprefact) until AF. Lucrin suppresses the follicles from growing until the gonaltrophin drug (eg puregon, gonal-F) is added
- CD1 – AF, lucrin continues
- Around CD3 Stimulation drug added to boost follicle growth. Because of suppression stage,the follicles hopefully will grow more evenly. that does not happen to every woman, however, there should still be a “lead pack” of follicles that are responding to the stims. Lucrin continues to prevent premature ovulation
- Usually first scan is D7 of stims, usually another 1 or 2 scans in between before trigger
- Trigger then ER

Short (Antagonist) Protocol
- Around CD3 start stims, As no suppression stage, possibility egg growth may be more uneven. Focus is on the lead pack.
- More monitoring is done by doctors to adjust stim dosage & monitor follicular growth.
- Usually first scan D5 of stims, and more regular scans in between (every 2-3 days)
- Trigger then ER

Long protocol has been around for 30+ years. Traditionally, antagonist was used with older ladies as some ladies over-suppressed at suppression stage and did not response at stim
stage. Now some clinics use the anatagonist protocol as it is relatively shorter & faster, and someitmes lucrin got effects such as headache and backaches,etc. Research says there is no significant different in egg quality and number of eggs between the 2 protocols for most women, but sometimes one protocol ends up working better than the other for some women. I tried both protocol and got same number of eggs each time.

On going for Fresh#2, it’s your choice ltimately, but do have a discussion to your doctor. I had 2 frozen from Fresh#1 and after discussing with my Doc, we went for another Fresh as didn’t want to wait a cycle time if the snowbabies did not survive thaw since got only 2. But Imel's 2 rmbbies survived thaw & she did get pregnant. So it all depends on the embbies. Most doctors will recommend to use up embbies first as sometimes the 2 we put in may not implant, but the FET ones turn out to be the strong ones (as they survived a day or 2 longer), but he also helped us weighed the risk of possibility of cancelled cycle due to no embbies surviving as we were likely going to do medicated FET.

Often embbies that look 'great' at Day2/3 do not survive to day 6/7 for implantation. So don't despair, and often the snowbabies end up the strong candidates for BFP.

Re qualifying for grant for Fresh#2 if you had an earlier child, it’s in MOH’s website FAQ :
Go to MOH > Home > FAQ > Policies > Co-funding for ARP at restructured hospitals
Sunny, did u ask dr loh for vitamins while u r resting to improve egg quality? Need to take at least 3 mths before fresh cycle. If is FET, every embryo is independent. Out of a basket, there sure will be one gd one! So, Dun give up. At least u know u r capable of getting pregnant! Ie ur womb is gd!

Dr Loh has an adopted niece who is dark skin accordingly to him. He told me she is his fav niece though he is not sure if she is Chinese.
Hi Ron,u mentioned that CD3 after AF comes can start stims. That means I should call KKH if my AF is earlier than the scheduled blood test and scan to make appt earlier? I'm really getting confused here.
Hi vyvy - If AF comes earlier, I would suggest call KK &amp; let them know &amp; ask if you should reschedule the BT &amp; scan. I m not from KK so maybe some KK sister who experienced AF before BT date can confirm. But do continue lucrin daily. The days are approximate as everything depends on individual's body response to the meds. <jiayou> ya
Hi BNB - my fav remedy for tiredness, sit down and daydream.. hahaa. I like the EYS chix essence, but best is the homemade ones, taste so yummy..

Hi Baby_me - very sorry to hear. take some time to heal and care of yourself.

Hi Sunbelle - MOH's FAQ - FET not covered by grant. 

Hi Hopeful &amp; Moo3 - looking good &amp; good luck for the BT

Hi Queenie - just wanted to say <jiayou> &amp; enjoy your 2ww.
Hi, what kinds of pre-natal vitamins are you all taking?

Going to scan for the lining thickness tomorrow morning. It was only 7mm 3 days ago
KK will only do the transfer if it is more than 8mm. I'm trying FET first time after I mc during my fresh cycle in May.

Heard that asprin can improve the chances of IVF. My dr didn't prescribe it to me as I could be allergic to it. Is there any substitutes? How long do you all take asprin?

Thanks all!
ron-I tried the normal EYS chx essence, but found that without the caramel, taste very light &amp; I either not use or just don fancy it, compare to Brand's.
I was thinking of trying EYS chx essence with red dates, maybe will get during the weekend, before my Brand's supply is here on Wed.
I find that this round, lower abdomen really like alot of activities, becos on &amp; off cramping. Really feel like going hme to zzzz. But already almost half day gone lah, so I try not to complain so much, hehe.......
VyVy &amp; Piglet02 - I'm also with Dr Tan HH!!

Currently seeing TCM @ EYS Paragon, was teow-ing since my mc with herbs, and started accupuncture recently. DH don't really believe in TCM leh.. always giving me the doubtful look when I prepare my herbal drink..
Hi, Ron,
Thanks so much for the encouragement.. &amp; oso thank you for all ur advices during my cycling.. U r oso another guru lo.. &amp; ur words r always so encouraging...

Hi, BNB / Ron
Agreeed totali.. The EYS chx essence tasted juz like salt water to me.. Smthg is juz missing, mayb the impact of caramel.. I oso prefer Brand's.
I even tried the red dates EYS.. Stil.. Haha.. Try it &amp; let me know watt u tink...
We can consider working for Brand's, thanks to ivf.. Hahahaaaaa...
queen-the one with red dates also taste the same? Then I don wan to waste $ liao, will straight buy half a dozen to tahan till the delivery.
Maybe I will bully my mummy to make the chx essence by traditional way tomorrow, wahaha.....
Hi Hopeful, Congrats hehehe thats a good news for today. Im still waiting for my miracle
And Thank God today my son is better, no fever spike just block nose which is very bad and it disturb his sleep. My husband and I didn't sleep well for 3 days in a row now trying to make him as comfy as possible. Sigh I hope his block nose will clear off by today.
Hi hazel, yes!! She is!! She was not convinced with the $0.40 HPT so she went to buy a $18 one!! She is 3 wks preggy.. Young girls like her get preggy so easily...

Can I ask u one more question? Shd I b KS n start eating more supplements or just take the folic acid n the oral progestrone?
Hopeful, dun anyhow take vitamins or Any medicine unless approved by your gynae. Firstly, different brands hv different content n dosage amt. Excessive no gd for mothers. 2ndly, most vitamins will worsen MS. So usually started after first tri
Wendy- No worries, my fren stitched up her cervix for her 2nd and 3rd preg, she was up and running soon after that... for her first preg, she din stitch and had a premie baby...so better to take the extra precaution right at the beginning. Stay postive! You are in good hands with Dr Roland!

Hopeful- Congrats! hazel is right, dun take supplements without dr's go ahead, jus continue with ur folic and preg support meds. i took my facial pdts to show dr on the first visit to make sure i wasn't using anything harmful.i was having aching legs, but we also have to check with doc b4 those medicated plasters (some have susbstance which is not good)...
..towards end 1st trim, dr will prescribe fish oil/obimin/calcium etc
Hi hopeful congrAts!

Gals didn't check in to the forum for the past two days as I was busy, hope everyone is doing well ya!

Will do catching up tonite , keep posting
