IVF/ICSI Support Group


i already tested. my hb bought 2 clearblue normal tests and 1 digital test tht will indicate the number of weeks of pregnancy. he ask me to test one today, one tmr morning and one tmr night! hahaha..so funny right?

i dunno how accurate it is to test since i did the hcg jab last friday. bt i got a positive on the normal test stick. i will continue to test tomorrow. so please hold the congrats in case its false alarm.

panda- ur hb very funny.hehehe...
juz relax and dun over think the results can liao.wait for me hor..mine's nxt wed.haha
Gan, keeping my fingers crossed. i will use the digital one tmr morning.. coz i tink morning pee is more accurate bah..

nurse ask me to bring urine sample on sat..she told me today she wants pee kept in the body for 6 hrs..so i cannot wake up middle of night go toilet! very difficult leh... coz now my bladder feels full all the time even when i dun drink much.

rainzz, yeah lor.. just now he show me the test sticks..i ask him y buy so many...he says he plan nicely for me liao...
yes yes, i remember urs, coz its my birthday.

my nausea feeling is back ...cannot eat dinner ..only manage a few spoons of vege..then start burping non stop.....
panda - u keep some sour plums with u,so tat when u feel like puking..u take abit.
then rest then eat stuff like porridge or soupy food in small portions.
i oso hv alot of burping but appetite quite normal liao.hehehe...
thanks tzac!

Pandawife my appetite has been good. but also like u will wake up and pee at least 1 at night. feel hot too, will wake up with sweat though i sleep in aircon room.
i am feeling very drowsy all day time and nite i don't sleep well enough.. strange..
for u one more week to go . planning to do HPT by mon or bravely wait till BT?? myself long way to go
fancy - tink i shall wait for BT,scared i tink too much wor.this 1 wk more is go is like ages...haaaa
dun tell me u become like me.
like vampire liddat.haha
Congrats to Baby and Gan!! Spread the baby dust my way!

Am getting quite excited and nervous at the same time now. Just saw Dr. Cheng yesterday, he said we're good to go for ET next Tues. Will be thawing 6 embies. Dr Cheng and Samseah said that I need to be on standby for ET this weekend just in case. So nervous! although this is second time, but I feel more nervous... first time, I took it quite easy but didn't work... now I am so worried. Aiyoh how lah... haven't even ET already worried

Nancy, Snappack - you're also doing with Dr Cheng? I was there last week and saw someone just got a positive BT... and the nurses were all congratulating her. Was it anyone of you??
See i told u... Hee...
Congrats ya!!
Since last fri.. Its already 6 days... Its accurate leh.. Cos i also did bt 6 days after my pregnyl.. Somemore yrs only 500units.. It will be gone in less than 2 days lor...
So happy for u!! We are cycle buddies and we bfp together!!
Rainz u are next ok!! Join us!! : )
Why yr clinic so funny le.. Ask u to hold yr bladder for 6 hrs... Since they are testing yr blood.. The urine test is not that impt wHat... Both base on hcg... Strange leh... Test urine liao then test bt on the same day... Wats the purpose har?
dun congrats first leh. i dun feel confirmed...until sat. heheh..my hb also say dun be too happy first... best wait for BT result on sat, in case false positive.

its their practice to do urine test first...if positive, then proceed with BT i tink. i also not sure... coz i ask the nurse just now, wht time's sample she wants..coz i will wake up a few times in the night...she say cannot..she want 6 hrs.. tht means i cannot go to bed too early..

let me ask on sat why they do urine test followed by bt.
baby, i just refer to my payment slip for last friday.. the hcg jab is not 500units..its 5000units! haha..i tink just now angela say wrongly...
Alamak.. No wonder i find it strange how come yr pregnyl only 500units... Usually its 5000 or 10000... I tot yr clinic special.. Hee..

Yup wait till yr bt on sat ba... Or can do bt one day earlier tml since u tested positive on hpt? Blood test is the most accurate... Im sure tml can test bt liao.. I already tested 2 days earlier...
Congrats Gan!

and.....i'm feeling the anxiety and excitement for Pandawife already!...okok I better dun say anything first.. just Good luck
i will wait for sat..since i hv two more hpt sticks to use tomorrow..dun waste..hahahaha...

i oso confused by all the jabs they are giving me..
Hi anyone has use utrogestan insert before?
My dr gives me this to replace the cylogest pessary insert...
I see its a small white round tablet.. Looks like its v hard to insert unlike the cylogest where it is bigger with bullet shape...
This utrogestan must insert with finger or need applicator? Cos the leaflet picture got applicator but the box inside dont have leh..
Ya i read the leaflet.. It says can take orally or via vaginal insert..
Yrs is a small white round tablet right? Pink box?
Cos dr say he change the insert for me.. So i pressume he wants me to insert them... I find insert so mafan.. Must be home to insert not like oral med u can take anywhere...

Yr utrogestan yr nurse ask u to take orally is it? U got see the leaflet inside says can insert vagainal?
Tangtang, I did medicated FET. So from D4 of my AF, starts taking progynova. I was also prescribed baby aspirin. D14, go for scan, once lining minimum 8mm can go for embryo transfer.
My lining during my last scan was 7.8mm.
Will u be on medicated or natural FET? Dun worry, I find FET less stressful than fresh. All the best!

Baby I had utrogestan inserts 3 times a day during my fresh cycle. just use ur finger to insert.
i insert utrogestan 3 times a day , wash ur hands and then use ur finger to insert, i try to insert as deep possible, so that it does not come out.
Gan, congrats!!! Well done, when your reading was 80+, I knew you had chance to BFP. Really happy for you. Your 7 years wait has been paid off.

Ceraine, I know you are currently out of jobb and is concerned abt medical fees. Can I suggest that you proceed with SO-IUI first? Let Dr Loh know your last SO-IUI, you were already on 150iu. Then ask him what if eggs over-stimulate, he will probably write on the form that you will switch to IVF if eggs are over-stimulated. This is what I went through. And lesser jabs compared to many sistas here.

I have seen you in other threads before. And 1 year ago, you already mentioned abt IVF but till now, nothing happens.... so why not make use of this opportunity then?
Just faith, thanks.
Just came back from 24hrs after a jab coz of the on off brown spotting....ouch!
Will be on MC tomorrow.
How are u doing?
Pandawife and baby,
my pregnyl was only 20 units on D1 and D4 after ET. i thought my sounds stranger! Nurse just asks me to jab myself at hm.

How do you like Dr Paul Tseng? My first cycle was also at Paragon CARE but under another doc. It seems that CARE's patients are mostly from Dr P Tseng. How much is your bill so far? I spent almost $17k. Ouch!

Fancy, thks updated.
Gan, i know the jab is painful. but really lor.... all these jabs is nothing liao. we will automatically draw down our pants to let them poke. anyhow, please be good and rest in bed. dont think too much abt spotting. the more you think, the more you become crazy. Spotting could be due to the inserts or late implantation. Dont worry too much. If see red flesh blood, then it is really no good. Try to bed rest as much as possible. And please do not carry heavy things. And dun try to catch up with your colleague during lunch time hor?

I have very terribly good appetite. I had cravings for char siew rice from a particular stall, then also asked DH to do some banking for me. Then I realised if I asked him to go to do banking, I shouldnt trouble him to go elsewhere to buy char siew rice for me. so i told him, buy anything. i just want to eat rice. so my "sa lao gong" went to buy chicken rice for me after doing banking at posb. he think think, since i got cravings for char siew rice, he should try to fulfill my food desires! so he drove another 10mins to the specific place just to buy char siew rice for me.

i only realise while i was eating haflway. how come i have char siew rice and he is eating chicken rice.. so he explained to me. i was kinda touched. then 1 hr later, i felt hungry again. i ate the 2nd packet of chicken rice. i really worry at the rate i m eating.

i had fried bee hoon at my mum's place for dinner. before i left her house, i feel hungry again.. when i came home, i keep digging for food...., so i make bread and butter for myself.

i have super good appetite. other than that, i felt tired easily. only feel nausea when i m travelling on the road. so, i always stand by a plastic bag.

other than that, i noticed that i pee alot. definitely more than those days.
Just faith, should eat when have appetite! Think your morning sickness is coming le
Yes i also felt tired at certain time. around 3pm plus..felt super sleepy.
You lucky girl, hubby really sayang you.
My dh works late everyday, and nowadays I get hungry at 7pm so i will settle my own dinner. today because of spotting order pasta mania again....3rd one since 2ww. should give me loyalty card liao
Just faith i am on 3 times per day duphaston, progynova (this is from FET) and folic acid.
Today is last day for my inserts. very happy...coz i always LS with the inserts
hahaha... they should!!

Ya, he pampers me with food. Always let me have the food that I want to eat. While typing last msg, I feel hungry again. DH also worry if i mix up cramps and hunger, I said no lah!!!!

So you are on MC tomolo? who took your blood test? and who called you? mine is fong leen and sister sara who called me. hehehehe. Rani must be happy to see you when you went down again to collect medicine.. hahahah
Ya, the inserts are really messy. When the fingers always feel waxy!! Duphaston not cheap hor? 60 tablets i paid $80+.. but still cheaper than pressary!
Just faith, i didn't get the nurse's name who called because my hp went bonkers, i can't hear what the nurse was saying...can imagine my heart was popping fast coz i want to know how is the BT.
So I call back kkivf, and the nurse told me everything ok.
Went down to collect and Audrey was the one who brief me abt the med
Yes on MC.
This week only work 2 days....
Oh Audrey! Very nice and polite lady.

My scan is on 18th May... still got 12 days to go....

Let all the MS come... this is the only way to ease myself and not think so much.

Btw, do you still feel any cramps? Mine is on n off.. not painful, just a little unusual feeling.
hmm... now i dun understand how come my scan is 18th may and not 14th may. cos if 18th may, it means, i will be 6 weeks and 4 days le.
no much cramps , just on off.
actually i think i still not much symptoms except burping more after meals, peeing in the middle of the night, felt hot easily, sleep in air con also will wake up with sweat. And tired easily in the afternoon
yes i also wish i have MS
Ya, i still burp like that.. think okay to sleep in aircon room but remember to wear socks and keep warm... the warmer the better. hehehehe...

hey, i heard abt the TPS from you abt your friend who is also seeing him at TPS. Whats the difference? Shorter waiting time?
Just faith, i go sleep le..my dh nagging me to sleep. good night!! talk to you tomorrow since i am on MC. kekekekeke
just faith, waiting area more comfortable, hmm yes shorter waiting time compared to clinic D based on my exp. $10 more

baby, yeah..i oso read the instructions and it says can either oral or insert. the box is white with light orange/pinkish prints?

En En, i went to CARE direct, not thru Paul. So by default he will be the gynae. he seems to be a kind, and nice gentleman. i hv only met him for a few scans and ER/ER. The rest of the sessions are with Angela. Talk about bill, i tink mine has exceeded what u hv spent..CARE is definitely expensive, bt we tink its $ well spent.
