IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Singapoh ... From USA. The website is www.cryobank.com.

Seems like a recommended place as kkh had the brouchers n leaflet.

My donor from HongKong, then I did a matching consultation (meaning sent photos of my dh for them to match from a list of my choices) then we picked the closest.

All these need $$ lor .. matching consultation need $, face profile need $, baby photo also need $...

Then got to call there to order can't order thru email ... the liasing is damm taxing cos when its day here its night there ...
Hope 4 bb, i called it baby aspirin because i read it somewhere but guess should be lower dosage than normal. During my consultation with Dr Loh, i just asked him can i take some baby aspirin to improve my lining (although he thinks my 8mm lining for my fresh cycle was not an issue) he said ok.
i think my dosage is 100....it is also not indicated as baby aspirin on the pharmacy sticker
You take that for your FET too?
Hope 4 bb, some info on baby aspirin which i copied from www.babyhopes.com
But do consult your doc regarding any med to take.

What Is Baby Aspirin And How Is It Related To Fertility?
Aspirin was once considered a miracle drug. For over a century, people have been taking aspirin to help deal with relatively minor aches or pains, such as straining of a muscle or headaches. Aspirin is made up of acetylsalicylic acid. Acetylsalicylic acid works by keeping something called Cox-2 enzymes from working. Cox-2 enzymes produce something called prostaglandins, which are hormones that cause pain. By keeping the Cox-2 enzymes from making prostaglandins, aspirin helps to relieve pain.

Baby Aspirin refers to a low-dosage aspirin that is safe for children. Baby aspirin is generally an 81 mg dose of acetylsalicylic acid, whereas an adult aspirin is 320 mg of acetylsalicylic acid. Baby aspirin has a variety of uses, including lowering the risk of having a heart attack. Some aspirin manufacturers have even started to repackage baby aspirin, no longer referring to it as “baby” aspirin but rather as “low dose” or “low dosage” aspirin.

There is some research to suggest that taking a daily dose of baby aspirin can actually help with fertility as well. Baby aspirin helps to increase the flow of blood to the uterus. This, in turn, makes the uterine lining healthier, and helps with successful implantation. Other studies suggest that aspirin actually increases the amount of activity in your ovaries, and allows your ovaries to release multiple eggs during ovulation. Some health care providers may actually prescribe baby aspirin if you are having trouble with fertility issues.

In addition, baby aspirin acts as a blood thinner and can possibly prevent issues with blood clotting, which have been connected with miscarriage. A low dose of aspirin makes your blood platelets less sticky, which allows blood to travel more freely through the placenta to your unborn baby. Often, baby aspirin is prescribed along with Heparin, which is an anticoagulant. However, there is some conflicting research on taking baby aspirin while pregnant. If you are pregnant, you should consult with your health care provider before taking a daily regimen of baby aspirin.
Dear Gan,

I've done my 1st fresh cycle last year..
I'm seeing Dr Loh today at 5pm..
Not sure when can i start my FET cycle..
I hope i can start it ASAP..
I'm not so sure what can help for successful FET..
Did you go for any massage or TCM before FET?

Hi ladies,
Are those traditional massage helpful before FET, anyone knows?
IHi Brownie - Some ladies go for accupunture to improve lining for increased implantation. U might wish to read previous post.

My donor sperms have arrived at KKIVF side !! Finally .. whole process took almost a mth ! From going into website, selection, face compairsion, liasion etc ...

Phew .. now only pending complusory blood test for both of us & Apr's AF to report
Brownie, i am now seeing Dr Zou for acu, started after my failed cycle. I also did my fresh cycle with Dr Loh last Nov/Dec

JJ - KKIVF will do the storage for you? Do they charge? are u doing TCM too?
Hi Gan ! Yup .. they will do storage for me (at a fee la) I haven't find out the $$ for storage.. But no choice but to put with them cos no other places.

Nxt step is KKIVF will check on the sperm mobility & quantity & inform me.

I've stopped TCM, will continue with TCM powerded herbs come march. Meantime i eat 1 folic acid pill a day.
Brownie, i was very onz in the first month and see Dr Zou twice a week, then slowly work caught up, so now i am seeing her once a week.
each acu session is $25
and if you buy med, it would cost $8 per day.
JJ, all the best to your coming IUI!

yes, continue with the folic acid
by the way, how come you can't start the so-iui earlier using march menses since everything is ready?
Eh ... cos mth of May is our bday's (don't want to stress of this) then whole mth of June dh not in (due to reservist) then July he will be busy clearing his backlog work. Hence schedule in April then if successful it will be a Jan 2011 bb (maybe will be 1st bb on new year *wishful thinking*)

If unsuccessful this round (CHIO!) will rest then go for IVF in Aug 2010 ... then if successful can be same birth mth as me & my dh (May 2011) our bdays are on 11 & 12 may
Jiayou JJ, Gan on embarking your baby journey soon. Will succeed de ok? Have faith!

Skies, Syann, Hopeful Heart and Sun(chilli), how you gals getting on in 2ww? All the best okie?! BFP BFP BFP!!!
i am not doing ivf yet..planning to do it in next 2 months...but i have been prescribed aspirin as it helps for better blood circulation with improve chance of pregnancy..but after 1 yr still no luck..
Went for my BT today. Distributing red packets filled with extra potent and sticky baby dust to all.

My HCG level is around 1050 & today is my D20. Is the level alright?

Thank You all for the informations and support during the whole process.
Thanks gals...

skies.. Just remember to rest a lot, no cold drinks, eat 2-3 pieces of Brazil nuts daily, Chicken essence every 2 days & drink red dates & wolfberry everyday. I also ate Durians "Cat Mountain King" twice a week during my 2ww.
Skies all the best to u... when is ur BT?

Gan, u mean u r given aspirin by kk during ivf 2ww? Does u know whether cardiprin is the same as aspirin?
congrats syann
happy for u

Btw, were u on progesterone insert or injection? I am on insert and my bt is next friday..just went for my progesterone blood test today D9....so far no implantation bleeding or cramp...worried.

If i am on insert, can i test myself earlier?
Lyn, no aspirin for 2ww during my fresh cycle. but given aspirin for my coming FET but that would be taken together with the progynova.

Sun if u are on inserts u can test yourself earlier.

All the best Sun and Skies
Hi Gan,

I went to see Dr Loh juz now but he said nothing bout aspirin for FET..
He told me i could start this cycle..
He told me to come for scan next Thurs..
Which day will you start your aspirin?
Did Dr Loh prescribe aspirin to you or KKIVF Drs?
I'm worried now...
Not sure if i need the aspirin for the lining...
Lyn, my dosage is 100

Brownie, dun worry, Dr Loh didn't prescribe because your lining is ok. and i think u r on natural FET, so no need to take any med. I am on medicated FET, so diferent.
Don't worry and all the best!
Btw, ur fresh cycle was done when last year?
Gan/brownie, my thinking is isnt natural FET more risky then med FET? Wat if the linning doesnt build up to its ideal thickness?
Brownie, i wld be doing the FET with my next menses, waiting for the menses.
Natural and medicated FET protocol wld be different.
Lyn, for natural, the doc will check for ovulation. and lining shldn't be an issue.

For medicted, the doc will check for lining only coz i won't ovulate with the med i am taking.

Brownie, how many embbies u intend to transfer?
Hi Judebabe

I bring forward my appointment to see Dr Loh on Friday. I really need to know what went wrong.
My hubby is not supportive on fresh not becos of $$, he do not to see thur the injection and pressure. I will see what Dr Loh say. My AF has arrived yesterday and is very heavy. Next week, I shall go back for ACU. We Jia You together.

Seed, I did not take Dr Zou med but only ACU. Not sure should i take. Not sure how long should I waited before my next FET. I believe my 2 D&C has affected my lining.

Congrats to all ladies on BFP
Thanks Gan..


Were you on any medications for your natural FET?
How many embies did you transfered and how much it cost?
Did you use medisave or cash?
Dr Loh told me to transfer all last 3 embies..
I wonder how much they cost..

Anybody know about FET cost if transfer 3 embies?

WOW thats great... at least i got a buddy (if u dun mind)...
How many embies do u have?
I only got 3 left and my worries is how many can survive thawing...
How much is it going to cost to transfer 3 embies?
Tangtang, ur DH loves u thats y he didnt want u to see u go thru the jabs again.. Honestly i feel those jabs r very destructive to our body...
Brownie, yes we can be cycle buddy. =)
Not sure about the cost FET but the insurance would be $700 plus.
I have 9 embbies left.
Sun... I'm on injection. For injection, I know that we can test 4 days after the last injection. As for insert, I'm not too sure.

Tangtang.. Don't be discourage. Be positive.

Skies.. Not to worry. Just rest more. I also did not have any implanatation cramp/ spotting. But felt terrible with AF coming-like on D9 after ET.Good Luck to you.

mine was Natural FET. Scan and use ovulation kit till egg reach 16mm. After ET, given progestrone insert.

My cycle was short that month. My bill was $1,200+ I used medisave to pay.
Congrats Syann. Do take good care and wishing you an enjoyable and smooth pregnancy.

Judebabe, sorry to hear that. Glad you are not giving up and all the best to your next cycle at NUH.

Tangtang, sorry to hear that as well and do rest well. Glad that you are still thinking positively and I'm sure you will have your heart desire fulfilled!
Hi Diveera,

Still feel sad during the night... when can i on board with you ladies BFP. I did my best. No cold drinks for a year, ACU, exercise etc. Now I drank almost all favors during CNY. I really wanted to give up le.
tang tang,

Give yourself a break first. Go on a short trip, do d things you like or want to do. Don't give up and think positive..
