IVF/ICSI Support Group

CARE is the IVF centre. Its caled Centre of Assisted Reproductive.... I forgot what E stands for le.. Me and Pandawife are with CARE @ Paragon. There is another CARE @ SGH.
Hi all!
Wanna say thank you to all you gals cos I've been benefiting from everything that you've been sharing here. Great there's a support group like this.

I'm doing ivf at KKH with Dr S F Loh.
Did my scan yesterday & suppose to do ER tomorrow, however follicles not ideal size yet. Sigh! Have total 8 (5 from 5-7mm, 1 each at 11.5, 14 & 14.5).
Told to continue Puregon 300iu yesterday & 400iu today + Lucrin jab. Will be going back for another scan tomorrow.

Pray hope everything will be fine. Can't help but worry...

Any gals doing ER around this time? So won't be a 'lonely journey' for me...
This thread has been quite quiet....

Tangtang and seed,

How are you ? I call up dr Zou and ask her when I can test HPT... she says 14 days after ET.. that means soon....

Infact, i dare not test...heheh.. pray that AF doesnt come...btw did anybody from frozen cycle feel "bloated" during the 2ww ?

Hazel, can you tell me more about dr John Tee ? i am looking for a good gyane..
Dr Douglas Ong is near my place..did any sis here have him as gyane ? ...
Hi Tickles,
I think the E is CAR"E", is it private and more expensive? can still use medisave right? What made you chose there?

i totally agree with you... jus curious, you are seeing a different gynae from your KK doc? what stage are you at now? and why do you make this choice?

I am also looking for a good gynae, can anyone recommend one?
Irene, if you are looking for someone in the private, i will recommend Dr Eunice Chua from TLC at Thomson Med. She is a very warm lady and also a fertility specialist. A couple of my gfs also go to her.
I switch to kkivf for my ivf as it is more ex to do ivf at TMC and also no govt subsidy.

Hazel's gynae is Dr Loh, still kk doc.
Hi all,

I've made an appt to see Dr SF Loh on 17th.. been trying for a year, and not young anymore so thought should start on IVF soon. Can anyone tell me how long after my 1st appt, will the treatment take place? the following month or?

Coz I'm seriously planning to take no-pay leave from my company...workplace too stressful, I'm worried if I always take MC, my boss will not be too happy.. Also the stressful environment might not be conducive if i'm doing the treatment... really need some advice here, thanks!
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">Hello Tickles
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">Hello everyone.

<font color="0000ff">Selling 90 opks strips 20 miu, expiry Nov 2010, at a flat rate of $40 inclusive of postage stamps.</font>


<font color="0000ff">Selling 45 opks strips 20 miu, expiry Nov 2010, at a flat rate of $25 inclusive of postage stamps.</font>


<font color="0000ff">Selling 30 opks strips 20 miu, expiry Nov 2010, at a flat rate of $18 inclusive of postage stamps.</font>

Click my nick to drop me an email.

Hope everyone Huat Huat Huat!</font></font>
Irene, I did think of going back to see prof tee at tps when I was converted back to gynae case. But my mum said to remain with dr loh since he helped me to get pregnant...
At KKH, at abt 9 wks, after 2 scan, bb is fine, will be transferred from fertility to gyna case n a blue book will be given to track the pregnancy visit n progress till delivery.

Jubebabe, prof tee's room is just next to dr loh's at tps. Other than tt he sees patients at clinic A. He also run clinic at amk clinic on some sat. I find him a charming guy with good bed side manners. Anything u ask him he will expain. He is also my mum n sil's gynae. Both dr loh n prof tee are gd friends. When dr loh is away from leave, prof tee will cover him for delivery cases. Prof tee also reponses to emails. He is a senior consultant n specialises in amniocentesis tests also. Heard some sisters said dr loh did paps smear for them after delivery n is painful.. But I dun experience tt under prof tee.
Thanks Hazel, i read on other forum abt him too ...btw what us TPS ....thomson Private suite...?

Glad that all things is well with you
Hi Judebabe

I'm fine. How are you? Still resting at home. BTw, I dare not test HPT at home. Will wait till the blood test. Being eating a lot, now growing fat.

do you feel any different huh ? Like bloatedness ..actually my 2ww past just like that ...maybe i went back to work..so times passes by more easily....

I waited for implantation bleeding ( i read that only 30 -40% of the ladies will experience it) but it didn't happen to me..

I think next week will be an emotional week for us...Just hope for the best...baby dust to all

FYI, not all pp experience implantation bleeding. During my fresh, I do not experience either but it still BFP de. Trust we will have baby. It will be our CNY best ever gift.
hi sunflower, is 17 feb the first appt?
if yes, dh should go with you.
voice out all health records for both sides - eg. menses regular? did you go through any IUI, clomid etc, any endometriosis. any check of fallopian tubes?
dh went through sperm analysis? bring records, if possible.
this is a "get to know you" appt.

2 once you decide to go ahead, at kkh, you will be seeing kkivf dept for consultation and a social work counselor to get all the paperwork done. if above 40, you might not be able to get the co-fund grant (pls check on this). kkivf team will give you a timetable to follow. might be adjusted according to your body reaction.

3 appt to draw blood for fsh, e2 level. then wait for 1 day for results

4 collect medication at pharmacy. (opens at 8:30 am). medication comes with ice as it requires refrigeration. go to kkivf to learn how to inject yourself. dh can go along to learn.

5 scan for lining, follicles size and qty. when ok, arrange date for ER (embroyo retrieval)

all the best!
Hi yumyum,

Thanks for answering my queries!

Yup, 17Feb is my first appt with Dr Loh, on getting IVF treatment. My current gynae is from TMC, but she's not specialised in IVF, so I thought its better to go to Dr Loh.

I'd taken clomid before, did HSG, Hysteroscopy D&amp;C last Nov. DH also did sperm analysis; not very positive results so have been taking multi-vits and hormone pills...

U mean the 17Feb session, I cant make the decision to go ahead with IVF yet? Dr Loh will advise us to go back and consider? Coz I've not tried IUI yet...not sure if he'll recommend that option b4 resorting to IVF...

Btw, your points no. 2,3 and 4... are they all done on the same day or different appts ah? Also, what are the side effects for the injections?

Sorry to ask so many questions... just that I'm thinking if I should pre-empt my boss abt my no-pay leave tmr.. also not sure how soon I should start the leave, coz I duno how soon I can start the treatment.. heard can be mths later....

Actually Im not sure how many days do they give for IVF treatment. But if you wanted more days, they will definitely give you.
Ya.. its quite quiet.. Maybe festive season.. Everyone preparing and shopping...

Regarding symptoms, that time when I went back to do BT, the nurse ask me if I felt bloated, then ask me if my breast feels sore. When I said no, she immediately said, let's wait for the BT results. and true enug, its negative. I guess most BFP have such symptoms, however, I have also read that some have no symptoms but BFP too.. Just stay positive k..

I didnt know abt CARE @ Paragon initially. I was with my gynae and she kind of tie up with CARE to do IVF and IUI. She will still be the one helping me do the planning and scanning. But CARE will help to manage the eggs and sperms.. and the fertilisation.

Hello ladies,

Bad News.... I use the HPT and tested negative...Dr zou say it is quite accurate to test at day 14....

Do i feel bloated.. yes but sore breast no....i agree with you that most BFP have symptoms !

after 2 week of waiting and abstaining from my favourite food and play hide and seek with colleague.and the $$$ this is the result.....

Nevertheless i will still wait for the blood test and see how.... keeping my finger crossed

The TTC - IVF journey is a hard one.... anyone here who did ivf fresh cycle more than once ?
I think abt 5 days ????.... some body will tell you dun have symptons but BFP .but i dun thnk so leh....sore breast and hign temp seems to be a good indication

anyway... are you in 2ww..... please dun think too much...try to get by as normal as you can

i am currently in 2ww of the FET cycle but am down with fever and flu. Does anyone know if it is safe to consume the medicine given by GP (although told GP to assume that I am pregnant). Thanks.
I am in the process of preparing for 2nd fresh cycle....

In my previous cycle, during 2ww, nurse every alternate day ask me if i feel bloated when i go for jab. i was bloated due to the jabs.. but on my 10th day.. i suddenly feel very normal, no bloating feeling, also dun feel tired. then she says its not a good sign........... which turn out true

I did FET yday.. Supposed to be today but d embryos reached blastocyst earlier so considered today is d 1st day of 2ww??

sorry to disturb. i am in 2ww (FET) but down with fever and flu. Has anyone been through it before as I am not sure if it is safe to take the medicine prescribed by GP? Thanks.
Hi Rabbit,

I suggest for you to call your gynae to double check just to make sure the medicine is safe for consumption.
sunflower, I op for IUI with Dr Loh, and was told by the staff that if the eggs are too many( e.g. > 4), can convert to IVF.
Be positive.. Wait for your BT. One sis here also tested negative on HPT but BT was positive. She also tole me that she dun have much symptoms too as I was her cycle buddy at that time.. Stay positive k...

Ya.. call you doc who help u do the FET. Tell him/her that you having fever and flu. ask if he/she needs to see u.. Better to have her to check on u..
Hi rabbit,
I had fever on the night of my ET. Called kkivf hotline and they told me it's safe to take the 'normal' panadol but it's best to get confirmation again. Good luck.

As long as there's no bleeding and even if there is, there's still hope. All the best!
sunflower, dun worry. we all same same here. hubby's troopers not too good n my side got some issue too. we went for accupuncture n i swear by it now. note tt dh very ang moh, dun trust chinese sinsei at all. b4 n after, sperm count, motility, morphology all improved. yes, iui or super iui can be possible. ask doc on this, k? be prepared tt doc will be brutal with the facts with you so you can be mentally prepared for best n worst.

for 17 feb, call appt dept if you can arrange for counseling session together n sign the papers w ivf team. they will go through details of every stage w you. but b4 this, pls chat with hubby thoroughly. dr loh will also do quick look of your womb, pap smear on the spot.

prepare your questions, doubts for him. he will answer according to our age, health, lifestyle (smoking, drinking, weight etc.). as he is superbly popular, the waiting time can be super long too. so prepare more time so not so kan cheong to rush back office.

2-5 should be different days. take it as time to get your health ready n in order. cut down on cold stuff n "han" food. exercise, cold turkey on alcohol n ciggy for 3 mths (both you n hubby).
oso got to apply leave from office.
when draw blood for checks n scan follicles, go early - like 7.45 am, so first one to go in. n can still rush down to office(if in town), dun need to take leave.

side effects of injection depends. i was bloated, hungry n sleepy. slept by 8.30 pm n cannot wake up till 7.30 am. moody too. dh got some scolding from me.

About Telling Office. up to you. if u very close to you boss n once you know approximate timelines. eg. take leave from (date) to (date).
HL will be given. you can request when doing ER, for HL all the way till end of 2 weeks wait.
1. scan to know there are viable follicles.
2. eggs retrieval (sorry, wrote embryo last round, salah) + hubby contribute his troopers (can do that at home or at kk; heard from dh, the room only got a picture of nude woman's back)

(embrylogists will try to create viable embies - grade 1 - 5; 5 being almost perfect; kk usually practices day 2 embies transfer; nuh n others might practice day 5 blastocyst. clear this stage, arrange for transfer into mummy's womb)
some might get ohss after er.
3 et (eggs/ embies transfer)
4 2ww (2 weeks wait).

every step, a lot to monitor. once you decide, best to plot out approx. calendar n arrange with office.

relax n stay happy is impt. all the best!
hi pandawife, tickes, muski,

thanks. call kkivf hotline. they say if GP prescribe those medicine that are safe for pregnant woman shd be fine...
hopefully everything works out fine
hi all,

Anyone know if company HR have the right to check with doctor/ hospital the reasons or details of hospitalisation leave taken? So far have only informed direct superior the reason for taking leave. Do not wish to disclose the details to HR if possible. But was told that they will make enquires directly with doctor.

Based on info published on MOM, we are entitled to hospitalisation leave if we have served the employer for at least three months, have informed employer within 48 hours and the leave is certified company's doctor, or by a government doctor (including doctors from approved public medical institutions).

Any advise?

Yes some companies will call to check the reasons etc and I believe they are allowed to do that.

An employer has the right to check on the hosp/clinic to verify the details etc.
If you have your own company protocol you can check there too.

At the same time, you can inform your HR that you wish to remain personal about this and letting minimal people know as well
Thanks Jeinthi Angel.

for the lucrin injection, for my case its about 28days before ET, but it varies based on individual circumstances.
I feel tt if u hv informed yr direct boss, tt is good enuff...for me I also oni inform my direct boss oni and inform my HR tt I m going for some woman op and prefer to remain personal and confidential since I m not claiming any insurance from company....
I eva check wif the hospital before tt if they really wan to check the reason for yr HL, they are allowed to do so bt need to go thru alot of procedure I believe...bt I tink the HR wun be so free to go and probe right? KKH eva told me tt so far they seldom encounter such companies...
As long as HL is issued by the hospital, there is no need for u to provide reason! Unless u r claiming against the company.
Jeinthi Angel, I had 14 days of Suprefact and followed by another 13 days of Gonal F + Suprefact...then followed by the last jab which is HCG....then proceed to ER and ET...
thanks rostrum.

yes, I have inform my immediate superior and head of department. but HR side, initially head of department informed them, was told to check with HR the procedures then got to know that HR wants to know more info/details.
