IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

Hi NurA...Hmm by rite by Day 14 dah ole buat BT....U can try ask the nurse to do bt for u on Mon or even Sat actually..No need to wait..If confirm preg..good to have early support...

Rest well..and take care...

Salaam ladies,

I hv already went to kkh for an early bt yesterday.
As kinda expected, its a bfn.
E bleeding was indeed AF.
Nvrtheless, I wanna thank u all for all ur advices and do'as.
Allah maha mengetahui.
We are going for our first frozen ET either may/jun.

Totally appreciate all e support from here.
All e best to those who are trying and for soon to be mummies,have a smooth pregnancy.

Nura, dont give up! at least you still have frozen embbies to depend on. Insyallah your time (and mine too) will come soon. Dont be too sad ok. *hugs*
Lyn, i ask a fren too abt tis, its actually safe but u still need to confirm on the products they will use n also becuz we r preggy so it will be more sensitive to the skin than normally.. I will prolly do it when i reach my 28wk or 30wk..

When its ur next scan? I juz found out last wk that im carrying a princess! So nervous n excited, but nonetheless alhamdulilah
my next scan is at 10wks on 26 april..my last scan was at 6 weeks on 27 mar..i cant wait to see the heartbeat again! wen can we hear the heartbeat?

i da biasa go brazillian before pregs n bila da pregs my hub disallow me go waxing takut the chemical is nt gd for bb.bt i sungguh rimas! i need a wax! so bushy! LOL
hmm my prev msg was deleted...
anyway sue my next scan is on 26apr for my 10wks..can we hear the heartbeat by then? usually hear heartbeat is at amc or inside doc room?
congrats on ur princess! wen is ur edd?

i rly hope i can do the wax soon...
Babe, actually can already hear tau frm 6 wks onwards. Maybe u can request, becuz actually can listen..

My edd is late july, before raya.
hi sue i request bila kt amc bt they say can only hear kt dlm bilik doc cos doppler kt dlm bilik doc.is it true? u noe la kk can be quite stubborn..
really???? wah biadab sungguh eh...!! takpe on 18th im going to insist to hear the bb heartbeat or else i complain! how can they be so bad!!!

Assalamualaikum all,

It is my first experience going through ivf. I have cleared all injections and ready for have ER and ET this week. I have been married close to 2 years and I suspect a big issue for me is the polyp which has been growing in my uterus. I have done d&c to remove it, but it grows again. Although doctor said that polyp should not affect implantation but I believe Allah belum nak beri rezeki lagi. I have constant problems of cyst too.

My mum says, bukan senang nak jadi baik.. mesti Allah uji. Mungkin inilah satu ujian for me and husb.

I have been reading the backdated posts from you ladies to get an insight of the dietary needs and dos and donts during 2ww. I have to say I just have to steer away from stress now. It's good that I have HL all the way from injections till 2ww. Although I still do work from home, I feel blessed because no rush factor is affecting me from home.

I wish everyone the best, semoga Allah akan perkenanankan hajat kita suatu hari ini. Yang sudah berjaya, alhamdulillah, tahniah! Grabbing some baby dusts from you you you!!
hi babydusty..read ur blog..i did hsg before n it was very painful for me but my tubes were not blocked..so doesn't mean its painful its blocked..jus sharing..

dayyan..yes Allah sentiasa menguji umatNya..jus be strong..dont worry too much..if its urs it will be urs..take care..
Babydusty - I did a HSG at Thomson, totally painless, tubes were not blocked. Most ppl said its painful but i think it all depends on each individual. Im doing my first IVF this month too! waiting for menses to come so can start. Maybe we will cross paths at KK :p.

And i do agree on the counselling, which is pretty silly. Had to pay a hundred plus just for a group counselling session.
well i guess it depends on a person's level of pain..i dont react well to pain..pain tolerance is very low..i cried like mad during hsg n my blood pressure dropped n i almost fainted! LOL..bt my tubes were not blocked..so its rly up to individual's pain tolerance..
Nur: my mensus is here. already make appointment for D2 scan and bloodtest. im not doing at KKH. i dont like the slow service there and dats y i change. hehehehe For my counselling, is not group, husband and wife with doctor. But still its crap session!

Lyn: my level of pain also ok. But this HSG experience, not only pain, i feel got knives in my stomach. hahaha
Salaam ladies,

I need advice, maybe relevant for those who have went through it.

It is now 2 days past my ET. Any idea what should I do what should I not? I feel absolutely okay after ET thus did housework and cooked the next day.

So far I feel okay, and it is really scary because I feel like any other day thus the normal activity. I am worried that I am doing what I was not supposed to do during this period.

Please enlighten me. Thank you.
Hi Lyn, go join Buzzy Tots and Ginger Loft in FB. Hav to ask them to grant access. normally takes 1-2 days. Got alot of preloved baby items.
and nailova, I doakan semoga you selamat melahirkan your twins! I am sure they are very precious to you. Grabbing the baby dusts. Amin amin.
Assalamualaikum ladies..

Alhamdulillah, Syukur
I feel so glad that I've met this wonderful IVF/ICSI Muslimah forum. Me & hubby been TTC for almost 7 years now. Did IUI once at NUH tapi masih belum ada rezeki lagi. This time I gather my whole courage to go thru IVF treatment for the sake of my hubby.

Our IVF has been scheduled in June, InsyaAllah. So now I've left with 1 month plus to prepare my body for IVF. I'm on folic acid , COQ10 daily & Red dates+Dried longan (to warm up the womb).

I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, God knows since when... but I've only found out after 2nd year of our marriage. Ya Allah, only God knows how nervous I am going thru all these procedures.

Congrats for all the mummies to be here & Good luck for those who are still trying! :-*

*Usaha, Zikir, Doa & Tawakkal* InsyaAllah. Ameen!
salam ladies... i had went for a blood test last week and womdering what will be for the next appointment? i will be going to KKIVF clinic next tues. ape yg dorang akan buat nanti? worried lah. :/
Hi Cahaya Mata & Ila...

Welcome here..

Cahaya..I have PCOS too like u...The ivf procedure is indeed nerve wrecking..but try not to worry so much..Go with the flow..Everything will be fine...Wish u all the best dear..

Ila..U will be gg for counselling session..They will tell u briefly how IVF werks..etc.etc...Wish u a smooth journey as well dear..

The rest of the sistas..Take care..N wish everyone all the best..;-)
Hi ladies,

Just a question for those who have gone through an ivf cycle...

The first injected medication is cetorelix 0.25 mg x 3 days, then it's puregon to stimulate the follicles?

The nurse told me cetorelix is to prevent ovulation from occuring. But i thought that shld be after the stimulation of follicles, before extraction?

Please enlighten me as im so confused.

.. And injecting on urself for the first time is really something. Almost cried at the nurse's office!
Hi Nur...

U r under NUH is it? I am not sure abt this jab..If u r in doubt I think the best call up the clinic and ask again...The best is to trust wat the nurse or dr is prescribing..

Gg tru injection is scary and painful...and worst is self jabbing lagi..Dun worry this is just a start..after a while u will be used to it..Numb the area with ice before jabbing it will help alot..Take care dear
Hi Thanks Bubbli
Just few questions sis, Since u have PCOS too did u went for the short or long process during your IVF treatment?

You masih on Metformin tak? I dah lama stop cos I can't stand the side effects.
Hi Cahaya..

I went tru long protocol cos I dun have regular menses

Yup I am still taking metformin till now..Oh u got the side effects..I had it initially I tink..But it's k now..
Sue-Ann stil remember me? U kan is the one who we talk about accupunture? Da lama tak keep track...congrats on ur pregnancy....
Me fine....tak tak tertrypun....I guess I wil onie try if we have decided when to go for our next round.

Btw u conceived naturally? I mean after acupuncture ke? So tis ur ferst pregnancy?
Consider its my 2nd but the 1st one i m/c lat wk8. Alhamdulilah for this i concieved via FET.. I did a blasto day4 n at the same time i gi accu juga. The night before ET, i squeeze 1 accu session before ET..

Yeah, try when u r mentally n physically prepared n of cuz Allah knows when its the right time for u..
IC Bubbli. My nasib tak tau mcmana lagi. I am so nervous and worry. haizz..

Congrats on your pregnancy Sue-Ann
Does Acu helps to get a successful IVF?

Nurul, anti cuba lagi!!
Cahaya...Dun worry so much..Just go with the flow..For the time being..exercise..eat well..continue with ur supplement...Remember to up your protein intake when u start Stage 2- Stimulation of eggs stage.

We PCOS tend to produce alot of eggs..so the more eggs we produce the risk of OHSS is there...

But for now dun have to worry for that either...till u start ur IVF la...Enjoy urself and relax..very important..;-)
Cahaya Mataku I wil try again but not so soon. Mayb next year. Masih dreaded goin thru e injections. To get to noe e no of eggy fertilised does make me think lots too. What if ther is no ET n got to noe e quality is very bad? n ESP e 2WW. Goin thru e whole procedure again reali needs one courage n esp must mentally n physically ready in order to embark e cycle.

But I love to c others cycling. Supporting dem thruout e cycle n
e best thing is to noe when their 2ww is up, they got a BFP...
Cahaya Mataku...I wil try but not any sooner....thinking of another cycle makes me dreaded to start. InsyaAllah next year after I hav gather ol my courage. Juz mayb I follow e flow. Told myself jika ditakdirkan I dun hav any kids, I redha. Mayb kerana keredhaan itu, I got no spirit to start cycling yet. As for me now, if hav, great n otherwise I m fine. Allah noes wats best for us....

Tak boleh terfikir seh nak start another cycle. Mind n body drainage. E injections is fine cos DH is doin it for me. But goin thru stimulation stage, e mind n body drainage slowly comes in. Then comes ER. U want to noe is my egg collection sikit atau banyak? Wil I b et risk of OHSS if my egg collection banyak? Wat about e quality? Can it make to ET? Is there any frozen? From here I do find it a bit stressy esp if we hav tried our best to make ourself 'tip top' yet e results isn't satisfying. Den comes e ET n 2WW. E 2WW is reali mind torturing if kiter reali look into e symptoms day by day. We hav to keep ourself busy in order to distract our mind from thinking negatively. But easier said den done.

Niwae I wish u ol e best in ur ferst cycle. InsyaAllah everything wil turn out fine. Dont giv up trying, keep on berdoa n do u best insyaAllah u wil succeeed! I love to see others cycling. Givin dem motivation, support thruout....and wats best is to get to noe their 2WW ends up in a BFP!
Nurul, thks for ur doa.. Insya-Allah, another 2months plus ni, nervous juga..

Bubbli, of cuz i remember u becuz u nvr fail to advice me & other sistas..

Cahaya, i think its help for me becuz i hv a cold womb so accu circulate the blood n helps to warm the womb.. Wish u ladies success too, insha Allah..
Sue-Ann insyaAllah everythin wil b fine. Take care, hav plenty of rest n enjoy your tyme now esp wif DH b4 motherhood arrives....hope to bear from u soon
Sue-Ann...Thanks dear..I try to help in some ways I can..

To all the rest of sistas here..Wish all of u the best...Insya-allah all will be fine...

Nurul: Cldn't agree less...True cycle when u r ready...IVF process it's nvr easy..especially for a full cycle process...Nevertheless..Take care dear..And do hope to hear gd news from u..;-)
Thanks fr the encouragements, sweeties

Nurul, I understand the feelings... It takes me almost 2 yrs to feel completely calm/redha after my first IUI failure. It's ok sis. Allow yourself more time to prepare physically & emotionally for the next process of treatment. Kita hanya berusaha tetapi Allah yang menentukan. Hugs!

Is there anyway that we can prevent ourselves from being OHSS?
Cahaya...To avoid OHSS..u have to pump in more protein...e.g. egg whites..I ate lots of raw egg white..(Ayam kampung one)..taste better..it also help ur eggs to grow..U can drink Immunocal kalau nak..Alittle more ex..cos 1 pkt abt $3..Kalau take egg whites..protein shake pun k..

Eating Raw Bubbli? I doubt i can eat it raw... Klau buat mcm scramble egg gitu bolehlah. btw, thanks for the tips ya.. truly appreciate your help sis
