
New Member
Hi all,
Anybody in 2ww (two weeks wait after embryo transfer or insemination)? You can post ur test date here and we will shower u with baby dust.



fingers crossed for u girls
winter - 27/3
jane - 20/3
mimi - 30/3
curious(IUI) - test date?
TTBS (IUI)- test date?
if anyone is in 2ww jus post ur test date and I will add u to the list

loads and loads of baby dust for all

Hi all, please contribute ur valuable experiences here, it will help the others like us a lot.
hi humble...very gd idea! To me 2WW is the most difficult stage and being able to share with all who are also in 2WW really helps !

For me..hv been feeling bloated esp after meals n fluids. Anyone knows why this is so ? In the mrngs upon waking up...bloat seems gone.So I guess its purely fluids n food related.

Humble..what stage are u at now ?
Hi mimi,
Thanks soo much for being the first one to contribute. I won't be able to help answer ur question but can share with you that i hav read in many ivf sites that bloatedness after ET is a good sign as the embryo is trying to implant. During my first cycle, I didnt hav any symptoms or bloatedness, I was just normal (may be the embie never even try to implant hee hee).

I think the other girls will surely come to anwer ur question.

Wishing u a great BFP

I have read in books that its good to drink a lot of water (especially luke warm water) and relax during this stage.

If u want to read more experiences of girls on 2ww, u can check out this site www.ivf-infertility.com (I hav learnt a lot from this site)
Oops! forgot to tell u that I have not started my cycle yet. I was scheduled to start last december but had to postpone as I tested positive for rheubella, now I m preparing myself to start in May (not really preparing, working like crazy and surfing the net like mad ha ha ha)

thks humble!!!!

hey...btw...dont surf too long coz i read the zita west book that sitting down too long is not gd for blood circulation. Also, bad on our backs(unless u r sitting super straight ) Was told by a physio max 1/2 hr then take a walk!! Think most of us guilty of that..hehe..

Anyway,if u starting in may..good to start "preparing" like eating properly,doing some gentle exercise,taking vitamins..all will help!!
indeed, my 2WW is really not smooth sailing at all. I suffered serious bloatedness, tummy pain and nausea.

mini, u hv the same symptons as mine. The bloatedness is only better in the morning and by noon, my tummy will be very tight again, can't even walk fast during that time. When r u due for ur bhcg test?
hi blue rabbit

my blood test is next thurs.When did yr bloating start? for me it started straight after the transfer and it happens immediately after i eat or drink . Dont know if its wind ? But can tahan..not that serious.

how r u feeling now ? any morning sickness yet ?
Hi, I'm on my 12th day now..5 more days to go for the results..

do you think it's normal to have discharge abt 5-6 days after transfer, is it due to the progesterone injection

past few days I started to have gas in stomach and tried to burp it out..is this a good sigh or am I being too sensitive..

today back to work..such a tiring day...
Hi Hi girls, good to see u here.

Thanks for the tips, Actually bought some prenatual vitamins from GNC but not taking regularly, I will try to be healthy, think i kinda no self discipline hee hee.

blue rabbit,
when is your scan? cant wait to read the good news!!!!!

Wow winter! 5 days will fly in no time, keep up the pma.


this little angel will circle around this thread to take care of all the LITTLE ONE in you girls.
hi winter

read fm other threads that discharge is quite normal esp if u r on progesterone pessaries.

looks like we r experiencing the same thing..gas in our stomachs..u shd feel quite bloated too rite ??

Thanks for the info on discharge...
for me..still dun know what is the feeling of bloated...just feel that my tummy increased in size but not so much of uncomfortable feeling leh..the gas reduced leh
hi winter
i am also getting the clear watery type of discharge now and my gas also reduced..hahha..two of us quite similar ..only thing is i still get bloated after i eat. Maybe i am eating too much .Find that i m always thinking of food. Guess ntg else excites me at this stage... hmmmmmm
mimi...actually my tummy grow bigger until I feel some kind of cramp at my fats area..is this considered bloated?

today I almost fell from chair during a meeting..so worried
bloated feeling is like u've gone to this fantastic buffet n gorge yrself like crazy n feel like yr tummy's gonna burst after that.... sori thats kinda extreme. i guess i hv not been eating really delicious food lately(ie no junk food) and yet still suffer fm this bloatedness. But its worth it!!!!

do u watch yr diet carefully? I started eating healthy esp alot on proteins when this program started. I hardly ate at hawker centres and i really miss alot of my favourite food.

Dont wori abt nearly falling. I also seem to hv something to worry abt everyday.I am worse..all day at home...too much time .Got to try to brush it off yah ??

Hahah..ur description real funny...
so seems that I'm suffering from bloatedness too..initially thought bloatedness comes together with pain and lots of gas..
I'm just worried if it's due to fats as I've been eating and sleeping for the 1st week.

Ya i watched my diet for the 1st week..only home cooked..but after I went back to work, I started to eat hawker food..hee hee..dun care oredi
Hi 2ww girls,
can anyone tell me what local foods to eat more and what to avoid during the 2ww. I am very bad at choosing food, will eat all kind of crap. I think I m being too kiasu to ask this when i hav not even started my cycle but just to give myself more time to learn to eat in case its not my favourite. Thanks!

Winter & Mimi,
time is flying very fast, ur dates are nearing. your signs shows that everything is going on well.

How are you dear? Hope you are doing geat.

Curious and TTBS,
when are u girls testing? Hope everything is going fine.

Hi humble, you may want to avoid "cold" food, pineapple, sour thing, chili etc...i got this advice from a nurse who helped me in my IUI.

I just pass 4 days after my IUI...10 more days to countdown.

I would like to ask whether if preg for 2 mths can go travelling?? cos i am thinking to book a holiday trip in May at the Natas Fair.
Thanks for info on food, the sour things mentioned are not my favourite but "chilli" my favourite, Think its time to learn to eat less chilli.

Will add you to the list enerus. Abt the travelling, I think it should be fine because IUI is still considered natural pregnancy if I m not wrong because the uterus lining is not induced artificially (correct me if i m wrong girls). However, try to avoid strenous activities during the trip. Would like to hear what the other girls think abt this.
Hi Humble,

I do not need to test, My menses arrives today, so means FAIL. Guess, no choice must go for IVF already. Now wondering if I should start cycle next month or delay for another one month. Thinking if I should go for a holiday next month and start cycle the month after. But I badly want a baby, so may sacrifice my trip and start cycle next month. Don't know if will succeed next round or not. Hubby said if the first IVF still cannot, we should abandon the baby plan cos' we have spent a hefty sum on baby thingy and nothing succeed. I don't know if I could live the rest of my life childless...

Enerus, bless you success with your IUI. If succeed, I think it is worthwhile to delay your travelling plan. After all, what could be more impt than your baby once succeed right ? Pardon me for giving my two cents worth of thoughts. This is just my thought after gone through 5 failed IUI attempts.
Aw dear TTBS, BIG HUGS FOR YOU........

Don't lose your heart please, there is always a next time. I know how badly we all want a baby, but in my opinion may be you should go for a holiday before starting your ivf (if you can afford it).

Stay positive, I have read that many who had failed iui's have succeeded in their ivf. Now all you need to do is prepare yourself for the ivf.
fingers crossed for u girls
winter - 27/3
jane - 20/3
mimi - 30/3
Enerus (IUI)
if anyone is in 2ww jus post ur test date and I will add u to the list

Hi gals,

I would like to join this thread. I did my IUI on 23/3 and today is 2 DPIUI and i don't feel anything at all. Only had slight cramps on the day of IUI itself and thereafter nothing. Getting worried that this will be a failure again. We only did the IUI and did not bd at all afterwards - sigh. I think my chances are low. Can anyone advise when is the time that one starts to feel some P symptoms?

I'm given 6 months to conceive by my doctor because of my adenomyosis condition. I went for lap last Oct and was on 3 months of Lucin. Before my lap, i had my first IUI which failed and discovered to have adenomyosis. (Strange because i don't exhibit symptoms of adeno).

Although i don't visit the forum often - office restricts web surfing, i'd be sure to read and catch up when i'm at home

Humble - pls add me to the list.
Wilma (IUI) - 6/4. Thank you.

Good Luck to all the girls here!
Hi gals,

I would like to join this thread. I did my IUI on 23/3 and today is 2 DPIUI and i don't feel anything at all. Only had slight cramps on the day of IUI itself and thereafter nothing. Getting worried that this will be a failure again. We only did the IUI and did not bd at all afterwards - sigh. I think my chances are low. Can anyone advise when is the time that one starts to feel some P symptoms?

I'm given 6 months to conceive by my doctor because of my adenomyosis condition. I went for lap last Oct and was on 3 months of Lucin. Before my lap, i had my first IUI which failed and discovered to have adenomyosis. (Strange because i don't exhibit symptoms of adeno).

Although i don't visit the forum often - office restricts web surfing, i'd be sure to read and catch up when i'm at home

Humble - pls add me to the list.
Wilma (IUI) - 6/4. Thank you.

Good Luck to all the girls here!
Hi gals!

Would like to join this thread too!

I had my ET on 17/3 which was last Fri and my test date is the same as Mimi on 30/3. (Humble : can add me in?. Tks!)

Mimi : In fact, i have almost exactly the same symptoms as you. Bloatedness (a lot of wind!) and started right after the ET... although it feels better yesterday...

mimi : also, can I just check with you - are u on progynova now? how many pills are you on? Saw on otheer thread that some gals are on like 15 to 25 pills a day. i am only on 3 pills a day prescribed by my gynae...
hi sherry

welcome to this thread! i am not on progynova.What is it for ?I'm only on the crinone inserts(progesterone). Which RE/hospital r u with ?im with NUH. Think all hv different protocols.I also dont go back for jabs to check my progesterone lvls like some of the girls here do.

My bloatedness also has eased .Its quite erratic sometimes. Last nite was quite bad n my boobs were really sore but today its gone down alot!!Made me nervous abt wats happening!!!!! Just got to try n stay positive all the time!!!!
Wilma & Sherry,

Wilma, I m not sure about when will the p symptoms start but i think it is unique to each individual. I m sure the other girls will be able to advise u on this.

fingers crossed for u girls
winter - 27/3
mimi - 30/3
Sherry - 30/3
Enerus (IUI)
Wilma (IUI)-6/4
if anyone is in 2ww jus post ur test date and I will add u to the list

Praying hard for all of u
Thanks Humble - hope your wishes come true too!

Mimi : i'm with Dr LC Foong - he's an ob-gynae at Gleneagles. Am currently on 2 types of pills daily (progynova and a duphostone - think they are some form of estrongen, i think) as well as a progesterone insert twice a day... I think I read in the other thread that a few of the gals (think those mainly with Prof Chris Chen) are on like 20 progynova pills daily.. sounds scary!... I also no need to go back to check for progesterone level.. just have to wait until the BIG day!.. Let's hang in there together and good luck!

Actually, I had my oocytes removal in dec last year but the ET was delayed as I had OHSS then... so, waited a few months before continuing.. so this has been quite a long process...
Hi Wilma,
Hope I am right. I have been thru a few IUI before and there are no symptons.This is just like conceiving naturally. Unlike in IVF where our ovaries are stimulate with drugs and will cause bloatedness. So please do not put some much pressure on your self, give yourself some time and relax and wait. Doctors usually give us 6 months to try out especially after op that is the best time to conceive. Our uterus lining is good after op so should hv high chance. So remember you have to refrain from drinking cold drinks and wish you success. We wait for your good news.
Hi Jolene,

Thanks a lot for your reassuring message - sorry if i'm asking repeated question here but are you going through any assisted reproduction now? Sometimes i feel my intuition is strong and it sends a positive/negative signal to me quite accurately - sigh...

I really think the girls here who are going through IVF with all the potent drugs are really so great. I pray that the divine will take pity on us and grant us our dreams soon!

Meanwhile, i try not to think too much...
Hi Wilma,
After fail IUI discover some problem with lining,adenomyosis and tubes blockage so went for op in July. Only resume in Jan that is a long long wait but sad to say, can't stimulate eggs with clomid so on high dosage of puregon injection to stimulate more eggs in preparation for IUI. Ultimately it was converted to IVF due to multiple eggs. Now I am in 6th weeks of pregnancy. But i am still monitoring as my hcg level was low initially although increasing but quite slow. So keeping my fingers cross for things to turn out smoothly. I have the blessing of all sisters here to encourage me and be positive. You are lucky as you have no problem with your eggs quality right. So remember it takes time.
hi sherry

it must hv been tough waiting for so long! how many eggs were retrieved? Must hv been alot thats why u had OHSS rite ?

Anyway..yes lets hang in there n pray real hard.
hi Mimi.

about 40 eggs were retrieved though not all were of good quality. The OHSS was quite severe - its much worse than the 2ww we are going thru now. can't even walk and tummy so bloated and swollen that cannot even move in bed - must lie flat. Fortunately, recovered within a week.

Praying hard for you too! Hope we both have good news on thurs!
Hi Jolene,

Congratulations!! So pleased to know you're now 6 weeks preggie
I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that your hcg level can reach its expected level asap. Do stay positive

You mentioned that after your failed IUI, u were discovered to have problem with lining, adeno and tubes blockage. It's such a pity that your gynae detected these problems after you've gone through 3 IUIs - really angry with such doctors for putting us through all these unnecessary anxiety. So glad that all this is now history.

As you know, i only did the normal IUI with clomid and HCG jab to trigger the egg release, the quality of my egg was never assessed. Is it something my doctor should have done? I would really have no clue if my egg quality or cervical mucus might be the culprit for my failure - gosh, this is really driving me crazy. There are so many contributing factors

Anyway enough of my rambling. Wishing all the girls here all the luck that we need!
Hi, I've not been reading the thread for awhile....and come to know this new thread. Good to know your HCG reAding is going up each day. I too have adenomyosis at the back of my uterus. Did you have the op to remove your adeno? I was told it is a major surgery. must go thru c-sect to get it done.then need 3 months rest before allow to concieve.
Thanks, I will stay positive. Tomorrow night will have my blood test and progestrone injection. So results will be out on Tuesday night. Really worried waiting for results. But I will stay positive. Doctor did mention mine was growing really slowly so keeping my finger cross.

Regarding my lining problem, enlarge womb we really cant blame the doctors. My Chinese doctor did diagnose it in Aug 2004 and was verify by Dr but during than I am afraid of going thru op. Moreover my Chinese doctor did mention no op require so just take her medication. So I listen to her advice. But still nothing happen thereafter went for op at the request of my western dr. Naturally everyone of us drag of the idea going for the x ray scan right from the beginning unless we been thru fail attempts. This scan is using a probe where a dye is inserted into your vagina, it's like a pap smear but first time was quite painful and depend on the doctor as well. Dr leave it to me to decide whether to go for the x ray. It was quite stressful during than and I cried when I knew I had so many problems and keep all to myself and putting the blame on me. Sometimes I really regretted having wasted 1 1/2 years. But glad it's all history.
I have PCOs problem, during your check up, they will scan on the eggs your doctor should hv advice you on e ultrasound scan. I have multiple eggs and not all eggs are of good quality. For PCOs patient this is the problem and I do not ovulate every month. Since your dr did not mention, your eggs should be fine right. But you can also check with your dr.
After taking clomid, how many eggs do you have? I only have 1 or 2, that is not much.

Oh sorry, its such a long history right. Everyone went thru a lot, so wish all on 2WW success.
Hi Renee,
My adeno was back flow to my ovaries and that is the reason why one of my tubes are block and my womb are really enlarged. Even if one tube is not block embroy will hv problem implanting. Is yours e same case? Not to worry on the op, this is lap and is a key hole surgery. After op, you will feel tat your abominal area is very tight but it goes off within a week. You are under Christoper right? He is the doctor tat diagnose my problem and suggest going for op but I din. so kind of regret.
After op due to my condition of enlarge womb and aden spreading to my ovaries have to be on lucrin depot injection for 3 months tat stop my menses. It really works and size of my womb reduces. But after e last jab, menses will not come immediately and hv to induce and finally arrive end of dec. It's a long long wait for me, about 5-6 ,months but it's good without stress till Jan. Therefore it's really important to hv a good lining and normal womb size. The rest period is really up to individual, for Wilma she only needs 3 months, tat is lucky.
Thanks dear.Mine can't use key hole op for the removal of adeno. My case is the monthly menses back flow to the back wall of my uterus muscle. so must 'cut' up in order to get rid of them. so is more jialat. But both RE I have seen also din suggest me to go for the op. cos according to them is not so serious yet. and now I'm with SF Loh, he thinks that I shouldn't waste the 3 month time to shrink it. so we when ahead with the prog.i don have tubes prob. and ovulation normal all the while. is the uterus wall that cos less chance to implant
Welcome Wilma and Sherry, will pray for your success too

Jolene, thank you for the prayers, and all the best for your results on Tues too.hope the beta level increased so much that you can see the sac or sacs soon...
hi gals,

im new to this thread..i jus had 3 embryos transferred on friday, 24th march, tis is my 2nd ivf attempt..my 1st attempt i had triplets but lost them at 5 mths due to complications..

dunno why but tis 2nd attempt is so much harder..i been feeling really stress esp when my dr, oso dr foong at gleneagles said my lining was quite thin..does anyone knw if tats a bad sign? if i dun have any discharge, does tat mean the embies are not implanting?

sorry, jus wondering cause i have been feeling so stress and i have been munching ion so many tidbits..dunno if im causing myself to reject the implantation with all this stress and junk food.
Hi Jolene,

We will all be keeping our fingers crossed for you but please do not get too stressed up ok? We need a healthy emotional state of mind to cope with the situation.
I do not have PCOS but think i'm ovulating just 1 egg on my own so gynae put me on 3 clomid tablets and during my last scan (before HCG jab), he managed to detect 4 eggs on my left ovary and 1 egg on my right. However i think only 2 eggs were mature enough for IUI. Hmm, sometimes i wonder if i should continue to bd since i still have a few more eggs that have not reached the ovulation size.

Thanks winter for your welcome and prayers.

Hi puipui, i'm new to this thread too and it is heart wrenching to read about your history. It must have been so traumatising for you
. I am not able to comment on your question about lining and hope other girls can help. About the junk food part - same here! I'm also not eating nutritionally and i'm even angrier that unconsciously there is this voice at the back of my mind that says why bother to eat healthily if its not going to succeed. I could kill myself over it.
Then again, as much as diet plays a part in nourishing our body to make it stronger, i do not think bad food per se (especially not consumed continuously over a long period of time) will harm us so much. I believe stress is a larger culprit so stress management is really important. Jia You, Jia You.
Hi Wilma,
Oh you have lots of good eggs huh. Sorry what is bd?? During my iui, doctor did advice even after the iui insertion we should continue trying for another few nights.

Hi Renee,
Ya, I do agree 3 months wait is really long. If it's not serious than it's ok. Wish you all the best ok.

During my 2ww, I only feel slightly bloat , it's not serious. Maybe that is the reason why my beta hcg is rather low.

For those girls tat has serious bloating, it's really a good sign as doctor is always asking if I feel any bloatedness.
pui pui

There are different opinions on whether food affects us after the transfer.Some articles i read claim there is absolutely no effect,that success depends entirely on how healthy the embryo is n how well it can implant.

Zita West,on the other hand,stressed alot on nutrition and resting well. She said to eats lots of food rich in protein ,zinc and essential fatty acids .

I reckon we shd try n eat well at least during this program .As for snacks..I am like u..love to snack but I did switch to healthier stuff like pumpkin seeds(contain zinc),walnuts,almonds .

This is a very stressful time .Try to find things to do to relax .Just post here when u feel lousy.We are all here to support each other.
Good Luck.
pui pui

think discharge doesnt start so soon after transfer. Dont worry abt it.
also when u feel stressed,try to do some deep breathing. I do that too..and i find it helps alot.
2WW girls

i'm also getting stressed coz my sore boobs and bloatedness seem to hv eased alot. Dont think thats a gd sign esp the sore boobs shd continue all the way rite?? ..Still trying to stay positive but its getting tougher by the day!

Welcome Renee & pui pui to the thread. Shall I add u girls name to the list?

Let me shower you with baby dust

Stay positive and strong dear, my fingers will be crossed for you tomorrow.

all 2ww girls,
I can understand what you girls are going through, I have been there too. But I m very amazed by some of you girls' courage to think ahead immediately after failure. I wasnt like that I took years to heal and bring myself to do another cycle.

Just hang in there girls, whatever be the results stay positive now and think only of succeeding.

praying hard for all of u
