IVF at SGH in Jan / Feb 2013


Hi, anyone out there is seeing Dr In SGH for IVF in Dec 2012 or Jan 2013? I am seeing Dr Yu Su Ling and is starting my IVF in Jan 2013. Will be seeing her on the 7th Dec to discuss about our treatment plan. I am ver excited but also worried coz I am scare that it might not be successful at the first try. I am 30 this year and my DH is 32. Any one Out there currently with SGH can share their experience with me?

Hi hazel,

You can join us here:


It's a very active thread, can get tons of info
WOW! I followed the link above and there are really a lot of messages! Difficult to find how/when and how much.. I am planning to make IVF in Feb-March 2013 and have no idea how it works.. Also very worry about the price as I am not singaporean... I am thinking about Thompson Medical Centre...
@Hezel Sim, can you kindly send some feedback about your experience with your doctor, prices and how it happens in general!
Thank you in advance
Hi Anna, same here. I find that thread too confusing that's why I decided to start a new thread to chat with those who are like me going for IVF soon. So we can start updating each other. = )

So far that few visits with Dr Yu is great. The nurses at CARE centre are also nice. They explained everything in detail to us to make sure we understand everything.

I will be seeing Dr Yu this coming fri I think to sign the consent. I am getting excited coz I can't wait to start my cycle!!!!
Hi Morning everyone,

I would like to join your thread as my DH and I consider going to IUI or IVF next year....

I am confuse as I not sure which is good and would like to seek advice and get more information from everyone.

I am still doing research on which Fertility Gynae to see....

Hi ladies,

Keke.. Ya that thread's been around for very long and there are many sisters.. Took me quite a while to get to know them too.. I'm doing my first ivf cycle in feb too in nuh under prof p c wong..


The fertility specialist will get you and your hubby to go through some tests first.. If no major issue, usually IUI is suggested first as it's cheaper, not invasive and more natural..
Just to share, these are the few doctors who are more popular on the other thread:

Dr Loh Soong Fei (thomson medical centre)
Prof P C Wong (nuh)
Dr L C Foong (gleneagles)
Dr Yu Su Ling (sgh)
Dr Sadhana (kkh)
Dr Tan Heng Hao (kkh)

For sg citizens, do note that you will only have the 3k grant if you are with govt hosp (nuh, sgh, kkh).. For both private and govt hosp, can use medisave - 1st cycle 6k, 2nd cycle 5k, 3rd cycle 4k..

Hope this helps
Hi min81,

Thank you for providing the information....

BTW you also at the 2WW - for those TTC-ing thread right

So how long have you been to the DR.... cos i need advice on the procedure hope you can help me.



Yup i'm also at the 2ww thread

I have been ttc-ing for more than 3 yrs.. First 2 yrs was with a gynae who totally wasted my time.. Finally did my research on fertility specialists and went to Prof Wong in Dec 2011.. All was fine with tests and he suggested natural IUI for me..

Yes me too, have been ttcing for about 2 year plus ... Every year i went to gynae to check for my ultra sound and pap smear and all came back normal and good except that last year went with DH to check for his and realised it was his problem but not very serious only need to take vitamins...

I also consult 2 TCM but still no result. That why i need to check with anybody can provide me with more information on the fertility gynae...

I really hope i dun need to as I understand need to go through alot of procedures.

Can you please update me on your process so that I can consider and update my DH on it...

Thank you..

GOOD LUCK and JIA YOU together !!!

Hi Annie!! Welcome to the thread!

Have you done any other test apart from Pap smear and ultrasound? Like HSG to see if tube block? Coz if either of your tubes are block, chances will be even lesser. My hubby's sperm also not that good and on top of that my right tube is blocked. So the chance of me conceiving naturally is soooo slim unless miracle happen. So I decided to consult the head of IVF In SGH coz I heard that if I choose to see Dr Sadhana in KKH, I won't get to see her every visit.

After seeing her, she decide that we are suitable for IVF ICSI.
Hi Jackzel,

Thank you.

No I have not done any test till now as I wanted to see i I can conceive natrally but also my uterus tilted backward so not sure as it can be the problem till now i am not pregnant...

I will be going for IUI or IVF next year if by this month of next month still no result...
Annie, I also have a retroverted womb but usually that us not a cause of infertility. But it's always better to find out the reason as early as possible so the chance of successful IUI or IVF is higher.

I used to consult a private gynae and I totally agree with whet she tells me. She said in my situation I can choose to go SOIUI or IVF. Chances of success rate for IVF is higher but only slightly more expensive. Rather than I waste a few thousands dollars on IUI, might as well go for 1 time IVF. She sees a lt of successful cases including her cousin and employee.

Ppl might say I am kaisu coz only married for 1 year and already gg fr IVF. But to me is why wait when I can have one earlier rather than blaming myself why din I seek help earlier in future.
Hi Jackzel,

Thanks..... cos my DH do smokes and drinks. He does not smoke or drink alot but you know to ask them to stop totally is a hard issue for him.

So i am sure this is one of the main issue i encounter .....

BTW are you going IVF soon and which DR you are with now???

Sorry for the late reply.. Wanted to write more earlier but was busy..

Don't worry so much for now.. Most impt now is to go to the fertility specialist.. Not necessary everybody who go to a fertility specialist needs to go through treatment.. My results came out gd, hubby's troops a bit weak but doc said not big issue.. He actually asked if i wanted to try more natural first whereby i go in to scan my follicles, and he let us know best time to bd.. Hubby and i decided to skip that.. His next suggestion was natural iui, no meds at all, go in scan follicle, when ready will get a trigger jab to release egg and go in for iui procedure..

I conceived with that 1st attempt but unfortunately m/c at 8 wks plus.. We decided to go for ivf after 3 mths rest.. Unfortunately suddenly had cysts on the day supposed to start.. Went for laparoscopy to remove in sep.. Supposd to do ivf in dec but prof not ard and i don't want covering doc.. So doing in feb..

I realise that sometimes really can do perfect planning.. Sometimes things just crop up here and there.. So don't worry too much for now.. Get tests done first and you'll roughly know jow to move on from there as doc will explain to you
Hi Jackzel,

Yup currently trying natural while waiting for ivf.. Will do a home pregnancy test if menses a wk late

Actually my doc asked me to give iui another 2 tries but we decided to move on to ivf.. For your case, cos tube is slightly blocked, i guess better to go straight to ivf.. If no big issues, it's actually good to go thru 1 iui or so-iui first.. From what i've read, that actually helps your doc to gauge your med dosage and response for ivf.. If not, your first ivf will kinda be like a trial.. But of cos there are many ladies who succeed with their 1st ivf.. I hope you succeed too!!

I really hope I will succeed this time at the first try. Hope the same for u too!! Think a lot of drs are away on holiday this month. Will see what my dr got to say this fri. =)

It's important that you are comfortable with your doc so if you don't have that positive vibe with the 1st fertility specialist you go to, don't hesitate and just try going to another one to see how you feel.. I kept to prof cos very comfortable with him.. He's very open to questions, explains clearly and never makes me feel like i'm taking too much of his time.. Very organised and structured with his approach.. But this is subjective.. So just go ahead and start making appts with docs.. For these popular docs, sometimes can't get early appt..
Hi Min81,

Thank you for the advices and information..... so happy you can shared with me, at least I know the procedures and not scare cos i was afraid to do tests and also feel uncomfortable what will be like.

I update my DH and maybe try for few months if still no success then i will seek advice from the fertility gynae.

Hello everyone, I am glad this new thread (thanks Hazel) was started cos I have trouble having to read all the thousands of posts on the link provided by min81 (thank you tho). I too am scheduled to start the procedures to prepare for IVF in Jan 2013. I was recommended to see SGH - Dr Yu Su Ling middle of this year and went through a couple of tests, of which all came out ok for both hubby and me. I didnt go through IUI and such cos i felt that the chances are very slim and I do not want to waste time. Recently however after several visits to the O&G & CARE in SGH, I observed that the environment is too chaotic for me and felt that my consultations were a bit rushed. I also do not like some of the nurses in CARE, one of which spoke very rudely to me when i told her I was upset with their lack of professionalism. I thus asked around for other fertility specialist and was recommended Dr Thong of Raffles. I am now torn between going to private or public hospital. Have anyone faced this dilemma? I am a Singapore Citizen and is eligible for the 3k govt grant.

Thanks! Hope for success for all of us here! Do share updates after your doc appt k


Don't be afraid of the tests.. Mainly blood tests, vaginal scans and a hsg.. I'm super timid and managed to go through all.. Hehe.. Btw, not sure about your age, but normally it's recommended to see a doc to check if still not preggy after a yr of trying naturally so you might not wanna drag too long before seeing doc..
Hi jordybaby,

Are you a private patient at SGH? I'm actually a private patient at NUH cos i chose to go to a specific doc.. I'm very happy with the service in the hospital so far.. Although i'm a private patient, i am still entitled to the 3k grant.. Maybe u wanna give it a try and see how you feel abt it?
Hi min81,

Thanks for encouragement!!

I am 32 and my DH is 37. This is the problem I am encounter as my DH say he not getting young so we sld seek advice on the fertility issue.
Hi Jordybaby,

I am also seeing Dr Yu but touchwood I have yet to meet anyone so rude. I believe must be some old nurses. Am I right? Anyway I personally feel that $3k is a lot of money. So SGH can help me conceive and yet save money, I feel it's worth it. Anyway I decide not to follow up with Dr Yu but back to my usual gynae at TMC after getting preg and if no complication.

I see.. I'm 31, hubby 41.. I understand your hubby's concerns.. No harm seeing a doc since your hubby is open to it
There are many men who refuse to see doc leh.. Don't be scared k, we give you moral support here
Hi min81...

Thank you for the support.

But I still not sure which Dr to see yet as i am doing research and getting advice to see which Gynae I shld seek help with.

Heheheh ..... anybody can recommend cos i prefer private hospital than government hospital.
Yes Annie,

Go for it.... We support u. = ) private hospital will be Dr SF Loh from TMC. Read a lot of good review abt him.

You can refer to the names i provided earlier.. They are the well known ones.. For private hosp, u have to be ready to pay more.. Honestly, based on my personal experience at both private and govt hosp, i have realised that private doesn't mean good.. Through interaction with the other ladies also, i realised that i'm very well taken care of at nuh as compared to some others at pte hosp.. I do pay pte rate though, but i heard of a couple of ladies who did ivf as subsidised patient and they received very good care although can't choose doc.. My suggestion is, go to one at govt and one at pte.. See who makes u more comfortable, i think the doc is more impt.. Like jackzel, i also feel that if possible, should make use of the 3k grant if need to go through ivf..
Some more well known fertility docs at pte hosp..

Prof Ng Soon Chye (gleneagles)
Dr Charles Lim (mt. E)
Thank you min81 and Jackzel,

Sure I will take note the names of the DRs and discuss with my DH..

XIE XIE NI MENG...... HUGS & GOOD LUCK to you all!

Hi Min81 I am a private patient at SGH however I think I have no time to go to another public hospital as my procedures will start in one month at both SGH or Raffles. You know how public hospitals work, slow... I just need to choose one or the other now..... Thanks again min81

I see.. I must disagree on govt hosp on being slow though cos it moves pretty fast at nuh.. You know, just go through with what you feel better with.. Ivf is already pretty stressful, if u feel the treatment environment at sgh makes u unhappy and gonna add on to your stress, then go ahead with raffles.. Must try to stay relaxed, happy and positive k
All the best!!
I manage to get my hubby to quit smoking after we got married. I understand its a bit hard on yr side. Maybe you can get the dr to advice him instead? Coz whatever we say to hubby, they may not put it to heart and turn deaf ear.

I am currently with Dr Yu Su Ling from SGH.
Hi Jackzel morning,

Thank you for letting me know.

Will try to ask my DH to cut down then slowly quit if POSSIBLE...

Hi Guys,

Just a brief update. Had seen Dr Yu on the 7th Dec. We are gg to start our cycle on the 9th of Jan. it's gg to be a short cycle as dr says I seems to have many follicles. So estimated date for ET is end of Jan.
But I am also worried abt the quality of the eggs and the things that will hinder successful implantation. Really hope everything goes smoothly!

Don't worry.. I'm sure the doc has done all the necessary tests and if there's anything to worry about, she would have brought it up.. So don't stress k
Wishing you the best of luck!!
Hi Hazel!

I just started my counseling session today (10-Dec) @SGH. Seeing Dr Yong. Still at the preparation stage though cos nurse ask me to go back on my next menses for some blood test as well as scans.

I'm also quite excited cos if everything goes well, will be able to start straight away after cny.
Hi Dianna,

How's Ur session with Dr Yong? I also can't wait to start my IVF on the 9th Jan. let's update each other again. I will be gg for the trial cannulation this mth end. When are u gg for the counselling?
I went yesterday for the counseling session.

Dr Yong is a nice lady, but din get to see her yet. Only see her last mth when I went for my follow up after my keyhole ops.
Prob will see her on end Jan.
Hi sisters, I am new here. Thought I will join you ladies here and seek for some advice from you. I am married for 5-6 years and have been TTC for the past 1.5 years with no avail. Currently with a pte gynae and went through 3 cycles of IUI.I have also visited 2 chinese sinsehs and in my last visit and last batch of chinese med, it resulted in hormonal imbalance and led to inter-menstrual bleeding. TTC was put on hold for 2 months so that my gynae can helped me 'reset' my cycle. I will be going for the 4th cycle of IUI soon and gynae advised that we should move on to IVF next if this time fails.

Pte IVF is too expensive to sustain (if i require a few rounds to be successful in conceiving) so I thought I will move to government after this IUI. Can anyone share your experience with Dr Yu from SGH? Also, are there differences in charges if I go in as subsidized / pte patient?

Many thanks in advance.
Hi Judy!

There's no differences in charges once you start IVF treatments in SGH as all of us are considered private patients by then. I think cos in govt hosp, we will be getting $3k from the subsidy plus $6k claimable from medisave which private hosp do not have the extra $3k subsidy.

Perhaps only Hazel can tell you about her experience with Dr Yu. From what i know, Dr Yu is the most senior IVF doc in SGH, follow by my gynae which is Dr Yong.
Thanks Dianna for your information. I heard from many that it is really cheaper to go to government for IVF. Any idea if government still subsidise 3k for subsequent rounds of IVF?

Hi Judy,
Welcome! Before you did IUI, did the dr perform series of tests on you and you hubby? For me, Dr Yu performed an in-depth semen analysis for my hubby and found out that there is a binding problem. If let's say ur doctor did not perform any in depth tests and advice you to go ahead with IUI, it will be really a waste of money.
Eg: if 1 cycle of IUI cost $500 and you did 4 that will be like $2k. With this amount of money, you can also do an IVF.

That's what my private gynae told me coz she also gave me the choice of IUI, SOIUI and IVF which she strongly encourage IVF due to the same amount of money spent but higher chance of success. Is your private gynae specialize in IVF?

I was once a nurse working in a O&G clinic. My ex bosses are not IVF specialists but they do perform IUI in their clinic. Understand what I mean?

As we can use $6k out of our CPF, and going to a restructured hospital we are entitled for another $3k of government Co-funding.
Medisave claim: 1st- $6000, 2nd- $5000 and 3rd -$4000 per lifetime for assisted conception.
3 co-funding per lifetime condition ( if I am not wrong is 50% of the Medicare claim )

Total IVF charges as counselled by IVF Nurses is about $7 - 8k excluding medications.
Medications is about $3-6k depending on individual. This is just an estimated amount. Can be lesser than $3k.

But 1 thing for sure is that medications will definitely be more expensive in the privates as compared to restructured.

Dr Yu is the head of IVF and she will be the one responsible for my entire treatment that's why I choose to see her. So far I find her very nice.

Lastly, you had done so many IUI before, have you used ur medisave before?

Hi Jackzel, nice to hear from you.
Actually I started w consult at KKH which I later switched to Pte gynae due to an episode of cervical polyps bleeding. Did the various blood test at KKH and all normal, was then told to try naturally. My Pte gynae recommended IUI to us after taking down our hx. Don't rem having a in depth semen analysis, except that when we send in our semen sample for IUI, there will be an analysis report of the sperm quality. Maybe u can share w me how was the in depth semen analysis conducted?

Yup, think I see your point above but my gynae is a fertility specialist.

We paid cash upfront for all my IUIs. Wasn't informed that IUI is claimable till I read the link from Dianna. Need to do more homework!
