IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Blue- yes I'm still w Prof Ng. I meant I will go see Prof Wong to discuss the mtds / options should I go for fresh.
Why does ovary stays high?? Anyway this is beyond ur ctrl so just pray, like what CHR nurse said, heavier may be lowered. 15 follicles shd be gd enuf cos too many can have OHSS and number of oocytes also won't be high. All the best to u! Keep us posted.

assa - thanks for sharing, I fully understand your sorrow as I myself was striken by tragedy less than a year ago, that is why I'm in this treatment process . Will let you sistas know when I'm more prepared. The grief will nv go away, just like a part of mum/dad gone with our precious forever...but let's persevere together, hugs
Blue - i dun understand, but you didnt experience high ovary the last ivf cycle, rite? Does it mean ovary position is not fixed?
Blue, when is you nx scan? Mine is tmr. My pants seem super tight today, wonder whether it's cos by Gonal F or that I've not been exercising for past weeks?
jamp-yap, my scan also tomorrow. Appointment time, according to CHR nurse is at 0745hrs, but I don think I can reach at 7.45, likely 8am ba.
Pants are tight becos of the bloatedness, is usual lah.
I checked with my TCM Dr, he said that the ovary position is not fix, as every month we might/might not have ovulation.
Hope tomorrow scan, the ovary will to lower.
Su-4 more days to go.
Blue- I c...jux pray tat everything is smooth for us
Dunno whether we'll meet tmr, if u see a pimpled-face lady, say hello & I'll know it's u 
Jamp- think met u outside chr, but before I k say halo, u rush off Liao & I too coward to shout halo.
u wearing black dress with a guy wearing white & blue top?
I maybe wrong.
Yes, tatz me, aiyah, u shld hv waved at me mah, me actually shy, dared not look around too much  did u see me at the clinic while waiting for Prof? Wat were u wearing? Me now on way bk to store gonal f in fridge, do u do that or u hv a better method? I din want to bring to off cos too many pple open n close fridge, also afraid curious pple will open up and peep 

My right ovary 4follies, left 6, right high

Blue, wow yrs more than double mine, congrats!

Is yr nx scan Fri?
Blue, wow, you've got quite a lot of follicles with you. Good. I never got that many follicles during my cycle.

Jamp, yours not too bad either.

May all the follicles be good ones and able to fertilised
Su! I am so excited for u! So lucky to spend Hari Raya with a new member in the family.

By the way, how frequent is your checkup with gynae when in your first trimester? Seems like mine is every 2 weeks.

Yesterday we finally saw the sac and baby clearly. And baby was in the right size!

Jiayou to everyone! Babydust!!
Andreannie, glad that all went well for you n bb.. Alhamdullilah.

My first trimmester was abt 2-3 weeks interval.
12 weeks I had to do downsdrome test n that was my last visit with Prof Wong. (are you with him?)
he does not follow throughout the pg as he's concentrating
on ivf patients. So he asked if we have our own preference
gynae n we can start seeing the new one.
Since we have no preference gynae of our own, we got him to recommend someone in Nuh itself. We do not want to chg hospital since my records are there. After 12 weeks, check up was once a mth. Started weekly basis like 3 weeks ago. I'm seeing dr su lin lin. Nice n patience dr.

When is your next check?
Su - Ohh i see! I'm not seeing Prof, I am with the other ivf doctor - Dr Stephen Chew.
I'm not sure if he will be my gynae for the rest of the pregnancy.

How is Dr Su Lin Lin? Is she gentle and easy to talk to? I am considering Prof Biswas, I saw him yesterday for my checkup cos Dr Chew was on leave. Seems like a very nice man with fatherly character. My mum also agrees that he sounds gentle. But now Im not sure should I consider lady gynae or stick to a male.

My next checkup is on 5/9.
Dr Su is a nice n gentle lady. Easy to talk too.
I asked for a lady gynae so was recommended her.
Very understanding. Few weeks ago I called her up abt my bb movement. She was already not at the clinic I guess at her own office. She asked me to go to clinic n followed up on my concern.
Jamp- think u sit at the back, I was sitting facing the water dispenser.
My scan is Thurs, think they wan to monitor more closely ba. Likely ER on Mon, it all depends on my thurs scan.
I bring to my wk place.
U try to take more egg whites & immunocal. I find that it helps. I'm taking 4 EW, & 1 pkt immunocal.
Jamp- they not suppose to. As have not trigger ovulation yet with the jab.
Protein not only let it grow well, but also help the bloatedness.
Are u PCOS?
Andreanie- I was previously seeing Prof Biswas for
my fertility issues. But think he might be better in seeing preg mum then fertility.
Find that he though gentle, he is more of $ minded kind. Not the kind that is Prof Wong, more down to earth. But he also very senior
Just my thoughts.
Blue, I agree that prof is not money minded.
Though I've never see dr biswa before.
Y I give such comment is when I asked prof for recommendation he gave dr su who is actually not the high end level gynae. In a way, I can save some money
Su- I agreed. Maybe he order Dr Su also depends on whether u have mutiple or singleton ba.
I seen Prof Wong once for some problem after failed 1st round ivf, & he wavied the charges.
Jamp- my next scan is on Thurs. Dosage also decrease. Likely ER on Mon ba.
I can't tahan the bloatedness Liao. Feels like going to burst
Today scan show 22 follicles, size range from 14.5-12.
I would be seeing Prof again tomorrow.
Likely retrieve on Mon.
So jamp likely see u tomorrow
Blue, wow, good numbers

all the best to you.

I'm in Nuh now, gynae asked me to be admitted since
I'm already abt 2cm dilated.will keep you updated.
Su- we will cheer for u here.
I saw Dr Su tis morning. Today appt with Prof is at 9.30.
Wish u have a smoothly delivery.
My dosage down again.
hi su, congrats to u. will b seeing ur gal soon. u start to have contraction already? hopefully u hav a fast and smooth delivery : )

hi blue, wow u hav good no of follicles. All the best to ur ER.
Jamp , bluenosebear > follicle will not burst. I'm with kkh now. Just started my purgeon inject 3 days ago so it's I only injected for 3 days from mon to we'd. Thur (today) had my first scan and biggest 2 follicle is 9.5mm. Dr told me tmrw (fri, day 7) I need to return for a jab to stop ovulation. Anyone done this before? So means the doc can control follicle not to burst. By the way. I'm pcos and my AMH reading is extremely high.
Hi ladies,
I've just delivered on Friday 26/8 2.13am to a baby girl

jia you everyone. It's possible for ivf to happen.
Blue and Jamp, seems like you have a good no. of follies, all the best for ER. I'm waiting for AF to report in a few days, then I can book my flight back to Sg in Oct. One more month of normal life and I'll be back to IVF, time passes so fast. So scary that my biological clock is ticking away...
Thanks Pink, yr 3rd attempt sure strike. Gd things come in 3rd time.
Total 26 follicles when scan. High risk of ohss, Prof asked whether I still wan to continue to er if not will cancel the whole cycle.
I have decided to go ahead & Mon will be ER.
Wah Blue, u better take as much protein as possible cos from my understanding > 15 follicles already at risk of OHSS let alone 26 follicles! Rem to drink more water too. All the best to your Mon ER!
Blue- what dose of gonal f were u on and how many days in total liao? I'm trying to figure out how Prof manages since he has ur history knowing u hv PCOS...
Today is No 12 day already jabbed 11 days Liao.
Ist ivf started as 150iu, then on 7th day they increase till 225IU, jab till 12th day. Scanned show abt 14 follicles, retrieved 11.
This round start at 225 IU, on 8th day, scan show 21 follicles, so reduce to 187.5, 10th day reduce to 150, yesterday 75IU, tonight no Gonal F.
Think is my body reaction bah.
This round I took Spirulina & fish oil so don know which one helps.
I see... I can't rem which day I had my scan when in NUH but it seems that maybe better to scan say day 6 so that still got time to adjust dosing to suit that cycle's response. Hope u r successful this round I think spirullina v high protein, fish oil I only know omega 3 fatty acids. Anyway u must be feeling really 'heavy' so do try to also take egg whites to really 'buffer' u from OHSS. Rest well for Mon!

Dun forget brazil nuts for implantation yah?
Hi ladies, thanks for the messages.

it's really a challenging experience for this ivf pg.
I'm constantly worried but I know I must be as positive as possible.

I'll be discharge tomorrow. Hope baby can go hm with me coz she had jaundice in the morning.
Blue, hope you er this Monday will be very smooth. Jamp are having same er day as well?
Good luck

hi su, congrats to u. How's ur bb gal? She is jus in time for the Hari Raya : ) Hopefully her jaundice leve has gone down. Take care and welcome to motherhood!!
