IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Dadwannabe- The news was a shock! Pls stay strong & positive for your wife. Take good care of her for she needs ur support the most during this period.

Coolcool- Typo error. I meant 3K for my FET. Bulk was lab costs, procedure fees and monitorings that worked out to be $2K. The rest of the costs were for blood/urine tests, crinone gel, injection fees.

dadwannabe, I m sorry to hear the sad news. Take good care of ur wife as I think she need ur support and concerns during this period.
In the meantime, ur wife must tiao her body. Eat more nuritious food. If possible, go for a holiday to shan shan xin. Take care.
hi pink, tat time when you request for ur medical records, who did u ask from? Your medical records also include ur 1st ivf records eg: how many follicles, grades and lining? Do i need to buy from them?
Dadwannabe: how was your wife's D&C procedure? Smooth? How is she now?
I asked about the chromosome test to Dr. She said they normally do not test. And this test result will not be applicable for my frozen embryos. So she said there's no point checking it. And she said I can start my FET at my 2nd period.
Mel_MelJ: I see. Thanks for the info.
Serene-Are U planning to go for 2nd opinion?
From what I know is that if the record is to get from MRO (medical record office) then U need to pay, but I have no idea what kind of records they will provide.
Serene-Are U planning to go for 2nd opinion?
May I ask where U plan to go?
Sorry if I too KPO.
What I know is that is need official report need to buy from medical record office (MRO). But have no idea how detailed the report would be.
MeI & tanny: thank you, but we really lost our confidence in ivf now. need to cool down first then think what to do next.

Serene: Yes. she will. NUH introduced us a website where we can order some nutritious cooked food. We will give it a try.

coolcool: The D&C was quite smooth. Like you said, she can go back to work today already, but she decided to take 1-day leave and rested at home. We wanted to do the chromosome test for peace of mind. If bb indeed has chromosome defects, then there is nothing we can do about it. This way we will feel better.
Dadwannbe: Can I get the website address? I want to take a look cos we both work and I have no time to cook nutritious food.
They did not give 7 day MC? Better to rest at home for about a week.
Dadwannabe, i was given a week of hospital leave n I made used of it.
Don't rush to make any decision now. Do it when both of you are ready.
For me, I was keen to try again but my husband was not. It took us a yr before deciding to try again.
You mentioned the dr forgot to do the test? Isit prof wong forgot to do it?
coolcool: Here you go:

Yes. NUH gave 7days MC. But MC is no use for my wife. If she has work to do, she has to do it. Currently she still have many unused annual leaves.

Su: Yes. We need to calm down first then plan our next move. Prof Wong did write it on the referral letter, but the Dr who did the operation did not read it carefully.
Serene, I asked prof Wong for medical record and he asked nurse to prepare. So it took about 10 days to prepare and they called me and invited to collect it. I didn't pay anyhitng for it and it was full story of my protocol and all history of my treatment.
Blue, I left CHR abt 8am.
They seemed to hv many patients today, my appt w prof was b/f frm 8am to 7:30am
Hope to c u nx scan :)
Hi all,
Good Morning.
Blue and Jamp, you are starting your cycle soon?
Good luck
Su- both jamp & me starting Stimulation tomorrow if everything goes well.
Waiting for their call.
Jamp- I reach there at 8.20 to see Prof Wong, becos was caught in traffic jam. So u be going back to get the Gonal F?
I'm so sleepy today, maybe is becos of the rain
Thanks, Su :)

Blue, I've collected my gonal f as the nurses noted I'm on leave today. Today is also hub's sperm freezing day (for stdby, as advised by nurse) so decided to take leave.

Nurse said no need to start protein diet yet, y huh?
Jamp- they will advise to start after ET, to prevent OHSS.
I forgot whether u are PCOS? I'm PCOS, so worry of ohss & to have the follicles grow well, so I started protein diet.
Like eggwhites 4-6 or fish & immunocal.
Su or any sistas- did yr given aspirin after ER & bfp?
I asked Prof, he said no evidence to show it will improve implantation, but no harm trying if I want to.
oh i see, thanks Blue.

Quite nervous now cos I thot I have 2 whole weeks to finish my work before ER, but nurse said 10th ~ 12th day :p

Gotta chiong these few days to clear as much work as i can but will prob have to work from home during 2ww :<
Su-IC, wtill contemplating wans to take the aspirin or not.
jamp-same here, trying to rush my unfinish work.
This round, though I say won't want to touch work related things, but for sure would read &amp; reply emails.
When I told my boss abt my HL after ET, she stared hard at me. She is obviously feeling insecured that I'll be away for such a long time, sigh...told me that I shld take a back seat after I conceive, asked me about child- mining plan.

To people like her, it's like a sure strike situation :'<

I told her to let me cross the 14 days HL before we discuss any further...sad...
jamp-It all depends on how fast the follicles growth, normally is 10-12 day would be ER.
My 1st IVF, I jab the trigger for ovulation jab on day 13 of Gonal F &amp; day 15 is the ER. That round Gonal F starting dose was 150IU then up to 225.
Hope that helps U to plan yr work schedule.
U would be going to NUH this Sat for scan?
Hi Everyone,

I am a newbie here to the forum but have been following your bravery out there in the IVF world. I am also a candidate waiting for my next AF for BT before knowing if I am eligible for a cycle soon. In my case of infertility, it is MFI. Abit hard to accept the truth but then have to move on and think what is the next steps forward. Probably you have answered these questions many time but as I am just consulting NUH (Prof Wong), I am deciding if I should proceed with the highly recommended Prof Ng at Gleneagles. Any advise will be highly appreciated. Thanks heaps
May I know the long term of MFI?
I have not consulted Prof Ng before, maybe U can do a consultation with him then decide with whom U would wan to start IVF with.
Thanks Bluenosebear

MFI refers to my hubby's male factor infertility. His sperm count is 4Mil/ML, motility 65% and morphorlogy only 2%... which we are only looking at 150K of healthy sperm as compared to normal count of about 10Mil thereabout. Gynae recommended straight off IVF-ICSI. I am just concerned mainly on side effects of drugs and all cos on a monthly basis, my mentrual boatiness is enough to cause huge discomfort.. I am not sure how to sail through the IVF treatment swiftly

What is your experience with NUH's Prof Wong so far?
Hi ladies,
blue n jamp, i'm excited for you
I'll be at Nuh tomorrow afternoon for my check up.
Bb is very comfortable inside me.

Relax n all the best ladies.
Blue, thanks for reply. Nurse told me they'll be closed on 27th Aug, Presidential Election, so hopefuly we can do it on d12. But if you say trigger ovulation on d13 and ER on d15, then I am a little relieved. My dosage is 300units/day, why our dosage so diff? Do they use trial and error method? My scan is tmr AM.

Su, I'm also excited for you, bb's gonna pop any time, right? Must really enjoy yourself these few days with your hubby. After which all your time will be dedicated to the most precious!
Su-baby will be good &amp; come out smoothly before Hari Raya.
Thanks, all the best to u &amp; have a smooth delivery.
Jamp- I have PCOS, so they worry abt OHSS. For u, maybe is 1st ivf with 300 IU, so they wan to scan earlier to see the progress ba. Chr will count the days one la, tis round alot of PHs, I also didn't really count the days. Let them headache, we just relax.
Engi-I'm very comfortable with Prof Wong, though he is man of few words, whatever questions u ask him, he will answer.
Also very happy &amp; comfortable with CHR team of nurses.
If u have the chance check with CHR, when is their next ivf talk, u will get to understand the ivf procedure better.
Thanks Blue and I wish you all the best with your regime. So far any bad side effects with the self injections? My gfs told me it is all in the mind. most important must stay happy and loads of positive thoughts!!
Dad wannabe, I am so sorry for your loss. Don't know what to say to console you. Just hope you and your wife will pick yourselves up and try again, but rest and recuperate first. I know my post's a bit late but i seldom come onto the forum nowadays as I am still quite sad by the failure. Been trying to keep myself occupied so I don't have to think of the next IVF until Oct comes.

Serene, the medical report states my medical history and the whole IVF treatment and BT result, with amt of drugs used, follicle size and embryo transferred (no grading, just no. Of cell)

Su, hope you have a smooth delivery. So envious of you, I don't think to think now when I will become a mother. It seems so distant...

Blue, I also read that aspirin improves blood flow, but not sure of the effects. I took it together with Clomid, but apparently it didn't help.

Mel, how are you? Did you go back to Prof Wong?
Pink-Take care hor.
I would forgo the aspirin, as just few days ago I heard from news that research had shown that no evidence of taking aspirin would increase the chance of implantation.
jamp-how is yr scan today?
Su-Hope yr appt goes well this afternoon.
Pink, i can feel for you. Don't be jealous ok, your turn will come.
I had waited for 9 years and i see so many ppl around me getting pregnant so easily. There was even a point when i just felt very down every time when my menses comes. I know it is easier said than done.

The next time you are into your cycle, do lead a normal life pre ivf period.
I realised my 2 successful cycle (first bfp miscarriage at 7weeks and now), I was much relax, I really did not think so much about symptoms, it helps alot.
My second cycle which did not suceed, i was too preoccupied with the dos and donts and i think it stresses me alot. I was literally looking for symptoms and so on. So i conclude, that was not the life style we should have during 2ww.
Hope your next attempt will bring success to you
hi ladies, i went for my post ivf review on Wed. Prof reviewed the ivf procedure went well, embbies in good grade. But he was puzzled y embbies can't implant. He suggested tat i should try 4 things for my next ivf.
1) Hysteroscopy - To scan for fibroids in the uterus wall. Fibroids hinder embbies from implant in the uterus wall.
2) Tried accupunture - To improve blood flow to the uterus. I tried accu for few mths during my 1st ivf.
3) Take asprin - To thin the blood flow to the uterus
4) Change to long protocol as my 2 ivf was done in short protocol

I told him i will take a long break as i oni left wif last try. I also asked him for my past ivf records. I will bring my past ivf records to seek for 2nd opinion b4 i decide wat i should do. But I think i will do the Hysteroscopy procedure to ensure there r no fibroids in my uterus wall.
Serene-Would it be better to do hysteroscopy in NUH then obtain the result &amp; seek for 2nd opinion?
I was thinking would be cheaper, unless is the same price.
Would U be seeing Prof Ng for 2nd opinion?
Blue, went for my scan, total 9 follies, is the number consider few? Prof up my Gonal F dosage to 375iu.

He also mentioned right ovary a bit high, what does that mean? Would it cause difficulty in ER?
Jamp- u k ask Prof next scan, wat he meant by right ovary high?
Maybe u wan to try to up yr protein intake, 9 consider ok, maybe the size is small so he up
yr dosage
hi everyone! How are u ladies doing?

Su - you are due soon right?

As for me, I'm going to be 7 weeks tomorrow and gng for another rescan this Monday. Actually already went for my first scan on Monday, we saw the sac, baby and one strong heartbeat. But gynae wanted to do another scan to see its growth cos baby looks like 5 weeks plus instead of 6 weeks at the time of scan. Now praying baby grows beautifully.

Other than that, ladies, do jiayou all the way ok! I'm waiting for your good news soon too!

Take care!
Pink: Thanks. The only way I can console myself is that at least my wife has experienced pregnancy. It is short-lived, but we were very happy during that period. Now we are back to origin and we will try to conceive ourselves again.
dadwannabe, of course everyhting that happened with you and your wife is very sad. But it is life. I had my pregnancy for all 9 months, gave birth to my baby girl, but when she was 2 months old she died... 16 years pass, and no any pregnancy at all... nobody knows when and what happened. I still don't lost my hope to become MAM.
Jamp, I started in june 09. After the miscarriage, we wanted to try again but I took a yr to do again. So that was last June my 2nd attempt. I got the sad news onmy birthday. Something very painful to accept. Then discussed with Hubby. Told him if there's a 3rd time, I want to do it in dec last yr. First, to avoid having to retake certain blood test which I could not remember( I still had to do the test again as result had expired) n 2ndly, I'm a teacher so I wanted my HL to fall in dec so no one knows n question my absence. I had peace of mind doing the 3rd round. Only 2 out of many of my friends know abt it. It's really a hush2 including my close cousins who only know the pregnancy after 12weeks. Some whom I did not meet only know as late as in June during a cousin's wedding.
Andreannie, due date is next week but bb is very comfortable inside. Have to see next check up. Hope your scan will go smoothly. Sometimes even slow growth can lead to normal healthy pregnancy.

Dadwannabe, true what you said. At least she felt how pregnancy is like. That was what I comfort myself n told Hubby. For so long, I've never known n feel being pg n that 7 weeks really meant alot to me up till now.

Assa, sorry to hear abt your loss. Hope you'll get pg soon..hugzz..
Hi Pink, I have not gone to see Prof Wong yet. My plan is to see him when I'm ready for fresh cycle. Meanwhile I would like to tiao my body first. It may very well be my last try as I realized my persistence is slowly wearing off... then it'll be corporate world for me liao.

Serene- My 2 cents worth opinion. I feel u should do ur test in NUH and bring the reports for 2nd opinion. And my advice is, take time to decide which Dr u eventually want to do ur ivf with even if u need to see a third Dr. I actually prefer restructured hospitals in a way because the Drs are not motivated by monetary rewards when they recommend something. The issue I find is some high calibre Drs leave for private practice.
assa: I can feel that even after 16 years, your wound has not completely healed. You are right, this is life and we are just human beings. Good or bad, we have no choices but to accept it.

andreanie: We will wait for your good news on Monday. Don't let our stories scare you. Everyone is different.

Su: Wish you have a smooth delivery.
Mel- I thought u will do fet next mth with Prof Ng?
Updates from my scan tis morning,
right ovary-6 follicles, left ovary-7 follicles but Prof say High.
I asked CHR nurse, she said that is position of the left ovary, if still high when ER, then is difficult to retreive the occytes. But she mention that once the ovary too heavy with the follicles, will fall lower in position.
So I k only pray that everything is swee swee lah.
Still awaiting their call for the jabs dosage.

Serene, I did the hystescopy at NUH, just two weeks ago. It was not painfull at all, even I forgot take panadol before the procedure, took only 20 or 30 minutes in total and I saw my uterus in monitor. Good doctor and all his team. Cost 350S$
My advise: do the hystescopy in NUH before go for second opinion.
