IVF at NUH--feedback pls

So sorry ladies!!! I was so tired after i started work!! And also on top of my work i have 2 side lines too!!! wahahha...secret!! else i kana sack from my main job ;p

Pink - So excited for you!! 15 April is coming soon! you experience headache maybe one of the sign of preg yah!

Blue & Pink - Thanks for the information on the assisted hatching! Will definitely check with Prof Wong tomorrow when i am there for my review after my failed EFT.

I went back to see my TCM after i complete my mens last Sat, so she told me dont give up and ask me to improve my body condition first for the next 3 months before trying again for the IVF and also she is trying to help me capture my right timing for natural conceive haha..becos she is a bit sure that we have not get the right timing after looking at my temp chart for months and say the chart is beautiful ;p

Celia - I am not sure becos this time i went through EFT so not sure if i need this pregnyl jab but i remembered that even my first IVF, i do not have this pregnyl jab too?? Err..i have 11 folics at that time of ER so am i a OHSS risk patient?? Becos Prof Wong never says so..tomorrow i ask him..

I think i will try my new cycle in June/july yah..:mad:

Serene - When is your blood test?? So excited for you

Celia, I'm into the last 3 days of my 2ww, finally!!! First week was bearable, but I started to get more anxious after the 1 week mark, was also emotional for a day or two and kept crying while talking to DH on the phone. It is difficult to go thru this 2ww without him by my side.

I think I will not use the HPT. Since I've waited so long, might as well endure a while more.

Lovegreen, have fun trying naturally, who knows, you may get lucky? Let us know what Prof says after your visit. What sideline do you do? Can share with us? I'm also running an online business selling ladies apparel, that is what kept me occupied during these 2ww.

Serene, do you feel better now? How are coping with the wait?
hi lovegreen, u mentioned u hav yeast infection during ur 2ww. i realise these few days, i hav burning sensation when i do the crinone inserts. it will last for awhile then get better by afternoon. i m wondering do i hav yeast infection? I always wash my v-area b4 doing the insert. n try to keep the v-area.

my bhcg is next monday.

hi pink, these days i m quite pressurized by my mil. she acts as if i m already pregnant. normally she will come over to my place in the afternoon to cook diner for us. but these days she came in the morning time to prepare lunch for me, brew black chicken soup for me. tell me to rest well n dun let me to do simple chores. she mentioned now pregnant wif twins must be careful. today i told her tat must wait till bloodtest result to confirm whether i m pregnant. i worried she will "qi wang yue da, shi wang yue da".
Hi Serene, MILs are like that. Guess we are in the same situation. Luckily I don't have to face her now as I'm staying with my own parents. She also kept asking me how things went before I went for ER and ET. There was once she said if I don't have enough eggs, why don't we go and find a surrogate mother, at least half of the genes is still her son's? I was so upset after hearing that and I simply told her straight in the face I'll rather adopt than use a surrogate mother. She is so insensitive to my feelings and only cared about her own son.
Your MIL is partially right actually, we are both pregnant unless proven otherwise. haha...just enjoy the special treatment. Was she also the type who kept asking you about family planning before you went for IVF? As long as we have tried our best, nobody will blame us, some things are not within out control, so don't worry about your MIL and spare yourself the additional stress.

Burning sensation might be urinary tract infection, I have friends whom encountered that before. If it still doesn't go away in a day or two, suggest you go see Prof for a proper diagnosis.
hi pink, r u excited? tomolo is ur big day : )
2 of my cycle buddies whose ET is one day earlier than u test hpt positive today. I m so happy for them. Hope to collect baby dust from u tomolo too.
Hi serene, I'm very nervous, can't sleep last night until 3 plus, now panda eyes... I want to go and buy a HPT right now and test, should I? The anticipation is unbearable-I am thinking if it's bad news, at least I get 1day to mourn over it and will be able to handle tomorrow's result better. My MIL is also going with me to the blood test tmr, damn stressed...
So happy for your other two cycle buddies! I hope I can give you some baby dust too! Are you going to test on Sunday?
Pink, nice to see you in the ivf forum : ) If u wish to test hpt, it is best to test during ur 1st pee as the hcg level is higher. Ur symptoms seems to b positive.

Hi ladies, in NUH, how long will it take for our bhcg result to release? If we take the bloodtest at 9am, wat time will the nurse call us?
Hi Serene I am pleased to hear that two of your cycle buddies have had positive results. Did they also have treatment at NUH?

The nurse called me at about 11.00-11.30am after I had my HCG at 8.30am, then they arranged an appointment to see Prof at 12pm as my initial HCG was positive, though low.

Serene - can you give me the details of the IVF forum? I have tried looking for other forums but find this website very tricky to use. Thanks in advance.

Sending you ladies lots of babydust.
Good luck tomorrow Pink.
Thanks Celia and blue. I couldn't take the suspense anymore and used a HPT. Sadly, it's negative. My lower abdomen is more crampy today than usual, vagina area also feels very tight, maybe AF is coming. I am disappointed but it's not the end of the world. I will gear myself up for the next cycle.

Celia, what is the HCG level to be considered pregnant? I'm very new to all these as this is my first attempt and I do not have any children yet.
Serene, didn't know you already have a 5 yr old son, so envious. You must dote on him a lot and want to give him a sibling. Do you mind if i asked if your first child is conceived naturally?

Sending you my best wishes for a BFP. Counting on you to spread some babydust on the NUH thread. The other thread is moving too fast and I can't keep up, so still prefer to chat with you here.
pink, u shld try to test on ur 1st morning pee. it contain higher hcg level. u test in evening time, e hcg not high. ur hpt might not b able to detect it. dun giv up hope. all e best to ur bhcg tomolo.

i conceived my son naturally 5 mths after my marriage. also pressurised by my mil tat time. i remembered she kept asking whether i m preggy every mth. she expected mi to get pregnant immediately i married to her son. *faint* then when we ttc for #2 2 plus years ago, somehow cant hit the jackpot anymore

actually, i dun hav much confident bfp on tis ivf cycle as i dun hav much sypmtoms like u n other gals from ivf support thread.
pink, u shld try to test on ur 1st morning pee. it contain higher hcg level. u test in evening time, e hcg not high. ur hpt might not b able to detect it. dun giv up hope. all e best to ur bhcg tomolo.

i conceived my son naturally 5 mths after my marriage. also pressurised by my mil tat time. i remembered she kept asking whether i m preggy every mth. she expected mi to get pregnant immediately i married to her son. *faint* then when we ttc for #2 2 plus years ago, somehow cant hit the jackpot anymore

actually, i dun hav much confident bfp on tis ivf cycle as i dun hav much sypmtoms like u n other gals from ivf support thread.
Dear Ladies, sorry for the no update from my review with Prof Wong on Wed..

Well thanks for all the informative info from you gals, this is the first x i asked so much questions!! LOL but Prof Wong was very patient in handling all my question and concern.

First of all he did a check on me to ensure my vaginal infection is cleared than he sat down with me and my hubby to go through my records. I asked him is it because my quality of the embryo is not satisfactory that is why it will not implant. He told me my first 2 natural ET embryo cell is 8 & 9 which are of good quality. But he just cant explain the no implant.

Celia - You are right. I asked Prof why i dont have the Pregnyl jab like other gals and he said that because i produce 11 follicles so this jab may caused me to have OHSS and he said that anyway i was on the Crinone gel so without this jab is fine de...as this jab is an additional thing to thicken the uterus lining.

Blue - I asked about the assisted hatching too, Prof said that usually the first attempt they will not do assisted hatching as this may not apply to everyone. Assisted hatching is only necessary when the embryo shell is thicker so they may be hard for the embryo to hatch to implant to the uterus but again he said this may not have significant proof as some with thick shell still can hatch and impant.

He suggested that before i go for my new cycle i can do 2 things.

1st - Go do a uterus lining scoping to see if i have some blood clots growing around the uterus wall (Sorry there is one english term but i did not memories the word) So if there is these stuff, it is hard for the embryo to implant. He said usually under the usual scan can see all these but tiny ones may not be that easy to be scanned. So i decided to do a scoping on this next Tuesday.

2nd - Do acupuncture (Wah first time i hear from western doctor to encourage patient to see TMC for acupuncture, he says there is no harm to try as it may improve the blood circulation in our womb.

so much for all these...wish all the best!

Pink - Update us tomorrow okie!! Cross fingers!! There are still hopes and miracles one! Dont be dishearted. (Side track - I have a Jewel & Kids online business!! So 2 of us no conflicts!! haha)

Serene - So glad to hear that your cycle frens are all preg!!! so envy
Yours too!! Cross fingers and wish you all the luck on Monday!!
Lovegreen- great that u have a fruitful consultation, not like me, not prepare & went in to c him.
Do update us abt the scoping procedure. But it sounds like it hurts kind le.
Did u do accupuncture before? Maybe u k try before u embark 2nd fresh
Blue - I was also like you after my first post review. So i wanted to ask more this time

Hmm..he said is not painful, they will just insert a long scope like straw size to the uterus, procedure about 20mins..i think this is not worst scope i have done. I did one scope which goes right to my two fallopian tubes to see if i have block tubes when i am fully conscious!!!

Yes i started doing acupuncture 1 month plus ago...this month the TCM doc give me one month break, only on herbs brewing ;p than next month than continue with the acupuncture...i just try everything now which is good for me lor..hope for the best to all yah
Ladies, sadly it's a BFN for me. Thanks for the support all these while. I've cried my heart out this morning and now I felt better already. Will continue to be a silent reader of this thread once i return to HK, and hope to hear some good news from this thread soon.
Serene - don't give up yet. Symptoms don't mean anything and I'm a good example. Will be cheering you on to a BFP on Mon! I can imagine you must be very gan cheong to find out by now. The last 3 days of waiting is the hardest for me.

Love green - seemed like you are very well prepared this time, good! I'm also going to prepare a long list of qsns, hope Prof will answer my queries patiently too. Can I ask on what on basis Prof suggest to check the uterus wall for clots? did you report of any pain or he just suggested it due to no implantation? Am wondering if it's a normal procedure for people who failed IVF to do this as i'm not prepared to do anything else at this moment, except rest my mind and body.
Pink - So sad to hear this from you
one more down...really want to hear some baby dust in here! yes, just cry so you can release all the stress and anxiousness all these while..

Actually it is not clots, hmm..i try to find it at googles to see if i can still remember the english word..dunno is it call uterine polyp..it is those things that grow around the uterus wall.

I didnt tell him of any pain, but he say i can dun go for the scope if i dun want to, just a suggestion from him. So i thought, why not, as i just want to eliminate any reasons of no implantation and ease my mind. I am not too sure of this whether it is a normal protocol if people have a failed IVF. But then a fren of mine who went thru her 1st & 2nd IVF same time as me, Prof Wong never suggest to her on this..

Pink - So you want to fly home already??
so you coming back for another new cycle with NUH?
Love green, i'll be returning to HK next Mon after seeing Prof. Will continue with NUH for my second try as I like Prof and his team of nurses as i feel it's impt to feel comfortable with the people who are treating you as it reduces the stress during treatment.
I'm going to treat myself well while gearing up for the next cycle, have already drawn up a list of things I want to achieve in the next 3 mths. I hope to achieve/complete 80% of them. Here they are:
1. Keep trying naturally
2. Strengthen my body with tonics. Drink Chinese herbs twice a mth as suggested by mum. Also drink Dr Zou's herbs.
3. Continue weekly acupuncture 
4. Take up yoga, twice a week
5. Do volunteering work
6. Go on a short holiday with hubby
7. Resume my fashion design course if the schedule permits
8. Have a long term plan for my business (planning for BFP)
9. Start planning and shopping for stuff for our new place
10. Cook at least 3 times a week so that we could eat more healthily
11. Go hiking during the weekends
Pink-big big bear hugz from me.
I was waiting to hear yr result in NUH forum side. But did not see U there, so try my luck here.
Be prepare that the menses would be heavier & cramps compare from yr usual ones.
So U be flying back to Hongkong soon? I would miss U le.
Ya, don't give up, we would start the battle again.
Serene-maybe is good news. Hoping to grab babydust from U.
Pink this is what I sent to U in IVF forum, hehe.
Think U would achieve most of this de. I kept wishing to go exercise, but 'you sin wu le'. Think I'm plain lazy, kept finding excuses.
wow Pink! I love how you really pen down your resolution for the next 3 months!! After going through your list, i find that i am about 90% same itinary as you..minus the point 7 & 11. Point 8 (I cant have the luxury as i still need my full time job to run my 2 online business as i cant sustain with the online business) I got too many commitments.

Point 9 - We also planning to move house, well duno if you gals think we are Superstitious but after hearing our Fengshui master said that the house is not really good for us, and after so many failed attempts of conceiving for years and have been staying there for 5 years, we decided to move...so we also looking around for a resale flat..

good good...i must pen it down and keep reminding myself too! Wanted to start the yoga after my 1st failed attempt, even bought the DVD but ended never do it!! Blue - Same here, keep giving myself excuses and damm lazy!!! doing some exercise is still good de...okok i will resume my brisk walking again
Lovegreen-Who knows, after U moved then U BFP liao, hehe. But move hse seems to be a very big project le.
Happy finding yr dream hse.
I did try to eat more healthy & cut down on portion of carbo also.
Think by May/June time when we start cycling then all would bring good news & BFP.
that why sometimes when you think think why some people do nothing but yet they get preg...and when we did so much things, we still didnt strike it
sometimes i really feel so depress..life already so tough and yet we cannot enjoy to the fullest but must keep to our discipline..i never take cold drinks even how much i like it or eat "liang" stuff, but so what?? i still cant get conceived...i love my house ended have to depart with it because i fail to conceived..i dun dare to change job because i worry i cannot give 100% effort to the job and new job will be more challenging...i dont want to add stress as stress may be one of the reason for not conceiving..

but then we still have to carry on with our discipline because i do not want anyone to blame me for not doing my best and find a excuse to say it must be the wife problem

sorry for being so negative today...
Lovegreen-is it the rain make U moody?
Is Friday today, enjoy yr weekend wor.
Sometimes we need to have a longer journey to BFP ba. Don give up, we would eventually BFP de.
hi pink, hugz hugz.. take care of urself when u bk to hong kong. glad tat u plan so many meaningful things to keep u busy n healthy for e next 3 mths
do come here occasionally to update us ur situation.
Blue, ya my menses is damn painful until I have to take painkiller, never experienced this before. It must have been all the hormone injections causing this and now the body is trying to expel everything out. I also had diarrhea these 2 days...I feel much better now, it'll be the first night that I can sleep in peace after a long while.
Lovegreen, sorry that my bad news also affected you so much. My life has been put on hold the last 2 months since I decided to do IVF and I set aside all my other goals in life to focus on having a baby. I even quit my job end of last year as I wanted to destress and condition my body for it. Life is never fair and we are not born equal. I'm thankful for having the most supportive hubby, my family, bunch of good friends, and not forgetting all of you gals here on cyberspace. I think it makes the journey less painful by reminding myself that there are other things in life that we are blessed with and are happy about. Cheer up ya?

Thanks Serene, I will miss you all, will still pop by when I have time. You take care too.
Pink - yes you are right..it is still a choice we can choose and made..i shouldnt blame for what i am in now, there are always more unfortunate people around us...and yes you make me think hard and realise i still have many good things around me..i am blessed..this should be the way

you try to come in often to chat with us and tell us your progress yah
Pink- great that u are better now. Whenever u have time must come in & update us. Will miss u de
lovegreen- is ok, whenever u start feeling -ve, come in & vent out, u will feel better de.
Serene- hope everything goes well for u
Pink - I am so sorry to hear about BFN. Lots of hugs to you. I really admire your positive attitude and like yourself I too made a list of all the things I want to achieve and focus on. I went on a meditation course and that really helped to focus my mind on the positive aspects of my life and to be grateful for what I have. Some days are harder than others, but even when I feel really low I know that I can use positive mental thinking and meditation to get me through a bad patch. I wish you all the best and I hope your consultation with Prof is fruitful. Do let us know.

Lovegreen - well done on getting some answers from Prof. I had 12 follicles but I was still given the pregnyl so I;m not sure why he didn't think I was OHSS risk too? Good luck with the scope and let us know how it goes. I hope it's all clear, but at the same time I hope it gives you some answers too.

Serene - best of luck for today's BT

Bluenosebear - hope you are well and staying positive

Myself - I feel like IVF has really messed up my cycle. I used to be fairly regular and now I seem to be bleeding randomly. Has anyone else had that or has your menses gone back to normal after IVF?
sistas, is another bfn from nuh
i feel terribly sad n cry for awhile. i m veri helpless. wat else can i do? both e embbies r good grade with 6 n 8 cells. end up still bfn.
Hi Serene, i feel so sad for you too, but don't despair. You already have a son, and I'm sure he'll give you the strength to continue. Big bear hugz... Do what you have to do, cry out loud, grieve, talk to people, empty whatever that is in your mind. It helps to let out your pent up feelings.

I am still trying to get over the sadness - although i went shopping (my fav pastime) on Sat, I didn't really have the mood, was walking aimlessly around town. I think i was deluding myself that I am alright already, but the pain is deep rooted and it'll probably take me sometime to recover.
I have seen Prof this morning, will share my consultation results when I'm back in HK, at the airport now waiting for boarding. Can't wait to see my DH, am looking forward to some hot BD-ing the next few days! Haha...
Take care everyone, let's hope the next cycle will bring us some good news to boost the morale here.
Serene-It would take a few days to cool & calm down. From there then decide what woudl be yr next step.
Pink-Enjoy yr hot BD.
Would be waiting fro yr updates.
Hi Serene so sorry to hear the news. No words I say can stop the pain, but I hope that you can find some strength within and love from your family and friends to get through this. It's so easy to blame oneself and ask what more could I have done. I wish there were answers to these questions, but I am sure you did your very best. I hope you can find some answer during your consultation with Prof. When are you due to see him?
I am feeling frustrated with all this bleeding and will be making an appointment to see him too soon.
Serene - thanks for sharing the IVF thread. It was interesting reading the experience of the KKH ladies.

Pink - good luck with your flight home and I am sure it will be wonderful to be back with DH after so long. I hope you both find comfort in each other.
CeliaM-U mean the bleeding is like on & off kind of spotting, but not menses type that heavy flow?
But yr actual menses for April came already & is it on time kind?
I'm still waiting for my April menses which likely be due tomorrow or today ba.
But I have issue, I feel that I have like a extra flesh protude out from the vaginal region.
When I push it back & lay down, it would not be out. But if I walk or strain it will come out.
Should I be seeing Prof for this?? I so fan abt this issue. I just realise after my March menses (failed IVF, 1st menses).
Now think back, I don't know this happen before ER or ET time, but I know before IVF, I do not have this.
I would really appreciate any sistas advise.
Hi Blue - yes it is spotting on and off but it seems heavier today. I have already had my menses for April, so I am not sure what this is. I think I had better book an appointment with Prof and wonder if I too need a hysteroscopy.

From what you describe it sounds like something called prolapse, though I think that only happens to women who have had a baby, so it may be something else. I would definitely make an appointment to see Prof about this soon.
Also you mention 'NUH forum' in one of your previous messages. Would you mind sending me the link to that?
CeliaM-OIC, think is still best to clarify with Prof.
I also scare is prolapse. But in IVF/ICSI support forum, one of the sistas seem to have the same problem but said once menses is here would not be out again. I will observe after my April menses. If still there then will see Prof to clarify my doubts.
The NUH forum is here le. Maybe is the other forum that both Serene & I went to, is IVF/ICSI support, also in here but a few clumn down.
Pai seh dont know how to give U the link.
Over there is more active & get to learn more also.
sistas, i m dying for an answer!!! Why I cant get pregnant even with good embies??? WHY??? I m beginning to lose confident in myself and NUH. With 2 fail IUI and 1 fail IVF, I cant afford to lose the battle again irregardless of emotionally and financially. Why all of us here from NUH failed while gals from KKH success? Is it really the miracle hands of Dr Loh tat create life to all the ladies under him?? I need to know the answer. I m losing myself soon..

Please don't lose heart....Had I known an answer I would have messaged you long back...I had 4 embbies with all above 9..Still they dint want to stick...Both my ICSIs were failures

I wouldn't blame NUH for the failure...I would rather blame it on our body & its reaction to the medicines.I believe the doctor @ KKH also gives us the same meds dosage..so, its gonna be the same result.

there's no use crying. You need to collect yourself & go on for your son. Its easy to say...But I know the pain you are going through...Just divert your mind on ur son...Time will heal all wounds
Serene- cool down.
When u be seeing Prof for review? Maybe u k list out the questions to ask him.
Not true that all under Dr loh hands success also, it just happen that the 3 sistas success under him at the same time ba.
There is still success rate under prof, which my friend is a gd example. Don't be disheartened.
Unless u have the intention to do ivf by another hospital?
dear all..im a newbie in tis forum.Im going thru IVF now and have been doing the self injections for a few days , 27th is my ultrascan..any 1 out there can advise what will the docs be doing durind this process
Celia - the IVF/ICSI thread is the one Serene gave you the other time. Most of the sistas from there are from KKH.
Celia/Blue, are you all taking chinese herbs during this resting period? I am taking the powder from Dr zou daily, hope that will regulate my cycle.
Serene - actually I feel that IUI is quite useless and a waste of money, I have also gone thru 3 IUIs without drugs and failed. Nonetheless, it's a less invasive treatment and much cheaper, the disappointment after an unsuccessful cycle was also heartbreaking. I think the success rate of IUI is very low, ard 10-20%, and we won't even know if the egg is fertilised or not. I hope you can gather strength to continue and we will be cycle buddies in Jun/Jul.
Update on my consultation with Prof:
He rated my cycle as average. With my low AMH level, he was expecting me to have about 3 follicles. His hopes went up because I have 6 follicles after stimms, then let down when there is only 1 egg retrieved. That 1 egg got fertilised, which is 100% ferTilisation rate, then the embryo was successfully transferred with ease. He said he was happy that I managed to do the ET, but could not give a reason why the embryo did not implant. I told him that my TCM sinseh said that it could be my uterine lininG not receptive enough and he merely replied, that could be the reason but there is no test to confirm it. I also asked if I could have done anything to improve my odds of success and he said he's not against tcm and acupuncture, but want me to stop the hers once i'm on injections. I don't think the consultation made me feel any better or gave me any onsight of what I don't know. I will be put on the short protocol and could start after my Jun menses. I will observe my coming cycle first before deciding whether to go for it in Jun or July. Although i'm anxious to go for it ASAP, I would like my body to recover and be ready for it. I guess we can't rush into such things. My period this time is not normal, I only had 1 day of normal flow followed by 4 days of spotting. Dr zou said that a scant period is indicative of poor lining, so I have to take her herbs and see iF there is improvement in my next Cycle. The med is really yucky, but I'll still take it for my own good. Will update my progress on my neXt AF.
hi everyone
just want to give you all support.

one must not give up in pursuing your dream, you must persevere, your patience will be rewarded.
sometimes you will succeed, when you least expect it. my baby is the result of only 5 cell embryo on day 3 (average grade only, when it is supposed to be 8 cell on day 3. i was very upset and thought it was a gone case when i heard the number of cell at the time. my uterus was not in top condition either, i have had many surgeries in the uterus previously (d&c, hysteroscopy to remove polyps, laparoscopy to remove ectopic pregnancy, cysts,etc), but still miracles do happen.
my advise is to go and ask other dr opinion before deciding on next cycle. ask whether anything can be changed for your next cycle (diff protocol, additional medicine), etc. again, sometimes different lab and different hand can produce better result. most people succeeded under dr loh kkh, he is an amazing surgeon and also very good in ivf. he did a very critical surgery for me and saved my uterus. i succeeded my ivf under prof ng at gleneagles, he is very experienced in ivf.

@pink, you usually can estimate the number of egg retrieved by looking at your estradiol level before retrieval. you cannot just see the number of follicles from the scan, you must combine it with the estradiol result.

good luck everyone
please feel free to pm me, if you have any questions in regards to ivf.

hi sistas, i was abit irrational yesterday. mayb due to my af came. i feel much better today. somehow need to face the reality tat is bfn.
My af are super heavy today. Just now when i peed, a big chunk of bloodclot like the size of 50cent coin flow out. I was tinking whether tat was my embby?
Thanks for the comforting words gals. Think i jus need more time to stand up again.

blue, i postponed my consultation wif prof till next Wed. Need some time to calm down n prepare a list of questions for him.
