IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Serene, congrats!! Hope ypu will have bunny twins! I think the bloatedness will go away by ET, I didn't feel any discomfort on my ET day. After ET, do rest well. Will you be taking the Chinese herbs from Dr Zou during 2 ww?

Serene-Gd to hear that U be doing ET tomorrow. Any idea they are how many cells now?
Maybe U can go for another round of accu, before ET tomorrow. Don forget to take yr egg whites & immunocal.
Pink- U also will have bunny baby, same same as serene.
Lovegreen-Are u ok? How os the result?
Just finish rushing through my work and submit the report to my boss. Phew..

Pink, mi not taking Dr Zou's 2ww med. Later will be going down for my last accu. Yup hope both of us will hav bunny babies : )

Blue, never ask wor.. jus now my heart was almost at my mouth when the embryologist inform me my embbies status. Yup will b going to dr zou there later. planning to go to the library to borrow books also. dunno whether i can walk for long ornot as i feel the pain on my abdomen once i walk.
Serene, you still have to go to work today? Take it easy from now on yar? Suggest you don't walk from Dr Zou's place to AMK hub as it's some distance away. Better ask your hubby drive you to the bookstore when he is back from work tonight? Or get him to buy the booked for you?

Yes, let's hope we both have a BFP and bunny babies.
I wonder how is lovegreen coz haven't heard from her.

Blue, do you know how long will the blood test result take? They also didn't also tell me the Grade of my embryo so the CHR nurse asked the embryologist to call and tell me after the ET. Mine is 4 cell and it is of satisfactory grade.
The growth is considered slow for a D3 transfer, but they reassured me that the cells are still dividing, so it's still a viable embryo. Hope they are not patronizing me by saying that. I went to goggle and tho there're successes with 4 cell
embryo, the chances is lower, so I'm not holding high hopes.

wonder how come they don't have a grading system for the embryo, like in the US, they use Grade AA-CC. Does anyone know what kind if grading system NUH has in place?
Hi gals...i am here..and expected, it was a negative because i started to have normal flow yesterday

I am not so sad as the first time because i keep blaming myself for the panic attack i have when i did the ET for both times..i should have take it easy but too easy said than done for me..

Will go see Prof Wong next Wed to see what is the next step becos i know he may not have any reasons for me becos nobody can control implantation

But i will built up my body again and take brazil nuts haha as recommended by you gals..and see if i can try harder on my own before the next round..

Serene - You should have rest after your ER, and relax and wait for your news on your ET yah..and jia you jia you!!

Blue - When you are starting a next course?

Pink - When will you know your results?? Hope to hear some good news from here..to cheer us up
Hello lovegreen, you sound really strong altho it's negative. Hug hug... Agree that you shd build up your body first as the meds take a toil on our hormonal balance and it needs to recover before the next attempt. Who knows you may hit the jackpot trying naturally?

My blood test is on 15 Apr, I also hope there will be good news.
Pink-sometimes the 4 cell also do implant de.
Maybe if U stay +ve enough, who knows, is BFP.
Embrologist told me 7 cells on the day of ET, so Serene, I blur le, U would get to know tomorrow before they put in. Ask them if they forgot to tell u wor.
Bear hugz hugz lovegreen.
Stay strong hor.
Round 2 on May menses, will call CHR when menses is here. At the same time ask whether Prof would be on leave or not, becos his leave schedule from June onwards is not out yet.
Lovegreen-would U be doing the 3rd cycle with Prof?? Or U would consider other places??
Pink -forgot to say, even my two 7 cells also refuse to implant & stay with me.
So it all depends.
Likely this round I would try to go accupuncture within the 1 week of ET, which last round I did not go for.
Pink, i didnt take it well the first time, so maybe this time i just bet a 30% chance..yes everyone will hope to be able to conceive naturally, and after reading the newspaper yesterday about the miracle baby which the parent waited for 22 years, it is really inspiring but i hope mine will come soon..dont think i can wait that long...will be an old woman liao..

15 April will pass fast fast..you just relax and do things that you always hope to do, example sleep and sleep! Becos when we work we cant take nap haha..update us on your progress daily yah..
hi gals, forget to mention my et will b done by dr stephen chew as prof not around tis week. i trust dr chew skill coz last year one of my iui done by him n not painful at all.

hi pink, just now i was doing my office work at hm. frm tomolo till 2nd week of 2ww, i will not touch my office work. keke.. went to library to borrow some novel to read during 2ww. now at dr zou here, almost complete my accu. i m driving. so not much walking. i feel tat accu really ease my abdomen pain. good good.. yesterday shld hav come.

hi lovegreen, hugz.. take tis period to tiao ur body, do accupuncture or body massage. prepare ur body for e next battle. all e best

hi blue, tomolo will surely ask e embyrologist. she will b there in e operating theatre right? will they give us a pic of our embbies?
Serene- embrologist was there in ot.
There is no pic like kk le. I was expecting also, but don't have la.
Is gd that u feel better Liao.
So happy that u in 2 ww from tomorrow onwards.
Lovegreen- keep up the +ve mood, we will cheong in may menses.
Blue & lovegreen, I will stay positive and talk to my embaby everyday. However, to maintain sanity, I do not want to have too high hopes, I am guessing there is a 20-30% chance of success. I cannot take nap in the day, otherwise I can't get to sleep at night. So you might want to know what I have been doing? I have been reading blogs, from food blogs to infertility blogs and there is this particular one that I like:
It's amazing how women struggling with fertility issues can preservere and go through endless trials/tests to pursue their baby dreams. I don't think I have that much patience.

I also started keeping a food tracker to make sure I am getting enough nutrition. Am starting a private journal to document my feelings during these 2 weeks so I can share with my hubby when i next see him. If I conceive, I will also preserve this journal and show it to my baby when he/ she grows up. Will be a very meaningly present.
hey Blue - did not see your earlier post for me ;p actually i only did once full cycle of IVF means with all the jabs, this 2nd round is actually my own Frozen embryo left from my 1st attempt. I have been hearing you gals saying about the no. of cell...oh dear, i totally do not know of such things...i never even hear that this is important when i go through the first round. Maybe next Wed i will ask Prof Wong what is the no, of cell for my earlier embryo too.

ACtaully you asked a good question, hmm..i read from some internet that people encourage to go to another IVF clinic if we have tried unsuccessful ones with the first clinic..i am in a dilemma too..so what do you all think?? should i carry on with NUH?

Serene - I didnt know after ER can do acupuncture de...i went acupuncture before i go for my frozen ET. I think acupuncture is good..i totally do not feel cramp or pain this round during my mens like i used to have.

Thanks all for the hug hug..i will be going back to work tomorrow ler...another set of stress will come

will come back here and chat with you gals ok, but worry i talk too much..and complain too much LOL
Serene, remember to ask the embryologist tmr during the transfer. It was a painless procedure for me, so hope that it goes well for you too!

How come I don't recall seeing the embryologist? All I remembered was i had my feet on the stirrups for a long time while waiting for Prof to arrive, then they put this white cloth as a screen between me and doc, and I couldn't see what's happening thereafter.
Lovegreen, it's great that you have frozen embryos, don't have to go through the stimulation stage of injections. I think you should go for at least one more try with NUH before deciding whether to change RE. Find out the causes of this time's failure (is it due to embryo grade) any ways to improve the chances of implantation and see what Prof's recommendation is. Personally I believe that Chinese meds can strengthen the uterus to be receptive to implantation, and acupuncture can improve blood flow to the pelvic region, so
no harm doing that to improve the chances?
Lovegreen- I agreed with pink, I thought tis was yr 3rd cycle.
Maybe give it a chance 1st for the 2 fresh cycle.
Lovegreen- k ask abt assisted hatching? I forgot to ask, would only see prof when start 2nd cycle.
hi ladies, i m officially in my 2ww. et took around 10mins but tat was e longest 10mins tat i ever had. my bladder was soo full till i nearly pee out during e process. i asked e nurse twice whether is it done. so paiseh. when they wheeled mi bk outside my ward, i already asked for bedpan. feel sooo relieve when i finally able to release. i hav hold my urine for an hr plus.
e embyrologist informed mi tat my2embbies are 8 cells n 6 cells. hopefully both of them will cling on tight tight to mi n giv mi a bfp
Serene, your emmbies seem like in tip top condition, welcome to join me on the 2ww wait.
I shd have asked for the bedpan then. Was a little embarassed about it, so i endured. I managed to endure until 10.30am, been holding it since 7.15am, that is 3hr and 15min for the record! Luckily, they allowed me to go to the toilet then and i don't have to use the bedpan.

Blue, I am on Pregnyl, going back tmr for my second jab. Then will see Prof on Thu, not sure what it is for, probably just a routine check.
Pink- prof will palpate yr tummy. Think is to make sure nil severe bloatedness ba.
I was on the pregynl jabs also. But I asked to do the jabs so don't need to go all the to Nuh.
Hey all...sorry for the late message..hows everyone
i am tired, first day back to work..and so many question on my long MC as expected and i just replied i am ok, or just ah..hmm..replies haha..

Blue - what is this assisted hatching?? can explain more to me?? and what is this pregnyl jabs?? why i do not have such jabs after my ET?

Pink - Yah, Don't be surprised on Thurs you waited there for about 10 mins and the press press on your stomach is less than a min ;p he just want to make sure you do not have any sign of OHSS. ;p

Serene - Actually i do not dare to tell you much about the ET process because do not want to let you feel worried. Because i feel this ET process even though it the simplest process but the thinking of holding my pee for more than an hr and still need to go through the press to scan is my worst night mare..because i am a person who hates to hold my pee when i am so urgent! LOL the thought of it is terrible..after the procedure, i pee for 4x during my 2nd ET. The 1st x as i was suffering from urine infection after my ER, i pee for almost 6-8x after my ET!! i am even more embarrass LOL!!
ok than i will hear what Prof wong has to say next week and decide on the next fresh cycle :) and please let me know what other question i should ask him when i see him next week. I do not want to make a unfruitful trip and just hear him telling me there is no way that we can control implantation. At least now i am aware the no. of cell is important, so i will check with him is it because my embryo quality is no good..etc..and also what other ways to increase the chance etc..
hi blue, pink, i need to go bk for my pregnyl jab tomolo. not confident to jab myself. so no choice need to go down to get e nurse jab for mi. pink, i will b reaching there around 10plus. btw, prof not around most of tis week. think he is around only tomolo. u might wan to check wif e chr nurse.
blue, they never tell me I can self administer. Else I'll opt for that. I also don't understand why I have to go back on two separate days for the jab and checkup. I don't drive, so have to take a cab and it's very expensive with the morning peak hour surcharge.

Serene, my appt is 10.30am, so I'll probably see you at CHR?I'll be wearing khaki capris and light yellow tank top. Call me if you see me ok? maybe I ask the nurse if I can have my checkup tmr so I don't have to go again on Thu.

Good night ladies, going to zz now.
Pink- is abit different as suprefact. U need to mix the powder form in water provided. Maybe is the reason that's why chr want u to go down & jab.
Lovegreen- assisted hatching means they would use either laser or chemical to make a hole on embryo & helps it to hatch. There is pros & cons for this.
Maybe u k ask prof abt the infection that u have, did it affect the implantation. He went thr with me the cells, grade & overall cycle, like during et is it smooth that kind
hi pink, nice meeting u just now
hows ur appointment wif prof?

i will b taking e 2nd pregnyl jab myself. jus now learn from nurse jane. my next appointment wif prof will b next mon. i realised nuh never asked us to do progesterone bloodtest to see whether we need morw progesterone support.

hi lovegreen, yup i also hate to hold urine for veri long.. then nurse christina keep using e scan to press on my tummy. tat was e most terrible 10mins i ever had. during e 2hrs elevated, i used e bedpan twice. keke.. is quite embarass to use e bedpan.
pink, u super leh. can hold e urine for 3hrs plus.
Hello serene, nice to meet you too. When I came out of the room, I have a feeling I will bump into you, so happy when you called out to me. Too bad Didn't have time to chat with you for long as they managed to squeeze me a slot to see Prof today. Prof is very reassuring as usual, I told him I am very disappointed and sad that I only have one egg retrieved. Then he said, you only one, just one! He then said that everything following ER is good, ie the one and only egg is
matured and it got fertilized, and the ET procedure is easy
and smooth. I didn't ask anything else, altho wanted to ask
why I only have one egg...probably wait till the next appt then
ask him. No point knowing it now since it cannot be be
changed, better to stay focused and positive on this 2ww.

Good, then you don't have to go another time. When is your HCG BT?

You mean other clinics will normally do the progesterone BT? I read that some gals insert Crinone both morning and night. Is that necessary?

Haha, I tried my best loh, coz hubby wanted me to hold longer, he thinks that peeing will affect the chances, so I just listened to him.
Serene-I also hold my urine till being release from bed le.
No choice, I cant pee in bedpan. I tried but nothing came out, even though I was super full bladder liao.
Now U very pro in injectyion liao, hehe.
Pink-U only need 1 to BFP.
hi pink, dun b sad. u jus need one to bfp
trust ur embby. keep talking to it. u will succeed
think my bhcg test is 18th. urs is 15th right? yup, i read tat kkh hav p test.
i asked nurse jane. she told mi 1 insert a day is enough.

hi blue, initially i also cant pee out when e bedpan place underneath my butt. then e nurse went out to let mi pee. i managed to pee after awhile. haha.. no pro lah. anyhow jab.. still hav blueblack somemore.
Pink, Serene - each day passes real fast yah! maybe its becos i started work LOL..when staying at home and alone becos hubby need to work..will be real bored at times..so must make sure to pack yourself with activities like read magazine, DVD, etc..

Blue - the vaginal infection did not affect my uterus but it did affect my sleep and mood becos it is so itchy
but becos of this infection, it draws away my panic attack...so maybe a good thing for me too

But can you explain more to me on this hatching thing? so what if they make a hole to the embryo? what is the advantage? Better for implantation? and you haven tell me what is the pregnyl jab for? why didnt i have the jab??

yeah i will definitely ask Prof Wong more than week about my grade and cell info..

so tired after work...Zzzz...soon...
Think pregynl is like a support hcg injection. Maybe u wan to ask Prof why u don't have. Wat I know is if extract more than certain quantity of follicles, only insert given.
Once the assisted hatching is done, I don know the exact term, it will hatch out from shell easier, due to the hole & hopefully implant. Cons is that u might have identical twins, as cells might split, sometimes samese twins. Or the embbies will be affected & can't be transferred.
good morning ladies.

due to e pregynl jab, i start having cramps,backache n bloated last nite. then tis morning still feel crampy n nausea. also tummyache n so relief when poo coz i never poo for 2 days.

pink, do u hav these syptoms from e pregnyl jab?
Serene, I don't have any side effects after the second jab. Even for the first jab, I also don't have side effects, only have headache the day after ET, but nurse said headache is not due to Pregyl.

Did you monitor your weight? Nurse said that if your weight increases more than 1 kg, then must call them coz it might be OHSS. Or maybe these are pregnancy symptoms? I don't know leh...
I'm now at accupuncture, tcm dr WANs me to rest for 3 mth then start cycle, means that to start in Jun menses le.
See by then how la, i hear already also abit sad. He was saying becos my embryos not vey good quality, so that might be due to that cause no implantation.
Serene- did u call chr & check abt it??
Pink- headache might be gd sign le.
Blue, i think it makes sense to rest for 3 mths as your body needs time to recover. Did your tcm dr say herbs can improve embryo quality? I need to improve on both qty and quality for my next try if this doesn't succeed.

Don't think so, I think the headache is due to the surge in hormones after pregnyl jab. I experienced the same thing when I was on Clomid. I feel more tired tho, fell asleep this afternoon while reading a book.

Am getting more anxious as there are only 8 more days to test date. I am trying to resist the urge to buy a pregnancy test kit as that would not give an accurate result, let's see if I can persist until blood test day.

Serene, hope you are feeling better already.
Love green, out of interest I went to do some research on Assisted hatching. There is a study done to compare the pregnancy rates of IVF cycles done with and w/o AH. http://www.ivf.ca/ah_study.pdf
It says that ICSI combined with AH improves implantation rates, and is most effective for women older than 35 yrs. On the negative side, it also increases the no. of miscarriages, as the AH promotes both normal and abnormal embryos to implant. Pls share with us Prof's advice on AH and whether he thinks it'll really improve the odds based on his experience. Thanks in advance!
hi blue, pink, thanks for e concern

yesterday e nurse inform mi tat i will encounter these symptoms after e pregnyl jabs. as long as i not veri bloated, enough water intake, n got pee. tink shld b fine. whole day been feeling constant cramp n backache. but still bearable. jia you everyone
Pink- i will ask him next visit whether herbs k improve or not. I was started back to herbs & accupuncture weekly.
Serene- Try to rest more.
Both of u, jiayou. Have good news soon
Serene, mine is 15 Apr, only 5 more days to go. Do you know when I can use a HPT? I'm trying very hard to resist the urge to test, so I didn't get any any HPT kit. Are you gg to test at home?
How are you feeling now? I still don't feel anything, just the occasional headache.
pink, after my 2nd pregynl jab yesterday, i feel even more bloated n breathless especially meal. veri terrible. i m tinking of testing 1 day b4 my bhcg test. i wan to know e answer 1st b4 e bloodtest. i hav afew hcg urine stripes left. so might use one to test.
Serene, feel so sorry for you. Maybe take smaller meals to ease the bloatedness? Bear with it for a while more,I hope that your discomfort will go away soon, and we both can have BFP!!!
Maybe I'll go out to buy the HPT tomorrow, and test on Thu. One day before should be quite accurate right? My mum in law wants to fetch me to the hospital to do the BT, I think she is more anxious than me...stressed...I am beginnng to feel the anxiety and couldn't sleep well last night. I hope it won't affect the growth of my embaby.
A lot of logistics for me once I know the results- if negative, I'll schedule appt with Prof on Mon and decide on the next steps and book my air tix back. If positive, I will have to decide if I want to spend my first trimester here or HK, and
also find a gynae since Prof doesn't do delivery. Am taking one step at a time.

How are the other ladies doing? Make some noise pls! The thread has been quiet for a while...
pink, know wat? tat day when we saw each other at chr, my mil was beside mi. she accompanied mi there for jab. tomolo my checkup wif prof she also want to accompany mi. but i told her i will b alright to myself as my appointment was early morning 8am. think they r concern abt us.
pink, i would suggest u stay in singapore after 1st trimester over when pregnancy is more stable. gynae wise u can ask prof to recommend if u decide to stay on wif nuh. else find a gynae nearer to ur mum hse if u staying wif her. more convenience for u.
bb dust to both of us. BFP! HUAT AH!
Serene, didn't know that your MIL was with you. I am sure they are very concerned, but my MIL tends to speak too much, so sometimes she will hurt me with her words altho she meant well. During their time, conception was so easy and she probably couldn't understand the pain and agony I am going thru the last few yrs. Only when my DH asked her to stop asking me about baby making, then she stopped.
Ya, I am also thinking of staying in Sg during 1st trimester, to be on the safe side.
Hi Ladies,
I've been lying low, but still catching up with your news.
Serene, Pink - congrats on your ET. The 2WW is do so difficult particularly the last week. Try to hang in there and do other things to distract your mind. I never tested early as i was too scared to see a negative.

I didn't realise other hospitals check progesterone level. I was never told about that. I did have the pregnyl shot.
Lovegreen i am surprised you didn't get the pregnyl. Were they worried you might have OHSS? If so that might explain why you didn't get the pregnyl, as it makes OHSS worse.

Wishing you lots of luck.

I am well, trying hard not to think about IVF and trying to do other things to keep me busy until May/June cycle.
