IVF at NUH--feedback pls

hi ladies, sorry for mia for quite some times. These few days were quite emotional phase for me. My follies have not been growing veri well n different sizes last weeks. My gonalf dosage hav been increase from 112.5iu to 225iu and finally at 300iu. Today scan out of 10 follies, 6 are between 15mm-12mm. 1 dominant one already 25mm which will need to forgo. The rest are less than 12mm. Will be going bk for my final scan on Thurs. ER on Sat. If Prof were to give me higher dosage in the beginning, I wont hav to wait so long for my follies to grow : (
Anyway, i m glad tat i can finally proceed to ER. Hopefully my smaller follies will catch up wif the bigger ones by Sat.

Hi pink, good luck to ur ER tis Wed : )

hi Farsiah, welcome here. Read ur posting at the ivf support group thread last week.
Think most of us here are under Prof Wong. I remembered one of my iui was done by Dr Stephen Chew as Prof was out of town. I would say he is a nice n friendly man. His skill is good as during the iui process when he injected the spermmies thru my vagina, i did not feel painful at all. So dun worry too much. You r in good hands. The CHR nurses are wonderful too.

Ur supplements are good. Mayb u can start eating half-boiled or soft-boiled eggwhite when reach stimulation stage. We need protein to help in the growth of ur follies and also to prevent ohss. Some of the gals also take immunocol which is a form of protein powder to add into beverage(room temp). You can purchase immunocol at any OG outlets(supplement section).
Anything u r unsure, feel free to post here. We are here to help each other : )
Hi Serene, yr follies will grow de, is a matter of time la.
Hope U able to proceed to ER this Sat.
I went to see Prof this morning, was not very fruitful also. As expected, he said overall my previous cycle was good, but just don't know why it did not implant. Which he also can't give the answer.
I forgot to ask abt assisted hatching. I was abit blur this morning, somemore flu have not recovered, now ahving blocked ears.
I was booked for May cycle, but hor donlt know whether Prof would be on leave or not.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes and being there on this journey with me. Am a little nervous now. I will start my fasting at midnight so am going to drink my gastric medicine to line the stomach (it's good that the nurse advised me to do so since i've gastric problems), also packed my Ipad and some magazines to keep myself occupied while waiting for the ER. Anything else I should note?
Welcome Farisah and LoveGreen.
@Farisah, you are in good care under the team of nurses in CHR. They are the best I've met.
@LoveGreen, don't think you should go back to work as you will be exposed to more work stress; but if your work is not demanding and it can take your mind off the pregnancy test, then go ahead. You will know what is best for you.
@Serene, don't give up hope yet. You still have a few more days until Sat and follies grow 1-2mm per day, so they will catch up. You are still seeing Dr Zou for acupuncture?

Actually I was very upset when I knew I had only 6 follies during the 1st checkup and cried my heart out that night. After that, I kept telling myself to stay positive and be strong. I also touch my tummy every night and visualise that I am going to have babies in those follies. It helped a lot, so you must be strong and stay positive too!!
Hi Pink - Thanks for the warnm welcome. Rest well and Good luck for your ER tommorow.

Serene - thanks for the advise and will try to look out for Immunocal protein powder. Can i check with u, where can i purchase the Brazil Nuts ? Heard that it's good for implantation.
Hi all, thanks for listening
I went to the clinic to see Prof Wong on my virginal infection, so itch till i can't sleep and have been having yellow discharge..he said most likely is yeast infection and luckily he prescribe cream and tablet for insertion to my virginal else i think i will itch to death!! and instead of prescribing me sleeping pills which Prof says it is not recommended for pregnancy so they prescribe a mild anti-depressant for me so at least to relax my muscle..hope this make me sleep better..

yes Pink i didnt go to work today as the check up took me the whole morning and i do not think i can survive at work with my itchy virginal LOL and Prof Wong also suggest that i rest more since my work is quite stressful..8 more days to go for the results..but i am quite negative because i totally do not have any symptom and think my panic attack could also reduce my chance of a good implantation.

Pink - Remm you just need one good egg to get pregnant yah...so stay positive
and remm to eat as much egg white as possible so you will not feel bloated after ER which i felt so bloated after mine...
hi blue, hope u hav fully recovered from ur flu. Since Prof said ur overall previous cycle is okay. Your embbies are also quite good grade. I bet u will succeed in ur May cycle
Take tis period to tiao ur body.

hi pink, yup i m still seeing Dr Zou for acupuncture. I also been telling myself to think positively and relax these few days. Hows ur er? rest well today : )

hi Farisah, yup Brazil nuts help in implantation. u can get the brazil nuts at any stalls selling nuts. So far, i bought the nuts from from AMK hub NTUC, Vivocity Cold storage and Suntec Carrefour Nut section.
Serene, flu better but not fully recover. Think maybe was too upset with the BFN, so flu like take longer to heal.
Gd luck for yr scan tomorrow.
Pink - I hope ER went well

Serene - good luck with scan tomorrow. Hope those follies have grown. I too felt I was started on a low dose initially, I guess they don't want to over stimulate, so it's a fine balance

Lovegreen - welcome. I hope that itching has settled down now and that you get a BFP soon.

Blue - sorry to hear consultation was not very fruitful. Did you get a chance to ask lots of questions? Will they be doing anything different in your next treatment cycle? Any other tests

Hope the rest of you are well too.
Celiam- think I did not prepare questions to ask, so just listen to what he said.
Wanted to ask abt assisted hatching, but forgotten. Would ask when I start cycle ba.
Still remain long protocol, except now dose be 225 instead of 150 last round.
We be cycle buddies if everything goes well.
I have received the call from the embryologist and it is bad news, just as I expected. There is only 1 egg retrieved and they used ICSI to fertilise it. The egg quality wasn't good so they can't confirm if it's been fertilised. Will have to wait until tomorrow to know. I'm very sad, but i didn't cry this time round. Guess I have to be mentally prepared that this cycle is over.

I'll probably schedule a consultation with Prof Wong this Sat to plan the next steps. Looking at the stimulation response and only 1 egg retrieved, maybe I'm not suitable for IVF...
Pink...don't give up, give the little embryo a chance, you never know.
if it doesn't work, then you should consider seeing prof ng at gleneagles. i used to have only 1 embryo in my previous cycles. (to celia, i did my previous cycles in another country) in my successful cycle with prof ng i had more and better embryos. a friend of mine also succeeded under him using natural ivf (only 1 egg retrieved and minimal dosage). she is 40 year old and had also failed several cycles, some dr even suggested her to get donor eggs. but she succeeded under prof ng.
i might sound a little biased, but i have visited many many clinics in singapore before i decided to do it at gleneagles. with so many failures before, i was very careful in choosing the right clinic to do next ivf.
good luck everyone
Hi Irene, thanks for the encouragement. My mind is so messed up today and I couldn't focus on anything. Probably can't get to sleep tonight too...
Can you tell me which country did you do your previous IVF cycles? I hope it is not HK as I might do it there if I fail the second time in Sg. I know that my case is not so straight forward, even the Chinese physician was shocked that I only had 1 egg retrieved after being on 450iu Gonal F.
hi pink, i remembered reading ur hav at least 5 good size follies. But y ER only 1 follicles?
My scan yesterday show 4 good size follicles and 2 potential good size follicles by Sat. My ER tomolo.
Hope today u recieve good news tat ur embbies have fertilised and growing well : )
Hi Serene, you are right that I have 5 optimal size follicles but only 1 of them had an egg. Not every follicle will contain an egg. Maybe my ovarian reserve is on the low side, so the odds of having an egg in a follicle is much lower than those with normal ovarian reserve.
That is good, wish you all the best in your ER tomorrow! Keep us posted on how it went.

Good news for me too - my egg has fertilized and achieved cleavage. It was 2 cell when the embryologist called this morning. Was told that it would continue to divide, am hoping for it to grow strong and well. Am going for ET tomorrow morning at 9am. What time is your appt? I might see you in the Day Surgery Ward. We can cheer each other on.
Thank you Blue. Yesterday was the most difficult and emotional day that I had. It felt as if i had been sentenced to death when i was told my egg doesn't look too good.
I had just seen Dr Zou and she prescribed me some herbs to 'pu' the body during the 2ww. I will be a lazy bum and do nothing during the next 2 weeks. how did you all spend your time during the 2ww? I'm thinking of doing a scrapbook online for my husband to celebrate our anniversary, I hope that can occupy my for 2 weeks loh. I'm someone who gets bored easily sitting around...
hi pink, tats great news
mine er at 8.30am. tomolo need to report to day surgery at 7am. think might b able to see u there tomolo. but how to we recognise each other? pin plastic flower on our top. keke..
Serene & pink- don think yr will c each other in the day surgery. Becos normally they will do all the er 1st then et. Likely, serene, u are the 1st case. Also good, becos u won't feel so hungry. Imagine that time I must wait till like almost 6pm then they let me drink & eat since fasting after 12 midnight.
Blue, did you just stay at home and rest for 2 weeks? You didn't even step out of the house to buy food or take a walk?

Serene, in that case I might not see you as my ET is at 9am, you would still be under GA. Agree with Blue that it's good to have ER on Sat. The other day I also waited until around 5 before they gave me the cup of milo and a few biscuits. I was still hungry after eating the snack, luckily I brought a packet of cashew nuts to munch on. Maybe you want to bring some biscuits or snacks of your own?
Serene - I hope ER went well
Pink - remember it only takes one, so wishing you lots of good luck that you can have ET today.
I did got out during my 2WW. I know when who go back to work, attend to the kids and other things and still get pregnant. As long as it's gentle I think it's ok.
Blue - yes we might cycle together in a few months.
Hi all, been missing a few days, becos keep forgetting to drop by to check up on you gals and update mine too! haha..my panic attack just disappeared after i got my vaginal infection! guess it drawn away my focus. Have been having this bacterial infection for hmmm...7days?? Went back yest to the clinic to let Prof Wong to do some washing in my vaginal as he can't give me other med which is not appropriate at this x. But the bacterial is still growing strong! Sometimes i really itch to hell!

And last nite and this morning, i saw some spotting! I think it is going to be a BFN sigh..if the period really comes, do i still need to go down on Monday which is due for my blood test?? Really sad that i wasted 2 good embryo again
Dont understand why they just dont implant.

Blue - Hope you are recouping well..know it is easy said than done, i was so devastated during my first attempt, cried. Think also bcos of all the hormones jabs, makes us quite emo..than when i am back to work..time flies..

Pink - All the best for your ET!! My advise is watch lots of comedies shows! that will draw your attention away! I realise it too late and ended with panic attack everyday cos i keep feeling restless

Serene - Good luck for your ER!! keep us posted!
Lovegreen- might be late implantation. If it get worse, better to call chr hotline to ask. If remain the same then wait for Mon Bt.
Think u better have more bedrest till Mon.
Don give u hope yet.
Hope to hear gd news from u on Mon
Hello everyone, I had my ET done this morning, starting my 2ww wait, which many people felt it's the longest period of their lives. I am very glad that i have gone this far, now just have to 听天由命. I'm quite kiasu, so still lying on the bed until now. I intend to stay at home for a week, then take it easy the next week, like going for a slow walk, meeting friends nearby.
hi ladies, today retrieved 7 eggs. after prof break e news to mi, i felt veri relieve as thurs scan show only 5 mature follicles. currently feeling veri crampy n pain in my abodminal. when i stand up n walk, feel my whole vagina pulling down, lying down feel my entire back veri painful if really cant tahan, i will pop down panadol. gals, do u hav tis feeling after er?
Blue, I agree with CeliaM it's ok to do light activities. Most of the web articles only recommend a few days of bed rest. Don't think that is the reason that you got a BFN, but if it's gives you more comfort to stay at home for the entire 2 weeks, then you shd do that in your next attempt.

Love green, is the bacterial infection due to Crinone gel? Poor you, must be so itchy and you cannot take meds.
After hearing your case, I'll be more careful, maybe change the liner more often. Hope to hear the good news from you soon and give us some baby dust!
Hey serene, that is great news! So happy for you! I don't have this problem, only felt more bloated than before ER. Maybe take more egg whites to ease the bloatedness? Also try to remain on the bed and don't walk around in the house too much.
Serene- I suggest u take panadol, don wait till the pain got worse. It take panadol to take effect 1.5 or 2hrs later.
Pink- gd that u had done yr et. If u are bored k come in more often & chat with us. K start yr brazil nuts Liao.
Lovegreen-chr nurse did tell me that to wash as usual with the soap on vaginal region to prevent infection.
I usually use the special ph soap to wash when bathing.
Dear all, not very good sign...cos can see more blood than this morning..not the dark dried spotting anymore..haiz...i have called CHR this eveing, they still encourage me to carrying on with the crinone gel..becos anything can happen..but i just feel it is mens..even though i dont feel crampy at all.

Yes, have been washing with the special wash ever since this infection.

Pink - Wear disposable panty instead of panty liner becos panty liner can trap bacterial too if it is too humid. I regretted, i should have done so becos my 1st attempt i wore disposable ones and i dont have this problem.

wow wow...been hearing you gals talk about this brazil nuts, is it really that good for implantation? Than i must start getting it. If this Monday is BFN will rest for a while before starting a new cycle..have been visiting this Chinese Sinseh..and started some acupuncture too..hope i can conceived naturally ^_^ haha i am dreaming!!

By the way how long you gals been trying for a baby? For me is already 5 years liao..so sad..and did 4-5 times failed IUI

Blue - Not so good sign now yah, but still cross fingers becos CHR says no matter what, Monday still has to go down to take blood test

Serene - Hang on!! You are almost there..a bit crampy for first few days should be normal..i think is the bloating that is more painful and will feel breathless at times...take more protein diet, it will helps..
morning ladies, i m feeling much better today. wondering will e embryologist call mi today to update mi how many eggs fertilised since today is sunday.
Serene- they might call u, becos they did go in on Sun to check the embbies. If not Mon they sure will call.
Hope yr cramps will be better today
hi pink, forgot to congrats u. now in ur 2ww already. so how r u going to settle ur meals these few days? u have ur own hse in sg? ur hub remain in sg to look after u? remember to rest well n drop by here as n when u bore
also remember to talk to ur embby daily.
lovegreen, no matter wat e result is, we r here to support one another. all e best to ur bhcg on monday.

ladies, i m abit worry coz no call from embryologist yet. anyone know e no of e andrology lab? feel like calling them.
Blue, where can I get Brazil nuts? Went to the NTUC at AMK hub the other day but I can't find it. I love nuts, so have been eating Almonds, cashews and sunflower seeds to increase my protein intake.

I will def come in here to chat more often if you gals don't mind that I talk too much...haha...
Love green, I admire your determination and also patience. I've been trying for 3 yrs, tried Clomid and had 3 natural IUI's. The last 6 mths, ww have been trying naturally, but still no results, so we decided to go for the most invasive ( also most expensive) method, IVF. Hopefully with IVF, we all can be mothers soon.
hi pink, is at nuts stall near to bread section. there is a sales there to help u to packet n weigh e nuts. u can also get my carrefour suntec n cold storage vivocity.
Serene, I don't think you can call the lab. Whenever they called me, the caller ID showed NUH general line. Don't be worried, maybe take a nap? Time passes faster that way and it also helps to relieves the anxiousness.

I don't have my own place in Sg so am staying with my parents. My mum will cook for me everyday, I felt so blessed to have the support of my family. Too bad hubby will not stay here with me as he needs to go back to work. I was quite sad to live apart from him, but I told myself, if I have 30 more years to spend with hubby, 2 weeks is a short time relatively, just bear with it.
Hey gals..seems that it has been a good day for all
good good...well..i just feel weird becos i have been having this spotting than heavier blood yest nite and this morn...but my temperature for yest and this morning were still at the high side 38deg..which i have never came across that when you are expecting mens, your temp will drop even one day or on the same day of mens..i am so puzzled
still keeping finger cross..tomorrow is the day!

Pink - Maybe you can say i am desperate ler..been trying so many years and feeling very stress as all my colleagues whom are married even those just married de all got pregnant and this year already got 2 colleagues preg going to have a Rabbit baby...i feel even more stress..and depress..everyday have to listen to part and parcel of their routine talks about babies and i feel out of place..i couldnt show to them how much i wanted to just walk away..but i cant..

Serene - I think lab don't operate on Sun, so might have to wait till tomorrow, but if you still need some assurance to make you feel better, call the hotline mobile phone and talk to the CHR nurse, they are very patient one..and they will make you feel at ease too..
Serene- don think too much. They will definitely call u tomorrow morning de.
Think even u call chr hotline they can't help u much, becos is the embrologist that u need to hear from.
Pink is gd that u staying with yr family now, at least u got support from them. Actually Amk hub selling the nuts, like serene mention, is near the bread side.
2 weeks will pass fast de.

Lovegreen, I understand how you feel. Whenever i hang out with mothers who kept talking about their kids, I get quite upset, but I can't show it. I like kids a lot, so every time when I cuddle and play with my friends' kids, i will wonder when will be my turn... always feel inadequate as a woman as I'm unable to produce a offspring for my husband, the basic role of a wife. I think most of us here have gone through a long TTC journey before going for IVF, so we must never give up. Let's support each other here.

Morning ladies, the embryologist finally called just now. Out of 7, 2 fertilised. And both of them r good grade : ) So my ET is scheduled tomorrow. I m more relax now. Hopefullly both my babies will stick tight tight to me and BFP.
Today, my abdomen still quite painful and abit bloated. Think i will continue to increase my protein and water intake.

Lovegreen, hope to recieve good news from u : )
