IVF 2019 support group

Hi all, I just had my day 5 egg transfer on Monday, and been resting since then. I took a walk around my neighbourhood this evening and started feeling dizzy after an hour. I'm not sure what to expect during the 2ww. My bt is on 1st July at KKH.

Please share with me your experiences! How did you guys survive this ever so long 2ww?

Hi! I had my FET on Monday too. Currently on 2WW. This is my 2nd time. First ended up with BFN. Hoping for the best this time round.

I had mild cramps over my abdominal n pelvic area last night. I felt like period cramps. Praying for the best.

Hi! I had my FET on Monday too. Currently on 2WW. This is my 2nd time. First ended up with BFN. Hoping for the best this time round.

I had mild cramps over my abdominal n pelvic area last night. I felt like period cramps. Praying for the best.

All the best! Baby dust to us! When is your BT?

I too noticed mild cramps yesterday, and I had a little bit of spotting. Trying not to read too much into it, but praying for the best!
Hi all I m new here. Did my egg transfer day 5 on 12 June at kkh. BT I'll be on June 26.

Yest nite n today morning when i remove e crinone there are brownish blood stain on it . M so worried.anyone experience that before ? Is it my menses coming
Hi all I m new here. Did my egg transfer day 5 on 12 June at kkh. BT I'll be on June 26.

Yest nite n today morning when i remove e crinone there are brownish blood stain on it . M so worried.anyone experience that before ? Is it my menses coming

It varies dear, some ppl bleed for days, could be implantation bleeding... or some just do... some even throughout their pregnancy... Just hang in there drink pomegranate juice really it worked for me.... and stay rested.... No swimming or too much walking or standing... and defn no massage
It varies dear, some ppl bleed for days, could be implantation bleeding... or some just do... some even throughout their pregnancy... Just hang in there drink pomegranate juice really it worked for me.... and stay rested.... No swimming or too much walking or standing... and defn no massage
Thank u for ur advice! I m getting pomegranate juice tonite.
All the best! Baby dust to us! When is your BT?

I too noticed mild cramps yesterday, and I had a little bit of spotting. Trying not to read too much into it, but praying for the best!

My blood test is on 28 June. I don’t have any spotting. Just cramps here and there. Hoping is the implantation cramps.
Hi all I m new here. Did my egg transfer day 5 on 12 June at kkh. BT I'll be on June 26.

Yest nite n today morning when i remove e crinone there are brownish blood stain on it . M so worried.anyone experience that before ? Is it my menses coming
Sometimes might not be blood.. I read in forum before that it could be oxidised left over gel and will change to like brownish color.. I had it too... Quite yucky... Eee
Sometimes might not be blood.. I read in forum before that it could be oxidised left over gel and will change to like brownish color.. I had it too... Quite yucky... Eee
Yes its yucky!!! I really hope its e oxidised gel then or pls pls e implantation bleeding haha .. read somewhere that menses came even before the BT and it got me worried... anywaes this whole journey has been lots of worrying n praying for me ..
Not giving up on ttc but considering to pause ivf for a while.. Felt like taken too much of medicine recently.

Any advise on acupuncture or fertility massage?
If u think it is better to pause , pls take ur time.
I did 3 round of IVF and 1 additional embryos transfer between 2014 to 2018. I had 2 positive results out of 4 but both ended with miscarriages. ( I had a total of 4 miscarriages - 2 natural and 2 IVF).
After the last round of embryos transferred in Mar 2018, which was not successful, we thought we should take a break.
Meanwhile , I did some exercises, take Blackmore Conceived well and did massage ( traditional Malay massage recommended by a friend).
I also try to relax my mind by doing some outings with my hubby.
To our surprise, we did conceive naturally in Aug and delivered healthy baby boy last month.
So based on our experience, pls don’t give up on trying to conceive in any way.
Oh forgot to highlight my age. I am 44 currently.
Good luck and baby dust to you.
If u think it is better to pause , pls take ur time.
I did 3 round of IVF and 1 additional embryos transfer between 2014 to 2018. I had 2 positive results out of 4 but both ended with miscarriages. ( I had a total of 4 miscarriages - 2 natural and 2 IVF).
After the last round of embryos transferred in Mar 2018, which was not successful, we thought we should take a break.
Meanwhile , I did some exercises, take Blackmore Conceived well and did massage ( traditional Malay massage recommended by a friend).
I also try to relax my mind by doing some outings with my hubby.
To our surprise, we did conceive naturally in Aug and delivered healthy baby boy last month.
So based on our experience, pls don’t give up on trying to conceive in any way.
Oh forgot to highlight my age. I am 44 currently.
Good luck and baby dust to you.

I m seeking ur advice.. I think my menses is here ..BT will be on 26 June at kkh. Should I go to the og clinic n kkh or should I wait for Monday to go back to ivf clinic. I tried to be positive but I feel this journey has ended.
I m seeking ur advice.. I think my menses is here ..BT will be on 26 June at kkh. Should I go to the og clinic n kkh or should I wait for Monday to go back to ivf clinic. I tried to be positive but I feel this journey has ended.

Not sure about the rest... but I would den go to og clinic..... get ready for average 200-500 bill though at KK depending on the tests, meds and procedure... my earlier cycle I went 3-4 times in a week before my BT... so stressfuk
This 2ww is killing me. It's only been 6 days! Today, I felt a short, sharp pain in my abdomen. And I've been cramping since noon. It's not so bad, but it makes me uncomfortable. I can't really eat because I don't feel good. Also been having lots of discharge, sometimes white, sometimes clear and sometimes brownish. I'm so scared and worried. I hope it is all ok..

I keep thinking if I'm doing enough or if I'm doing anything wrong that might affect the success of this cycle.

My itchy hands took a HPT 2 days ago and it was a negative. Hubs keeps telling me it's too early and I should not bother with HPTs and just wait for BT next Monday. I know he is right, but I can't help but wonder if all is well inside me..
This 2ww is killing me. It's only been 6 days! Today, I felt a short, sharp pain in my abdomen. And I've been cramping since noon. It's not so bad, but it makes me uncomfortable. I can't really eat because I don't feel good. Also been having lots of discharge, sometimes white, sometimes clear and sometimes brownish. I'm so scared and worried. I hope it is all ok..

I keep thinking if I'm doing enough or if I'm doing anything wrong that might affect the success of this cycle.

My itchy hands took a HPT 2 days ago and it was a negative. Hubs keeps telling me it's too early and I should not bother with HPTs and just wait for BT next Monday. I know he is right, but I can't help but wonder if all is well inside me..

Hahaha you sound like me and your hubs sounds just like how mine did then too lol... I think I went through more than a dozen kits lol he’s right though... 6days is too early. Try day 9 or 10
This 2ww is killing me. It's only been 6 days! Today, I felt a short, sharp pain in my abdomen. And I've been cramping since noon. It's not so bad, but it makes me uncomfortable. I can't really eat because I don't feel good. Also been having lots of discharge, sometimes white, sometimes clear and sometimes brownish. I'm so scared and worried. I hope it is all ok..

I keep thinking if I'm doing enough or if I'm doing anything wrong that might affect the success of this cycle.

My itchy hands took a HPT 2 days ago and it was a negative. Hubs keeps telling me it's too early and I should not bother with HPTs and just wait for BT next Monday. I know he is right, but I can't help but wonder if all is well inside me..

Omg! Same here! I had my FET on the 17/6. Blood test is on 28/6. But I might do a hpt before that to know what I should expect. This is my 2nd FET.

I’ve been cramping almost everyday. And lower back pain. Praying is all good signs. I do get like sharp pain occasionally on my nips. Hoping all is good.

All the best to you! May you get a BFP! Baby dust to all!
Hello Ladies
I will be doing my Fresh 5th Day transfer this saturday. Feeling quite anxious. Is there anything I can do before the transfer and after the transfer? Like as in any foods that I should eat more. Would like to hear your input. Thank you!
This 2ww is killing me. It's only been 6 days! Today, I felt a short, sharp pain in my abdomen. And I've been cramping since noon. It's not so bad, but it makes me uncomfortable. I can't really eat because I don't feel good. Also been having lots of discharge, sometimes white, sometimes clear and sometimes brownish. I'm so scared and worried. I hope it is all ok..

I keep thinking if I'm doing enough or if I'm doing anything wrong that might affect the success of this cycle.

My itchy hands took a HPT 2 days ago and it was a negative. Hubs keeps telling me it's too early and I should not bother with HPTs and just wait for BT next Monday. I know he is right, but I can't help but wonder if all is well inside me..

Hi @Belle1605 , how have you been doing? Blood test coming soon! All the best!
Hello Ladies
I will be doing my Fresh 5th Day transfer this saturday. Feeling quite anxious. Is there anything I can do before the transfer and after the transfer? Like as in any foods that I should eat more. Would like to hear your input. Thank you!
Not sure if it helps, but I take chicken essence daily during and after ER. Haven't done ET yet..

Though if you check online, Avocado. Fish, pineapple (with core) should help...
anyone knows how to count how far along we are - for ivf I assume it’s diff then natural conception.... I had my first scan today, saw a sac but no fetal pole and heartbeat. Doc said to come back again next week coz it might be too early
anyone knows how to count how far along we are - for ivf I assume it’s diff then natural conception.... I had my first scan today, saw a sac but no fetal pole and heartbeat. Doc said to come back again next week coz it might be too early
What was the week when you go and scan? I went for my scan on Week 5, can see yolk sac. Week 6 is the minimum to get a fetal heart beat..

You can go to websites to check your edd and how far your pregnancy is. I used http://www.yourduedate.com and key in the transfer date to know the edd..
anyone knows how to count how far along we are - for ivf I assume it’s diff then natural conception.... I had my first scan today, saw a sac but no fetal pole and heartbeat. Doc said to come back again next week coz it might be too early
My doc calculated it after the 2ww as 4 wks + age of blast/embryo at tfr, so aft 2ww, he counted mine as 4wks 3 days.

Tt week we saw the sac, then i was bleeding the following week, so we went in, but we saw the yolk sac in the gestational sac, no fetal pole; and everything was alright. and then in wk 6 during review after the 1 week bed rest, we saw the heartbeat, had edd calculated and had the crown to rump length measured.
Hi, anyone got recommendations for Acupuncture for the womb? To boost chances of fertility. Thanks in advance.

Zou Yumin @amk. Personally I had seen her before and did acupuncture. But I hate the feeling of acupuncture and I stopped. You can goggle the reviews.
My doc calculated it after the 2ww as 4 wks + age of blast/embryo at tfr, so aft 2ww, he counted mine as 4wks 3 days.

Tt week we saw the sac, then i was bleeding the following week, so we went in, but we saw the yolk sac in the gestational sac, no fetal pole; and everything was alright. and then in wk 6 during review after the 1 week bed rest, we saw the heartbeat, had edd calculated and had the crown to rump length measured.

Awwwwww thanks nadra... great news... so good to hear hopeful positive comments.... keeping the faith
Hi Ladies
Awake at this hour, coughing.

Today was my ET in the morning. When I headed to bed around 11pm, started coughing for quite some time. Kinda down. Not sure if coughing affects implantation considering I just did ET 12 hours before. My parents are up with me, made for me hot milo. I think they are also a bit stress.

Anyone knows if coughing affects implantation? Though worried, I am just leaving it to the one above. If it is meant to be, it will be.
Hi Ladies!
I am new here. I am 34 years old, just did my first ivf cycle at SGH, 12 fertilised egg, 10 matured, 6 fertilised and 3 days 5 embryos to be frozen. Transferred 1 good quality embryo and Dr said my lining is good during ET. However, when I did my pregnancy blood test it was negative. I was very disappointed but I told myself this cycle has yet to end because I still have 3 frozen embryos to be transferred. I am waiting to see the Dr Yu to find out the reason for the failure.

I told myself that the failure for the first cycle is because the time is not right and I should take this "resting" period to build up my body (exercise every day drag my husband along, drink chicken essence, drink Goji red dates tea, continue my tcm) for the next cycle. Most importantly to stay positive and don't give up!

For the 2WW, I was at home and too much free time which made me think too much about the cycle and did symptoms spotting everyday! For the next cycle, I intend to travel leisurely w my husband on the 2nd week and divert my attention to other things (do share the things you did during 2WW).

I hope my post can encourage ladies who are going through the ivf process. Jiayou, ladies!
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Selling the balance of my crinone from the previous cycle. 9 sticks for $60. Have always keep them in the fridge. Pick up from HarbourFront . Let me know if u are keen.


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Hi @Belle1605 , how have you been doing? Blood test coming soon! All the best!

I had crazy back aches over the weekend and was hoping for it to be a good sign. But just had my BT this morning and unfortunately, it is a BFN.

Didn't realise it would be this painful. I feel terrible and honestly, the things my hubby are saying to comfort me don't make me feel any better. I feel sorry for him for even trying.
Hi, anyone got recommendations for Acupuncture for the womb? To boost chances of fertility. Thanks in advance.

I was seeing dr Zou yu min tcm at Amk. I find her knowledgeable and her waiting time is quite Long if u did not make any appointment.

Jia you!
Hi Ladies
Awake at this hour, coughing.

Today was my ET in the morning. When I headed to bed around 11pm, started coughing for quite some time. Kinda down. Not sure if coughing affects implantation considering I just did ET 12 hours before. My parents are up with me, made for me hot milo. I think they are also a bit stress.

Anyone knows if coughing affects implantation? Though worried, I am just leaving it to the one above. If it is meant to be, it will be.
Coughing will not effects implantation
Not to worry about that
Hi.. How about flu and continuous sneezing? I am so afraid it will affect my implantation. I did my ET on Saturday and this is my 2nd fresh cycle. I also feel asthmatic. I dun even dare to use my ventolin inhaler or take any panadol or flu med. My flu meds are those that causes drowsiness.
And i had a very bad nightmare at 2am just now. I shouted so loud that i woke my husband up. That is so scary. I never had a nightmare before that makes me shout in the middle of the night. This shock my husband as well. I dunno if this has got to do with my implantation.
And i had a very bad nightmare at 2am just now. I shouted so loud that i woke my husband up. That is so scary. I never had a nightmare before that makes me shout in the middle of the night. This shock my husband as well. I dunno if this has got to do with my implantation.

Are you taking crinone? If yes, then this can cause very vivid dreams.
Yes.. I am currently on Crinone. Oh, I didnt not know that. Thanks for informing. Its quiet scary but at least now i know why. :)

Yes! I super hate the vivid dreams. Makes me go crazy. I can cry and laugh loudly kind and get woken up by that. Bahaha. And I have it every single day for both my cycles.
How soon did you ladies try the next cycle after a failed one? I don't have any frozen eggs and will have to do another fresh cycle if I choose to.

I've also made an appointment at a tcm clinic, just hope it will help.
I am new here. I am currently 11dp5dt (fet). Monday is my blood test. I dont have a good feeling about it esp bcos i tested bfn ydy . I try to blame it on diluted urine (pee just 2 hr before soo it was very colourless) but i know im just in denial.
How soon did you ladies try the next cycle after a failed one? I don't have any frozen eggs and will have to do another fresh cycle if I choose to.

I've also made an appointment at a tcm clinic, just hope it will help.

I was told by KKH to wait for 2 cycles before trying the 2nd IVF. I stop for 5 cycles due to work commitment, starting 2nd IVF soon with private (hope there's a change of luck).

as for TCM, do give yourself 6 to 9 months to see improvement in your body constitution.
I was told by KKH to wait for 2 cycles before trying the 2nd IVF. I stop for 5 cycles due to work commitment, starting 2nd IVF soon with private (hope there's a change of luck).

as for TCM, do give yourself 6 to 9 months to see improvement in your body constitution.
I waited for 3 cycles. Now on my 2nd and blood test on Friday. Baby dust to all of us.
