IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi Dragonhopes,
Yes I certainly hope it is twins! But til now haven scan like Carol did.. so I am still controlling my excitement.
*throws a full barrel of baby dust on you!*

I do alot alot aloooot of research before finally hit the jackpot la.. so I tink my link is selected after careful research. LOL!!
already TTC for 2 years le.. Today is exactly my wedding anniversary so I can't ask for more le la..
& it's not too late to test.. carol is right u can start measuring now.. it should just maintain up. The drop during AF is usually significant enough for you to notice. Just rmbr to chart at same time everyday immed after u wake. And hey dun disappear la.. whatever the results we r all still here to encourage each other right? Else what for Carol and me still here.. right?

Lucky u.. i still haven seen the sac and yes u just hit spot on on my worry.. the position of the sac. Cos i been having these bad cramps on my left, certainly hope everything's normal. So u dun have any HCG beta level for today? I was hoping to compare with urs see got chance or not hehe.. :D

Thank u Lady_Chris, baby dust for u too!
Hi Fluffy
U can actually ask doc if he/she can scan for u since u r one day earlier than me heeee. Coz my gynae said 5 wks should be able to see the sac.
I didn't blood test for HCG level coz doc said it's confirmed preggie already don't need to do anymore. Moreover I already done 3 times( usually ppl only do once to determine preggie or not). But today I did urine test to check my glucose level and another level I forgot heeee.
Coz I read abt sac position, if it's not in the womb and it's outside at folipian, even preggie also need to remove....
So pregnancy is a long journey process. I am also worried abt that but tks God, the result is good....
Hi Carol
I asked yesterday at KK but they refused to, say too early cannot see anything.. my gynae Dr Tham appt full till 22nd...

Yesterday I read the notes that KK gave stated:

Please note that these pregnancies are at higher risks of:
- multiples pregnancies
- ectopic pregnancies
- abnormal cord insertions

see liao cannot avoid worrying.. hiaz. Not pregnant worry see AF, pregnant scared this scared that.. it truly is a tiring journey..

I'm glad all's good for you Carol!!
Fluffy: yeah women is like that always worrying.... After AF worry about ovulation... After that worried about AF to come... Than AF not come worried it is normal n at the right place... Than another worried till due date i guess.... Hahahaha

Just pray to God that He will give the blessing....
Hi all,

Did any of you do the HSG test, ie. to check if the fallopian tube is blocked? Is the test painful? I've been trying to conceive for months and so would like to do some fertility tests.
Hi movenpick : i've been done hsg last sept.... The pain is not bad as i think... It is just like mild cramps.... Similar with papsmear process. My doc sugest me to take paracetamol 1 hour before, think it works for me..... It painless hahaha just a bit cramps n weird
hi movenpick,like severe menstrual cramp, uncomfortable but bearable. if your pain tolerance level is high, then try not to take paracetamol as it is bad for our body.

Momo, how are you?
Hi Momo,
Just got to see your reply.. well i am having breast pain...sentitive nipple & breast sore..
back ache so far nothing....

Dont get dishearted wor... tmr gonna do blood test right... be positive though i know you are having the "sianess"... i have a thinking i might not have too.. Anyway i am trying to keep myself busy so i wont think so much...

Btw do you know what is a normal temperature of a preggy woman should have?? i have monitoring my temperature every morning...

Hi Movenpick,
I did my HSG last month... is not pain but is super uncomfortable for me... after the check i have spotting for almost 2 days... i am not trying to scare you but tell you my experience... good luck to you!

Hi Fluffy,
Congrats...!!! rest well & take great care...
Hi Dragonhope,

Erm... there is a little complication for me...
well.. i think mine is CD 21?? considering my first day of AF was 25th Oct... i did not do IUI coz my hubby did not took blood test so not in time for IUI.. this cycle we go natural... i took a jab (to push the egg out) on 04th nov... so nurse ask me to check the test kit on 22nd nov...

i start to monitor my temperature few days back..

Sat - 36.85 at 10.30am
Sun - 36.47 at 7.30am - just woke up to take temperature and go back to slp after that i test again when i am awake is 36.85 at 10.40am
Monday - 36.60 at 6.46am

Sat & Sun i dont wake up early but i find that if i wake up late morn my temperature tends to go up alot...
Lady chris, my cycle buddy

my AF was 25 Oct too. Didnt realise already CD21 until you said so! i think i will have long cycle this month, ovulated only on CD18 so now just DPO3 usually i will have around 12-14 luteal phase so looking this cycle around 34 days.

I got 36.8 over the weekend also, as woke up late. My TcM also told me woke up late then BBT not accurate anymore. This morning 36.72 at7.20am

i think so long it dont drop below 36.5 i guess it is ok ba
Momo, i have no preggie symptom until now, no more hpt so wont test, just waiting AF to report..sigh. If this 2nd IUI also failed, i wont have IUI anymore. just try naturally.

Actullay my AF started on 16th oct but that was a artifcial AF which i was not aware coz that time i am still taking the menses medicine, my doc said since i dont ovulate she asked me to take clomid on 25th oct and counted that day as my AF.. complicated right... well go by 25th oct actually I ouvulate on CD11 which was very fast... & surprise too...

I always tempted to try out the kit but i know is too early + i dont have much signs too...*itchy hand*

Aiyo... i always hoping i have a "high" temperature... but seems like not working... wah.. have to wake up ealry to take temperature? how early? i usually sleep like a log during my weekend... hahaha...

so this time around is IUI for you or natural??
my 3rd cycle of natural after failing 1 IUI and 2 cycle of just gonal-f injections.

i went to see tcm and she said my post-O temp is too low. (BBT low = thin lining) i saw improvement from 36.5 to 36.6 and now 36.7 hoping my BBT will stay high high throughout the cycle then next month i can go for IUI again.

My tcm doctor always said once ovulated, temp must go high at least 0.3celcius then considered good ovulation. my last 2 cycles was like climbing up and not immediately fly up. so she said not so good, this cycle better but again maybe i woke up late.

Dont test first lo, wait for few more days!
Hi all
Yah I agree don't over stress urself. Just wait for blood test for HCG level should be more accurate.
My temperature usually quite low too but I am still able to get preggie. Just relax. If not succeed try next mth and keep trying never giv up yah
Hi Dragonhope,

Guess i need to monitor closely for my temperature... So are you same like me?? waiting for results too or waitng for another cycle to come?

Ok i will "ren" another few more days...

Cheer up wor...!!! we all are in the same boat... *Gambatte*...!!!
me very pin chang xin after so many months of failure, no energy to think further! it is all fated, dont think, we dont think whatever we cant control right. will practice power of attraction
Hi Carol,

Do u have craving for food when you are unaware of Ur pregnancy?!!! Nowadays when I see or smell salmon I will tend to throw out or lost of appetite... This few days I keep feeling hungry n I hv craving... Very weird.. My mind will start to think till I ate it.. If not I will feel moody n keep thinking till I get it.. I normally not like this... I hv craving but not so Jialet like now... Guess is either my AF coming or I am preggy..!!! Hahaa... Just to find out if I am abnormal one...
Hi all bad news.... My eggs not growing.... Its cd19 and only have 1 in 11.9mm not enough.....T_T

So this cycle i can not try iui lor.... Next cycle the doc give me injection he said will be at cd2 for 1 week.... N i have to do myself
Hi Chris
No I don't feel craving on food. Just go to loo very often that u wouldn't normal loo in the middle of night. But now, I have to wake up often.
And in fact, when I consume food I feel so full and wake up so early in the morning.
Besides that everything is as per normal.
Hi Carol,

Oh ok.. I don't hv gg toilet symptom wor... Hmmm.. Maybe just AF coming... ;x

Hi San,

Dont get dishearted wor.. I got same pro as u too... There is always next month... Look forward gal...!!
Hi Carol,

I am CD 21... Doc said test next week... I am feeling breast pain n tunmy abit pain - feeling like coming menses... >.< anyway AF n pregnant symptom is almost the same.. Can't really tell.. Haha.. I am keeping my finger cross... :x
Hi Fluffy
By the way, did ur dynae give u folic acid and calcium tablets to take on daily basis?
Coz we r now in 5th wks already. We need o take at least 4mm folic acid on daily basis. This essential nutrient, one of the B group of vitamins, reduces the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida in a developing baby.
Folic acid should b taken from early pregnancy till 3mths.
Hi girls..
this wait to see my gynae for scan is agonising.. arghh... hiaz. 22nd just seems sooooo far away before i can put my heart at ease this is a viable pregnancy.

Hi Carol,
gynae gave me folic acid &amp; duphaston which is making me bloat! I been taking folic for 2.5years already.. a friend told me half a year before trying to get pregnant have to start so i been taking it since den.

I swear i look like 3mths pregnant now. Yet nobody gives up their seats to me in MRT yet. LOL
Hi Fluffy, same here my scan is on 22nd too and I feel like tis week is crawling...

We have the same symptoms, m so bloated like 3-4mths preggy. I hv not been eating a lot but tummy jus bloated and since today I can feel my nipples more sensitive n sore
Hi Sherlyn... surprising my boobs not as sore but my areola getting huge and looking like cow liao! haha..

I can't believe only 5weeks+ and I'm shopping for new clothes.. and I need to wear biz suits for work.. that is a headache! Got expandable suits ma? huhuhu~
Thks to those who replied to my query.. How much is the HSG test? Does anyone here conceived after doing the HSG test? BTW, what is the purpose of blood testing for HCG? Is it to check if the egg has been released?
Hi Momo....where are you?! I pray hard for you...rem to update us.

Yes, thanks Carol and Fluffy...still staying here to motivate us
Morn Ladies,
Seems like 22nd is a Jinx date, i was told to test on my pregnancy on that date too.. - quite different from you guys... at least you guys more or less is confirm...

So now is the waiting game... Good Luck Ladies...

Hi Movenpick,

My HSG was done at SGH about S$250+ but i paid by medisave... i took blood test but not sure if is for HCG... i rem i took the blood sugar test &amp; Hormones test??!! - if i am not wrong.. my blood test so far OK... HSG is just to check if you have block fallopian tubes.. checking release of egg is only a scan... so far no news for me hopefully to have good news soon...
Hi all, 2nd IUI officially failed. Af reported today. Not too sad cos it is expected. Going to try naturally n stress free ..
