Infant Care Centres

Hi silk,
My baby is attending school at Babies Inc. This is at Cherry Ave, near Sixth Ave. Are you looking for one?
My boy is now with the crawler group. When he first joined, he was with the infant group. The ratio for infants is around 1:2. For crawlers, it is around 1:5. Babies that are capable of crawling and sitting up well will be moved onto the crawler group. This happened when my boy was around 8 months old.

Especially when the child is with the infant group, there will be a lot of cuddling. This is usually how they calm the baby down. However, I believe different baby requires different handling and the teachers will adapt & adjust accordingly.

Excessive cuddling will be discouraged as the child gets older.. which was what the teachers said about my boy... he craves for their attention and constant cuddling, which was why it took some time for my boy to adjust when he joined the crawlers as there will be less carrying and cuddling.

However, he is now very happy crawling everywhere and exploring the place, often independently.
Hi duckweed

Thanks for your reply. As my baby use to sleep in the sarong and now she need to sleep in the baby cot. it will be abit difficult cos once i put her down on bed she will cry. My baby is now 10 weeks old. So don know what to do. Hope the teacher can help her.
Hi Smiles,
You are welcome. I am not sure, from your posting, if you have already identified a centre to send your baby to. If the centre has caring caregivers, I am sure they will be able to help you and manage the baby's sleeping habits and pattern. Just have to give them some time and be patient.

I remember when my baby was young (in his first 2 months), I also had problems getting him to sleep in his cot. He will wake up and cry after 15mins (or even less), although he will sleep for quite a while if he is carried. Sigh... those were such trying and tiring days. Am glad they are over and my baby managed to sleep ok in the school.
Hi Silk,
Not sure which area you are looking out for. Other than Babies Inc, the other infant care centre I visited was Happy Joy Schoolhouse. Well, you know my choice.

Read from some other forums that there is one called Babies Resort in Jalan Pemimpin (this is near Bishan) which is also very good. You may want to drop by for a visit. Their website is:
Duckweed, do you mind sharing why you picked Babies Inc over Happy Joy? I've placed a deposit at Happy Joy for my unborn baby but they have just shifted to Ming Teck Park and now I'm having second thoughts about Happy Joy.. The reason I didn't choose Babies Inc was cos when I went there, they were feeding toddlers with glass shot glasses and I thought that wasn't safe.. What if the toddlers throw the glasses at each other, or accidentally drop them.. In addition to that I saw a baby sleeping in the main play area on a mattress.. One of the other babies regurgitated on the mattress near the sleeping baby's head.. The care giver only used a cloth to wipe away the regurgitated contents on the mattress.. Didn't use disinfectant or change the mattress..
hi fushiastar
ifc is never 100% like home... pm me if want more details
oh... didn't know that Happy Joy has shifted. Seems like the new location is now closer to Babies Inc.

I did not have a hard time deciding/choosing... partly because my colleague had recommended Babies Inc as her son used to attend the centre, but has since outgrown it.

In case you are still interested as to how I made my choice... Visited Happy Joy first, but me being the unprepared mom, did not really know what to look out for, so did not ask much and the funny thing is, the lady who was showing my HB & me around did not really share much. So I did not get much of an impression of the place. Only thing I remembered was that one of the caregivers looked rather old.

Next, we visited Babies Inc and the nurse-in-charge took great care to show us the whole place (believe it or not, we had to put on socks prior to entering the centre, but that was then. Now, you can put on a pair of slippers that they provide). She explained their programe and services in great detail (which was great as we were still clueless in terms of what to look out for). The place was not air-con, except for the sleeping area and they had proper cots for the babies. I thought the feeding area was interesting, and was wondering when my son will be able to sit on one of those little chairs feeding himself. As for the shot glass, have not heard any problems with it so far, and from what I see (was there last Fri), the kids (these are those in the crawlers group) were very well-behaved and many of them were able to drink from the glasses on their own.

The nurse also encouraged me to BF for as long as I can, which was nice. As such, you can see why my choice was quite simply made.

As piggy has mentioned, if you are expecting 1:1 kind of attention and care, you will most probably not get it in infant care.

If you are interested to find out more, you can PM me.... otherwise this post will truly be long-winded.
hi fushiastar et al,
together with other mummies, i withdrew lucas out of Happy Joy Schoolhouse last month. they are moving to another location and all the good teachers left them. this ifc used to be good, but not anymore. i think it is not very good to write down all the HORRIBLE things about the school here, but my opinion is 'i won't want to put my son there now, even if it's half the price' :p

if you are not comfortable with the new location, you can ask for refund of deposit. cos you registered with them for the old location, not the new one. if they do not want to refund you, call up mcys. mcys will make them pay you back.
Is this thread still alive?

We are desperately looking for a good and reliable infant care for our 3 month old son when my wife goes back to teaching next January.

Have considered all other options (maid, nanny, MILs), and come to the conclusion that infant care seems to be the best choice for him.

We are looking for one either around Katong/Marine Parade area (where my wife works) or in Tampines (where we stay). Have gone to 4 centres so far to look-see, but can't seem to find one that we are comfortable with.

Has anyone tried Pat's Schoolhouse (Baby Haven) at 3 Halifax? It's a bit out of the way (and at $1100 after subsidy, very expensive!), but we were pretty impressed with what we saw when we went there last Tuesday. It's difficult to make up our mind as to whether it is value for money ...
hi Pink Panther,
I'm also a teacher and placed my son in infant care when he was 4 months old. Fortunately for us then, there was a brand-new school near where we live. Facilities were brand-new and carer-baby ratio is kept low.

This school has now opened a new branch at Marine Parade ... so this may work well for you
I know the Principal of my son's school well, and have been told that to date, there are only two babies! You may want to check out their website The information there features the Bt Batok school, but there are contact details for the Marine Parade one. You may want to call them up. Do speak to Mrs Eileen Hee (the manager). She's very pleasant and helpful

From my personal experience, I think this is a rather favourable situation! With few babies in their care now, your baby will have the best attention! If you need more info, you may email me at [email protected]

Hope that helps!
Thanks Andrea,

I read your earlier posts about how good you find Just Kids at Bukit Batok. The branch at Marine Parade is called "MP Kids". Just called them up and was told that they just opened in September 05 and currently there's only one baby there. We will be going over to visit the place tomorrow :)

The only one thing I'm not too comfortable about is that like many other infant care centres, MP Kids is also fully air-con. Given a choice, I would prefer a centre which is partially air-con, so that our boy does not end up too reliant on air-conditioning.

What kind of programmes do they have over at Bukit Batok? Do you see your son benefiting well from the programmes?
Hi Pink Panther,
Yup, they've just opened -- really brand new... just like when we first joined too :D

I understand your concern abt air-conditioning... but these days in this heat, even my son enjoys the cool air. I've visited non-air-conditioned centres, and it is quite musty and unbearable sometimes.

What I found abt Just Kids is that they don't switch on all the air-conditioners. So, the temperatures are quite well-regulated. Also, they do open the windows to ventilate the place.

I must admit that there was this one time, where an 'epidemic' broke out. All the babies were down with bad cough and cold/flu. Then the school decided to close on Saturday to completely sterilise the place and give it a good airing. It worked!

My son is now 2 and with the Playgroup already. In fact, he's in a class where all his classmates are 'graduates' from the Infant group. And according to the teachers and Principal, the children in this class are quite different from the other children in the other Playgroup classes. They are somewhat faster learners and more sociable (I don't know how true -- but will have to take their word for it!

When he was in Infant Care, they used to have water play, and painting, as well as letting them play with jelly... it was really quite fun! Lurvin the Principal has even taken pictures of them for us to show us how they were adjusting to school. If you are interested to have a look at the set-up, I could show you the pics

Anyway, sorry to have been so L O N G-winded...
Not at all long-winded :) Your comments have been most helpful and in fact, encouraging for someone like us who is trying convince ourselves that IFC is a better option than employing a maid.

Yes indeed... I would be most intereseted to have a look at those pictures. I can be reached at [email protected].

Thanks. We actually called up the centre on Monday to enquire, and was told by the lady who answered that it's not a good time to visit them at the moment as many kids are down with flu etc. Not an encouraging thought, but I guess such things (illnesses) are part and parcel of a infant/child care centre.

We will be visiting the centre tomorrow as well after checking out MP Kids :)
hi ping panther,
Is the Mountbatten near your wife's working area.I am not sure if you have taken a look there. My daughter was in Learning Vision Kids Central infant care for the last 3 months. I pulling her out in Nov, as my aunt has offered to look after her and cook dinner for us. In general the center is quite good, the teachers look after them quite well. And they are open to your way of bring up the kids, and they try to follow your instructions. They will give your kids vitamins, supplements if instructed by you.
I will definitely put my daughter back there, if my arrangement with my aunt does not work out.

Since, your wife is a teacher, there is a further 50 dollars discount. It comes up to 600 per month after subsidy. They also have a good toddler class, which my son is in. My son loves the toddler teacher.
Hi hopeac,
Thanks for the tip!

Did a search ... are you referring to the one at 99 Arthur Road (Learning Version@Central)? I have not been to this centre but from what you say, it sounds good :) Will call them up on Monday to check.

In the meantime ... are the infants placed in air-con most or all the time? Most of the IFC I have been are either fully or mostly air-con, which may or may not be a good thing depending on how you see it. Do they have a structured programme for a typical day? How's the care giver to infant ratio like?

Great that they have this $50 discount for teachers!
ping panther,
had never been to the tk branch, but was there today as babies inc was having a halloween party for the children at the tk centre. it is very huge (if i compare with the one at bukit timah). it is partly air-con and they have a structured programme for each day. understand that there are fewer babies in tk compared to bt.

as for the falling sick portion, do be prepared that your child may fall ill after joining ifc. think this is quite inevitable. but i believe it will help your child to build up the immunity in the long term.

nevertheless, you have to visit the centre to make sure you are comfortable with the place, hygiene, staff and programme.

however, the fees are rather costly.....
ping panther,
forgot to mention... it is better to visit the centre on a weekday (when there will be more babies) so that you can get a good feel of the place and the way the teachers handle the babies.
Was at the Babies Inc TK branch yesterday (sat) and was brought around by Ena (Chinese teacher). I must say that on the whole, the place and its programmes looks impressive. I especially like the fact that they have a large and very airy (non-aircon) room for the infants to crawl around. Saw many of the teachers making preparations for the Halloween party :)

Will make another trip there on a weekday next week to check out the teachers in action :)

btw, any comments on the usefulness of the weekly sessions on the Kindermusik and Gymboree? Understand these are some of the "branded" stuff that BI incorporates in their programme? Looks rather good.

Do they have such "extra-curricular" activities like Halloween parties on a regular basis?

So did your son had a scary time at the party? :)
hi ping panther,
sorry for the late reply, been really bz at work. this is going to be a really long post... hope you don't mind.

yup, i too like the place, especially the non-aircon room as my boy had a very happy time crawling, walking and exploring the place.

we (bb, hb & myself) had a really fun time at the party. bb was rather afraid initially, due to the costumes that the teachers had put on (he could not recognise any of them), and the sheer number of pple around (yup, the turnout was overwhelming). there was a costume parade and we dressed bb up as a cow. most of the teachers thought he is a dog

not sure if you can recall the bridge in the airy room? well, i had a pleasant surprise that my boy could confidently walk up and down it (holding the bars of course). so maybe this is something you can look forward to....

as for kindermusik & gumboree, i think i like the arrangement as i don't have to make time to send him for extra classes and he does not miss out on such classes which i know many parents send their children to.

kindermusik - there are 2 sessions each week. imho, i think it is only really effective when the bb is abit older (ie can at least sit up on their own). you are allowed to join them during the session. i believe that music (whichever form they come in) will be good for your baby.

gymboree - i have never seen this in action, but i think it is good as it will aid in your child's physical development and growth. i see many of the children at babies inc moving (crawling, cruising, walking) around very confidently.

programmes aside, i like the idea that my boy will get to socialize, interact with the teachers and other children, and learn some independence along the way.

ecas? cannot really recall, but this is the 1st i have attended. however, for children's day, we received a hand-made photoframe with my boy's pic attached. so that was a really nice touch.

noticed that they have posted the menu on the wall, so you may want to take a look and see if that is agreeable. remember to ask how they prepare the food. for me, i did not know what to look out for initially, but am glad that things have turned out ok in the end.

chatted with some of the bt teachers and understand that even though tk is much bigger, it actually has fewer children (infants & toddlers) compared to bt. the centre at bt is very popular (i recall i barely managed to squeeze my boy in last year when we also went hunting around).

well, do visit and i hope you can get a better picture from the teachers at tk.

you can pm me if you need more info.
Hi, Andrea,

Glad to hear "positive opinions" about Justkids.
Our baby will be due in December, and infant care is also the final choice by my hubby and me. We visited the center last month, and were impressed by their professional experience. After reading your message, we have more confidence with them...
Hi LPTing,
Congrats on your new baby... Where will you be delivering?

So when are you enrolling your bb into Infant Care? Do you live in the area too?

I've already told Lurvin to reserve a place for our 2nd bb... Most likely #2 will be joining in May, when I go back to work
Our babies will be classmates
Hi, Andrea,

I will deliver in KK. How about you?
I am thinking to enroll him next March. We live in Bukit batok, but more near Hillview about you?
Have you ever late for fetching your baby? That's the only concern we have now. Most of time my hubby is ok to pick up the baby by 7pm, btu we are worried if sometimes we have meetings or something else...
YOu can write to me [email protected] and share the experience with me..:)
Hi Duckweed,
Thanks for all that info. Of coz I don't mind a long reply :) The more the merrier. As new parents, all these experience and tips from other more experienced parents definitely help a great deal!

Ya, I remember the bridge. Couldn't miss it as it was about the only "prop" in that airy room when I visited the centre the second time this week. In fact, we were wondering why the centre seem to have so little materials when it had such a large room and so many teachers. It appear to us that there is so much more they could do, given the resources they have. When we enquire whether they had flash cards to show the babies, the lady said yes, and walked over to a fire extinguisher which had a stack of small cards (with pictures of animals) hung on it! That was rather surprising.

Just wondering if the BT branch has more "materials" for the kids.

At the time when we visited, the gymboree session was on-going, and we saw how the care givers and the gymboree lady went about their gym routines with the 3 or 4 infants who were present at that session. The kids seem to enjoy the session, so that was quite good.

On the whole, we were quite happy with what we saw at the centre, and will probably settle for this centre. The price is steep ($1100 after government subsidy), but apart from the fact that the centre is supposed to provide "quality care - of montessori fame?", the location is also hard to beat, since it is within walking distance of the school where my wife teaches.

I have a couple of questions to ask: Did you face any problems when your son first started at the centre? How did you take care of acclimatisation problems, if any? Did you stay with him throughout (or part of) the first few days he was there? We plan to put him at the centre when school begins in January. Would you advise us to start earlier, say a week earlier, to make sure that he is able to cope without our presence for an entire day? Would the centre allow us to hang around for a few hours to watch how they go about handling the kids?
Hi Andrea,
Sorry for the late revert. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures. Your son is so cute, and looks so happy, like what you say :)

We went to visit the Just Kids branch at Marine Parade last Sat (MP Kids), and spoke with Mrs Hee, who is really nice and friendly. She brought us around the centre, which is empty save for one 4-month old and his care-giver, who also sounded pleasant. We like the place, and in fact would have chosen it over Babies Inc if not for the fact that it is fully air-cond. The infant area is very brightly coloured and really nice and clean (probably also because the centre is brand new, since it opened only last month).

Mrs Hee even showed us pictures of your son :), amongst some of the photos that were pasted in some picture corner in the toddler's section.
Hi Ping Panther,
No worries
We all want the best for our children

In fact, for a long time, I was quite bent on sending our son to Babies Inc in Bt Timah, as it is a couple of stops from my school too... unfortunately, the price was just too steep for us!

My colleague has placed her son there and she likes the place a lot... especially with all the programmes (Gymboree, Kindermusik) offered to the children. It really has its merits

Anyway, do be assured you have made the right decision -- one that works for you and your wife, and that your baby will certainly benefit from


does anyone has any recommendation for infant care centre for my newborn baby? im staying in sembawang.

Anyone place your babies at Brightkids in punggol central? Any comments on this infant care? Or any comments on other punggol/sengkang infant care centres?
Thanks a lot!
hi ping panther,
we placed baby at the centre when he was 2.5mths old ie 2 weeks before i was due to return to work. initially, we were afraid he would not take the bottle as he refused to take the bottle at home, but the nurse there did not have any problems getting him to feed from the bottle.

was told that if you put baby at the centre when they are younger, it is easier for them to adjust. there were occasions when i was there, an older child (say 8 months old) was crying the whole time as it was her 1st day there. for my baby, guess there were no real problems as he could not really recognise anyone at that time yet.

also, the nurse did say that they will use the initial week to understand the behaviour of the baby. rest assured that they will treat each baby according to their needs. it is only when they move onto the crawler group that the babies may need to follow some form of routine.

i did not stay at the centre much on the 1st day, just called to check if baby was doing ok. think you should be able to hang around if you want to... just have to check with the teachers.
i remember they invited us to join them for the kindermusik session (but bb was too young to take part), but it was good intro for hb & myself.

as for the question on material, well, i cannot really say. i know that they have quarterly theme where the activities will be based on it. Eg. last quarter was "transporation", so the babies will be introduced flashcards about different vehicles on different days (sorry, i have not seen any of their flashcards). there are also art and craft sessions (and these are also based on the theme). you will get to keep your baby's handiwork. they also have reading and singing sessions (which they call circle time).

i hope your baby will settle in well.
Hi Andrea
I'm oso living at the same area as you...I'be due in April, and currently considering baby care options....I would like to know more abt justkids infantcare...

Do you know what is the ratio of caregiver to baby?
Is there any nurse around for caring the babies?
Are the kids separated and taken care of at different areas within the centre?
How about babies diet?

I'm sorry with so many questions...hope that you can advise me.... Thanks
Hi Terrier,
Nice to meet you! Where are you staying?

Btw, have you gone to visit Just Kids? You can always request for a tour -- speak to Lurvin, Mrs Hee or Joanne (Ms Wong). Alternatively, you can check out their website at

Anyway, to answer some of your questions... when my son was there, the bb-carer ratio was lower than what is stipulated by MCDS. It was abt 3:1. I think even now, they make a concerted effort to keep this low... they do have many carers upstairs.

As for nurses, I know that some of the carers were nurses before ... so they are very experienced. When my son first joined, there was only one... but I think now it is about 3.

The babies are separated by their age groups... the infants, crawlers and beginning walkers (I think -- can't remember the names of the groups). They are also physically separated by some low furniture... so that really helps keep them in (or out!)
Do go and have a look -- I think you will like the arrangement.

As for babies' diet, if you are still bfeeding, then you will supply them with the bm. If not, just provide them with a tin of the formula. They will let you know when it is running out. Then by about 4 to 6 months, they will start introducing soft solids to the babies. Generally don't have to worry abt the babies' diet... they will inform you what they have fed the babies and how it is prepared, so that you may want to prepare them at home too

Anyway, feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have more questions.

saw samuel in school this morning and he sure is walking very steadily.

re-read the earlier posts... congrats on #2! how old is your son now?
HI Duckweed

Yeah, think Samuel has just turned one... I heard from Poh Ling that he's also getting to be quite active ... heheh... I think boys will be boys... Mine constantly keeps me on the go! I am often exhausted by the end of the day!

He has just turned two... by the time #2 arrives, he'll be 2yrs 4mths
Trying very hard to tell him that he's gg to be a 'gor gor' but the jealousy is starting early... *sigh*

What abt you? How old is your child?

hi andrea,
isaac's coming to 14mths soon. and yeah, he is becoming a handful, but must say i m enjoying all the time i have with him.

yeah, jealousy is v common... heard alot of such cases from my friends n colleagues. think they will learn over time.

hmm... another 4 months to go... take care!

I don't know if anyone's still looking at this thread, I'll like to know if you have comments on the following infant care centres:

1. Winchester
2. Pat SchoolHouse
3. Learning Vision at Novena

Does anyone know infant care central near to Orchard Rd?
Hi Amz,

We looked at Pat's Baby Haven at Halifax Road last Nov, not sure if that's what you referred to. In our opinion, it was probably our first choice to place our son (ignoring price comparisions). The only thing that stops us is the inconvenience of the place, as it is neither near our work places or our home.

The infant care teachers we spoke to appears friendly and dedicated. There is a air-con room for feed/play and another open-air balcony-type room for play, and bed time is in a darkened air-con cosy room. Having a Mandarin-speaking teacher and another who speaks pretty good English is a plus.

I'm also currently looking around for an Infantcare Center for our daughter. I would also appreciate comments on the following infant care centers:

1. Pat SchoolHouse
2. Babies Inc, both Bukit Timah & Tanjong Katong branch
3. Any other good centers that are recommended

Hi, does anyone have experience with Kinderland infantcare at Toa Payoh Safra? Really appreciate your sharing, thanks a lot!
There's this new Childcare/Infant care at Bukit Batok. Its located at the brand new multi-storey carpark just next to the Gombak MRT station. They're newly open and the facilities are really nice and spanking. Its called PCF SparkleTots.
