Infant Care Centres

hi giggler, pinkapple,

i sent my son to Happy Joy Schoolhouse. It's behind Serene Centre. The school fees is $1250, so I pay $850 after $400 subsidy from govt).

It is a terrace house and it's non-aircon.

the 'sleeping room' is very cosy. They will play soothing music for the babies when they sleep.

when the baby is older, they also introduce water games to them in those 'portable swimming pools'.
Hi SLK, thank you for your advice. Your infantcare centre sounds great. Glad to know that your boy is a happy baby. Will take note of the curriculm you mentioned when sourcing out the infantcare centre.
hi toony,

you are more welcome

hope you find a good infantcare centre for your baby. try to go there at least twice (at different times of the day) before you register with them. we visited 4 infantcare centres before we made our choice.

good luck!
hi jen
so far, 2 infant care centres told me that they will feed EBM requested by parent.

anyone know about learning vision at sunshine plaza?
Hi jen, so far the infant care centres that I visited all handle EBM. Think this should not be an issue. Most of the centre has fridge to store EBM, some even have room for mother to breastfeed their babies during lunchtime if their office is nearby.
hi anyone here can advise me about learningvision infant care at sunshine plaza (CCK)? it is newly set up and so far no bb yet. if i go, my bb will be the first.... i worry stuffs like whether they will cook just for my bb....etc.
hi, can anyone advise the child care as follow as i'm search around for my boy...

1. Children Network ( Galistan Avenue )
2. Montessori @ Graceland ( Phoenix Walk )

Thanks in advance !!
hi karen
seems like we are staying pretty near. i would like to visit children network and montessori @ graceland but no time and never heard anyone mentioned here.

i m very tempted to send my boy to babies inc montessorie at bt. timah but fees at high side, $1500(b4 $400 subsidy).
Hi jo, how's your infant care search so far? I need to start searching now. Cos heard that some centres will have waiting list and I cant just leave my bb there as and when I want
hi karen,
i checked out Children Network before. The teachers and supervisor are nice and friendly and environment is ok. The only big problem is they are fully airconditioned. My son has very sensitive nose so I cannot imagine leaving him in aircon environment the whole day.
hi giggler
i am also looking other infant care centres now... planning to put my bb in infant care maybe around 1st of april or earlier.
thanks slk
i will include children network in my list and visit the centre today. i am taking half day leave today.
hi slk
i saw your son in joy house today! err... he is botak and quite chubby right? he woke up crying so angelia carry him to play.

just now, i have visited joyhouse, babies inc, children network (this is out), greenland (this is out)... among 4, joyhouse will be the best choice. if joyhouse really provide all the programs e.g. gym, massages, reading, singing to babies and normal flash card (angelia mentioned last time they tried glenn doman flash card but give up, so now use normal flash card), then joyhouse will be the best compare to all infant care centres i visited.

are you staying at bt. panjang? angelia mentioned that one of the parents are staying there and you mentioned that you visited children network.

however, my hubby is abit concern whether the staffs there are racists cos we saw caucasian baby. however, my hubby and i prefer the low ratio and personal service as angelia show us records of baby daily log.

i really can't wait to put my baby at joy house now but my only concern is the location as it is quite a distant from my place(Yew Tee) to joyhouse, my office is near to IMM.

i will cc. this msg to your email. hope to hear from you soon!
hi joey,

yes yes, the chubby boy you saw is my son lucas

and yup, i'm staying at bt panjang. don't worry abt racism cos angie etc. are all chinese
if you think positivly, it's also good that your baby has 'international' friends from young

i just sent you a mail you can call me if you want
hi slk & jo,

are you decided which infant care centres ? btw may i know where is the location of Joyhouse coz its sound good...
hi karen,

my boy has been with Joyhouse (also called Happy Joy) for almost 2 months now. It is located behind Serene Centre (bt timah).
Hello, can someone tell me where's "Just Kids" located? Any website address or telephone # that I can call to make an enquiry with the infant care centre?
HI cloud9mummy

just kids is in Bukit batok west, cant tell you exact address because unable to remember, their contact no. is 65690159. Hope this will help
anyone have any experience with care corner in alexander and windsorplayskool in punggol? i am considering this 2 infant care. pls give me feedback.

Anyone have any idea about Babies Resort(Jln Pemimpin)?It seems that their fees is quite high also @ $1,350 (before subsidy) but not sure how good they are leh? Any comment?

i intend to place my child in infant centre. any advise ? mayve ard eunos or paya lebar which is near my workplace... i stay in punggol by the way..
went to see infant care,learningvision at cck,sunshine place.Though the environment there is new,but the teachers there doesn't seems to have experience in handling so many babies at a time.
further more,my friend's friend worked there before,heard they had to save budget on the children's food as their enrolment is not very good.
hi paper soup
ur friend's friend worked in which infant care centre? sounds so worrying that they save money on bb food.

so far, only learningvision at cck seems better but like u said, very new, no assurance...
Hi Joey,
My fr is working there....They save on children's food.i Think for bb food, we have to bring our own.
Have u seen that ctr b4?
Hi .. does anyone have their babies at Babies Inc located at Cherry Avenue?.. I'm looking for infant childcare around holland village area..

Any recommendation on infant care around woodlands area? No body to look after child after going back to thinking of putting in infant care....Anyone know the charges?

Just wondering about Happy Joy Schoolhouse.. I went to visit it just a few days ago and noticed a few things.. Firstly that the floor is carpeted and this will be a dust trap even if vacuumed every day.. Secondly that it is next to an empty plot of land with long lalang, so there will be mosquitoes.. Thirdly, they said that once the baby can sit up well, they will bring the baby for water play and sand play.. Babies at 6-9months are quite small and vulnerable right.. not sure if I want my child to be doing sand play, cos may not be very clean or water play when so young..

Can someone please advise? Thanks..
anyone has comment / feedback on infant care centres? No one be looking after my child after maternity, wonder is it wise to put in infant care? Want to leave option of hiring a maid out...
Or anyone has good babysitter to recommend around Woodlands or Sembawang area?

Hi, I will be putting bb in infant care oso after maternity. No choice cos have not help. So have you suveyed on the infant care centres around your area?? Btw, when are you due??
NOT yet actually, staying in the north, not much choices available. DUe 24 Aug. HOw abt u? Anyone has any recommendations?
I am putting my daughter in the infant care when I go back to work in August. Some infant care centers are quite popular and have a long waiting list. It is best to look around earlier
thanks ling,

mine a girl....What to look for when sourcing? What does the caretaker does, feeding, they have enrichment stuff to aid in the child growth?

For half day / flexihours does the amount of $400 subsidys by gov apply?
I noticed the rates for full & half day are not much different.. ard 100plus diff only so its more worth it leaving it there the whole day...

I will chk who r e caretakers - nurses/teaches?? teachers go thro training?? how many yrs experience?? wat is the ratio of teacher to bb?? u muz personally go down to view e plc first, whether u like it or not..

I dont like gg 2 popular centres cos alot of kids e teacher may not hv time for your bb.. i like some but decent centres who can concentrate on the bb.. :p
Hi all mummies,

Me too putting my girl in infant care this coming July...think of it she is so poor thing but no one can help out so no choice...
Me too.. My baby's due in Oct this year.. Wish I didn't have to put her in infant care but have to.. I'm putting her for half day infant care when she is 2 months if all goes well cos I've decided to work part time after I deliver..
Hi all mummies,

On last Mon I send my girl to infant care at Toa Payoh, but after 2 days I dedided to withdrawl from there as I felt my girl very poor the first palce the centre got only 3 baby excluded my girl - I thought that's better but I am wrong, there is only 1 teacher and the other teacher came in later ...1 baby is 12 months and the other is 4 months, my girl is 2 months plus. When I withdrwal I was told to pay 12 days school fees whichi amounts to about $400...I was shocked...I was there almost 2 days and now they want me to pay for 12 days school fees...any mummy ecounter such situtaion when they withdral from infant care?
Hi everyone,

Just want to share my experiences as a mummy who placed her son in infant care. My son will be one this Friday and he has been at the centre since he was 2.5 months. Yup... I had to go back to work and there was no one else to help look after him.

Contrary to popular belief that it is not so good to send one's child to childcare, especially if they are very young... I am actually very happy, glad and relieved that my son is in one. Firstly, I am a first-time mom and must admit I am not really prepared to take care of a baby. The school has helped me in many ways... like getting my son to start on solids and advising me what he should/should not be eating.

My son enjoys his days in school and he is very happy there as the teachers are all very caring, patient and generally love children. In fact, there is this teacher who is so attached to my son that she calls him 'her son'. I am so touched.

However, there will be the usual niggling problems where your child may fall sick quite often, and there was also this once where my son was bitten by another child. But, I am willing to overlook all these as I can confidently say that my son is really well looked after and he is in an environment where he is encouraged to explore, learn and socialize.

My one main grouse, though, is that there may be too many activities to keep the little one occupied during the day to such an extent that he only sleeps once and when we pick him up in the evenings, he will be sooo tired.

Hope this helps.
