How To Make HAPPA’s Sweet Potatoes and Spinach Puree at Home.


New Member
Happa’s sweet potatoes and spinach puree is one of the most unique and nutritious
combination you can give to your baby. Its rich, delicious and silky and it
helps the baby’s overall growth. Now you can make it at home with these simple
steps .

1 medium sweet potato.
3 handful of spinach.
1.Cut the sweet potato in small pieces place them on a baking sheet and bake it at 250C
for around 20-22 mins.
2.Meanwhile,prepare your spinach and then add to the frying pan and sautée it on low heat
until its soft.
3.Once the sweet potato is ready mash the sweet potato and blend it with spinach that was
4. Continue to blend till you get a soft silky texture of the puree.
5.Add water or milk as desired if you want a thinner puree.
That’s it, Its that simple. But believe me it will be as nutritious as Happa’s sweet
potatoes and spinach puree. Also the total time you will take is just 30-35
And, If you dont want so much Hassle just order it online.
Thanks for the information Mahek. Its very important to feed baby with good nutritious organic baby foods of purees and porridges. Will definitely try this out..
