How to get toddler to sleep on his own, since his Mummy is pregnant?


New Member
Hi all,

My almost-2-year-old son always climb into our bed in the middle of the night, even after we put him in his own bed at the beginning of his sleep.

Now that i'm pregnant with my second kid, I'm disturbed by him coming in and kicking me around. I sometimes wake up to carry him back again to his bed, but it makes me very tired in the morning to have interrupted sleep.

I'm also afraid he might hurt my baby in my tummy with his rough rolling around... Any suggestions?


Hi Ada, try to talk to him, i am sure he could understand. No choice, at almost 2, he is still a baby (to me) and he need attention especially now you are pregnant, he will do all sort of things to gain attention, he know about his "rival" haha. Unless you got someone to help up, else, you will have to bear with it.

Take care.
Hi Ada,

My elder girl, same age as your son, co-sleep with me too. I put a pillow in between us as she is also rolling & kicking around while sleeping.

That cushion the impact if she happens to kick and it seems to deter her from kicking me.
Hi Ada,

When I was pregnant with my daughter, my son still sleep with us on our queen size bed. I just use a pillow to cushion his kick nia....I think it is ok de....
Hi Ada,

Me too sleep with my 3 yrs old girl, same as those mummy, use pilloe to cushion my own tummy, incase she kick me..keke
