Help!!!! my husband invloved with a china women.


I am very depressed and lost. I found out my husband was involved with a china women.

I am silly, I still love him a lot. What should i do?????

Hi Margret,

I am in the same situation as you. My boyfriend is involved with a china woman as well. I am still hanging on because I still love him like you. Is the china woman working here on a work permit? Actually there is something that you can do...

My friend husband too involved with a china women working in a pub(illegally). What she did is found out where she work, then call this hotline:6435000, this is a police hotline, she just told e officer, a lot sexy lady illegally working in this pub, provide also the address. After a few day, the woman was deported from singapore.
i don't know much about this women except she is from china.

My husband is very secretive and i can't ask him questions or he will flare up.

There are certain laws in Singapore to protect us. Those foreign women are not supposed to break up families in Singapore. Like what hinhin says, if you know that she is working illegally in Singapore, try to gather information like where is working, identity kind of information then call to report against her.

Recently my friend caught her husband having affair with a foreigner. My friend tried talking to her but the women refused to let go and say she truthfully love her husband.

My friend complaint to MOM as she was on employment pass. However, the reply came back and informed that the women was on employment pass and they can't do anything. They say they on acted on work permit and s pass holder who breakup family in singapore. Employment pass holder are not binded by this condition.

My friend was so angry and threaten to report this in the newspaper and higher authorities. Then another officer reply, they will look into this.

Sometimes, to defend our rights we have to push the government or they just brush us aside.
i am in the same situation. It's just that i didn't discover it when she is here. Now she went back, mine husband is going there to visit her frequently
I am so angry,
my hb has china gf again
last year 2008, both tog for 2mths, happy with that woman and she ran away with his $$. find receipt of remittance slip.
now another china woman here, how to tell ICA,

because i believe she will have other married customers too.
if you hv her phone number, what will u do? call n warn her?

hb is very defensive when i confronted him, he denied and as if it is my fault and if he find woman is right as his soulmate.

today i overheard, their conversation, that he insult me eg no gd bed skills, ugly old woman (that china lady is 22yrs, married) why shd i still bear with it, since my mum in law say we have to believe GOD.
junebaby, how can u tahan all this. If i am u, i kick him out of the house, or feed him some shit to let him have stomach upset, to teach him a lesson.

joke aside. i feel u really need to take some action. He think he will always be young? the PRC will always be 22years old? then what happen?
junebaby: r u a god believer yourself? Why need to listen to ur mil given her son's actions? This is a personal decision to make.

As for the prc, engage a PI to get evidence on your husband n the PRC. Give her particulars n evidence to ICA. The evidence will also be for use to u even if u do not file for a divorce.
I feel that it's better to get a peace of mind by hiring a PI than to suspect here and there. But must really get a good and reliable one so that u will get what u want.
If the man really think these woman really love them with their "heart" and not they $$$, should let them taste their own medicine for not being faithful.
the whole problem is, some of those $$$ are acculmated through the years which the wife help the husband to build up. At the end, the husband lost the money and will begged to come back to the wife
Thanks for listening and advice. I think it is common problem in our society. lately I hear my uncle 'friend' with PRC at coffeeshop. of course my aunt is upset, now is 24hours/7 days accompany him , whereever he go. siong right. My cousin went to Casino and mentioned to me that nowaday those young PRC bust sooo big.. cant blame man fall on them.
THKS for all advice, i have no $ to get PI. anyway i better than PI, i have photos, hp , receipt even hotel date, place. but i rather dont care him. anyway, good news those old PRC, either go back or cheat his money n ran away. now i like tenant in house, i dont care him. I just wait him to get AID/HIV.
Thank you for all ladies here who concern n encourage. Thks, my 'whinning ' time is over, i there is victim like me. anyway, i find job n know more girl friends (either single, married, divocee)in case when i am getting old, my husband still have with many many girlfriends,and then my kids grow up n marry, i will end up old n home. so life is not just husband n kid.
any guys or ladies here can pm me for a chat? im set on my mind for divorce this husband has china mistress n he loves her.

he wants to move out with her already. i still have young kids 4 mnths old.

has any1 here encountered china mistresses? or wat can i do to get rid of the woman? the china woman is now in china but coming to SG soon..she is 27 yrs old supposedly n student. but i think my husband knows her in SG pub. anyone tried to convince their husband to leave china woman?

im realli desperate n hope she wont cheat his money
do u have evidence of their affair?

can write to MOE to cancel her student pass.

I think your husband have already being cheated of money, those china women are smart. It's useless to talk to your husband, he is too blinded by love.
ya nikki i knoe but i realli don knoe how...all i can do now is ask lawyer to fight for $$$.. lawyer already assured me i will get kids.

i wish i can make him so bankrupt ! once bankrupt he cant get any woman anymore!
no worries i have his photo of him n her overseas trip n the credit card statement oso reflect expenses in that overseas country..
no use to do anything to the china women, waste time and effort. deal with your husband. how many prc do u think u need to handle after this one
I think you should talk to your husband about that. There are certain phase in marriage where you go through a lot of trials with your partner. But the only way to fix it is to communicate.
hi ladies, i'm facing my husband is having affair with bitch PRC from Chongqing...
Now he is facing 200K debts with bank..but he still have not wake he is still at CHINA...
Tat bitch used to work as singer hostess at SIN now back to CHINA...

i really very hurt and painful about this issue... duno wat to do...
I'm really very tired over this issue..
he cheated me 3 times for let him to go to china...
1st time - he say that he is gg for business trip...wch i have not discover this affair..
2nd time - he say that he is gg over to settle with tat have a clear cut.but in the end, liar again.
3rd time - he is very bothering abt his debts..he mention thru this bitch got to know a business man, he want to make use this person, hope to do some business to clear the order to seek for family help..but rubbish ...all are liar again.

during the period he is at sg, tat bitch will missed call him, then he will quick go outside & make a call to her.. even when i'm around.. i really feel anger and hurt, wanted to scold & tell off to tat bitch, but i dun want to..cos why i need to talk to this type of low class slut. anyway, i gather all evidence, even her contact case i want to ask for divorce.

lastly, this time he go again, maybe coming back tmr..stupid reason given fm him - tat this time he will bring back some $$ to pay u think tat slut will give him $?

i duno how long i can endure to save this marriage? cos i hv 2 young kids and i also still love him...

why all these PRC woman come to sg and break family!!!
hi, hubby nvr go pub or ktv as before... is after he work night shift work den he start go nite club...
Hi Kelly, I fully understand how u feel... becoz I am also about the same situation like u... except my case involve not a PRC but local Singaporean ...... much much younger than me (I think) .... and I hv 3 kid, youngest 3 yrs old. I am also enduring, not to sure how long can I do that.... (my stupid hubby also in 'heavy' debt yet still hv mood and time for girls...he dun need to be real outstation but look like it to us.... my kids dun get to see him at all.... Like now this timing, the night is still young for him....... 3-4am daily is normal... yesterday was 6am......... Men?混蛋
hi Lynn, thanks for ur understand...sad that we r in same situation..

this time before he flew...still want me to buy return airfare for him...crazy man! but now he really in very heavy debt, no job! family refuse to help him.. i really want him to learn this lesson we want him to suffer damm tough..i duno whether am i right or wrong... but i hv no choice in order to salvage the family for my kids..
when a person has changed, its really very terrible...all kinds of nasty words will come out fm their mouth to hurt u..
yup, he left ytd... buying one way ticket.
left abt sgd$150..manage to borrow $1500 to exchange RMB... duno why!
in such deep shit debts, still want to go. but anyway in his mind now, tat bitch love him truely..
really terrible.

yes make him a bankrupt then maybe he can't travel. and if the girl come here, blacklist her

sometime u have to be cruel, for his own good. Next time every ok, he can be discharged from bankrupt.

if u can prove to ICA that this women is breaking up your marriage and by blacklisting her can salvage your marriage then u can blacklist her
