Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hi Princessp, i PMed you.

Ya lor keep playing... Funny thing about draws is you keeping drawing the same things... I drew 13 gloves!!! 5 aprons but no timer! Always like that one.

Did manage to clear many extras so ok. =) Only the mittens are big time stuck. Hahaha
hehe...ops...I like the red ones leh... =)..

Ahyo, 13mittens???? faintz..then how? manage to sell off? I hv 2 mittens lor..I find the red ones really nice wor..

Great =)...hmm, if no choice then give us gifts lor...hee
Hi xing,
Pmed you.

im looking for digi scale.Pm me if u wana sell.
Do not mind topping up on other LD that you keen to have. PM me.thanks..
Msbrown, Purin
Nice to c u yesterday.

Wah u got so many mitten, me too, got stuck wif them too, have to bake until oven spoil to use my lot, wahahahhahaha

We suppose to meet, i will arrange wif u via sms
Ya keep 1 pair of red and 1 pair of pink. So far all stuck. =P Guess I will need to lelong or give as gifts lor.

U too?!! Kekeke. Ya lor oven spoil first b4 all the mittens spoil. Hahaha
U know how to bake rite, so u can also like me bake until oven spoil loh!!!!! wahhahahahahahahaha, can use together wif the apron tat i also have afew
Next draw we will do better!!!

Updates on what's left

1 for $8, 2 for $15:
Mitten (both colours available)

Bundle: Apron + Mitten/ Clip (any color): 2 items set at $20 (cost) x2 sets available

Pls PM/SMS me. TIA.
Hazel, Jenny, tell you something ... i total opposite, draw so many times, get all the items but just die die dont get aprons lor!

By the way ladies, got the following to let go:
1) mittens (1 red pair)
2) pink food packet clip

Feifei, can wait for me to confirm tomorrow? I might have 2 red ones to exchange with you 1 apron.
U getting ur apron from Feifei

wat i wanted was the heatpad, but i personally feel tis round all the red one r nicer than the pink ones, wat do u ladies think??
Jenny, i feel the red ones nicer in kitchen but the pink ones can use in bathroom, very romantic and princessy feel wor. So both colours are nice!
Ya find the red ones nicer too.

If u got almost everything then stop lor. Nowadays too many sets around. Other than KP, KK, we have Ringoya-2 outlets, Catty & Eve, TH-2 outlets and Sanrio-4 outlets. So harder to clear I find compared to the time when I first played.
me too me too, i draw alot liao, but i just dun feel rite so end up drawing again all kenna mittens wahahahahhahaha, so crazy loh, heng my sticky is not wif me,if not he start nagging again cos i was supposed to save for yr end trip, wahahahahahahah......
Jenny i tombalek. If my 'sticky' not with me, i draw rubbish. When he draw for me, i get better things! Except the first day, he drew for me 3 sponges, i almost fainted, then lucky 4th time got breadmaker.

Hazel, true ..
MB, u wan me to help u stick them together or another alternative to tie them together also can, wahahahhahaahahhaha......... u choose, i gladly help u to.... kekekeke
Hi ladies,

<font size="+1">Bundle Sale</font>
<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">Breamaker + Mitten - S$45</font></font>
<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">Apron + Pink Mitten/Pink Dispenser - S$20</font></font>

<font color="ff0000">Wanna exchange my mitten/dispenser with food clip/heat pad</font>
Hi, Jenny,
Am back to work alr, miss my baby very much, now I put her at Sembawang - nanny place, only pick her up on Friday nite...

How are you? Long time no see le
Hi Ladies......

I wan more sponges if u're selling cheap ya... keke...

Yes I wana buy all the sponges for my hse's use lor.

Nice meeting u y'day lor. I oso itchy hands go try try 4x &amp; u know la huh.. haha... Actuali this set the reds are nicer then pink but overall all oso nice la.

I nvr custom made any HK cabinets or stuffs coz I got quotes for a die cut ceiling light &amp; a die cut big mirror abt 5K then some more they cant guarantee tat the HK will turn out nice wor. Which means if out of shape or koyak I cant reject them. So in the end, I opt to save the money lor. hahahaaha... Coz I heard fm a few ppl they do liao, the shape koyak or dun hv whiskers or whiskers not in correct place. hahaha....
So fast back to wk liao, nvm la look forward to friday

so shiok hor, i wish i can leh, now wkin liao abit busy wif function and wk nonsense leh no choice, even go leave have to schedule to make sure got no functions or events, but over all still ok

u can try doing the decals one loh, my frd bought a house, the previous owner was doin that
How come u yr nanny is at Sembawang there so far away?? Reali far lor. U cant find any near yr place meh?

Ladies, I've got tis bundle, anyone keen pls PM me
- 1 x apron + 1 x timer + 1 x red clip = $45.
Pinky, enjoy your trip!

MsBrown, ya $5k for something not guarantteed in terms of quality is a big risk! Use decals lor, my kitchen also use HK decals to do HK theme. Decals quality you can control plus quite durable leh, mine so many years still never peel off or fade.

Haha Jenny, today no need tie fingers liao cos i didnt get to go just now. Tonight cannot go so tomorrow then i consider you tie or glue my fingers k?! wakakakakaka
Sure =)..

Ya lor, i feel red is nicer leh...=).

wow, die cut mirror sounds nice leh..U can use decals wor..and then decor til nice nice wor..
U let me know again la, wahahhahhahahaa........

U go again ah??

Hehe yah, all my things mostly i took red, wahhahaha so left all pink ones there
Ya, at least I'm looking forward Friday is coming, hehe

I can't find nanny near my area leh, you got lobang to find nanny? hehe

The current nanny is find thru my BIL, so just give it a try first, if really no good then will consider to hire maid which I find lagi dangerous, haha
hi Ladies

Following BUNDLE SET (10 ITEMS) to let go at $90

2 set sponge (different color)
1 dispenser (red)
1 timer
2 set heat coaster
1 mitten (red)
3 clips (2 red and 1pink)

Or this bundle (8ITEMS)at $70

1 apron
1 timer
1 mitten (pink)
3 clips
2 set heat coaster (different color)

pm me if keen
Hi ladies!

Wow 5k ex leh n no guarantee better not try. It is really not easy to get the right proportion for hello kitty. As HK fanatic I still have difficulty drawing a proportionate hello kitty, what more those people who dunno abt HK.

Ladies, still have following to let go:

bundle: apron + heat mat (pink) / sponge(purple set)=$20

Still looking for previous n current ld weighing machine. Budget below $40. Pls SMS/pm me. Tks!

Oh u only bring baby back end of week? Sure will miss baby a lot leh!!!
Also avaliable bundles

1 Apron + 1 timer + 1 red dispencer + 2 heat coaster (diff color) = $55
1 timer + 2 sponge (diff color) + 2 clips (red and pink) = $55

Individual items for following:
Clips at $7 each
Heat coaster $9 each
Mitten $9 each
Ya lor. So I rather save the money up. Now I'm officially declaring bankrupcy liao.. keke.... All dump into the hse liao.

No la. Nvr go play liao la. ENOUGH for me. Hehe I oso took mostly red on the 1st draw.

I tink there shud be some nannies around t.bahru area lor. U try to find again la or flip newspaper lor. But I duno any la. I'm sure there're some around. Sem reali far lor.

juz show some pic here on the LD items. All small prizes for u gals to see see k coz i tink some ladies nvr get to play so nvr see the actual item.

Timer, Apron, Mitten


Sponges, Clip


Ya, i miss her very much and cry abit when pass her to the nanny on the very first time, hehe

You took all red ah? No pink?! :p
When are you going to move to your new house?
Must share with us your HK room, keke
Following loots from Taiwan to sell. Pls PM Me if u are keen (kindly avoid posting interest in this forum). Pls buy only if u are comfortable with the price.

1) Hello Kitty Woman Perfume (50ml) - $95

2) Hello Kitty Baby Perfume (60ml) - $55

3) Big Makeup Pouch (red) - $40

4)Stick on Clip - $7 ( 1 pc)

5)Baby Leggings - $8 (1 pc)

6) Body Lotion (150ml) - $9 (1 pc)

7) Hand Cream (50ml) - $7 (1 pc)

8)Hand Cream - $5 (1 pc)

9) Limited Edition Wallet

Hi ladies,

I've the following extras to clear:
pump bottle (red &amp; pink avail) $10 for 1, $18 for 2
timer $20
apron $15

Pls PM me if keen. Thk u v m!
