Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

I cant see the link...cos blocked by IT again.

yes yes...that's the one!!! I want the smaller one. Thanks.

I have called the help centre.
They assured me there's nothing wrong, just that 1 customer found book lice.
They decided not to take any chance and just recall all.
I bought Megan those 1.6kgs ones so she's not affected..
They say its the packaging and not the milk powder.
I'm considering to change to Gain IQ.. but the price diff alot ley..
And not sure if Megan is suitable and if she'll drink!!
ya lor....i got another email on the hi-chew sweet too.

<font color="#800080">Recall of HI CHEW Candies (Grapes Flavoured and Green Apple Flavoured)</font>

Morinaga &amp; CO.,LTD. in Japan has announced a recall of specific production lots of Hi-Chew candies, as the products may be contaminated with tiny pieces of plastic glove (synthetic nitrile rubber/0.3mm thick). This glove, which was used during the production process was accidentally torn and may have subsequently contaminated the products. Details of the affected products are described below.

Following this announcement, as a precationary measure, the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) has required the importer and retailers to recall all the products which may have been affected from the market immediately.

AVA advises the consumers who have bought the implicated products to discard the products and not to consume them.

Products details:
Morinaga Hi-Chew 57g Grape Japanese Version Long Stick (Bar Code: 49813609)
1) 2009.06 ●C8▲
2) 2009.06 ●C9▲
3) 2009.06 ●D0▲
4) 2009.06 ●D1▲

Morinaga Hi-Chew 57g Green Apple Japanese Version Long Stick (Bar Code: 49813234)
2009.06 ●D1▲
Ic ic...glad to hear that. Coz' remembered u mention b4 Megan is on Mamil Gold mah.
Ya...nw Gain IQ's price is very ex loh. The cheapest i can get is $51.80 only. N i heard the price is increasing. My niece is oso on Gain IQ, nex time maybe we can accumulate orders loh. I always help to order for my sis when my supplier sms me she has stocks mah.
tks for the info...very good to share here. Ryan is on mamil dumex..luckily I usually buy those 1.6kg like Eliz.

U wan to change to Gain IQ? How old is megan now?

Hee hee...it's so sweet..I like this series. Tot of getting the bigger size one but measure the difference not big. So stick to small one. What do u think?
Hi, PP,

I can drop my order for below item if set 3 cannot hit MOQ.

2.) Pg 9 <033081> 2 tier lunch box 1500 yen x 2 ($24)


Set 3
16 months? very close to my ryan's age. Ryan is coming to 18 months. Did u buy the step 3 with honey? I bought one tin by mistake. Gave him to try le..scare he too addicted to sweetness...haha.
Sometimes i will receive sms frm my supplier one loh if she has extra stocks. Previously the price i got was $49.00 the cheapest oreadi. If u order 6 tins &amp; above, she provides free delivery. If she sms me again, i will let u gals know.

Nt sure whether she has Gain Kids or nt leh. Will check for u.

Actually hoh...ur son still young, dun let him take those milk powder with honey de. Coz' if nex time u were to change his milk powder maybe for example to Gain IQ, he wont wana drink loh. Coz' Gain IQ is nt as sweet as other milk powder, its taste is much bland.
very long nvr posted my loots, these are what i have bought for the past few weeks...nothing great, but love the die cut box w/ handle the most!
All along, i buy the 1.6kgs, cheaper ley! Haaa.
Oh, our kiddos' age so near, can be playmates!
Have u started ryan on any enrichment yet??
Now i just do flash cards with megan ah.. Yet to start her on any classes.
Like a very lously mummy.. the other july mummies has started their kid long long time ago.

Do beep me ah.. Hazel is on Gian IQ!
ms blur
yeah lor...so blur mummy. bought the honey one. Only one tin..then finish wont buy that again le. hee hee.

can be playmates..cos ryan is only child. lonely le. where do u stay? I am at punggol. He is now attending Growing up Gifted at united sq every sat morning
LADIES in the PODKA dot series,
Pls check yr mails. I've emailed all who's in the BP loop for payment &amp; collection. Pls check yr mail boxes ya.

Tat's a nice salt &amp; pepper set leh but I hv to control. I nearly hit the enter button juz now when I saw u asking who wana share. keke......

Wa, nice loots ya..... So manu nice nice stuffs...
softpillow, ya hor...kekeke cos mostly those that attracts me are die cut stuff le...

bprecious, i got it from LYD the other time she was letting go extra pieces. not sure if she still have them. Good buy!

the tin with handle i bought from NTUC...someone mentioned Watsons also have alot huh? i gonna check it out tomorrow.

msbrown, ya kena poison big time! Even my 1yr old girl can recognise Kitty now!
ur boy oso called Ryan? mine too leh..
ya is true..
my boy dun wan milk eversince he turned 13 mths..n is all milk he will reject..freshmilk or UHT milk..oso dun wan..
then somehow he drink pediacure chocolate lor..but if u ask him to drink vanilla one..he dun wan..

hehe..no prob..
btw..do u know is that a turner or scoop? cant make it out from the pic leh..

hehe..my girl has already been kena "brainwashed" by mi liao..
she must hug her HK to sleep every night..keke..
she so very funni one..

at times when she comes home at night..she will rush to her HK..n say.."kitty hi" then kiss kitty
forgetmenot, haha ur girl so cute.Now my girl will smile widely when she sees HK. Then her recent bday bash i used a HK theme. everyone were asking if my girl's fav s HK, i replied its actually me! *LOL.
i hope my girl dun blame me when se grows up...i hope she wont hate HK
I oso not v sure leh, it looks like a scoop lor. for me doesn't matter hee, so long it's HK! kekeke

any ideal item 029718 is a turner or scoop ar?
Hi Ladies!

Have done the transfer for the polka dot series and replied your email with the details. Let me know when convenient to collect when all the stuff ready hor. Tks!

Have done the transfer for the HK sponges and the sks drawstring bag as well.

Tks for the offer
. Is ok lah u keep it I managed to get it liao.

No wonder did not see u in forum. This time the Jan catalogue u post in forum only ya? Didn't see it in my email. Keen in 1 timer if still can make a set. TIA!

Anyone letting go of the HK LD Birthday Cake game? I am very keen. Let me know ya!
Hi Ladies

My orders are correct! Could you tell me what are Items 032476 and 032832 on Page 10 please?

My orders are correct, will do the transfer later today thanks!

Could you help me to collect the Polka Dot BP items please? Thanks!
Hi ladies!!

I have made payment to your account and replied via email on the collection method. Whether collection on sat at tiong bahru is it possible?
Angel, ok
you have some items with me now also, from Lili. And i asked Ktgal can pass your loots to me too.

Mau, i will check email in a while, thanks!
yes yes. I saw it's LYD. Will arrange to pass to her when I go vivo ok.

Hello Kitty,
I tink u can come collect fm me next week lor I let u know ok. BTW, if u got anything fm KM, can ask her to leave at KK for me coz she's leaving some items for me in KK so I can go there collect for u oso.

Sat wat time ah? I'll be out early morning this Sat leh. How abt late afternoon or evening time at Sembawang mrt? Where u stay ah? Else weekdays around 6.30-6.45pm at T.bahru mrt.
Ok noted.

I will pass ur paper clip dispensers to Nikita today. U gals arrange with Nikita for collection ok.

Thks for helping to pass.
Why do you keep changing your nick huh??kekeke I wont be going to woodlands this week. My son is sick thus need to stay a home to rest. I am staying in Dover.
Thanks for sharing the link. Just ordered for hubby!

I just saw your post on the devils with apple.. So weird combi..
Apple is like pure mah.. Hahahaa..
Our sons got the same name! I was choosing names that time, found Ryan. Hubby din wan special names. sigh...men just v mafan. So found this, as the meaning is great! Ryan = the little King! haha.

I am looking forward to ur pics posted. Everytime make me drool....then my work wont be so boring le...haha. time pass faster!

cant check yahoo email. will check my order tonight and TT to u.
