First time mummy and newborn formula question


New Member
Hi mummies, I am a first time mummy and I am clueless about which newborn formula is there in Singapore market.I intend to breastfeed and also supplement with formula milk.What are the brands for newborns available and which are good? (As in price wise and also easily available)

Personally, my kids tried the following brands of formula milk and these are the reviews (solely on my personal opinion).

It is by far one of the cheaper option of formula milk in the market but the setback is, the milk gets very heaty. My son's poo was solid hard and each time he poo-ed, his face would turn red.

Mead Johnson
I then switch to 'Mead Johnson' brand. The most significant difference i saw was the ability to dissolve the powder without using a stirrer. Next I saw an improvement in his bowel.
One word of caution, 'Mead Johnson' pricing is more expensive compared to S26, but still reasonable.

Because my second child does not take in Mead Johnson milk that well, I gave her Gain IQ. Overall it is alright but is even more expensive compare to Mead Johnson.

Having said all of the above, breast milk is still the best option. Usually, the milk comes in on the 3rd / 4th day. So perhaps, it there is really not enough to satisfy your baby needs, top up with formula. When I said 'top-up', it means to still latch on baby and then continue with formula. This is to ensure that the body is getting the signal to make milk. When there isn't enough, the body will make more. This is the logic behind the demand and supply.

So when your milk comes in on the 3rd day, latch and pump the rest. In order to have constant supply and able to meet his growing needs, especially during his growth spurts, make sure your breasts are emptied 2 hourly. If baby is not hungry or does not wake up to drink, pump it out. Then keep in freezer.

For cheaper milk formula, you can try going to those medical halls. They sell formula milk much lower then those in supermarkets, even when supermarkets ones are on sale. But the setback is, they only collect cash!

I hope the above helps.
Hi just to add.. when buying FM look for place of manufacture etc. U will be surprised that places like ShengShiong or provision shops etc might carry similar bramd and range but different places of packing or manufacture.

Some brands have more dha, some have more probiotics, some are supposedly HA which helps bb with allergies etc. but different babies takes to different FM different ly. Some find a particular brand heaty or cause phelgm etc.

U can buy the small bottle ones from the hospital and try which u like. ;)
Thank u so much for ur post and for sharing.I intend to breastfeed and also to supplement with FM.Have been going to several places n comparing FM and am kinda surprised that there r not as much type of fm for newborns comparing to those for 6 months n above.
If you can, please priorities your feeding on breast milk... When I went back to work I supplement with Friso. So far so good.
Enfamil. Higher in nutrition and dha. Best for newborn as it need a lot of nutrition for the first six months. Help in development of brain too. Price now cost about 59.10$ for 900g.
Having said all of the above, breast milk is still the best option. Usually, the milk comes in on the 3rd / 4th day. So perhaps, it there is really not enough to satisfy your baby needs, top up with formula. When I said 'top-up', it means to still latch on baby and then continue with formula. This is to ensure that the body is getting the signal to make milk. When there isn't enough, the body will make more. This is the logic behind the demand and supply.

So when your milk comes in on the 3rd day, latch and pump the rest. In order to have constant supply and able to meet his growing needs, especially during his growth spurts, make sure your breasts are emptied 2 hourly. If baby is not hungry or does not wake up to drink, pump it out. Then keep in freezer.

I hope the above helps.

Hi, thanks for the info! Did you let the hospital supplement with formula milk on the second day? Since supply only kick in on the third day?
