Fenugreek experience


New Member
hi anyone got any comments on taking fenugreek? did it really make a difference? how many pills u take each time? improvement seen after how long? thanks

I am taking fenugreek now. In tablet form and fresh in cooking my confinement foods. Personally feel that it did increase my supply by quite abit. I started taking during labour as adviced by friends. Had steady milk flow from day 2 onwards. Now can pump around 30ml each breast each time after latching on for 15 minutes per breast.
hi i took 2 fenugreek after every meal. for me it does helps to increase my ms. after abt 1-2days can see the difference aldy.

hi joy's mum and nyssa won, that is so good leh..i took 2 pills religiously and now close to 2 weeks plus, and i dun see much difference.

nyssa won..2 pills every meal..so approx 6 per day based on 3 meals? will that be overdosing huh..cos bottle instruction says 1-2 per daily.
hi pa&ma, i chk with the gnc assistant. tats the dosage she recommend to me.. she says its okie to take 6 a day.. but not more dan duno 8 or 9 a day.
oooic..than i can increase my dosage liao..thanks for the advice
hi mommies,

i also take one after every meal since last week, but no effect leh... =( really sad, coz I heard tat the milk supply of some moms shot up alot since they took only 1 cap.

then why mine...... =(

then i shld try to take 2 caps after every meal now, and monitor...

keeping my fingers crossed...
leobbmom..i guess u n me facing the same problem..we try to increase our intake n monitor again...we will update again
hi mummies,

i think there is some thread on this fenugreek intake. I actually followed what one of the mummies did. She took 3 to 4 pills every each meal (i.e.max 12 pills a day)...

I did the same but total of 9 pills in a day instead, and i can only see the effect after 2 days. Thereafter, I reduce the dosage...Also diff indiv will have diff reaction.

The best is still of course continue to expressed every 2-3hrs...m/s will be abundance
hi rms..oh i cant find this thread so i start a new one...everyone see diff after 2 days..which is very short time to see effect..thats good..
joy's mum,

fresh fenugreek?? how to eat fresh and where to buy?

btw, sweet potatoes can help some mummies to increase supply.
hi woofwoof,

a nurse at KK told me just eat 1 to 2 tbspoon of fresh fenugreek a day to increase milk supply.

you can buy it at normal provision shops selling those spices, cumin seeds, tumeric, etc...
fyi you can buy from wet mkt spice stall.
brew fenugreek water:
1) 2-3 full tsb of fenugreek seeds boiled with 1 litre of water.
yes, i drank 1 litre of this fenugreek water in additional of 1 cup coffee/tea or fruit juices, green tea....
frankly i dislike plain water, so i tend to drink other drinks as mentioned. i love fruit juices and had that all sorts everyday.
can add honey for taste if you don't like the blend drink.

2) how long do u need to boil it?
2-3 tbsp full of seeds to 1 litre water, boiled within 15mins and store in my flask. the seeds will expand in the water so that's fine. at times, i just carry on and add hot boiled water and just let the seeds soak in it. the flasks i bring along to work & home every day.

3) how long did u drink it b4 ur supply increased?
hmmm.... with in a week, but must drink everyday inclu weekends.

4) must it be drank hot?
no.... i drank it warm and cool

5) did u take any other stuff to boost supply at the same time?
i ate ALOT of fish.... every dinner must have... usually steam, but i love fish all sorts....
i tried fenugreek caps. from GNC but doesn't work as well as the drink. the drink is very much effective.

6) what was ur supply like b4 drinking this?
ds was on total bf and on demand since birth... i wasn't working till he was about 11mths old (b4 his 1st year) so that helped alot !! as i was able to stock up alot of b'milk. i did had a good supply of milk to start with. but due to going back to the workforce, supply dropped... even though ds was eating solids but he still wants b'milk. so a mummy intro me to the seeds and it worked real well.
most of the express milk, i don't give ds, it's my maid and dh will feed him only when i'm busy or not around. every chance i have i will direct b'feed ds. especially the moment i get home from work 6+pm, have a quick shower and b'fed ds. he will drain and empty both breast and very quickly by 10+pm my supply will be filled for his bed-time feed. also before i leave for work, i will b'feed him too for him to empty both breast. at work, by 10+am i am able to pump out a good 8-12 oz and again by 4+pm.
by the way, fenugreek is a natural food source so can start on it at any time for the increase of the milk production. you can buy pkts from spice-shops, wet markets, etc... i don't see it in supermkts though.

when start (must drink daily)... within 4th day ~ a week, be ready to have extra breastpads or top for change to standby. b'cos you will get a "heavy let down" so do be prepared and not like me... blur-blur and got soak wet.

fenugreek is a lentil. it's hard and looks like chopped garlic. it's deep chome yellow in color.
like mentioned above, my cousin added honey. for me, i'm ok with the drink

hope these info helps.
hang in there and don't worry so much.
stress is the no1. reason for supply drop. good luck.
Just to share my experience:
I had the Fenugreek Cap (Green life as its vegi caps) and it worked. I also drink nettle tea (helps to increase BM also). Also for my case since I am vegetarian and do not eat fish, I drink milk it helps too. This was what I did at one time before I started my ds on solid and she was demanding a lot of milk from me and the above works wonder. Not only I have enough for her (direct latch on) I still can pump about 180 cc after she finish her feed.
By the way I take everytime one hour before a feed 2 pills and 2-3 times a day. Fenugreek is also used for curing constipation so PA&MA don;t worry worse come to worse you just visit the loo more times!
When can u start taking fenugreek?
before delivery?

does all the uncles/aunties at spice-shop/ wet mkt knows fenugreek by this name or is there a chinese name to go by?
hi, can anyone share what's the chinese name for fenugreek? i couldn't find it at a chinese medicine store yesterday. will try out spice shops at wet markets. btw, my b/m increased significantly after i increase the fenugreek tab to 4 tabs/day. thanks, ladies!
pa&ma, how is your supply now? i find the capsules dun work leh...i dun find my supply go up leh... =(

someone can take a pic of the fresh fenugreek and show us here? better still, take a pic of the pkt u bought from chinese medical hall?

Leobbsmom, me okie with my supply now. My current supply of cos not as good as those who could pump out a litre a day.. But i happy liao lar.

i used to get only 20ml each side on 3 hourly pump..after i increased the dosage, now i can pump on avg 60/80/100ml on each breast.

Me return to work already..i pump 3x in the office, den other times all latch on. Smtimes hor, quite stressed with work..pump half hour oso cant let down.

Haiz so sian, side track abit hor.

me though on total breastfeeding..alot of old folks kept advising me to supplement with formula..cos scared bb not full since bm very diluted.. Me so tired of answering them again and again..so long after feeding, bb not crying, it shows tat my supply can fill up bb stomach liao. Right or not? anyone face such problems oso?
Hi there,

Fenugreek doesn't work for everyone. It really depends on the reason as to why your milk supply is not there. Whether is it stress or other reasons. You can check out this website: www.ahomeonearth.com. They sell organic herbal lactating supplements (motherlove products) from US. They are also retailing at TMC Pharmacy.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides only general guidelines on natural herbs, and fenugreek is included in FDA's list of herbs generally regarded as safe. There has been no formal research on fenugreek, but an increasing amount of observational and anecdotal evidence points to its efficacy. Because Fenugreek may be a uterine stimulant, however, it should be avoided during pregnancy.

if you are pregnant, you should not take fenugreek since it may stimulate the uterus, causing contractions.
some mums started taking only after the 1st week after delivery.
sorry don't know chinese name but it's called "methi" in indian.


there's a picture of fenugreek in the website above. it looks like chopped garlic but it's hard and chrom yellow color.
fenugreek is a lentil. indians used these to cook curry

hope these info helps !!
I started fenugreek 5 days back . Till now, milk supply did not increase at all.

My baby cries after each session of bf (20-30 minutes). Seems like he is not full. Then, we have to supplement with formula.

Apart from fenugreek, has anyone tried other methods? (I even tried to express every 3 hours so as to empty the breats..but there is hardly any milk. 10-20ml each time).

try drinking milk one to half an hour before her feeding time and take fenugreek. It might work better. Milk produces milk for my case.
u can try this medication - domperidone.
u can only get it prescribed from yr gynae. apparently very powerful for increasing milk supply. however there's possible side effects so dont take it more than 1 wk
i find it useful in increasing my milk supply.
my bb is 1.5 wks old and after taking the medication i can produce abt 60-100ml per session
hi nancy and sghlynn,
thanks for your suggestion.
i will try to work them out.
what is the side effect of domperidone?
For those mummies thinking of taking fenugreek, would like to recommend Green Life brand (get fro guardian) instead of GNC brand. Green life helped to double my milk supply after 1 week. Then when i switched to GNC, supply dropped and could not trigger a let-down
Hi Pink Penguin,
Tik i will get the fenugreek from Guardian. The ones that i took not working leh...taking for almost 2 weeks now. But milk supply still low...sob sob. My boy already 2 mths old and i can pump out about 50ml each time.
Hi Keann

Mine used to be low then i took up to 8 pills a day. After about 2 weeks supply increased so i reduced to 4 to 6 pills. I guess supply will be established if you keep pumping every 3-4 hours. My gal is 4 months and i take 2 pills a day to maintain. I can pump about 800ml to 1L a day from 4 pumping sessions.

Hi Janice

You can stop or reduce the dosage after your supply is established. Whenever my supply drops, i will increase dosage for a few days.
i buy my fenugreek online...fm US...cheaper and way better!!! jus 2 a day to see 50% increase! v happi
then now taking 1 a day to maintain....i pump ard 1L a day, on top of latch on in mornin and at night...
I am very keen to take Fenugreek. I hope it works for me. Before I take them, I would like to check with you mothers. Will Fenugreek produce more foremilk if the milk supply increase? For eg a 2mths old bb by rite shd be taking 90ml but after taking the Fenugreek the supply has increased to 120ml. Would the bb have to drink more foremilk in order to get to the hindmilk? But what if the bb max. intake can only be 90ml, does that mean the bb ends up taking more foremilk and less hindmilk? That is my concern...
My personal experience,
for 610mg a capsule fenugreek.

Take 3 caps, 3 times a day & drink 3L of water for normal BFing.

If your supply is really low,
take 2 caps, 6 times a day for 3 days.
Then reduce the dosage after your supply is stable.

star07, FYI there is no side effect for me. Is going to toilet more often compared to the past considered as a side effect? I thought it is a good way of clearing toxic!
Just to share what I've learned from reliable websites and lactation consultants... For many ppl, in order for fenugreek to take effect you should go on high dosage for a few days for the effect to kick in, then you may reduce dosage. Personal experience... side effect is strong curry scent when you perspire. Some ppl notice the scent in their urine too. You guys may wish to check websites that lists fenugreeks' pros and cons. Very useful!
hi.. anyone took fenugreek just before they gave birth ah? I have been told by my friend that it will really help, but I'm not sure when I should actually start. About 1 month before due date?
