
Hi mngo
PMed you.

<font color="0000ff">mngo & Linda</font>
You wanna a 2nd oppinion from an Enzyme Therapist? Can get you in touch with her. her office is @ cecil street.
Dear all,
pls bear in mind that everyone has different body, different ability to digest different type of food. So one that works for a person might not work for another.

<font color="ff6000">jazzmint</font>, do monitor the consumption quatity. Over-consumption of beta-carrotine from yellow food (carrot & papaya) can cause yellowish ard the eye (aka jaundice).
Dear all,
pls bear in mind that everyone has different body, different ability to digest different type of food. So one that works for a person might not work for another.

<font color="ff6000">jazzmint</font>, do monitor the consumption quantity. Over-consumption of beta-carrotine from yellow food (carrot & papaya) can cause yellowish ard the eye (aka jaundice).
Hi kook_car, yes, I agree with you that different remdeides work for different people, too.

And thanks for the reminder on the over-consumption on carotene, I'm aware of it, too.

As with all good things in life, everything in moderation is best bear in mind.

Hi Mummies,

Just to share my son used to have eczema since he was 4 mths.I keep going to National skin cente & given a cream to apply but the eczema can't get rid.My mum use our malay traditional leave which need to pound & apply to whole of his body and it really work.The Eczema really got off hundred percent w/t going to National Skin centre or purchase any cream frm pharmacy.He look handsome now and can eat any food.If not last time he can't eat egg,seafood etc as he will get itchy all his body & red patches will show arnd his mouth.

If any mummies would like to try do pm me.
It really work well & no side effect.
Eczema will not got off until u get older & no point on keep going to natioanl skin centre or purchase any cream.I totally recomend that Should try on this traditional leave.
Wow, Tania, you have shared the best news ever that I have heard of! Thank you!

The remedy sounds very organic, too!

Do you know what it is called? I'm all for trying it!
Hi Tania,

If he cant eat eggs & seafood - likely he has a allergy reaction to the egg & seafood protein. This is a digestive condition. How can a herbal wash over his skin cure his internal problem? It doesn't make sense ...
Hi mummies,

Saw all yr email,blw is the method can be helpful to u or yr kids.

If u need the b/m leaves I'll try to pass
to u.I'm here to help out cz I do face the abv probs before & now no worries...

Hi Alternative-mom,

The leaves call daun gelenggang and can be found in the forest or Malaysia.U can ask older ppl they should knoe this leaves.
1)U have to pound it.It look like powdering something like that.
2)To apply day & night whole body.
3)If keep on doing this hopefully the eczema will go off.

Hi Kook_car,

My Mum & myself monitor my son & knoe very well & it is not digestive condition or allegy but due to eczema.Like wat u said abv different body, different ability to digest different type of food.But have u try any other source???

One of the mummies here is my neighbour have try & it really work but it a matter if u apply it day & night.

Now my son don't hv to go skin centre,sleep in aircon room,no scratching here & there no money to fork out to purchase any cream frm pharmacy.
Hi Tania, thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of information!
I'd find out more about the leaves and would definitely want to try it! Do you buy them locally?

I'd like to know :

!) How long did you have to use on your son before his eczema went away completely?

2) By "applying day and night whole body", do you mean that you have to apply the leaves and leave it on throughout the day and night? If so, for how long did you do it?

Once again, thanks for taking time and pain to share this information. I think it is very useful. And I'm most glad for you, that your child doesn't have to go through all that suffering. I know how hard it is, for the child and the parents.

Kook_car, allergies are casued by the immune system going into 'overdrive' when in contact with harmless substances or allergens. In fact, people who are allergic to eggs, for example or milk, do not even have to digest or even ingest, the mere touch or breath of the particular allergens can cause an allergic reactions, depending on the extend of how the immune system works. People are tested for allergies by having those allergens rubbed on their arms, not ingested, because it can be fatal!
Hi Tania,
Your method sounds very a very good natural remedy. Can you let us know if the leaves are available in Sg? If not, where/how can we get it?
I am an eczema victim myself and had been for the last 20 years. Not been an easy journey..
My girl is now 4mths+ and am praying very hard she doesn't take after my skin condition. *keeping fingers tightly crossed*

Just to share, I had earlier found this cream (Freederm) for eczema and a whole lot of other skin conditions. Not sure if any mommies had heard abt its use or anyone personally tried it before. I have recently posted up a test-thread in the o/seas spree forum to check response. Perhaps you'd might like to take a look at the product.
Hi Mummies,

Hv reply yr email a while ago.Do check.

Hi Alternative-mom,

I don't buY them.U can get them in forest, highway or Malaysia(Pahang).

1)If for boy u apply five days,girls seven days.
2)By applying day & night for five days the eczema got off easily.I still apply here & there for my son(Coming 5Yrs old)if we can get the leaves.

Hi Chitan,

Can pass to u some to try.The leaves can only found as mentioned abv.

Hi Jochan,

Yes available in SG & can find it in forest or highway.

U can sms me at 90624536.Don't have much leave
but try to pass some.
hi Tania,

i sms u liao,pls check..i din receive ur email hard for mi to get the leaves..anyone can help mi out n i pay u $$
Miracle bebe,
thanx for the link. Its really useful. I'm searching high & low such link to teach my kids on different types of plants in SGP.

Once again, thanx.
To all mummies.

Abt the above post from Tania....yes it is very very good for those have eczema. She & her mom who introduce me to use dat leaves. I have used it for my 2nd son and now he is soooooo handsome & without those red patches and scaly skin.
I just came back from msia trip fr my MIL hse and have pluck a few stalks.

If anyone who want it and try, please pm me or post here. Better b quick b4 the leaves get dry up.

Just follow Tania's method, how you should do to the leaves.

Thanks a million to Tania
Hi Tania
Thanks for the leaves. I tried to pound it yesterday, but hor, I thinkI really lousy with kitchen gadgets... I couldnt get it mashed up at all dun even talk abt powdery form... hmmm...
You think I can blend all the leaves you gave me, then keep in a container in the fridge to last a few days? Or better to blend as and when I need? Cos if apply everyday prob need quite a fair bit yes?

Hi miracle bebe
Thanks for the link, now I know how the tree look like. Easier to identify... Think I will be scruntinising all the row of trees along Singapore highways from now on....

Hi Danryan
Thanks for sharing... Hope it will work on me also...or children's skin easier to recover? I will start the "treatment" tonight... Pls pray for me.

Just a note, does your son's condition come back?
Hi Jochan,

Post out the leaves to u.
Hope u will rexover frm this disease....

Hi Pol,

God will yr son will look better after applying this leaves.

Hi Miracle Bebe,

Yup.Is it correct.Thks for the helpful link.

Hi Daryan,

Don't mentioned just a small help.
Luv to c yr son in good condition & look handsome.

Hi Linda,
U can blend too but don't use too much water.
Yes u can keep in the fridge & keep using it until finish.Up to u if u want to blend as & when but do apply day & night w/t fail.
Don't take ketchup any black sauce & once u apply tis don't use any other cream.

So long u don't pluck diff..leaves along the highway..He..he...
Hi Linda

I blend all the leaves and keep it in the fridge as and when i want to apply to my son. It will dries up in the fridge but just add on some water and apply. His affectd area are mostly on his two chubby cheeks only and some parts of his body.

Yes, much better and his cheeks now very smoothly, no more scaly skins.
Hello Tania..
Thanks for sending the leaves out to me.

Hi Danryan,
Great to hear your son much much better now!! Just so heartaching to see the little ones suffer. By the way, how long did it take for his skin to start clearing?

Btw, I did keep a lookout for such trees (or bush??) but not seen it so far. Either that or smthg wrong with eyesight! Any particular spots to "recommend". By the way, how to stop car and get off on highway to pluck leaves? Can we do tt?? or is it pick those that drop on the ground?

Am very happy to hear all the positive news and cannot wait to try it out on myself too.
Hi Jamie

Have replied to u.

For those who wants the leaves, i still have some left coz it dries up and turn to brown very fast. But pls to collect at admiralty stn this saturday or sunday. To post it i don't think so....when u received it no use already lor...turn brown hehehe.

The leaves i took at my MIL hse at Pahang. Kampung area and you know lah so many kind of trees u can find there.

Please let me know to arrange time.
Hi Tania, Danryan
I got my maid to pound the leaves for me. She is better at it then I am. Got them into mashy stuff, but hor, I cant seemed to get them stuck to my patches... Hmm... Would you need them to be stuck to affect areas? Or the juice will do? I end up rubbing them in and now the spots itchy... rubbed too hard hehehe...
Kept the precious pounded leaves in the fridge liao.

have send out the pic of the tree to ask drivers to keep a lookout, also to frens who live in Msia. Hopefully it will work for me and finally can get rid of those patches.
Hi girls,
just to share, last night applied the leaves on the patch on my face, which was the newest, was visibly better. the redness is gone, flaking reduced.
Limbs cant tell yet. Hopefully it will go away and NEVER come back.
Hi Linda

It good to hear that. Yup, u will feel a bit itchy after u applied it. Coz my son will scratched too. Usually i will applied to him when he taking a nap.
I blended it so it will become more find like henna. The juice also will do, but hor u can add water again if the pounded leaves dries up.
Hi Tania,
Errmm.. have not received the leaves you sent out to me yet. Hope it didn't get lost in the post.

Hopefully it'll come in this afternoon's post.

Hi Linda... glad to hear that the leaves are working on you! You're right.. hopefully it all goes away and never ever come back!
Hi Jamie,

Yup.apply day & night for five days leaving the application on and only wash off the next day.

Hi Linda,

Good to hear the goods news.Hope u will recover too.

Hi Jochan,

Hope u will rcv'd soon.
Hi Mummies,

U can look out at Sungei Buloh too if unable to
find at highway or forest.
But not sure whether u allow to pluck the leaf frm there.

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Sundays and Public Holidays
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Kranji Express
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Hello everybody,
I am new to this forum and to singapore hence I would like to ask a question.. what is PM ( I notice it a lot in this forum).
I have a son who is one and a half.. and unfortunately he suffers from bad eczema all over his body and it is really sad to see him suffering with all that itching and discomfort. i would like to try the leaves (daun gelenggang) mentioned above, before i go searching for it in the wilderness. would it be possible for me to get these leaves from somebody For eg: could anybody post it to me or can i collect it from someone (somewhere).
thanks a lot for your help
Hi satsmum

PM = private message. When you click on the name of the person, you go to a profile page, and from there you can sent a PM to that person.

Would you like to try Enzyme Therapy? Many eczema conditions are related to digestive system and recover very quickly from diet change & probiotics.
Thank you for replying Kook_car,
i have tried everything, infact i don't give him anything much to eat as we dont know what is causing this problem. He drinks a lot of milk which is a medicated formula ( taste yuck!!!) since he was 10 months old.

anyway, what is enzyme theraphy.
<font color="0000ff">Hi satsmum,</font>

Enzyme therapy is the use of digestive enzyme to aid with problem/illness caused from digestion. It is consider an alternative complimentary medicine (eg TCM, Naturepath, aromatherpay, etc etc also considered alternative complimentary medicine.)

Simple explanation... When we eat, our body's digestive enzyme breaks down food. And it gets absorbded through small intestines, then our blood transports nutrient all over our body to various organs.

So if food is not broken down properly, or we are lacking in certain enzymes, this "debris" gets into our blood as well and cause many problems. Also, it'll cause us to short of certain nutrient, or to much of it.

Also, 80% of our immunity is @ our GI tract, so good digestion & good bacteria in our digestion also helps to increase our imunity.

You can google on it. Here is a couple of example ...
satsmum.. try probiotics! my boy is doing well with probiotics and OMEGA 369..

Kook Car.. this enzyme theraphy is pretty interesting
r u consulting any doc? can share?
Hi satsmum, is your son's eczema aggravated by any known allergies? Is he constantly itchy? Did you manage to try out those leaves? I will try out the leaves when I have the chance but I combat my daughter's itch with Lush Dream Wash and Dream Cream. Maybe you would like to try. It really saves the child from scratching which makes it worse as there is the problem of the itch-scratch cycle.
Hi, my DD have small patches which looks like mosquito bites, and it will appear for abt sometime 20mins then will go away, then it will appear in other parts of her body. Sometime can be 5 or 6 patches on her legs and hands,then will go off after sometime. Weather hot or not hot also will appear, same as mosquito bite with swelling in the center. It has been like this for almost 3 mths now. Bring her to the PD, PD say is Fong Mok, and prescribe lotion and medicine, but till now still not gone completely. Any mummies know what is that ? Is it really FOng MOk or enzema ? I heard Fong Mok won't take so long to recover, really puzzled what is that ?
fong mok is wat they call HIVES...think either jab or take oral medication & apply calomine lotion cos its very itchy

my girl has eczema on her tummy (above naval & near chest) she dun hv it when new born, she got rough patches on her knees too, sigh i dun want to apply steriod cream le..apply CB cream also dun help, moisturise a few times a day oredi

I have been total bfing my baby for my 8 months and she had a bad bout of enzcema at 4-5 months old. however, my milk is running low and I have to travel for 2 weeks very soon. Just started baby on NAN 2HA last week and she is rejecting it. Just today, I realised that Enfalac HA and NAN 2 HA really taste very bitter. No wonder she does not like the FM? How, can she drink any of the FM like Similac etc?
<font color="ff6000">Hi chitan (lynettelim) </font>

SInce end last year, I hv been taking a course with the Diet Centre on Enzyme Therapy. At the moment, I'm doing practical lessons with them @ 62 Cecil St TPI Building. It's a pte coy, representing Transformation Enzyme from Texas, US.

Certainly be glad to share whatever I'm learning there.

Probiotics are great for kids, it builds up their immunity & good bacteria in their GI tract. Usually, they'll be given L. Acidophillus (one of the many types of probiotics). For us adults, we need a blend of various types of probiotcs & stronger potency/activity level.
<font color="0000ff">knick_knack13</font>
How old is your boy? Perhaps you'll like to evaluate his diet, environment & habits. Something must hv triggered the hives/fong-mok, it is an allgery reaction to something. Only by getting to the root of problem then can solve it. The oral medication or jab is only to "numb" or "dull" the reaction, it a anti-histamine medication.
<font color="119911">hi betterworld</font>

What we taset bitter, to them, it might not be. Hv you tasted your own BM? It is actually bland and not sweet. Sometimes when we eat bittergourd, it'll taste bitter too. There are researches that shows that mothers who eat bittergourd when BF, the kids will adapt to the taste better. And bf mothers who eat a variety of food will hv kids who are less choosy abt food.
Hi kook car and jamie,

Thanks. I have tried my own BM, to me it tastes quite bland and bad too. However, the NAN HA must be one of the foulest thing I have ever tasted. Sigh, can I try Similac or any other milk if baby really cannot take Enfalac HA? Is it necessary for babies with eczema to take HA or soy-based milk?

<font color="119911">betterworld</font>
I was just reading somewhere that in India they drink raw milk and ezcema is never heard of. It is the processing of milk that cause enzyme to deplete & die, thus causing body to react to the milk. Thus the milk coy start to add the enzymes back (prebiotics & probiotics) to the milk.

But not all eczema cases are casued by the body's lack of lactose enzyme to digest milk. It could be trigger by other factors & food too. It is just more convenient for PD/doctor to conclude as in majority cases, culprit is milk. So 6 to 7 out of 10 times they cant be wrong.

And the doc/PD usually forgot to inform that other than milk, Milo & Horlick & Ice-cream & chocolate & cake all contain milk products as well and are all culprits as well. :)
