Ectopic Pregnancy


New Member
hi, me jus go thru ectopic preg, like to find someone here with the same experience with me..

life nvr b the same when i lost my baby, bn feeling down n depressed most of the time. Feel very bad for my hubby cos he nd to endure all my nonsense..

anyone here got past ectopic n got a normal pregnancy after dat? need to find some hope cos very fearful TTC... thks...

hi there...

i had ectopic in jan this year. Was totally crushed when i was told tat the pregnancy was ectopic and not viable. Felt very depressed after that.

It will take time for the wound to heal. The healing will never be complete though. I still think of my baby very frequently.

I am currently 12 weeks pregnant. This time is a normal pregnancy.

Hope this helps...
Hi Mimi

Don't be despair. You will definitely be able to have a normal pregnancy.

Just to share, I had an ectopic last Sep too. And I am now a proud mother of a healthy 4.5 mths old boy.

If you need someone to chat, just pm me.

I just found out that I am pregnant but I have this right side cramp. I am afraid that this will happen to me. What is your symptom?

I just found out that I am pregnant but I have this right side cramp. I am afraid that this will happen to me. What is your symptom?
im pregnant and having spotting for past few days. Had sharp pain once or twice. Hormonal level low (38). Doc says could be early pregnancy. Im scared ...

wats gonna happen when he still cant scan the water bag?
am i gonna abort baby??
hi san,

hw early is ur pregnancy? and its better to take Beta HCG again to determine whther is it bio-chemical or ectopic... usually by 5.5weeks can see waterbag(sac) already... pls go back to ur gynae to check again.

I just had my etopic this monday.
removed part of the tube, for those ladies who went on to have successful pregnancies, how long did you TTC after the operation? Did you undergo operation or was it the injection. ANyway what kind of followup should I b e expecting? Thanks.
Hi mimi,
I had an ectopic removed in July05. I went through laproscopy to remove it. Then, I rested for two months after the surgery. I am pregnant now at week 17
. Dun give up
There's still hope.

For those of you who conceived succesfully, did you remove the tube as well? or the tube is still there?
what's the symptoms of ectopic? im so frightened.

my previous pregnancy ended in 7th wk. missed miscarriage. i was having period like cramp throughout.

this time i had period like cramp only for a few days. then no cramp. and i started to worry, what's happening inside.

cramp oso worry, no cramp oso worry. then suddenly today started to feel cramp once and a bit dizzy. oh my god, what's happening.

im going to see my gynae this sat. it'll be 5.5 wk roughly. i hope she can do a scan and tell me it's not ectopic.
but i read from books tt it may be mild or severe pain, intermitten or continuous. and may hv backache, shoulder ache. but i dun hv any ache. and my pain is not pain actually, just a moment of pulling for abt 2sec.

and i oso read tt its normal to feel so as the uterus is expanding. sigh... it's all so confusing.
HI All

I just had an ectopic pregnancy too. Luckily i seek a second opinion.

My first gynae diagnosed as chemical pregnancy when she cld not see the sac at 6 weeks. Also, while my BHCG is going up, it was slow. I went through a through ectopic scan and confirm that its not ectopic. Was also v relieved then.

However after 2 weeks of the chemical pregnancy diagnosis on my review appt with my gynae, my menses didnt come 2 weeks after the diagnosis and my temperature remained v high (like a pregnancy temperature, at least 36.9 to 37.0 degree. However besides that, no other feelings like nausea, pain or any bleeding. I just felt perfectly normal. My gynae told me to wait for the body to discharge it.

But somehow my instinct tell me to seek another opinion. Maybe my baby wanted to save me. In the same afternoon, i went to seek an alternate opinion. The new gynae to be extra careful repeated my HCG test. The results were alarming at 18,000. I was called immediately to see him the next day urgently. I was definitely pregnant but dunno where.

I visited him the next morning and repeated the BHCG & by then, its already 22,000. He did another detailed scan and found my ectopic at the top and just at the beginning of my left tube. He mentioned it v rare to be at such a high position, partly why the transvaginal scan cannot see as it was blocked by i think the uterus and ovary at such a peculiar position.

I was send for op immediately yesterday via laprascopy to remove it, and as it has ruptured the tube, the tube has to be taken away.

Its v sad cos the doctor showed me the alive foetus and the heartbeat is v strong at the scan. It was a healthy baby, just too bad that the position was wrong.

This is my first pregnancy and I have q serious pcos and other hormonal problems, so to get myself pregnant was really difficult and to lose it is v painful. But no choice right. It is not something i can control, so have to learn to accept.

Let me know if you need me to share anything more.

Edksd, if your pregnancy is so call not viable, just make sure you see your HCG test dip to ve double confirm.
Hi Curl,
My case was quite similar to yours ie at high bHCG and failed to detect fetus sac during v-scan. My operation was done on same day as yours. However the night before did manage to see fetus with strong heartbeat. Felt so sad had to end the pregnancy. I was very disappointed and there was no emotional support given at all during this time from the gynae's clinic. I have difficulty coping with my loss. Maybe, just maybe if you don't mind we can talk to each other for support and courage in trying for another pregnancy. I tried to private message you but your profile stated you do not accept private message.
Hi angelsky,

I'm so sorry for your loss, if you don't mind, we can communicate thru pm. How are you doing now? I still cry occasionally nowadays and had insomnia too.
Hi curl, angelsky and lostinthots

I hv been thru wat u gals hv been thru.

It was my 1st pregnancy too. Similarly I had high HCG but the sac cld not be detected. Gynae already suspected ectopic when I first visited her after some brown spotting.

Went home to bed rest for 2 days on her instruction and return to see her on tat fateful Monday morning. She sent me for a detailed scan straightaway n tat's how my ectopic was detected in my rt fallopian tube. In the evening I underwent a laproscopic surgery to remove the sac and my gynae also managed to salvage the tube, much to my relief. my gynae din't show me the scan or the alive foetus. She only showed me some photos of the sac taken during the surgery.

It takes time to heal. Dun give up, stay positive and you will get pregnant again one day.
Hi lkf,

I'm quite scarred by the incident. Also very scare to try again as they said chances of another ectopic will be a lot higher (i had 2x). I'm having some hormonal issues and pcos as well, so it is not easy for me to get pregnant naturally.
I have some personal questions, hope you don't mind. Are you a mummy already? And if you are, how long after the ectopic pregnancy do you get preggy again?

hv pm u.


it's u huh? I got ur email n wonder who's tat :p
i hvno problem w ur suggestion. let see wat the rest say
Hi lkf,
Received your pm, thanks.

I have e-mail both angelsky and you as well
So relieved to have found someone in the same boat before to talk to!
Hi All

Glad to have you guys on the same thing. Sorry that i reply so late cos I checked the web the first few days but no reply, so i tot i may be the only one.

Yes, it was v devastating experience, esp for me as I have problems conceiving. I finally reacted with the 3rd round of clomid and metformin... but ended up ectopic... sign...

Hi Lost in thoughts, I am more than happy to share and talk if you wish. Not sure abt the pm thing. How do i set my profile so that you can pm me? And how do i receive it?

I have PCOS and my testosterone (T) (male hormones) is elevated and my 2nd gynae (who detected my ectopic) says unless i do something to my testosterone, dun think he wants to proceed next course of treatment. He says that for woman with high T level. (mine is abt 10% abv max of norm range) and i do have excess body hair and facial hair (hirutism), i may have some trouble if I am pregnant with a baby girl as the high T level may cause the foetus to be 'abnormal' if its a girl. He suggested ovarian resection (surgery to reduce the size of the ovaries, thereby reducing the astrogen that cause the elevated T. However, i am scared to go thru another op plus scared of scarring and other effects. My first gynae seems to think that it doesnt happen all the time... so better go natural.. so i am also at a loss now.

Anyone has the same problem?

Please feel free to drop me a mail at [email protected] if you wish to have a private discussion.
hi, been busy the past few months and when i come back here.. Wow!!! there's so many ppl contribute and encourage one another in this thread.. Feel so glad... only those who go through the pain like us will understand each other..

My ectopic is at last August, and gynae said i nd to rest for 3mths after operation b4 i can TTC.. but guess wat, after that i found out i hv ovarian cyst!! I am so devastated, why me and why me again??

I have friends and cousins are having healthy full term pregnancy but how come i m the one who need to go thru all these shit?? Life is so unfair..

As for now, my cyst had gone, gynae said can start TTC.. so still waiting for news.. On one hand hope to conceive but on the other hand scared it's ectopic again..

I've been picking myself up slowly ever since the accident.. Hope in here, we can encourage one another TTC and never GIVE UP!!!
Hi mimi,

I understand too well your feeling, initially i also kept asking why is life so unfair and why did it happen to me. But let us put that behind us and don't look back. Look on the bright side, you are now ready to be back on the TTC track again! Yes, dun GIVE UP!
I've been communicating with angelsky and curl by e-mail. You can drop me a pm too.

Can tell that the thread is getting active, though i really do wish for it to be so.

Let's give each other some motivation to move on, we can do it.

Mimi, you can talk to us via email as well if you need. GO ahead & PM if want. hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Mimi

Yes you are right. We need to talk and discuss and also encourage and learn from each other.

Do drop me a mail at [email protected] if you do not mind sharing experience privately.
HI Ladies

I had an ectopic preg in jan06 which I had to remove my tube cos the bb is already 7+ weeks. My menses has all along been IRREGULAR hence making monitoring difficult.

Im seeing chinese sinseh now to 'tiao bu' my body. I declined hormone pills from my gynae as I have taken them before which I find it ineffective.

After my first menstrual cycle (which came only 10 weeks after the surgery), I started to try again liao. But after every session, when I urinate, i see muscus discharge with strays of blood. Im not sure if they come from the wounded tube. Has anyone experienced that before?
I just when thru the ops 3 weeks ago.
the doc and nurse at hospital was surprised that i wasnt in any pain. cos from calculation of my menses i should be 6 to 7 weeks preg.

i only experience a sharp pain at the lower tummy once which last less than a min. i go to the doc becos my menses had been flowing for more than 2 weeks and towards the 2nd week, it became real heavy. so i chance upon a forum and thought i had blood cyst at 1st. saw a GP at a clinic, at 1st the doc there said it could be stress, cos i m getting married. but i insisted that its not normal for me. then she did a pregnancy test for me. she feared i had already miscarriage. so i got referral letter.

i went to kkh only to find out its ectopic preg. immiediately i was admitted for ops that night. Doc didnt cut away my right tube as he had suggested, cos my left tube doesnt seems ok, as my intestine was growing almost together with my left tube, so doc seperated them and decide to save my right tube, just in case my left tube really isnt ok.

now that i have a bad right tube which might have ectopic preg again.

For those who succeed in conceiving baby, any special method did you use? cos i learn that the egg ovulate from each overy alternately. so if i want to avoid ectopic preg again at right tube, then i calculate to try when left ovary release the egg. any of u tried this?
hi hopefully,

I too went through an EP last dec, I was also in no pain, I was almost 8 weeks along when the doctor decided to sent me to another gyne to scan again using a 3D scan, thats when he found out that I had a left EP. I went under the knife that same night, but my gyne decided to tie up my left tube coz he felt that given that I already had an EP on that side, he did not want to risk having another again. He told me that my right tube looks fine & just TTC again.

I understand that sometimes you can check your OV, & when you know you are about to OV a few days before you can actually already find out which side is OV. But its gg to be costly to do a scan every month. I did a scan last month & it happened that my right ovary was OV, but I still failed to get preggie
. So got to try again.

You can also find out from your gyne if its necessary to do a dye test whereby they put dye into your tubes & see how the dye fails. But I read somewhere that some pple will get infections after that.

Anyway, I also went to see a chinese sinsei after my EP to "tiao bu" my health & he said that there was a blood clot in the left side of my uterus, so sometimes i wonder if its the clot that caused my EP. HOwever, sometimes after an EP, it leaves us all very vulnerable and worried coz the grief and pain that we go through is more than someone who has gone through a M/C.

Cheer up
hi all,
After mths of recovery, do any of you feel some throbing dull pain at/or near the key holes (left and right) sometimes? I wasnt sure if i m over sensitive or its normal?

a clot after EP? didnt surgeon suppose to see it during surgery?
I didnt see any chinese sinsei, as i very scare of chinese medicine, very heaty for me.

wanted to try now, as i not that young le.

Yes, after months of recovery I still get very bad cramps during menses. I get all kinds of weird pains. trobs what ever, every day. Not really pain but its irritating.

NO idea le, the sinsei say got blood clot. I also no idea what he mean. I stopped for now. But so far no good news on TTC. getting sick and tired
Hi all, I just had an ovarian ectopic pregnancy. Was admitted last friday for emergency operation as it had burst and I was haemorraging big time. Lost alot of blood but doctor managed to save me. I had given birth to a baby girl 9 months ago and have been healthy all through till this. What could have possibly caused the EP? Will I b able to conceive again? Is my ovary damaged from the rupture? Got so many questions but can only ask my gynae next monday. Really sad about the loss.
Hi Sandra,

I'm so sorry to hear about what happened. Must be very traumatic and painful for you. But at least you are fine and healthy again. Don't worry, EP do not mean you will not be able to concieve again. I have not learnt everything about EP but from my own experience online, managed to gather a bit of info. Hope these websites are useful for you.

If you do an online search for "ectopic pregnancy", you'll find out a lot of info you need.

EP can be caused by many factors so it's impossible to tell what exactly caused it. But you should never blame yourslef because it is never anything you did. Yes, you will be able to conceive again from the other ovary, presuming this ovary was removed. Did the doctor tell you the outcome of the ruptured ovary? Don't worry, lots of women have conceived from one tube or ovary left.

Hang in there, be strong. All will work out.
You'll be blessed, Sandra, just recover well now.
I too had ectopic this year in Sep, hoping to TTC again soon. I still believe a miracle will happen to us....
Hi, does anyone know if you'd get an ectopic even though BBT is low? My AF was late, but i registered neg on HPT. I had pulling cramps on and off for about 2 weeks, sometimes left abdomen, sometimes all over.... but no bleeding/spotting... TIA.
hey mummies

I just discharge from hospital. This is my second time having ectopic. I have a son who is 2 years old now. I got my first ectopic before i got him. This time my gynae told me that my first ectopic was not done properly thus it lead to my second ectopic. I want to tell those mummies who got ectopic, please make sure that your gynae does a clean job. Do you know my second ectopic was on my left tube again. Supposely it should be taken during my first ectopic because it ruptured but gynae only cut half and left the remainding half. My gynae told me that is not a clean job and it shouldnt had happen.
hi Jud, i suffered an ectopic as well... took abt a mth to end the whole episode... initially i started to hve preg symptoms in my third week since last menses. went to GP but she said it was too early to do a urine test. nevertheless i bought a test kit home n tested +ve

cos i was having spotting my frens fr forum ask me to go c a gynae cos could b dangerous as in threatened miscarriage. so i went to gynae on 21st feb. she tried doing a scan but cant c the sac so a blood test was called upon. the test hcg level was 369+ so confirm preg but she give me a bed arrest say bcos of the spotting might threaten a miscarriage. the following monday i went to c her again. blood test again tis time result 340+ she concluded it was ectopic.

she said there is two ways of going abt ending the ectopic. one through surgery two to inject mtx to kill the preg cells

she advise i opt for the inject cos she cant see the sac n my hcg level was below 5000 which fulfil the condition to go for mtx

all in all i had three jabs of mtx n 7 blood test before the whole thing end.. before the 3rd jab of mtx she told me she could see the sac in the left tube. she 'discharge' me after my hcg level fall below 10
hi all,
after my last ep, have been trying tcc. just bought 2 tester, but the lines were very very faint for both tester, like almost not there. so got another one going to test again next morning. its only 2 days after my missed period. very scared it might be ep again.
thought of going to hospital see doc on tues. my friend said will be too early, and doc cant be sure if the sac get to the womb too.

Did you try the digital ones from clear blue? That says ""pregnant" or "not pregnant"? I know its hard, will be thinking about you. How about you try and test again and in the meantime, try and call your gyne and explain your situation and concern? Maybe they can try to check your blood levels?
hi hopefully i agree with angelsky.. go do blood test.. then u wont be too stressed...
dont tink so much.. we will pray for u
hi gals,
in the end i m not pregnant. but kind of strange.
i did bought the digital tester and on mon and tues night it showed pregnant. so then i decide to see doc, as it already the 4th day missed period. as my period has been on time every month. at the clinic, the test came out negative. the doc asked me to come back next morning to take the 1st urine test. (i had already thrown those tests that i did at home) so i guess the doc must have thought i m over anxious! the next morning, my period came. kind of sad though, but nevermind.
well of all 5 test i did at home, clear blue testers did show positive, only 1 brand predictor shows negative.
no explanation as to why got positive sign?
Hi hopefully,

Not sure if its chemical pregancy? Has anyone heard of such a term? Thats why I was told by my gyne previously that he does not advice testing too early for some. Anyway there is always the next cycle of trying
, dont despair. The most important thing is for us to be healthy and alive.
hi hopefully, i hve a fren who used the preg test kit n was -ve.. she also went to chinese sinseh who also told her she nt preg.. but guess wat.. after her menses didnt come for 3rd mth she finally agree to c another GP.. i told her to ask the GP to take a blood test n tested she already 3mths preggie...

I wasnt given a option to go for jab. I didnt knw it can be done this way. and yes i have done alot of blood test. By the way you heard of this lucrin jab?
hi mad, are u JUD??

think u were nt given an option for the jab cos they can see ur sac and ur hcg is more than the limit for jab... i understand tat in order to go for jab u hve to satisfy certain criteria...

think the blood test was to monitor ur hcg level...

as for the lucrin jab, i juz went to do a search on it...

hw come u mention tis jab? fr the way i read it, dont tink so has anythg to do with preg...

lucrin because she said i have blood clots in my womb. And with this jab, it will helps to clear off
