Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan


New Member
Hi everyone

I'm just pregnant, & my friends recommend Dr Vincent Lee of Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre. He also goes to a clinic called Bishan 8 Clinic in the evenings. Any comments from anyone who was under his care? Thanks!

Hi Xia,

Yes, Dr Vincent Lee is my gynae. I'm in my first pregnancy. He is extremely nice & patient, takes the time to answer my questions & allays my anxieties. I feel very comfortable with him. My husband, who is the type who worries a lot, also finds him a good doctor.

Go ahead & see him. He was strongly recommended by my colleagues, as he took very good care of them during their pregnancies & deliveries.
meixue, my friend delivered her baby in Mt Alvernia Hospital. She told me he also goes to the other private hospitals like Thomson Medical Centre, & Mt Elizabeth Hospital.

Thanks for the reassurance, Shirley! I will call the clinic tomorrow, to make my appointment. I'm 5 weeks pregnant now & was told it's important to make sure it's not a pregnancy outside the womb
Hi Xia!

I am now with Dr Lee too & i'm 13 weeks pregy already
He is very soft spoken and patient person and i also find tat he's a very experienced Dr too
Just signed my matenity package with him.
Is he open about giving long MC to mothers-to-be? for example, for reasons like extreme fatigue, bad morning sickness, cramps, tremendous stress at work etc?
Hey Fun,

Thanks! I hope to be able to see Dr Lee today, & will call the clinic afterwards. I couldn't eat my breakfast this morning, feel nausea & bloated... My stomach feels so uncomfortabl.

Meixue, I'll let you know whether I get MC today or not!
I just got home from Dr Vincent Lee's clinic in Mt E. I saw my baby on the scan.. just 4mm only! Dr Lee say I'm almost 6 weeks pregnant, & will be able to see the heart beating when I return there in 2 weeks' time. I'm so happy!

It was a very pleasant visit to the clinic. The doctor actually had time to explain the changes occurring in my body. My fussy husband was quite pleased too! I was given MC for today, & could call the clinic any time should I need to see Dr Lee before 2 weeks.

u went to Mt E branch huh... i going to Bishan de after work.. cos i got urine infection.. have to go chk again :p
Hi fun,
I see u here :p

My boy was delievered by Dr Lee in last Aug. Apart fm being nice & patient, to add on he oso got very gd judgement. I was actually being induced for my labour as I was already at wk41 and bb was getting a bit too big. He broke my water bag at 3pm and told my hb he expects me to deliver by midnite. True enff, by 11.45pm I was 9cm dilated and bb was out at 0014hrs
Hello Fun,

I hear that urine infection is quite common during pregnancy. Hope yours clears up quickly :p

Hi Val,

Thanks for that info abt your delivery!
For the first few months of pregnancy, how often does a MTB have to visit the gynae? assuming that she doesnt have any complications.

I went for 1st check-up at 6 weeks pregnancy, 8 weeks pregnancy & then at 12 weeks. At 13 weeks, I went back for a nuchal translucency scan & blood tests. Since then, it has been 4 weekly. But I did go back a few times because of cough & stomach upset, & paid for medicine only. I'm now at 30 weeks, & was given 2 weeks' appointment. The last month will be weekly visits.


I'm glad you went for your check-up with Dr Lee
How much do you gals spend per consultation with Dr Lee? I'm wondering if I should go to KKH (subsidised patient) or a private gynae when I get pregnant.
Hi Meixue,

I think it was $60 for 1st consultation & $60 for the ultrasound scan. After that was $40 for consult & $40 for scan. From 12 weeks I paid $500, & then can go to the clinic for unlimited consultation visits & scans till delivery.
From 5 months onwards, pay $500 for unlimited consultation and scans is good. That's the pre-delivery package is it?

Does Dr Lee gives back to us the scans of the baby? FOC or need to pay? I'm asking cuz my friend's gynae gave her back all the scans FOC in a CD-ROM while another friend had to pay $10 per scanned pic. It'll be meaningful to keep the scans of the baby, right? =)

$500 is onli a deposit at the beginning. after delivery will need to pay the remaining amount.

the scans will be given on every visit. if u havent sign the package its abt $40 per visit for the scan.
Hi meixue,

The $500 payment was made at 12 weeks, which is 3 months, not 5 months. It's ok, becoz some gynaes start their package at 16 weeks or 20 weeks. I heard of one in the Katong area who starts the package at 36 weeks! I think starting at 12 weeks would save quite a bit.

Yes, the scan pictures were given with no extra charge. He would give them when the pictures were interesting. They are printed out & mounted on cards, on which Dr Lee would draw the uterus & the fetus inside. The one confirming the baby's sex was very cute
When we asked, Dr Lee said he enjoyed drawing when he was in school, but prefers to be a doctor rather than take up art... Who wouldn't!
Hi Xia,

During the scan at 13 weeks, Dr Lee said my baby was very likely to be a boy! This was confirmed on the next visit at 16 weeks
Hi shirley, does the $500 include vitamins?

Hi Fun, you mentioned that "$500 is onli a deposit at the beginning. after delivery will need to pay the remaining amount." How much is this remaining amount?

Typically, when MTBs mention that they take packages from gynaes, what do these packages include and how much?

I'm sorry for so many questions, because rather blur about the financial matters regarding pregnancy. hehe! thanks in advance!

The balance for me is abt $900, u can forget abt the $500 just paid cos tat can be claimed from Medisave's $450.
med not including of fish oil and some other supplements which he will recommend u to have.
How much are the medicine usually? besides the $500 and $900, are there a lot of hidden additional costs? (assuming that it's without complications)

is the wait for consultation long at the Bishan Clinic? that's where i'll be going instead of his Mt E. Clinic.
Folic acid are abt $10 for one mth supples.

I had Urine Infection recently and the medication are extra charges.. abt $35 for two kinds of med.

Bishan Clinic i would prefer to reach there at 7pm sharp just in case there's a crowd
Hello meixue,

Yes, Fun has already answered your question regarding the $500
. We are prescribed iron with multivits, as well as calcium, plus fish oil containing DHA (not cod liver oil, which silly me thought was the case!) DHA is good for the fetus brain & eye development. Folic acid was taken till about 20 weeks.

I did go down to the clinic a few extra times becoz of flu, diarrhoea, & just paid for medicine only.. GP rates $10 - $20. I usually go to Mt E on Saturday mornings, but if need to, I go to Bishan in the evenings.. Mon & Thurs. You just need to call the clinic, so that they will bring your notes over to the other side. But I noticed that they sometimes fax the notes over.

Fun prefers to be early at Bishan, whereas I prefer to go later, around 8.45pm. You see where you fit in
. Oh yes, Dr Lee is also in Bishan on Wed am.
Fish oil pills not included in the pkg rite? Anyway, I continue to take the pills since I still breast feeding my boy. Hope tat the DHA will pass on to him oso. Hehe...
I took folic acid all the way till I delivered since I tot its gd for bb development. I juz pay for the extra.
hihi MTBs!

hee altho i'm not a mummy yet or TTC..i juz cant help but pop in upon seeing Dr Vincent Lee's thread

he's actually my mum n my younger sis gynae..n u noe wad? i haf 5 other siblings n the 3 younger 1s r all delivered by Dr Lee hee

He oso delivered my sis's baby boy which turn out 2 b the 1st baby of 2004

juz wanna say he's been a very gd doctor n i guess he's the 1 i will go 2 in future

congrats 2 all mummies 2 b!
oh btw...my mum haf her 4th pregnancy outside her womb..n all other doctors asked her 2 abort..until she met Dr Lee who encouraged her 2 gif birth 2 my 4th sis...

n not 4getting my mum had my youngest bro even tho she had a surgery n left wif onli 1 side of ovary heehee
Hi Val,

Well done, for still breastfeeding after more than 6 months! How I wish I'll be able to do that when the time comes. Folic acid...yes I think its good to continue with it.. I'll ask Dr Lee about it the next time.

Hi Serene,

That's a nice bit of info for us
I went for my check-up with Dr Lee already. Can only see the gestation sac as I'm only 5 weeks. Cant wait for my next visit so that can hear the baby's heartbeat and see the baby!

Hubby and I are both alright with him, so most likely we'll continue with Dr Lee.

I was prescribed Revicon (a multivitamin), that's all. How about the rest of you? When are calcium, iron, fish oils prescribed?
Hi meixue,

Looks like no one else here for a long time. If u dun know, we're supposed to go to the new server at www.singaporemotherhood.com, but they are having problems with it. We're all waiting for it to be corrected.

I had my 2nd check abt 3 weeks ago, & yes it was exciting becoz the baby's heart was active! I was almost 7 weeks then.

I was give Revicon too, plus Folic acid & some anti vomiting pill called Dimenhydrinate. Dun have calcium & the rest yet.

My next checkup is next week, & will be 11 weeks then
. Will definitely stick on with Dr Lee as we feel very comfortable with him. I think we'll choose Mt Alvernia for the delivery.
Hi Dor,

Dr Lee's clinic is at Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre #08-01, tel no 62352227.

If you are going to Bishan (Mon & Thurs nites or Wed mornings), it's at Blk 501, Bishan St 11 #01-362, tel no 62500055.
Hi Gals,

The new server is up & running!

I just had my appointment with Dr Lee last Friday. I'm almost 14 weeks already, & just begun my maternity package & had my blood/urine tests taken as well. In addition, I had a combined ultrasound & blood test for Down's Syndrome, called a nuchal translucency screen. The results will be out on Monday or Tuesday...

Any of you had this latest test done? My age is 28 years. Dr Lee says it has a 90% detection rate & since it's non-invasive, I think it's good to have some reassurance that baby will not have Down's. But if the test turns out to show a risk, I may need an amniocentesis. But I'd rather have a normal baby than one with abnormal chromosomes.
Hi Gals,

My NT screen shows a low risk! The clinic called yesterday to say it's > 1 in 15,000. I'm so relieved.

Dor, the antenatal package was $500. It means an unlimited number of visits & ultrasound scans till we go into labour. The delivery fee if normal is $900, vacuum or forceps is $1100, & Caesarean is $1500. You just got married?
hi xia

congrats.. hv a smooth 9mths ahead. so u know the gender already? where r u intendin to deliver? yup juz got married a couple mths back, how do u know
Hi Dor,

Thanks! Call it intuition...Congrats to u too! Don't wait too long for the little one to come along. We tried immediately after we got married, got worried after 3 months, & so it was a big relief when we succeeded at 6 months

Dr Lee says we're likely to have a girl, & he shud be able to confirm it next month! It seems a boy would be easier to spot in the early stages, for obvious reasons! I've decided to deliver at Mt Alvernia Hospital.. had a look there & had good feedback from frens.
Hello Xia,

Nice to have met you this morning at MtE
. When the nurse called your name, I guessed it was you! Hope your cough gets better soon.

As you could see I'm at term, & due next week. Baby is getting heavier & I'm having a bit of backache. The antenatal CTG today showed baby to be healthy & kicking
Hi Shirley,

Glad to have met you too! You must be due any time now, or have you already delivered?
Wish you a safe & pleasant labour with epidural!

You're right, I was from China. But I've been studying in Singapore for JC as well as the NUS, & my hubby is Singaporean. So I'm very much a Singaporean now!
I've signed up the package with Dr Lee too. I'm 17 weeks pregnant now, but Dr Lee still cant tell the gender of the baby cuz baby wont cooperate.

What else can we expect from future visits? are we supposed to do a detailed scan? any additional expenditure?

If we're sick (flu, cough etc), can we just go to Dr Lee for consultation?
Hi everyone,

I've been soo bz the last 3 weeks looking after my little darling

I had him on 4 June, just 2 days short of the due date. The epidural was fantastic, stopping the pain almost immediately. When in the second stage, I felt some pressure below, but no pain. Dr Lee then came, & with the nurses, they told me when to push & when to relax. I'm so glad I managed to have a normal delivery!

Meixue, a detailed scan is done around 22 weeks. Additional ependiture would be for haemoglobin a month before due date, & an antenatal CTG about 1-2 weeks before the due date.. $40 I think.

Yes, if you don't feel well, just give a phone call to make sure Dr Lee is in, before going down to the clinic. They only charge for the medicine, which can be cheaper than going to the GP. If necessary, he will give you MC too.
Went for first visit to Dr Lee. Was quite shocked at the medication cost - $25 for folic acid and vitamins for 1 month. My friends paid between $10 - $15 for the same medications by other gynaes.

Is this his norm for subsequent consultations?
Hi dor, are u pregnant already?

I'm fine, currently in my third trimester. Can't wait to see my baby girl when she's full-term!
Hi Meixue

yes. finally i tested BFP. Am seein Dr Lee today to confirm. Hope everything goes well

hi meixue

finally did my 1st checkup. Only able to see my 4wks old gestation sac using v-scan cos my bladder not full..keke. Am given multi-vit n folic acid. nxt visit will be 2 weeks time.

Can i know more detail of ur package? U r at bishan branch or Mt E?
