Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


there about. mine disappeared around that time too.

wan, sun,
wow 14 weeks then, ms disappear??!!! i am counting down to end 1st trimester..tot i only have 2 more weeks to endure
happy, i used to order and they always serve very cheap and simple food. Cannot chose also therefore i rather go downstairs and eat whatever i want.

sun96, i think mine started to cool down after 12 weeks then by 14th weeks i'm alive and kicking at the dinner table again.

puppet, i'm not too sure abt twins. But i guess mostly also will settle by 2nd trimester. It's honeymoon trimester for pregnant women. Can go anywhere while tummy still small, eat almost anything and won't vomit out. Shiok! by 3rd trimester, it's another beginning of hell time. hot flushes, rashes, swell legs and backache will all set in slowly.


haaahaahaaa...how you know? when u dun have nausea feeling anymore lor..hee..


how abt u try puppet's catering recommendations?
Sun and puppet,
Not to scare you, my MS didnt really subside until 20 weeks i think and on off I will still puke like at least every other days... so as compared to the 1st 20 weeks, i am not complaining... cos by 16 weeks i think, i was suffering from heartburn and ribcage nerve expansion pain + rashes. i was jus like u all, counting down to week 12 but it came and went and MS still hovering around... :p
I ordered tinkat before when preggie but i felt that it made me feel worse cos the taste is yucks...and the vege all yellowish... everytime is sweet and sour.. i rather dabao if i can. No choice to order then cos i was very very sick and DH not around in S'pore.
sun6, slowly i'm able to eat more without feeling sick. then i know it's the end of ms.. so it takes abt 2 weeks to completely recover. from week 12, i get better each and everyday. It's not a one day affair. it will happen slowly.. Be patient!

happy, i don't think i will do the tingkat again. Anyway i need to cook more fresh food for my girl mah. i guess i have to start all the cooking from next week. No rest for me. Haiz.. work 24/7 a week and gov doesn't recognise my hard work.

yah...it's better to give your girl home cooked food. in fact, when i suggested tingkat, it's more for yourself and hubby

do you have headache thinking of the menu everyday? not easy to be a housewife too...my mum sometimes will have headache of what to cook..hee..
happy, i have headache of what soup to cook! my menu can only last us a week. so the next week, we have to repeat everything again. hee hee
The nausea does disappear. Slowly, you'll feel better and realise you can eat more and more things, but it's gradual. The height of my nausea was around Christmas and New Year last time so I missed out on all the eating. I remember throwing up turkey and stuff. Until now, when I think about some of the foods I threw up then, I still get scared!

Wan, will you be sending Kate to playschool? I'm starting to look around for playschools. It's really expensive and doubly so when there're two of them and they don't give sibling discount! Humph.

monday - pork ribs w winter melow soup
tuesday - egg soup
wednesday - fish slice w tong fen soup
thursday - salted veg w toufu soup
friday - lotus with pork rib soup

ondine, i heard from my friends that although the kids will learn alot from the playschool but they will also pick up bad habits leh.. maybe later next year then send her for enrichment lessons.

happy, i still got chicken feet peanut soup, black bean pork ribs soup. so we got 7 different soup. hee hee
sun96, egg soup can put onion inside also. it's great! for me i fry the onion a little then i add water and later egg plus some black soya sauce. Just a simple one.
just to add.. can cook abc soup too... carrots, potato, onions or celery with pork ribs or chicken... this can act as a one dish meal too...

my mum cooks 3 types of egg soup...i only know how to cook one of them.

1) put fried onion inside beaten egg-with sauces, to fry into thick omelette. use stock of ikan bilis as soup base. add the omelette and sauce to taste.

2) steam egg soup-my favorite but no recipe. must get from mum.

3) mix egg w mince pork and throw into hot water to cook..hee.. add sauce to taste.


me confirm baking cookies for son's teachers
abc soup is the one i mentioned with carrots, potatoes etc...

wow... i never tasted any of the egg soup u mentioned.. my mum usually use mince pork with fishball and tang hoon with the 'dong cai' the preserved salty brown brown veggie that u add to soup one... if there's no soup base.

for no. 1 after put the omelette in... do u make it into smaller pieces? my hubby loves eggs and soup so maybe can try out some recipes during the sch hols... steam egg soup sounds very very tempting... can help to get the recipe?

i only know steam egg with mince meat... this is my comfort food... when young my mum would mix this with plain rice and put black sticky soy sauce over and i would gobble up the whole plate... hehehe
To add on,
Watercress soup,
Sharkfin melon soup
Add lotus root to your chicken feet peanut soup
carrot + white carrot + green carrot soup
pearl bean soup
good morning everyone.
Mind if I join in this forum. I am with dr Foong too.

Hi wan, I am so sorry to hear what has happened to you. No wonder I have not seen you on the IVF forum. Pls take care and rest. Hugs. I see you have a great fighting spirit. Go, Go girl !
hi Wanbb - 1 more receipe - Apple + Pork soup

Red apples (take out core)
Dried figs (from chinese medical shops)
Chinese Almonds (bei sin, nan sin)
lean pork (or can use chicken if u dont like pork)

This soup v good for lungs...also good for children according to my MIL.
sun96, last time i also don't know what is ABC soup. hee hee.. I thought it's some angmoh cream soup. until one day my hubby say,'oh you cook ABC soup today.' then i realise actually potato, onion and carrot means ABC soup.

happy, i like the mince pork omelette soup too! my grandma-in-law always cook and until very oily. But it's very tasty and nice! But i forgot the recipe already. Yesterday i keep thinking of the receipe. Now can use yours and try. hee hee..

elle, of cos you can join in the fun. I nv post in the thread cos i don't wanna demoralise everyone and scared them with my experience. It's not so good to hear abt bad news when you are doing the stressful ivf.

vanilla, i find it strange to cook fruits.. like pear pork ribs soup or the double boil pear dessert, i also cannot accept. i've got old brain and very mountain turtle. Maybe it's the fruit's sweetness in the food that is making it weird for me.
sun96, thanks and congralutions to you.
. Do you need to take any medicines for your MS or there is none ?
I will be going for my scan next sat. Getting excited and worried every day. Whao, the mind is in rollercoaster.

Ladies, i found a great method to cook soup using 'Tangyu' pot. Got it as Tangs and the soups are ultra delicious. You can taste the exact ingredients you put in.
Hi Wan BB -- haha.... actually my family also like that.. cos we are teochews while my MIL is cantonese... but after drinking cantonese soups ..I'm hooked!
elle, are you talking abt the pot which is dark brown in colour and has a smaller opening than the body. It also keep the soup warm. I wanted to buy one of that.
vanilla, cantonese cook the best soup! My hongkong relative say soup must be boiled for at least 3 hours. For me i only boil for one hour. hee hee...
keep my fingers crossed that i'll get better soon :p think will kanna little bonus and get not so good performance rating this year.. Can't even work half as productively as last time..Luckily my company quite pro-family.

Used to cook soup and 1 vege for dinnners..Put into slow pressure cooker in morning and get soup to drink at night upon reaching home. but now can't cook cos can't stand the cooking smell ..Even tingkat can also eat a bit only..
how many wks now? given anti-nausea pills but no use for me... throw up aft i took it... hahaha
my next appt oso next sat lei... =p
wan, the tanyu claypot is black colour. I think there is a small hole only at the cover. Let me see if I can find any link on the web and show u.

sun96, I have my BT on 16 Aug and nex sat to do scan. This will make me 3 weeks now i think.
I am also scared and hope I will kena any MS. You take care hor.
i mean based on yr LMP, u in how many wks?
thks for yr concern =)
i oso hope MS faster faster disappear!!!
elle, i think you are 6 weeks now. they count from the last menses.
i think the claypot you mention is the same as what i wanna get. my grandma brew soup inside and it's great! so i thought of getting one after i move.

sun96, i nv get any anti-nausea pills last time. dr told me there is no medication for it. and ask me to hang on... kaoz...
hi WanBB - ya..i am blessed cos I got to drink soup my MIL makes...

haha.. one thing abt Dr F is that he does not really let u take medicine.. he will just tell us to tahan! Like when i got my OHSS which is so painful... i ask him got painkillers or not to help.. he also say no.. just bear with it, take more protein..it is a good thing OHSS cos means preggie chances v good... then when i asked him is my OHSS very bad - he also say no there are people who look full term... u look like 2nd trimester so ok...
vanilla, ya... i envy you. I have to cook my own soup.. sobz!
very true. Dr will ask us to drink ginger water to stop the bloating. so traditional. I went to see him twice during my OHSS. and both times i'm send back home with nothing. I guess i'm so irritating.
then for my ms, he ask me to bite on a biscuit in the morning before i even brush my teeth. I nv try that cos very disgusting. I'm used to brushing my teeth before breakfast.
hello girls,

finally got time to come in and chat...


need not cut the thick omelette into too small a piece... since there's only u and hubby, you might just want to cut them into 3 or 4pcs. will get recipe from my mum.


welcome welcome

using those pot to make soup really will be different from using normal pot?


dun worry abt bonus and appraisal for now. your twins are the BEST BEST bonus you can ever have in your life. hang in there. you'll be fine soon. time flies!


haa... dr foong so funny to say yours look like 2nd tri only. har? got ppl ohss until look like full term? suppose must be suffering like hell!!


can't help it lar. last time, i got to drink milo before brushing else will puke gastric juice. by the way, ppl always say it's good to drink water once you wake up and before you brush teeth...

so what soup u cooking tonight? haa
wan, haha..I tot I am only 3 weeks. Peisei.

Found the tanyu claypot link -> http://www.jarmay.com.sg/claypotintroduction.html

I am a converted fan of this claypot after I bought it and try my first trial in soup cooking. The soup is bagus ! I bought 2 recipe books at tangs too cos I am not a good cook. Want to impress my DH with my new found hobby. He is impressed !

happy, me and DH noticed the same soup ingredient we make using the normal steel pot vs the claypot turns out thicker and better fragrant in the claypot.

now, every sunday night is cooking soup day for us.
hi happy and WanBB - haha... i really am like dying and in great pain then thot will get some sympathy but he was like "it is not that bad...there are worse case...they need to be hospitalised and put on drip" and he said with such a straight face! But to be honest lah...even with painkiller also no use..cos i took some from my current gynae and those eaten ones i vomitted everything out and need to take those via the rectum also no use.. in the end i give up and did not take any... so he is right in the sense..

oh...maybe i should go get one...


were u having an urge to slap him for being so unsympathetic at that time? hee..

i wonder what did he say to the one who looked like she was in her last tri...
Dr Foong did give me 20 anti-nauseous pills during my week 6 visit..Maybe i look very sick and not like my usual self..But I dong till now and have not taken one cos my mum and sis said better not take any medication for sake of the babies
happy, i cook melon and corn plus pork ribs soup tonight. abit liang liang for the family.

elle, that's the claypot i'm talking abt. I wanted to get it. strangely the soup really taste nicer hor.

vanilla, dr is a nice guy. i intro my sis to him and my sis also say he very nice. His words is easy to the ears too. he even give me his cellphone number when i went overseas during my IVF program. So nice lor..

puppet, better don't take any medication. I have flu for a few times during pregnancy and nv dare to take medication. Even if it's okay for pregnant women. And after childbirth, cannot take painkiller cos I wanna breastfeed! Imagine not taking painkiller with the wound below. I can't sleep at night cos of the pain. although the nurse say it's okay since i haven't flow any milk but i still play safe lor. How i know when the milk will come... kaoz!

you really can tahan
i took the pills last time when i really couldn't tahan. that pill made me SUPER drowsy. i was like a zombie after taking that...so could only take in the evening...


oh, yr sister seeing him also. how is she so far?

melon and corn soup...very healthy.
so u add wolf berries in your soup?
happy, my sister is lazy and don't wanna source for a gynae herself so she use mine. Very Lame right?? Dr says she's 6 weeks and she will go for her next scan 2 weeks later. But strangely, she don't have to do V-scan! how come Dr insist i must do V-scan and she don't have too..
Take the pills if you have to. They're very safe and they might make you a lot less miserable. I even had a jab to stop my nausea and then the pills and I have 2 doctors in the family who fully encouraged me to take the pills. Their rationale, as was Dr Foong's was, stop the nausea, can eat, better for the pregnancy rather than lose weight and have the pregnancy suffer for that.

Wan, I would feel a bit jealous if I were in your shoes. I think the difference is in the pregnancy. I think natural pregnancies, a lot of time, they don't scan till 8 - 10 weeks. But for us, because we're higher risk I guess, it's important. I don't know.

All this talk of soup is making me drool. All I had today was 3 ham and cheese bagels and a plate of pasta for dinner!


suppose she heard you sang praises of ah foong so se thot might as well go to him?

i also had v scan last time...thot usually will need v scan to see better. could it be that dr could detect the heartbeat aredi that's why need not do v scan?


hee..go buy the black pot and start to cook soup. i told my hubby abt it..he said go buy as taka have discount for that...

i going to do experiment next time...to cook same portion in black pot and stainless steel pot...to taste the difference..hee..
