Does this faint line count as pregnant?


Hi all, I had a mc 6 months ago and have been trying recently. My menses is due in about 3-5 days time and I am really anxious and tried home test kit last night and today, both test produced a extremely faint line after abt 3 mins wait, just wondering such lightness of color indicates pregnany or? I know I should wait for it however I have a very heavy travelling workload almost every week and if such line is valid that I am indeed preg, I can inform my boss in time. My prev mc was due to heavy travelling and little rest :( Went to visit GP for blood test but was turned away as doc said I am too early to test and asked me to wait :(

Your best bet is to try clearblue digital, which will tell you currently how many weeks pregnant you are, if indeed you are; or better still, to go to GP to ask for tests to check Beta hcg.
I had gastric flu one Sunday and crawled to see GP. Before the Dr. prescribed me my medication, he asked if I'm pregnant, but I seriously didn't know. It's just on the 30th day from my last menses and my cycle is the 4-6 wks timing. He wanted to be sure so ask me to do the test ($15!!). 5 min later he called us back into his room and told me the test showed +ve results though line is rather faint, but visible. My husband & I were stunned....

We tested again after 5 days, but line was still faint as the urine is not thick enough. We tested it again in 2 days and then the line is much move solid & visible. So don't get too worried if the line is faint, test is again after few days to a week. You might see what you want to see!
