Does it matter? Ovulation


Hi Ladies,

I only have one Fallopian tube, according to TCM they say when I am ready to conceive need to see Gynae to do a scan to check which side I am ovulating. So that if the egg is at the tube which I lost no point trying to conceive, the egg should be at the Fallopian tube side that I have. Do any of u know or have gone through? Please advise asap, thank u.


Fertilization will only occurs if the egg is transported to the womb thru the tube. That why yr tcm say should check which side ovulation to have higher success rate. Of cos if you're hardworking, can try monthly but selected month will be wasted effort if your egg is at the side where tube is lost.

I had ovulation cramps recently, went google it say that the side that feel cramps during ovulation is the side with the egg released. Otherwise, need gync scan to find out or just do monthly. =)
