Cup cakes for birthday

muffin (cupcake),

Totally understand what you mean
Me too, enjoy baking but not eating.

hihi, so many days never log in, am holiday-ing in penang now, weather hot like hell -__-!!

ur sponge cake looks soooo nice, mind to share the recipe?

Mrs Teng,
care to share the recipe of your gula melaka chiffon cake?

Yeah! there's lots of ppl getting very bad sore throat and den flu. My flu has been there for like 6 days and doesn't seemed to recover. Looks like I need to go back to doctor for anti-biotic.

You got to take care too. drink more water ya!


The gula melaka chiffon recipe was from PENG's blog


I enjoy baking and usually will eat if it's my favourite. However, if it something new, it will be the next days breakfast and my maids will clear the rest for me. However, if the bake is really bad, I'll discard them.

Tried making pot stickers for the first time. Really envy those who can make these like a breeze. Am very satisfied with the results, the dumpling skins were good enuf to roll until very thin. Fillings was anything I could find in my refrigerator. Haha! all wiped out. Here's it is

Dumpling using Hot water dough to make

(uncooked dumplings)


Pot stickers

mrs teng,
thanks for the link!
wonder if i can substitude gula melaka with gula merah? anyone knows?

btw, ur dumplings look very yummy ler... *drool*
Gula melaka and gula merah are the same. There are both palm sugar

Gula melaka is what they call it in Malaysia and Gula Merah is what the indonesian call it.

Thanks for the compliment.. When I look at the picture I also drool.. and can't wait to make it again lor.. dun know if my hubby is game for it or not.
Mrs Teng u made the skin too? Not an easy task wor coz we tried learning how to make kueh fr my grandmother, end up the skin was full of holes...lolx.

Like the skin of your swiss roll. Nice tone and very glossy! I can never achieve that.. it's always gone by the time I roll it.
Hi mummies,
need some help.... I tried baking butter cake recently, I've following the baking time n degree of baking.

When I used a stick to try if it's cooked, the stick is clean however, it's uncooked when I cut the cake

any one can help me?
Baywater, maybe you might have followed the steps wrongly in the butter cake recipe?

Anyone has encountered problems of ants in microwave screen door before? Was shocked
to see ants in the screen door today, don't know how to fix the problem of getting the ants out
and there's definitely a small hole somewhere.
so lovely. Got recipe in your blog.

After so long I finally started baking again. Hope to bake at least once a week from now on.

Roping my gal in to share this passion with me and it seems she is better.

She baked Banana Muffin on Friday and the Choco walnut Muffin by me today. Hers look better though.


Finally found a more 'decent' pix of my failed butter cake. forgot I took a pix with hb's phone.
Can tell what's wrong?

I also always test cake with toothpick/satay stick n came out clean but cut open like not 100% done.

Wow! it looks so real! like cheese cake. Good! good! will try it one day. My hubby is not really a cheese lover, so I've never made a cheese cake, with an exceptional for tiramisu.

Here's my bake for the week ~ Chelsea Buns

juz back fr hometown after one week plus holiday there, and even holiday-ing still can't stop me from baking, hehee...

here are some of the bakes last week, made tiramisu & milk loaf too but forgot to take pix....

pandan coconut chiffon
din hav chiffon tin at my mum's plc so use this silicon mould instead, and i find it so easy to unmould the cake, luv it...

Zebra cake
the stripes not so even coz the batter too thick to flow evenly in the pan so in the end i hav to spread it manually by using spoon and also tilt the pan as well... luckily still can see the stripes :p

Mrs Teng,
asked my neighbour & she told me that gula melaka & gula merah are different thing, gula melaka is palm sugar whereas gula merah is same as brown sugar... i managed to buy a pack of gula melaka, will try to bake gula melaka chiffon cake today...

One question
anyone tried baking swiss roll using chiffon based? can i know if we need to invert the pan when take out from oven, juz like wat we do when baking chiffon cake? i tried baking one juz now, i cant invert the swiss roll pan so the cake starts to sink after cooling...
Jess,I try baking the swiss roll using chiffon base, u can invert it or dont want also can as it will sink a bit.

For me: I direct remove the whole thing from tray to cool off then remove the paper.. I didnt put cream-put blueberry jam, so did a invert of surface and roll.. it taste great..
My bake today... Coffee Walnut Swiss Roll

Mrs Teng,
Thans for the explanation!

I din invert the pan laa coz can't also, if i invert the cake will sure drop since I lay baking paper underneath... ya the cake will 'sink' after cooling so i tried to make up the loss of 'height' by adding more batter to the pan, else the roll will look thin... hehe!
Mrs Teng
I used to have tat problem too. By the time I want to roll, the skin will stick to the baking paper. So now I make sure the skin is 'dry' to touch. Lately bought a tw book with all the diff method of making swiss roll base.The recipe yield quite soft cake. So far I have baked 2.

Oh ur bread always look so soft. how did you do your proofing? at room temp? Yesterday, I ke kiang warm up my wok & place the dough inside it. Think temp is too hot so ended up killed the yeast.

When my ger is bigger I oso want to teach her so that we can masak together
but now she can only be my supporter by eating my bakes

The chocolate swiss roll I used the chiffon base. U need to remove the cake from the tin and tear off the edges to let cool. Once cool it can be rolled up nicely.

Potato hotdog bread

Chocolate roll
will rope in my son when he is older too. Then they can rotate to wash and not juz me

I had ulterior motive as I incoporate summation / subtraction n multiplication into baking. She pull long face for worksheet but I using measurement to test her
FM, Cute swiss roll...fat fat

I tried this before in one of the Jap. restuarants and it is delicious!

Welcome back with a new junior member to the baking bridgade. Look forward to seeing you in action!

Mrs Teng,
You bake nice bread. What is Chelsea Bread btw?

I like the design of the silicon chiffon cake. Where did you buy it?
ya tat's wat i always do... remove the cake from the pan as soon as out from oven

btw, the cream in your choc roll looks 'white', is tat buttercream? i tried to use whipped cream for my coffee roll this time but my hb dun like it... he prefer buttercream but buttercream sweet ler

the silion mould is my mum's one... she got it in msia... i also wanna get one for myself, will try to go PH & see...

Wah! the swiss roll looks very good leh.. share share recipe leh. Is it in your blog?

I usually proof my dough in the oven at "OFF mode" with a wooden spoon sticking between the door and oven, so that moisture can still get in. But always wrap with cling wrap hor.


Haha! my hubby also ask my why Chelsea bun and not MU or Liverpool? It's actually originated in the Bun House in Chelsea in the 18th century. And the Bun House is an establishment liked by the Hanoverian royalties. So that's why it's call Chelsea Buns.

Today tried another steamed cake

STEAMED Black Forrest Gateaux


Half eaten cake

Haha.. gd idea! They will learnt better

I like pui pui for my roll

Am using whipped cream. Recipe uses dairy type but I use non dairy. Very light!
Mrs T
don't look like steam cake at all. Looks so soft!

Sorry Off mode means OFF no electricity at all?
How long is the 1st proofing? Do u used ur KA to mix the dough? At wat speed u used? Cos sometime I will jst dig the dough out and 'throw'
cos sayang the machine haha...

Ok will go type the recipe in blog! Rather easy de!

Yeah! no electricity at all. 1st proof usually an hour ++ , when using KA, I knead at speed 3 or 4 depending on quantity for about 1 min.
calling FM))))

saw your 2 tier cake in your blog.. very nice ley..
May I know where is Richard Goh conducting his class? in CC or private lesson ar?
Teddybear Richard Goh conducts in CC - Cairnhill Toa Payoh etc. His classes are mainly series classes like 4 or 8 lessons type. I attended his classes before.
yap like wat jandew mentioned u can check onepa to find his schedule of courses. But his lesson are not hands on. Except for this creaming class student got to bring own cake & cream & equipment and complete w/in the time frame
hello Mrs Teng, can you share the steamed black forest cake recipe here. I like to steam than bake too. save electricity...many thanks
Fatmum some of my baking classmates 'dropped out' when it was hands on coz too stressful...lolx

End up Richard commented hands on not popular.
jandew, are you having any BP from cakediy recently?
I would like to buy some stuffs.

Richard Goh also conducts his class at Tamp CC.

Mrs Teng, your cakes are always so nice! i'm drooling!
Mrs Teng ur steam cake looks beautiful lei.. can share how to do it too. I would like to save my electricity bill also.. Gas cheaper in long run..
Maggie, Chanelgirl

The recipe is in my blog.. If you like, can give me your email address?

I've started a blog 2 weeks ago and still update it. Most of the post are backlog, so it's take sometimes.

Reason why I allow invite only bcos I worried that if I write wrongly, will kena sue..

For mummies who like to visit my humble blog, list your preferred email add here in SMH. Kindly cut and paste, if not I may miss out some of you.
