Cup cakes for birthday

peng, can share the receipe of the buffalo wings? buffalo wings usally have this spicy and sweet taste in it... so nice..

just to check, pregnant can eat herbal chicken?

Shers...of course can...but during preggie tends to get constipation right so take moderate herbal is fine but not excessive..maybe can eat more neutral herbs like beiqi, danggui, yuzhu, huaishan..

my buffalo wings not too spicy cos i dun have tabasco sauce on hand :p marinate 12 mid-wings with 1 tsp minced garlic, 2 tbsp soya sauce, 2 tbsp sugar, white pepper, 2 tbsp wine, cornstarch then shallow fry both sides until golden brown, for gravy : mix 2 tbsp bbq sauce, 2 tabasco sauce/lingham chilli sauce with few drops of chilli oil, 1 tsp sesame oil. Coat fried mid-wings with the gravy and enjoy!
Peng, chk with you, i remb you bot ramekins frm daiso sometime back, can we bake with those? Coz i wanted to buy some on sat but my hubby alert me saying there are signs under it thats says not for oven. Then i never buy liao. Where else sells ramekins?
doreman...hope u dun mind just a suggestion...since so many pple here want the breadmachine..y not 'share' this machine by loaning each other like say for 1 mth use :p then everyone got a chance to try on it then wont become another white elephant
kathy...yes u must check the labels whether oven safe or not...i been searching from extra ramekins several place like robinson, metro all dun have leh
daiso nowadays so no stock..dunno where else have...
Hi wan to ask for cake deco, wat kind of nozzle should i buy? like those grass deco, or deco for the size of the cake type...wat nos should i buy?
OIC... thks peng/cat. No wonder....i went PS daiso on sat, thot i so lucky still hve a lot of stk, then my hubby said not oven safe. I'm going chk out ikea and seah huat. If i can find, you 2 want to buy?
kathy, thanks but i no need liow.
i've got 8 of them liow... hahahaha... 4 at my place and 4 at my bro's place... anytime, anywhere... remekin-bank!
i bought 6 from ikea tampines.. still got alot of stock that time.. oven and microwave safe also..

i'm going tonite. anybody want?

thanks for your receipe. will try out some day.. but now i super scared of garlic smell... or rather stir fried smell..
Peng, i think seah huat sells $2.50 for 1.

Shers, do you remb how much you paid for one? Where do you stay? If not too far, maybe you can help me buy. Thks.
kathy, i cant remember the price already. but i think they have alot of sizes le.. maybe u can tell me the size u want and of course the max price u willing to pay. if within then i buy for u..

i stay in kovan/ hougang. some days i will be at bukit batok. can meet along east/ west line from queenstown to bukit batok, north/east line from clarke quay to kovan

daiso the cheapest, i think... $2 only.. i grabbed 6 pasta also..
peng, i couldnt find inititally.. then my hb found them hiding at the bottom rack near the glass section..

they have alot of sizes when i saw.. then finally found a size very similar to what 'the coffee club' serves..

i used it to steam egg before.. good buy le.. can oven bake, microwave and steam.. also dishwasher safe.. going to get some other shapes also..
Thks Shers, yr description make my hands itch leh. Like that i'll make a trip dwn. Coz i looking for a few sizes. Wanted to tried making souffle and the molten choc cakes. Thks very much for offering.
peng, no prob.. i spent nearly an hr searching.. then finally found it, was comparing the sizes.. maybe i was busy looking at the label where they have oven and microwave safe..
1-0, use ur fondant do flower pots and whatever animals... put infront of house....
... then that will up-market for the cake liow!
happy.gif ur candy house very nice leh! have u think wat to bake for ZL's bd? i still haven decide wat to do for YH...his bd getting nearer and nearer..heee...
Hi all the pros here
I would like to ask what kind of flour do you use for Xiao Long Bao. I used the flour for making Bao but after steaming it becomes too thick and hard dunno y should I use a different kind of flour? Pls advise. Thank you.
I got a recipe book that states plain flour. The ratio is 2:1 i.e 500gm flour & 250gm water. After mixing you must let it rest for 20 mins. Hope this helps

U getting pro liao! Well done !

The wings look yummy!

Btw found this recipe from my cook book rather easy to whip up and its soft. It state in the book 'whipping a cake in less then 10mis'

Yogurt Cake
200gm Cake flour (If don't have cake flour use plain flour + corn flour, I agar agar 190gm + 10gm)
1 tsp Baking powder
1 1/2 tsp baking powder (I used 1 tsp only)
150gm sugar ( I reduced to 85gm to suit my taste)
200gm plain yogurt
1 egg
30 gm raisin (Pre soak in water for abt 20mins. As i reduce the sugar amt, I increase raisin to 40gm)
100g melted butter

1) Sieved the cake flour, BP, BS
2) Melt the butter and kept temp @ 40-45c / luke warm
3) mix egg & yougurt
4) Add sieve flour, mixed slightly
5) add raisin & melted butter
6) used a mixer and mix all. Remember not to over mix.
7) half filled the container with batter
7) Oven temp 180c abt 25mins or the toothpick test when the cake is golden brown


Happy trying for those who want to try out a simple cake.
actually there is a ratio to it I have save inside my doc but pc got virus so all my file gone. Can only remember the formula
plain flour + corn flour = cake flour. (",)
looks good and ha ha i have the tin so can try it out. Melt butter means I have to melt butter in pot ? Ha ha how I know 40 degree bo ? Sorry for the idiot question.

Hee hee I think you repeated baking powder twice, one should be baking soda hor

Not to overmix means just make sure all mix well then stop hor, the speed cannot be too fast ?
Yes u r right. 1 shld be baking soda. Late already so see double ha..ha.... For butter u need to melt it over the pot. Book states double method but i jst melt in the pot. Then let cool for while use my finger to test test so long its warm then shld be ok. I use medium speed then jst ensure the butter is incoperate with the flour batter then can stop liao. Happy trying!!!Let me know if you like the texture of the cake. For the sugar I reduce to 85gm cos i don;t like it to be too sweet. U may want to up abit. For me I think 150 is alot. ha..ha....
Hi Peng,

Your Pasta looks GREAT! You got any recipe for caesar salad? I like the one at Coffee Bean and Tea any idea what salad sauce to use?

For My Aunt's Birthday...


Thank You! I am hopeless when come to salad! By the time I get the right taste, I may have bought the whole NTUC shelves of sauces leh!

You use any particular sauces for other type of salad? far i only buy mayo for certain salad ..i usually mix the dressing myself :D simple one is like mixture of olive oil, vinaigrette, garlic, lemon juice, honey and herbs..
Hammy...i nvr try coffee bean casear salad b4 so not sure of their taste, u want to try making from scratch? a basic dressing recipe below :D


1 cup low fat mayonnaise
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp Worcestershire
2 cloves of minced garlic
1/2 c Parmesan cheese, grated
salt and black pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients well and serve over romaine lettuce, topped with chopped crisp bacon and croutons. Sprinkle extra parmesan cheese on top and serve.
still have yr no, but not dare to call u as u always so busy. Scare disturb u.
Wow all the creations realli nice.

now my niece dun wan the cake, she wan princess cookies. Faint.

The house so nice. U can proceed to do Candy House for Christmas liao.

The plates so cool. Where to get?
Like in Japanese restaurant Aijensen, serving the plane kiddy set. hee

Thanks so just plain flour and water will do issit? No need to add anything else?

Yah so cool where can we get those cars and plane kiddy set?
